Chapter 2 - Hanging Out Together

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"So uhm... It turns out that grandpa was an old friend of Yami's parents. And they decided to have an arranged marriage between me and Yami." Yugi blushed while he tugged on Yami's leather shirt shyly.

Joey narrowed his eyes in suspicion and Yami smirked confidently.

"Yug', you sure you're gonna be okay?" Joey asked. You could hear the worry he had for the boy just by his tone of voice.

"I-I think so... I m-mean I'm not sure because h-he suddenly kissed me yesterday b-but I t-think I can trust him." Yugi's blush redden with each word he spoke.

"Aww! But didn't you enjoy the kiss Yugi?" Yami whined but smirked after he saw Yugi's ears starting to redden.

"I-I mean I g-guess it was... For my f-first kiss t-that is." Yugi managed to stutter out.

"And look at that. You guys are so cute together!" Anzu and Yori exclaimed.

Tristan stepped forward once and stated, "I can't believe that our child has grown so big. Just look at that, he's going to marry someone."

Joey laughed loudly while Anzu faked a tear. "Yes. I can clearly remember the day he was first born as if it was just yesterday." Anzu giggled.

"Guys!" Yugi yelled, not liking the embarrassing jokes his friends are saying about him.

Yami chuckled and intertwined his fingers with Yugi's. And Yugi not noticing since he was too busy yelling at his friends to stop.

"Anyways..." Yori interrupted as she put her hands up in the air, "LET'S GO EAT!"

Everybody stared at her for a second before noddding and yelling to each other.


"..." Was everyone's amazement as they see Joey ordering pratically everything on the menu times 7.

"You eat too much." Anzu stated as the others nodded.

Joey looked at all of them confused as he ordered another triple cheeseburger.

"And what would you like m'am?" The waitress asked politely and softly as she asked Yori.

"Uhm... I would like 1 salad, 1 vanilla milkshake, and 2 large french fries." Yori replied kindly as she set down her menu.

Yami took the menu and immediately set it down as he said, "I would like 1 coke please."

"And I want 1 salad please!" Yugi beamed as he smiled at the lady.

The lady smiled and noted down their orders.

"I want 1 salad and a chocolate milkshake please." Anzu stated as she smiled at the lady, who of course smiled back.

"I want what Joey ordered." Tristan pointed towards the mutt who sat next to him.

"I want... Nothing." Kira stated.

Everyone stared at Kira but then shook their head and finished the rest of their orders.

"Okay then. I'll go and prepare them now." The lady stated as she walked back to the counter, giving the note with the orders to one of the chefs.

"So... What should we do now?" Yori asked as she stared at all of them.

Everyone shrugged at the same time. "Oh wait, how about we duel!" Joey proposed as he brought out his dueling deck.

Yugi beamed and sparked (like literally) at the idea and took out his deck as well. Yami grinned and took out his when everyone else has took out theirs.

"What deck is yours Yori?" Yugi asked as he looked at the 40-cards deck.

"Magical stuff... Mostly spellcasters." Yori replied as everyone thought 'Of course...'

"What's yours Kira?" Anzu and Joey asked as they looked over their deck.

"Occult like Bakura." Kira plainly stated as she leaned back on the chair and crossed her arms.

Everyone nodded and stared at her for a while before going back to their conversation to decide who's going with who.

"How about a tag duel?" Yugi suggested as he looked over his cards.

"Yeah!" Joey yelled as the others nodded in response.

"Ok then. Who's going with who?" Anzu asked.

Yami smirked and wrapped an arm around Yugi who sat next to him.

"Ok then. Yugi and Yami, Joey and Tristan, and of course Yori and Kira! I'm just gonna watch. I almost have 0 experience." Anzu smiled.


After a few minutes of dueling, they were interrupted by their food arriving. It was currently a battle between Yami and Yugi vs Yori and Kira. Joey and Tristan had lost to Yugi and Yami sadly.

Oh and this was their positions. Yami and Yugi sat next to Kira who sat across to Yori who sat next to Joey and Anzu who sat next to Tristan.

"You're so cute Yugi." Yami murmured as he grinned.

"Hm?" Yugi blushed and avoided Yami's eyes, but then he realized! HE FORGOT TO ORDER SOME COKE!

"Oh no. I forgot to order some coke!" Yugi whined, most definitely annoyed.

Yami smiled and set his coke down in front of Yugi.

"What?" Yugi stopped whining and stared at Yami.

"We're sharing it." Yami stated as he opened the can of coke.

Yugi tried to refuse but Yami had forced him into it. Yugi grabbed the can and took a few gulps before eating another spoon of salad.

"So anyways..." Yami paused as almost everyone had finished their meals, "Let's go somewhere else."

"'Kay!" Joey, Tristan, and Anzu yelled in agreement. Yori and Kira nodded their heqads and Yugi smiled at him.

"But first!" Joey called the waiter over, "Can we have our bill please?"

The lady nodded and scurried off to get their orders. Once she came back, she set it down on the table for everyone to see.

"T-twelve thousand yen?!" Joey, Tristan, Anzu, and Yugi yelled at the same time.

"I don't have enought money..." Joey and Tristan stated, clearly scared.

"Me too!" Anzu and Yugi sweated.

Yami pulled out his wallet and took out 50,000 yen.

"F-fifty thousand yen?!" The four yelled at the same time. Yori giggled in amusement and Kira sighed in advance.

The lady scurried off with the money and came back with the change. "Thank you for dining here. I hope you come again!" She smiled as everyone walked out of the restaurant.

"E-ey Yami." Joey called.

"Hm?" Yami peeked at Joey who had called him.

"How much money do you have in your wallet?" Joey nervously asked.

Everyone stopped and Yami took out his wallet, opening it for everyone to see.

Yugi's eyes were as big as saucers, Joey's jaw dropped, Anzu and Tristan just narrowed their eyes at the sum of the money.

"Just so you know, Kira and Yori over there has pretty much the amount of money I have." Yami stated as he glanced at the two.

The fours' attention was brought to Yori and Kira who had stared back at them.

"Anyways talking about where we should go..." Yami closed his wallet and put it back in his pocket.

"How about the cinema?" Yugi asked, using his puppy eyes as an advantage.

Everyone groaned at the cute look and nodded, making Yugi sparkle.


Yori: So... This was hard.

Kira: Where were we you ask? In fanfictions, roleplays, and of course school, which I don't go too.

Yori: Yea... Sorry for the long wait...

Yugi: *pouts* Anyways Yori here doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh! she just owns the plot and OCs.

Yami: Jeez, where were you seriously?!

Yori: Well... I was you could say too lazy to write... Then that happened and I completely became too comfortable with the break.

Kira: Well at least you're trying to apologize.

Yori: Yea... I'm really sorry! Anyways, for my apology, I have created a lemon chapter in TAS! Which is of course not done yet, but it is close to the finish.

Yugi: Oh well, anyways don't do that again.

Yori: Yes...

Yami & Kira: See ya.

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