• Part Four •

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Y/n pov.

I almost dropped everything I was carrying when I turned around and bumped into Sunghoon.

I put my hand over my heart and took a deep breath. "What the heck, Hoon!" I exclaimed as I took deep breaths.

"What the heck, is right. What the heck are you doing in the kitchen this late? And wh-" He tried continuing but I interrupted,

"Me? You're here too. How about explain yourself." I said as I still tried catching my breath.

"Y/n, I followed you. That's why I am here. I knocked on your door earlier and you didn't answer. So I figured you went to sleep. So I went on a walk around the castle and I saw you walking through the halls. So I followed."

"Egh, stop following me. You traitor!" I exclaimed. Then walked past him, hitting his shoulder with mine.

Then he quickly got in front of me again.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"You know what I am talking about! You knew I go to the forest! It was a secret that you used to keep. And you told my father!" I whisper-yelled.

"Y/n, I'm sorry! You don't understand the full story.."

"Then make me!"

"Well, your father wanted to talk with me. And he said he needs me to take care of you, and watch after you.. And, he uhm. He tried encouraging me to-.. Date you." He said nervously.

"What?!" I scoffed. "What does that have to do with you betraying me though?"

"Well, he told me to retrieve you and that was when you were in the forest.. So I told him I couldn't. And of course he wouldn't let me leave until I told him why. And trust me, I made lies. But he didn't fall for um." He then cleared his throat. "And you know he'd hang me on the streets if I continued to lie."

I mean, he probably would.. But I can't believe this! Eghhhhhhhh.

I was speechless.

"Y/n? I'm sorry, okay? Please don't hate me." Sunghoon continued.

"I don't hate you. I'm just upset. And by the way, I see you as a best friend.. Nothing more!"

"Of course, I know that..." He replied.

I nodded and was about to walk away until he grabbed my bag of jerky.

"What's this?" He asked. "You craving some jerky after midnight?"

"Maybe I am! Now if you'll excuse me, I will, uhm, go back to my bedroom. And don't follow me, Hoon."

"Okay." He chuckled and handed the jerky bag back to me.

I then left the kitchen and made sure I wasn't being followed, and I sneaked out the castle. I even took a different route to make it harder to be followed.

Third person pov.

Meanwhile, in the forest, a fox sat in the grass waiting.

What is taking her so long?

His stomach started to growl as he waited.

Did she forget?

Yeonjun suddenly felt really sad, and worried.

He lied down and pawed at the grass.

No, Yeonjun just forgot how to be patient, that's all. Because just that second, he saw a woman in a purple dress approaching him. And her arms were filled with treats.

The fox jumped up in excitement and ran towards her.

Y/n was startled a bit when he ran to her, because she honestly didn't think he would stay.

This fox is so clever.

Y/n crouched down beside him and he was almost too excited. He kept sniffing and pawing at the bag of jerky as she opened it.

She quickly put her hand in and pulled out a piece and gave it to him. Yeonjun took the piece and cherished every bite.
Y/n also took a piece out for herself and ate it.

While the fox wasn't looking, she peeked under his belly and behind his back leg and she saw he was a male.

Then Yeonjun turned around and stuck his nose in the bag for another piece.

Y/n tried thinking of a male name that would suit him, but so far, she couldn't think of anything.
Love was his temporary name.

Yeonjun was the happiest he has ever been in a while.

A endless buffet of human food?! This is so amazing, oh my God.

Yeonjun hoped that she could be his best friend. Not just because she brings food, but she is the only one who didn't run away or try to kill him. She was nice and caring.

After Yeonjun finished his second piece, he went back to the bag for more. But first, he licked her cheek as a sign of gratitude. Of course she would never know the creepy truth that he is a person stuck in fox form.


Y/n covered her cheek and giggled. "Love, don't lick my face." She giggled as she wiped her cheek.

Yeonjun then grabbed another Jerky and lied next to her as he ate it.

"Are you thirsty, love?" She asked, thinking he wouldn't even understand.

But of course he did. He was just thinking of how dry his mouth was getting.
He watched her as she poured some water into a bowl, and then she set it in front of him.

He immediately started drinking it.

Yeonjun definitely didn't get any trust issues... Even after drinking a potion and getting cursed by the witch. Or losing his family to people that he had trusted.
I mean, he has nothing to lose now...

Y/n pov.

I smiled as I watched the fox drink. It feels good to help him, since he is so hungry and thirsty.

I then started petting him again as he drank the water.

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