Chapter Twenty

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Virgil busied himself helping Patton, who didn't waste much time to address the tension. "So, I was right," he commented. The artist paused to look at him curiously. "About you and the prince, duh!"

"W-What?! We didn't- I mean- we aren't-"

"Please Virgil," Patton said with a playful eye roll. "I'm not as innocent as Logan makes me out to be."

To this statement, the artist started coughing awkwardly. His father just laughed, ruffling his hair. "I'm just teasing Virgil," he told him as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He looked up at him with wide eyes. "I hope that when all of this blows over, you two will be happy together for your entire lives."

"You're not just saying that cause he's rich right?" Virgil asked in his usual sarcastic tone, making Patton giggle and press their heads together from the side.

"Of course not," he told his son with a smile. "All I want is for you to be happy, and if Prince Roman makes you happy, and you him, then I hope you stay together and continue to make each other happy."

Virgil was quiet for a moment, smirk dropping slowly into a frown as he sighed. "What if..." he couldn't bring himself to say it as he looked off toward the dining room. Patton followed the glance before looking back at his son with a sigh. "What if he's another Barry, Dad? What do I do if..."

The artist couldn't continue because his throat closed up and prevented him from speaking as he choked back tears. "I have faith that he's not," his father said. "When I met Barry, I didn't like him, at all, but I gave him a chance anyway. That was my mistake. I should always trust my judgement. I'm very good at reading people, Virgil. Prince Roman is without a doubt one of the nicest people I've met, and I believe he loves you very very much."

Virgil smiled shakily, hugging Patton quickly as he gasped in shock. "Thanks Dad..." he whispered, making his father tear up a small bit before hugging him back.

"No problem kiddo..."

The artist pulled out of the hug and smiled once more at his father before picking up the plates and silverware to put on the table. Roman perked up a little up seeing him enter the room, making his chest a little warm. He flashed the prince a smile, who returned it. As he noticed Virgil was setting the table, he wanted to help.

"Is there anything I could do to help?" he asked as he stood. Virgil looked down at what he was doing and handed him the silverware as he placed a plate down. The prince took them and moved next to the artist to place silverware as he placed a plate. Virgil's face warmed at how close he was, making him extremely distracted from his very simple task. He almost dropped a plate, but fortunately Roman caught it, meeting his wide eyes. "S-Sorry."

The prince smiled gently as he handed the plate back to him. "It's alright," he said with a small laugh. Virgil smiled a small bit, blushing.

The two of them finished setting the table as Patton came in with the breakfast he'd made, consisting of pancakes. The four of them were sitting at the table, starting to eat and thanking Patton for making it. Logan then spoke up about the conflict at hand.

"I was able to reach his Majesty, and apparently the kingdom is on lockdown. No one is leaving their homes. We discussed our course of action of taking back the palace, which is overrun by Barry's gang. He said he was going to the barracks to recruit the army through the tunnels, and that we should attack tomorrow," he explained. He then pulled out a map of the palace and the tunnels underneath it. "His Majesty was here," he said, pointing before continuing, "and he is going here, the barracks. From there, he and the army with prepare themselves for battle and attack them head on."

Roman nodded, analyzing the map. "Right, what's our role in this then?" he asked him. Logan straightened his glasses.

"We are support. Patton and I will sneak in from the kitchen, and you two will sneak in through the servants quarters. From there, your job is-"

"Actually," Virgil cut him off. Everyone turned to him in surprise. "I think I know what I need to do. I have to take out Barry."

Everyone was silent as they looked at him in shock, confusion, and terror. "Virgil, no, period, end of story," Patton said fiercely in a voice that gave Roman chills. His son stared him down determinedly.

"We all know I have the best chance of finding him and taking him by surprise," he said, focusing on the plan he'd been making in his head. "If I can find and kill him, the rest of the gang won't have a leader. They'll be vulnerable, allowing for you, his Majesty, and the army to defeat them easier. It makes the most sense logically."

After moments of silence between them, Logan finally sighed and gave a reluctant nod. "Alright," he said, earning a horrified look from Patton. "He's got a point. After you and his Highness make it inside, you'll find and eliminate Barry. Prince Roman, you'll come and find us. Everyone clear?"

There was a series of nods around the table, making them all stand up to get to work. They spent the day refreshing their knowledge of combat and solidifying the plan into their memories. By the end of the day, everyone was ready to sleep. Logan and Patton went into their room and promptly fell asleep. Roman and Virgil weren't so lucky.

The two of them laid in bed together, staring at the ceiling as they attempted to sleep. Neither was successful, making them both sigh. "Hey, Virgil? You know, we're actually a lot like those two from that story you told me in the tunnels," the prince commented quietly. He hummed in response and shifted closer to him. They each turned on their side to look at each other, noses almost touching as they shared small smiles. "How does that story end?"

The artist frowned, looking down as he thought about it. "I'm not sure," he murmured, meeting his eyes again. They just laid there, looking into each others gaze. Roman's thoughts had wondered to the day he'd met him, while Virgil's had wondered to what might happen after tomorrow. 

"Hey Virgil?" Roman said quietly even though he didn't need to. His eyes were looking down at the bed. "Could you do something for me?"

"Yes, your Highness?" Virgil replied. 

The prince's eyes looked up meet his, taking the artist's breath away. "Could you sing for me?"

Virgil didn't know how to respond for a moment, mouth falling open a little. He bit his lip and took a breath, closing his eyes. "Love stay strong as the moon to the stars, no matter how far apart we are. Love stay true as the stars to the moon, who are never separated, even when the day is new," his eyes fluttered open as the Roman reached a hand up to brush his cheek. He smiled breathlessly at the prince as he continued. "I'll love you until the sky falls. My heart will let down its walls. So my love please follow through, because I couldn't help but fall for you."

They both leaned forward to rest their foreheads together, content in being with each other as they started to fall asleep. "I love you, Virgil," he whispered. The artist smiled, moving even closer to him. 

"I love you too, Roman."

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