Chapter Twenty-Five

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Roman was waiting. He was sitting and waiting. He was sitting, waiting, and fidgeting. The boy next to him however was still, deathly still. While he couldn't contain his nerves, the boy next to him remained calm.

The prince had been there for hours, almost an entire day since arriving. He didn't want to leave, he couldn't leave. He couldn't bring himself to even eat or sleep as he waited, though he was certain the boy next to him would be mad if he knew. He was too nervous, too worried, too scared. He questioned how a person could remain so still and so quiet for so long. The boy hadn't so much as moved since he arrived. Not a twitch, or adjustment. The only sign of life in his body was the rise and fall of his chest.

Roman worried that he'd seen his breathing stop, only to stare and realize his mind was playing tricks on him. He reached for the black rose on the table next to him, twirling it between his fingers. He counted its petals, and it's thorns, before putting it back and standing up.

Though his worries weren't at ease, he looked at the boy's face. There was something calm and serene about his expression. It helped to ease his heart a little bit, but the worries promptly outweighed the comfort. He found himself pacing, running his hands through his hair as he worried about boy. The boy who hadn't moved. Just about a day ago, he'd been fine. The prince had seen him move with ease. He'd witness him walk, run, smile, and laugh. He'd been perfectly fine.

Now he was still. He was still and it concerned Roman more than anything. The boy was normally never still, constantly fidgeting with his fingers, or drawing a picture; but now he was still. He seemed to be made out of stone, and if he wasn't still breathing, the prince would be convinced he was dead.

Roman paused his pacing, realizing his thoughts were starting to loop over and over again. Yes, the boy was still. Yes, the boy looked dead. Yes, he was worried for him.

With a sigh, the prince sat down next to him again, looking down at his hands in despair. All he wanted was for the boy to move, but he didn't. He bit his lip as he closed his eyes. With another sigh, he reached up and slid his hand into the boy's limp one. Despite the boy's state, it was warm and comforting, making Roman relax slightly as he sat back in his chair.

A pair of dark brown eyes blinked open. The world was blurry for a moment before they blinked a couple times. They wandered around the room, landing on a boy next to him. The boy looked sad, staring at the ground. He looked sad, tired, and like a mess. The boy frowned this as his eyes wandered to their hands. The sad boy's hand was holding his own, which made him smile a little. He squeezed it, making the sad boy look up at them quickly. He then met his eyes, words escaping him as he saw him.

"Oh my god..." he breathed, jumping up to hug the boy who was no longer still. Tears dripped down the prince's face as he hugged him back. "You're alright!"

Virgil chuckled a little, taking in the feeling of hugging him. He didn't even care about the slight soreness in his stomach; he just wanted to hold him. The artist scooted over, letting the prince sit on the bed with him. "Lay with me and tell me what happened after I blacked out," he said quietly.

Roman obeyed, laying down with him and beginning to explain. After he'd blacked out, about a third of Barry's men bailed, fleeing the kingdom. The remaining men that stayed either fought, or surrendered. While the final fight happened, Virgil was rushed the hospital wing by the prince, and his parents. Soon after, the fight was over and the king restored the order in the kingdom. Now Virgil was awake and recovering in the arms of his lover after being unconscious for about a day.

"Wow," he murmured, taking all the information in. They both jumped as Patton and Logan came into the room. "Dad! Logan!"

"Virgil! Oh my goodness gracious! You're alright!" Patton exclaimed rushing over to hug his son. Logan did the same but with less intensity, both of them equally excited to see their son awake. Patton even started crying a little as he pulled away, but he smiled wide as he noticed Roman with him. "Well aren't you two adorable!"

The two of them blushed as Virgil groaned. "Really Dad? I just woke up after being stabbed by my ex boyfriend and you want to tease me about my new one?" he whined with a smile. "I'm glad to see you guys though."

"We're extremely glad to see you too Virgil," Logan said with a smile before the prince shot the two of them a look. They both realized what the look meant a made an excuse to leave the room.

"I couldn't have asked for better parents," the artist said with a smile. Roman nodded in agreement and they fell silent. After a few moments, Virgil spoke up again. "So, what do we do now?"

The prince felt his heart rate speed up as he pulled away from his boyfriend. "Well, I have an idea," he said nervously, getting off of the bed and standing next to it. Virgil looked at him curiously and in confusion as he handed him the black rose from the table, but smiled at him nonetheless. That was, until he got down on one knee. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock. "I was thinking I could ask you a question."

Roman's hands were shaking as he reached into his pocket an pulled out a ring box. Tears were shimmering in Virgil's eyes as he sat up in the bed. "I was wondering something," the prince said as he opened it. "Will you marry me?"

The End.

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