Chapter Six

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Virgil's blood ran cold upon hearing the voice, knowing who it belonged to. He had already yanked his hand away from Roman, so if luck was on his side, Barry wouldn't have seen them. He would already be looking for a reason to hit him, and he really didn't need to add having a romantic interest to that list.

The artist ignored him, returning to his drawing as though he wasn't there. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" he snapped, crouched down to get in his face. Virgil tilted his head up to meet his gaze. The dark haired boy smirked as he searched his gaze. "Where's what we discussed?"

Virgil flicked his hair out of his eyes before having it fall back into place. "What might you be talking about?" he asked in fake confusion.

Barry growled, smirk turning to a frown. "You know damn well what," he muttered, reaching forward to grab him by the shirt. He forcefully pulled him to his feet and pinned him against the wall.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Roman protested, unsure of himself. There was a tension between the two of them unlike anything he'd ever felt, and he wasn't exactly experienced with dealing with people. 

Barry glanced at him for barely two seconds before laughing at Virgil. "Can't even stand up for yourself now?" he taunted before turning back to Roman. There was a hatred in his gaze that seemed to be there for no reason. "Beat it pretty boy, this doesn't involve you."

The prince's blood boiled as he pulled his fist back, threatening Virgil. In a moment of anger he took of his hood, revealing the small crown in his hair and his face completely. "Release him, by order of the Prince," he snapped, standing tall and regal.

Barry and his two friends both looked shocked and slightly intimidated before something flashed in Barry's eye. The artist pinned by his fist had a brief moment of fear in his chest. He looked between Virgil and the prince, smirking evilly. "What do you know about Virgil here, your Highness?"

"Release him," the prince demanded again, ignoring the lure. "If I must I will gladly let you ask your ridiculous questions in court with my father for disrupting the peace and assaulting him."

Barry's eyes were shimmering with something only Virgil could place. He wasn't sure of what he saw there, but it felt familiar. He let go of the artist, letting him stumble back to his feet. He turned to leave with his friends, but not before stepping threateningly close to the prince.

"There are things about him that you don't know, your Highness," Barry muttered with a small smirk.

Without another word, he stalked away with his friends, leaving Roman to stare after him. He tried not to let his words get under his skin, but now that he'd said it, the prince doubted it would be leaving his thoughts any time soon. 

What did he mean by that? Roman thought, stomach churning uncomfortably as his mind wandered down dark paths for a possible explanation behind the statement. 

Virgil rubbed his chest where he'd been grabbed, looking at Roman with concern. "I'm sorry you had to deal with him," he said quietly. The prince shook his head walking over to place a hand on his shoulder. He was far more concerned with the artist's safety. 

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly. Virgil nodded, looking away from the prince. He searched his face. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, no, I'm fine," he assured him hastily. The prince frowned as he took a small step away from him. There was a strange atmosphere around the two of them now. One that Roman wasn't too sure he enjoyed as Virgil refused to meet his eyes. When he finally did, the prince looked him up and down with his eyebrow sightly raised in concern. "I'm fine! Really!"

Roman sighed, running a hand through his hair. He decided to change the subject, hoping it would lessen the tension. "I don't see many stands out today, including yours," he said casually as he put his hood back on. "That is a shame as I was hoping to ask for a commission from your father."

"Most artisans work from their homes on the weekend," Virgil explained. "You, uh, you could walk home with me and ask my dad for the commission there if you'd like?"

He nodded with a smile, trying not to seem too eager about wanting to see the artist's home and ask for a commission. He liked to maintain a level of dignity as the prince, and he didn't need the boy he admired to see him acting like a bubbly, giggly mess. Virgil shrugged and gathered his sketchbook.

"Lead the way," Roman said, gesturing for him to lead. The artist nodded and started to walk, Roman falling in beside him. Neither of them knew what to talk about until they came into view of his house.

"Oh! I should probably warn you," Virgil said stopping suddenly. "My Dad likes to... jump to conclusions. I'm sorry in advance. Just- uh, just don't feel too weird, I promise he doesn't mean anything by it."

The prince looked a little confused, but nodded nonetheless as they continued. Virgil took a deep breath as he knocked on the door. When his father answered, he smiled. "Oh! Virgil you're back, and who is this?"

Roman blushed in embarrassment as he took off his hood to receive a very loud gasp from Patton. "Your Highness! It is a pleasure and an honor to see you again!" he said with a small respectful bow. "Won't you come inside? It looks like it's going to rain soon."

Sure enough, it was; the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder rumbled faintly in the ever-nearing distance. The prince looked at Virgil with a silent question of permission, wanting to make sure he wasn't uncomfortable with him entering his house. The artist nodded slightly, making Roman turn to Patton with a wide smile and a nod as they stepped inside.

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