Chapter Fourteen

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Maxons POV:
I run. I run as fast as I can. America lay behind me, but I don't care. She wasn't my America anymore...something had happened to her. Her shouts echoed through the tunnel as she took chase, her bare feet slapping the ground loudly.
Gasping, I sprint faster, tears blurring my vision. Blindly, I crash around corners, coming dangerously close to the torches. I hear her heavy breathing as she gradually gains on me, the echoing of her steps. Pushing harder, I go on, running, running from who knows what. My thoughts race. What had happened to her? How could she not remember her own name? Up ahead, a door appears it's oak surface visible by the looming torch light. Not even caring where it lead, I burst through, collapsing on the ground. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why had she been taken from me? A heaping mess, I feel myself break, snap in half like a twig beneath a foot. I couldn't do it anymore, not without her. Somewhere in the distance, I hear her panting as she approaches me slowly, treating me like a cornered animal. Like she must think I am. I'm not her love, her dear, her royal husbandness. I'm a stranger, to her, my dear America. Ripping my gaze up, I turn to glare at her.
"If you aren't America, who are you?!?" I shout
"H-Hannah." She stutters, her eyes filled with confusion.
"You-r Majesty?" A scared looking nurse says, looking at me fearfully. Me. I was scaring her. I was becoming him.
I look around, the immense space revealing that this was, indeed, the safe room. The safe room filled with people. I glance hesitantly back at 'Hannah', unsure what to say.
"Um.." I Clear my thought."could you give Hannah here a check up, make sure she's okay?" I ask. The nurse gives me a puzzled look, tilting her head slightly before walking up to her. She gently grabs her hand. "Follow me hon.." she says, leading America? Hannah? I don't even know anymore. to a set up clinic. Pacing, I run my hand through my hair anxiously. What was wrong with her? What should I do? Mother watches me from the corner, her amber eyes trailing me nervously. Father..well..he wasn't here yet, still out in the attack. I shudder slightly. As much as I hated him, I do care him. If only deeply down...
"Um..Your Majesty?" The nurse calls again, her eyes wide as she looks anxiously at me. I walk over to her, my heart tinging. "Yes?" I ask.
"Well, 'Hannah' here" she starts, referring to America as she'd said she was called. "She's been tampered with."
I tilt my head, my eyes slitting.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean" she hesitates for a second before continuing. "I mean, she's been brainwashed...and someone from within the castle did it."
And at that very moment, Clarkson bursts through the safe rooms doors, his eyes alight with anger.

I am really sorry, I literally haven't updated in forever. Pls, do give your comments so I can improve. I hope your enjoying the story so far!!!
And I also apologize, this chapter is unedited.

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