Chapter Nineteen

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Virgil's eyes opened slowly. He felt warm and safe, like he was being held; that was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, and it scared him at first. Until he looked up to see who's chest his head had been laying on and it all rushed back into his mind. It wasn't Barry.

Prince Roman.

Prince Roman was holding him close to his shirtless chest. Prince Roman was making him feel warm and safe despite how embarrassed he was of his own lack of clothing.

He found himself smiling a little and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek before skillfully slipping out of his arms. The prince let out a small whine of protest. Virgil shushed him quietly as he got up and put on the night clothes that had been discarded last night. He blushed has he remembered, knowing he most likely had countless marks along his neck and collarbone. Pulling his shirt on, he hoped it wouldn't be noticeable to his fathers.

The artist looked back at the prince, sleeping in his bed, glancing at his sketchbook. He hesitantly picked it up and began to sketch his sleeping form. He found his eyes growing heavy again from the chair he was sitting in. He hadn't realized he was falling asleep until he lost consciousness.

Roman woke up shortly after the artist had fallen asleep again, panicking briefly when he woke to find him gone. He let out a relieved sigh when he saw him in the chair across the room. The prince got out of bed and put on the night clothes he'd had on before, walking over to see what Virgil was holding. He realized he was asleep, and carefully took his sketchbook out of his hand to see what he'd been drawing. He smiled fondly at him once he realized it was him.

Kneeling down to his level, he pressed a kiss to his lips. He was surprised when a moment later he started to get a response. Virgil smiled, leaning forward in a sleepy haze to find himself falling off the chair.

He landed on Roman, both of them freezing for a moment. Their eyes met and the both started giggling, pressing their foreheads together.

"You're an amazing artist by the way," the prince commented. Virgil realized what he was referring to and blushed. "You did an excellent job capturing my beauty."

The artist shook his head, laughing. "You're ridiculous, Princey."

"And you're gorgeous," Roman replied smoothly, making him blush bright red. Their lips met softly, both of them smiling. It felt like they were making up for the time they lost before the ball. When they broke apart, the prince spoke again. "We should probably go downstairs. Logan will have returned with word from my father."

Virgil nodded, standing up as he did the same. "And Dad probably made breakfast," Roman commented, making the artist stop in his tracks. He looked at him, confused. "What?"

"Did you just call him 'Dad'?" he asked, not sure why or how to feel. Prince Roman blushed as he realized he had.

"I-I guess I did!" he said with a laugh. "But I'm allowed to do that since he'll be my father-in-law after all this blows over."

Virgil's heart leapt against his rib cage as he realized what he meant. "W-What?" he stammered. The prince just laughed and told him he was teasing as he went to open the door. The artist followed him, mind and pulse racing. Had he meant that?

"Virgil! Prince Roman! Good morning!" Patton called as they entered the room. "Looks who's back!"

Logan walked out of the kitchen as he ducked back in. He smiled at the two of them as they sat down at the table. "So, how was your rest, your Highness?" he asked him as he sat down with them. "I hope Virgil treated you well."

Roman had been drinking from the glass of water Patton had already put out, and the statement made him have to quickly catch himself spit out some of it in shock. The artist beside him smirked at his reaction. "W-What do you mean, sir?"

"You were staying in his room, correct?" Logan clarified, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. The prince laughed in relief and realization.

"O-Oh! Yes! Of course!" he said, recovering quickly. "He's very sweet- I mean- polite. Yeah, polite, that's what I meant."

Virgil just stared at him, jaw hanging open a tiny bit. "Well! I'm going to check and see if Dad needs any help with breakfast," he said, swiftly leaving the room to escape the awkward tension hovering in the air. The prince he'd left behind now sat alone with Logan, who smirked as he leaned forward.

"You're a very bad liar, your Highness," he said with knowing look that made Roman's cheeks go scarlet. He opened his mouth to defend himself, protest, anything- but Logan cut him off. "Your Highness, there is no need to lie, just as there's no need to apologize for anything. I could tell from the moment I met you that this was going to happen eventually," he paused to chuckle a little, "and as long as it's a healthy relationship, I have absolutely no complaints. Just try to keep the more... risque parts of your relationship under reps around Patton. He's far too protective, and thinks everything is much more innocent that it is."

The prince was left staring in shock at what he'd said, blinking a couple times. "Y-Yes sir," he said, uncertain of himself. "I- I just want to assure you that I truly love Virgil. I've never felt such feelings for anyone else in all my life, and I want to protect and love him to the best of my abilities. I want to give him all I have to offer, but he simply wants me. If that's what he wants, then he has it. I'm his."

Logan was silent as he smiled a little in Roman's direction. His face was burning up as he thought through what he'd just said in front of his... boyfriend's step-father. Fortunately for him, he'd taken it how he'd meant it, nodding with an approving look in his eye.

I have Logan's blessing to be with Virgil, he thought with a smile. I guess that means we're halfway to being on track to be married when all this blows over. I have to start thinking about how I'll propose to him.

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