Chapter Fifteen

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"What is she doing here?" Clarkson roars, his voice alight with fury.
I feel my shoulders clench, painfully aware of what might happen later, behind closed doors.
"She's hurt, father." I say through clenched teeth, placing myself between her and him as he walks closer, hissing in my ear. Couldn't let the public know we were fighting, could we?
"She's a murder!"
"She's America." I respond, as calm as possible.
"America.." he croaks, laughing madly. "A-merica. The little red-head that almost ruined your life,you rule, Illea...the almost ruined everything."
"Father!" I hiss, feeling my face flush in anger.
"Don't you dare talk back to me!"
He whisper- yells back, a deadly fire starting in his eyes. I was going to regret this-
"Leave me alone!" I half yell, feeling tears in the corners of my eyes. "I hate you, and I always have."
"Fine." He says, strangely calm. "I'll leave you alone." He says, a twisted smile appearing on his face. "For now, anyways." He continues, enjoying his sickly game.
"As for Strong-willed here..." he says, menace oozing from his very breath as he side steps me, reaching out and touching the edges of America's fire red hair.
Stomach churning, I slap his hand, a strange satisfaction left with the angry red mark now forming there.
"She is under no such promise."
What-no! I scream in my head, barely restrained pain rising up.
Before I can even act, he spins around.
"Guards, take her to the dungeon!" He shouts.
"No!" I scream, an all paralyzing fear overtaking me. I just got America back! I couldn't loose her again.
But it didn't matter. None of it did, really. The guards would never listen to me over him.
Seemingly in slow motion, they creep up, coming to take America away forever.
I couldn't let that happen.
Swinging, I aim an elbow at the nearest one, hitting at his jaw. Stunned, he fell back, momentarily off guard. I grit my teeth as a punch lands on my gut, knocking the breath from me. Gasping, I kick out at my attacker, desperately striking out at anything within range.
Another guard grabs me from behind, his steel lock arms digging into my arm.
Screaming, I twist, blindly kicking out behind me. I couldn't let this happen.
"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Whispers the hoarse voice of the nurse, seconds before a sharp pain jabs in the back of my neck.
No..I America..
The world starts to fade, my body on a forced lockdown. The last thing I see is America, beautiful America, laying peacefully on the hospital bed.
Oh, my dear America...

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