Prince and the Bacca

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Mitch's P.O.V.

Don't you just love to wake up to your door being broken down and getting attacked by, oh I don't know say, 30 girls? I sure do. Note the sarcasm.

Hi. I'm Mitch Hughes. I'm the prince of the Kingdom of Minecraftia. It's ok I guess. But having to run away from girls everywhere in the kingdom, it gets annoying. Plus, even though I don't admit it, I lean more towards boys. Yup, you guessed it! I'm gay. Only a few people know, my cousin Brice, my friends Ant, Jordan, Tyler and Jason. My parents know too and they're fine with it. It's a pretty loving kingdom. Anyway, enough about me lets get to the story.

I snap my eyes open to the sound of something breaking. I look over at the source of the crash. I bite my lip to hold the yell in. My room flooded with girls. Not just any girls.


I jump up hoping to make it to my window but get tackled to the ground. "Ow!" I yell in pain. All I can hear is squeals, laughs and screams. 'Can I at least have a normal morning?' I ask myself in my head. 'No.' My mind responds. I groan in pain and annoyance. I hear my jeans rip near my knee. 'Why did I sleep in my clothes?' I ask myself. 'Because you were hanging out with your friends and you were too tired to change.' My mind responds.

With much struggling I manage to be freed. I jump up, grab my checkered hoodie and run to the window before they notice me. I push the big glass door like windows open and realize something.

I'm on the third floor. I can't jump.

"Damn it!" I yell then quickly slap my hand on my mouth. Before the fangirls can get me, I jump towards a ledge of another window sill. I swing my legs and grab onto the ledge with one hand. I reach for it with my other hand and almost slip. I try again and manage to pull myself up and sit down.

"Oh notch..." I pant out. "I didn't die. Thank notch." I look over at my window and see the girls waving at me and yelling. I wave back weakly with a nervous smile. I finally fully catch my breath and look down. I still have a ways to go. I jump down to another window sill and land on my feet. Taking a breath I notice I have one more floor to go till I'll be on the ground. I make my last jump.

I yelp in pain as I land on my arm. "Fucking shit that hurts...." I mumble to myself. I get up, regarding the pain and few kids that just watched me fall off a ledge, I decide to grab something from the cellar to eat. So, I walk over to the cellar doors, open them, and walk down.

I've never been down here before and to be frank, I'm glad I've steered clear of this place.

It's cold and dark with cobwebs in the corners of the room. There's a light hanging from the ceiling that's either turned off or broken. I look around and don't see anyone at first until my eyes land on a.....furry creature? It surely wasn't human or a fish hybrid. Maybe cat hybrid?

I walk over to a barrel of apples and grab one, not taking my eyes off this thing. It seems to be humming and by how the voice sounds it must be a boy. I quietly take a bite out of my apple and his ears perk up.

"You know, I find it kinda gross to eat rotten apples but whatever floats your boat." My eyes widen and I spit out the bits of apple that I nearly consumed. "How'd you know I was here? And more specifically, how did you know I was eating a rotten apple?" I ask, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. "Well I've known you were here since you opened the doors. And secondly, if you look around you, it's all apples that are rotten." He responds. 'Oh. Nice move Mitch." I think. "My bad..." I reply.

"It's alright. My name's Jerome by the way." He says. "Cool. I'm Mitch. And, may I ask, what are you?" I question. He turns around and smiles, "I'm a bacca. We normally don't live in villages but it's pretty cool here." I stay silent. "And, may I add, if you weren't here I'd be the hottest person in the room." He winks and I feel my face flush.


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