• Part Five •

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Still Y/n pov.

"Love, don't you have a family? Why are you so friendly? Did someone tame you before?" I asked quietly, knowing he didn't understand.

He just lifted his head from his water bowl and looked at me as if he was offended of what I said or something.

I then leaned my back up against a tree and yawned and watched the fox eat and drink some more.

When the fox finished drinking the water and eating some of the jerky, he turned to me and tilted his head.

I smiled at his cuteness. Then he slowly walked up to me, yawned and curled up next to me.
I pet his head, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


All of a sudden I was woken up from the morning sunlight.

I stretched my arm and slowly opened my eyes.

I was in the forest lying down on my right side, and my left arm was wrapped around an adorable sleeping orange fox.

Oh no no nooo. I must get back to the castle before someone finds out I'm missing!

I sat up quickly, and it caused the fox to wake up.

"I'm sorry love, I must go home now... I hope to see you around again!" I said as I stood up.

The fox just sat there watching me, so I grabbed the bag of jerky that was left and I opened it wide and set it in front of him, "Here you go, keep it. And eat it frugally please."

The fox set his paw on the bag and watched me run off.

Third person pov.

Yeonjun watched as Y/n ran away.

He would have already been off towards his home that was hours away. But he likes this girl and he wants to stay now.

She is kind unlike all the others.

Yeonjun carried the bag of jerky to a place that looked nice and comfy, and then he started making a den to sleep in.
He started digging a nice hole so he would stay warm and safe from larger predators. Being a fox means living in dens..

Once his den was complete, he curled up inside and snacked on his jerky...

Meanwhile, princess Y/n ran as fast as she could in her large gown. She sprinted back to the palace.
Then all of a sudden the hem of her dress caught on a branch and it ripped a small piece of the dress right off.

She grabbed the piece and grunted in frustration.

I am so dead. she thought.

She then began running again.

Once she arrived at the gardens, she stopped and put her hands on her knees and tried catching her breath.

Y/n pov

I hope nobody noticed I was gone.. I already thought of an excuse if someone finds out.
I will simply tell them I was in the garden smelling roses! And about my dress, it got stuck on a rose thorn! Simple.

"Kang Y/n?" Asked someone which made me look up to see who it may be.

"Oh, Sunghoon! Hey." I said as I stood up straight and tried not to breathe so hard.

His gaze suddenly went to my hair, "You have a leaf in your hair?" He said, then pulled a leaf out of my hair and inspected it.


"Oh, huh. That's weird." I said with a fake laugh.

"Uhm, okay? Well, where have you been? The forest perhaps?" He asked casually.

"What? No." I lied.

"Y/n! Don't lie to me now. I'm not going to tell anyone."

"And how should I trust that?"

"Because I'm your best friend. I already told you that your father found out because he forced me to tell him where you were at that particular moment."

I let out a sigh. "Okay, yes. I was. Now you better not tell a soul."

"I knew it."

"Promise me you won't tell?"

"Pinky promise." He said and we put our pinkies together. "Now, you better hurry up and put a new dress on before someone finds out. And also wash your hair." He said as he pulled another tiny leaf out my hair.

"Okay!" With that, I ran off towards the castle.

I sneaked around the guards, through the many halls and up to my bedroom.

I sighed in relief that I didn't run into anyone else.

Then I combed my hair and put a new dress on. It was a rose gold color and it felt much more comfortable than the purple one.

I then walked outside my bedroom and down the large hallways.

And I heard the sound of whispering, but I couldn't understand what was being said, so I sneaked closer to the sound and I heard it was my maid, whispering to another older, plumper woman:

"I feel horrible that she doesn't know. I mean after all, she should know the truth." My maid said very quietly.

"I don't disagree dear. But we are forbidden to tell her anything from her mother."

"But what took place on that day was totally different than what we were forced to lie to her!"

I was confused. I am not completely sure what they must be talking about.

The whispers got quiter so I leaned closer towards the door, and that's when I knocked a small decorative statue over and it hit the floor and broke in a million pieces.

Oh crap-

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