Chapter Twenty-Four

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The prince couldn't say anything else before Virgil started walking purposefully toward the throne room where Barry was undoubtedly going to be. His father and the army were already going to be there to take back the kingdom. "Virgil, what is your plan?" Roman asked him fearfully.

"I'm going to stop my psychopathic ex boyfriend from killing my new royal boyfriend's father," he said determinedly, ignoring the stinging in his chest. "Because apparently I'm some special thing in my family who's gifted in both the arts and combat."

Roman was struggling to keep up with his quick pace, but hearing voices in the distance made him speed up. They made their way to one of the many entrances to the throne room, seeing the king and the military entering from the main entrance and Barry standing in front of the throne. Patton and Logan were standing slightly in front of the king, ready to protect him should it be necessary. Virgil noticed that his father was bleeding, making his blood boil a little more.

"What have you done with my son?!" he yelled at him, weapon at the ready to attack finish him off himself. 

Barry just laughed evilly, shaking his head. "It's good to see you again too Patton," he said tauntingly. "About Virgil, he, uh, won't be joining us today; or any other day for that matter."

"No..." Patton breathed, eyes widening in disbelief. Virgil felt a tug on his heart as he let out a painful scream and launched himself toward Barry. Logan pulled him back, looking horrified and in shock himself.

"This can go over the easy way or the hard way," Barry said, with a wicked smirk as the parents grieved. "Surrender his Majesty to me, or..." he snapped his fingers, revealing that there were even more men in his army entering the throne room from behind the king's, "we crush you here and I still get what I want."

"Or you we can settle this how it should have been settled years ago."

Virgil walked into the throne room as everyone fell silent. His parents looked at him with wide, relieved eyes as Barry glared at him with hatred, wondering how he'd managed to survive. He raised his black sword to point at him, blade glinting under the light of the chandelier overhead. His eyes were determined and he stood tall. 

"Between you and me."

Barry stared at him with a shocked and amused expression before drawing his own sword. "Fine, guess you need to get your ass kicked twice to finally get it into your head that I'm better than you," he taunted as he approached. "As if you actually need me to tell you again. Do I have to repeat myself again, Virgil?"

Roman realized the way he was speaking had changed drastically, and how Virgil's eyes flickered with an emotion he couldn't place. It must've been the way Barry use to talk to him when they were together. 

"Enough talking," Virgil snapped, making him raise his sword.


With that one word, Barry launched himself forward with his sword raised. The artist barely moved, raising his sword to block the attack with zero effort. There was a loud clang between their blades that gave every person in the room chills. Virgil opened his eyes and shoved him back with the force of his blade. Barry stumbled for a moment out of shock, but recovered to leapt forward with another slash of his sword. This time, Virgil ran forward and slid under the blade, getting back to his feet on the other side of the fight without a single hair out of place. It was clear that his enemy was beginning to get frustrated. 

"Okay, enough playing around," he snapped lunging forward to initiate an intense sword duel. 

Their blades clashed together over and over again in a flurry of swings. Barry was good, better than most and kept Virgil on his toes with his almost impossible to predict movements. However, Virgil was far superior, blocking and dodging his opponent's attacks with ease. That ease infuriated Barry, encouraging him to swing harder and fast. The artist's eyes widened as he narrowly avoided an almost fatal blow.  

Roman's breathing hitched as he watch the two of them. It was like watching two dragons, each skilled and powerful and both fighting to bring the same fate on their opponent. Barry performed a skilled move, disarming Virgil whose sword clattered to the ground not too far from him. While the prince panicked for his lover, the artist looked determinedly at his surroundings as his enemy approached. He ran for his sword, paying close attention to how close Barry was to catching him. Just as he was about to reach his sword and supposedly be stabbed by his opponent, he kicked off the ground hard. He flew into the air backwards, flipping over him as everyone watched in shock. With a swift and power sweeping kick to Barry's legs, he collapsed and lost his sword. The artist picked it up as well as his own, holding them threateningly toward his enemy on the ground. 

"It's over," Virgil muttered, as Barry sputtered. "Surrender and you can live out the rest of your days in the dungeon, or I kill you here and now."

"Of course," Barry said, voice quiet and submissive as he began to sit up. He appeared to be surrendering, but Roman noticed his hand go to the back of his belt.

A dagger, and if he aimed carefully enough, one that could pierce right through the heart of his boyfriend. 

"VIRGIL!" he yelled in warning, making the artist's eyes dart to him before noticing the movement. He quickly moved forward, striking the black sword through the chest of his enemy. Barry looked shocked, but smirked, plunging the knife into Virgil's stomach as his final action before becoming limp. 

He gasped in pain as Barry fell to the ground, dead. He stood up, withdrawing his sword and placing a hand on the dagger in his stomach. The pain was overwhelming as he pulled it out, making dizzy as blood gushed from the wound. He heard his name. He could feel himself falling. He could make out a blurry figure over him for a moment, but only for a moment before he lost consciousness and the world went black. 

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