Chapter 1 - The Kiss

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Yori: Hello crazy people! Joking, you're all amazing and awesome! XP

Kira: Anyways, as Yori would've told you in the description which you should read.

Yori: And well I've had so many ideas bursting and flooding my mind. I still have more new ideas other than the other 4 ones.

Yugi: Oh well... Anyways let's get this started!!

Everybody:  Welcome to TPFA!


{Yugi's POV}

"Good morning, my name is Yami Sennen." The transfer student introduced, "I am the second prince of Egypt."

"Class, Prince Yami is here to find his fiance." The teacher explained.
Giggles and chuckles as well as whispers erupted from the whole class, except me and my friends of course.

"Is his fiance here sensei?" A girl blushed as she asked.

"Yes. It appears as if his fiance goes to this school and is in this class."  More girls giggled.

I could see a girl in the back fidgeting with her fingers, as if she was going to say something but was too shy about it.

More questions few in the air as the teachers stoped her answers and asked Yami to sit down, of course he sat down next to me.

"H-hello, m-my name is Yugi Mutou." I held out one of my hands to him.

I looked at him confusedly as his eyes turned into the size of saucers. "Y-Yugi... Mutou?" He asked and I nodded hesitantly.

I could feel him grasp my hand and it was my turn to be shocked. He pulled my wrist to his chest as he closed the distance between us.

He continued kissing me for who knows how long, and I unwillingly gasped when he pinched my shoulder.

Sensei blushed and stuttered out, "W-what are you d-doing, M-Mr Sennen?"

The transfer student - Yami - ignored Sensei's question and continued roaming around my mouth. I moaned through the kiss once in a while.

The need of air soon became too great for us that we had to seperate. As we did, a string of saliva - only visible to us and the ones around us - connected our two lips.

After I had caught my breath, I blushed 10 shades of red and burst out of the classroom. I ran anf ran to the sakura tree in the backyard of our school.

I blushed another 26789 (if that's even possible) shades of red as I remembered what just happened between our encounter.

{Yami's POV}

I saw Yugi burst out of the classroom as his face was beet red.

"M-Mr Sennen, would you p-please kindly explain to us why y-you w-would do that to Mr Mutou?" I heard Sensei ask.

"Well... My fiance happened to look like me." I answered with an innocent smile.

I heard everybody gasp as they realized who it was.

"I-it can't possibly be..." Sensei said as her jaw dropped.

"Yup. My adorable and lovely fiance's name is Yugi Mutou." I stated with a smirk. "Now excuse me Sensei. I would like to go and find my future husband." I smiled as I started to walk towards the door.

"Class is not don yet!" Sensei yelled as my private assassins hopped down.

My face darkened as I glanced at Sensei and the class. "Anybody who tries to intervene will be six feet under the next day."

Everybody's face darkened in fear as I smiled and walked out the class.

"So you guys can go now. I'll call you when I need you. I want to find my Yugi first." I stated as I took my phone out of my pocket.

"Possessive now, aren't we?" Kira smirked as Yori grinned.

"He is just too adorable to pass." I smirked, "I can't wait to taste him." I licked my lips as I walked away to find Yugi.


{Yugi's POV}

"Yugi?" I heard a voice call.

I looked up and saw Yami, the transfer student. I blushed as I stood straight up and tried to run. I tried, but I failed.

Yami grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me towards his chest. [I'm starting to think that this should be My Puppet rather than TPFA, do you guys think so too?]

He sat down and put me on his lap. My face was burried on his chest as I snuggled into the warmth.

"Why did you so it?" I manage to muffle out some words.

He stroked my tri-coloured hair as he replied in a soothing tone, "Because I love you of course."

"W-what do you mean by that?" I looked up at his eyes and asked.

I was mesmerized by his eyes that I didn't hear what he was saying.

"W-what?" I finally snapped out of the trance and asked again.

He chuckled deeply as I blushed at how deep and sexy his voice was, "It's because you're my fiance." He stated, "And who wouldn't love someone as adorable as you?"

I blushed at the compliment and dug my face on his chest. He continued stroking my hair as my eyes slowly closed.

{Yami's POV}

A few silent moments passed by as I decided to break it.

"Yugi?" I whispered as I stroked his hair.

I was only answered my silence as I finally noticed the light snoring below me. I softly chuckle as I saw him sleeping.

I then blushed when I looked at his adorable sleeping face. The urge to kiss him was too hard to fight, so I slowly leaned towards him. I closed the distance between us for a few seconds before breaking apart.


{Yugi's POV}

I slowly fluttered open my eyes and the first thing I saw was a white curtain.

"W-where am I?" I tried to sit up but failed as I felt weight on my waist. I looked down on my waist and see a pair of arms on it. I slowly looked behind me a bit and blushed as I realized how close Yami's face was to mine.

After a few minutes of silence, I could feel Yami move. I knew that he was waking up because he had removed his hands. I pouted and pretended to sleep when I felt Yami stroke my hair.

"My little Yugi..." Yami smiled as he kept stroking my hair. I heard him sigh and I could feel myself being carried. "I'll just take him back."

I pretended to sleep the whole time he carried me. I cracked open an eye once in a while to see where we were heading. 'We're definitely not going back to the game shop...' I thought as Yami stepped out of the cab.

"Yes?" I heard a woman's voice boom from the speaker above the bell.

"This is Yami." Yami answered as the gates opened.

He walked inside and carried me in his arms, I continued to pretend as I cracked open an eye. Then we appeared in front of two large doors.

'Woah...' I thought in amazement.

"Welcome home, Young Master." Butlers and maids greeted him when he walked in.

"Thank you." Yami answered as a maid appeared.

"Would you like anything, Young Master?" The maid ask.

"Yes please. I would like some pancakes and hot chocolate in my room." Yami replied as the maid nodded and left.

He climbed up the stairs - still carrying me - and passed a few rooms. Yami stopped in front of two large doors and opened them - careful not to drop me.

Yami laid me down on a queen-size bed - which I would presume would be his bed - and left, not before taking clothes out of his closet.

After I heard the sound of shower and slowly opened both of my eyes. I looked around and watched in awe. The room was big but not too big. It had a crimson coloured queen-sized bed - whee I was laid before - and a desk with a laptop on top of it. As well as some piles of books and papers beside.

The closet - in which I thought was one - was actually a walking closet. I saw some paintings and other decorations in the room. I suddenly heard the door of the bathroom open as I froze at my spot.

I was in the middle of the room, too amazed by the room that I didn't realize Yami had already finish.

"H-hi Yami..." I turned my face to meet his gaze as I could see a visible smirk on his face.

He walked towards me and carried me bridal-style.

"I see that you have finally stopped pretending." He stated as he laid me down on the bed.

"Y-you knew?" I stuttered out.

"Of course I did." He chuckled and I blushed.

Not soon after, a knock was heard.

"Young Master, the snacks are ready. May I come in?" I heard a maid ask politely as Yami answered with a simple 'Yes'.

The maid walked in with a plate of pancakes and a mug of hot chocolate. She soon bowed a little before stepping out of the room.

Yami walked towards the table where the snacks and mugs were on and took the mugs before walking back to the bed. He handed a mug to me and smiled.

I blushed and sipped my hot chocolate. My eyes became the size of saucers as I tasted it.

"Delicious!" I yelled and closed my mouth with my free hand.

Yami laughed and clutched his stomach. "You're too cute you know that."

I blushed and continued drinking before I decided to ask him, "Hey, where's yours?"

Yami had a confused look on his face before finally understanding what I meant.

"I just asked them to make yours." Yami leaned on the pillow.

"But it's unfair! You also have to taste it!" I pouted and slowly handed him the mug.

He grinned, "Okay then. I'll have a taste~" He took the mug and place it down on the nightstand before leaning towards me.

Yami closed the distance between us as I blushed 57894 shades of red. The passionate kiss turned into a make-out session very fast as moans were heard from the room.

As we parted, Yami licked his lips and replied, "There, I tasted it already."

I blushed and used my hands to cover my face.

Yami chuckled and stood up as he walked towards his closet. He walked back out and handed me a pair of pjs.

"You're staying here obviously. Go get changed." Yami grinned as I hurriedly ran to the bathroom.


Yami and I slept on the same bed. Well his bed. My head and face on his chest as I snuggled into the warmth of the covers and him.

I could hear Yami chuckle as I felt a hand stroke my hair. I smiled and let myself dream...


Yori: So that was chapter 1 of TPFA!

Kira: Yori actually planned a different plot but she somehow ended up writing this one.

Yori: Oh, and I had to put Kira and myself in there.

Kira: Why are we assassins again? *sigh*

Yugi: Well Yori doesn't own YGO, she only owns the plot and herself or OCs.

Yami: I hoped you like this first chapter!

Yori: Oh and before we say our farewells. I wanted to announce to you guys that I'm in the process of making 2 other puzzleshipping stories as well as a S0 puzzleshipping story.

Yugi: S0 Yugi huh? I really wonder about his innocence.

Yami: S0 Yami is badass. I wonder how the story's gonna work out...

Yori: Yea well you'll find out soon! See ya guys! ^-^

Kira & Yugi & Yami: See ya!! ^^

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