Chapter Five

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The next morning, Virgil woke up at home with a small smile on his face as he recalled the night before. He'd been so hesitant to do it, sneaking up to talk to the prince. If caught, he would've been in serious trouble, but fortunately for him he had experience with that kind of thing. Everything turned out okay, and he'd gotten to talk to Prince Roman one on one. His face warmed as he hid it in his pillow.

He continued to blush as his brain replayed the scene the prince looking at him while he balanced on the rail. Virgil recalled how he'd softly asked for his name and if they'd see each other again, wishing that one of those questions had been if he could kiss him.

The poor love sick artist bit his lip as he smiled to himself. What is he doing to me? he thought.

Patton came into the room, walking over to gently shake his shoulder. "Virgil, wake up sweetheart," he murmured to him softly. He turned over in response, cracking his eyes open to look up at him. "Good morning."

"Mornin' Dad," Virgil muttered as he yawned. "Do we need to head down to the stand?"

Patton shook his head. "It's Saturday, Virgil," he reminded him. "Most of the artisans don't work, or work from their houses on the weekends and that includes us, remember?"

The artist nodded, letting out another yawn. An idea popped into his head, waking him up a little. He sat up, rubbing the sleep crust away from his eyes. "Hey, uh, do you think I could go down and draw in the market place anyway?"

His father gave him a knowing smile. "Hoping you'll see that prince of yours?" he said, ruffling his hair as he laughed. Virgil blushed, looking away with a tiny nod. "I don't have a problem with it, if I need you, I'll come get you."

He nodded with a 'thank you' as Patton left the room. He hurriedly got dressed and pulled on his boots. Grabbing his sketchbook and an apple on the way out, he made his way to the market place. There were significantly less stands out that than yesterday, making it less crowded. Virgil found a nice shady spot by a fountain to sit down and sketch. He tried not to look up too often, knowing why he was doing it, and who he was looking for. He wanted to keep himself from doing it the best he could. It was bad enough for his pride that he was even here, but he wanted to see him again.

Unbeknownst to him, Prince Roman was sneaking out of the palace in a rush, royal clothes and small golden crown hidden by his tan hood. It's not that he wasn't allowed to go down to the village, it's that he'd have to take his guards with him and that would bring him the attention of being the prince. Roman wanted to see Virgil the artist boy again, and he didn't need his guards breathing down his neck.

The prince walked through the village, pulling the cloak around him. He looked around hopefully, searching for the boy named Virgil. The boy that made his heart want to leap out of his chest with joy the night before.

The boy named Virgil looked up, spotting a vaguely familiar looking boy walking up to the fountain. He looked down into the water, and the second he smiled Virgil knew. His breath caught in his throat. It was Prince Roman, disguised in a tan cloak to cover his clothes and hair. In that moment of the artist staring, he looked up.

Their eyes met, and their hearts lurched. Roman looked around before casually walking to sit down next to Virgil. Neither of them acknowledged each other at first, both nervous. Finally, the prince spoke up.

"Hey..." he said softly, fidgeting with his hands.

"Afternoon your highness," Virgil greeted casually, making the prince look up in shock.

He looked down at himself, pulling at his cloak nervously. "Am I really that obvious?" he asked with an embarrassed look on his face. The artist shook his head with a tiny smirk.

"Nah, I'd just recognize those pretty eyes anywhere," he said, keeping his gaze on his drawing as the prince blushed furiously, gawking at him. He still couldn't comprehend how he could compliment him with such confidence. Virgil winced as he moved his hand the wrong way.

Roman looked at him in alarm. "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly. Virgil nodded, shaking out his sore hand. Roman reach out taking it in his. He was too busy inspecting it to see the other blush. "From when you punched that guy yesterday right?"

It was Virgil's turn to gawk at him. "H-How do you know about that?" he asked in a murmur.

"I was... I was kinda there..." Roman explained quietly, unaware he was still holding his hand until Virgil looked down at it. The prince contemplated for a moment if he was about to do what he wanted to do. With a tiny smile, he lifted his hand to his lips and pressed a kiss softly to his knuckles, the way you'd see a prince kiss the hand of a princess. Virgil's face flushed bright pink as he watched him pulled away. "That was a very brave and memorable thing you did, standing up for me."

Virgil looked away in embarrassment as he smiled at him. "Y-Yeah, I g-guess," he stuttered, inwardly cursing himself for getting nervous. He'd been desperately trying to make himself out to be confident and carefree.

Please don't ask me about them, please don't ask me about them, he thought. Virgil wasn't sure how much of the interaction he'd seen, but the last thing he needed was for Roman to ask him questions about Barry and the others. Hopefully they're not going to try an bother me today-

"Ah, well if it isn't Virgil."

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