💝Chapter 5💝

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The next morning...

Branch's eyes slowly fluttered open, as he found himself wrapped around the Princess of troll village, as her face was buried into his neck, breathing softly.

The gray troll immediately blushed darkly and tried to move, but no matter what, the Princess just stood clinged onto him.

He sighed and poked her sides.


"Mmmmhh..", was all she murmured, and the only movement she made was to cuddle into him more.

He sighed again, trying not to explode from the inside.

"I'm not carrying you, you know that right?"

"I'm sweepyyy.."

Staring at her for a minute, he eventually stood on his feet, bringing her up with him, and he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Princess, wake up. We gotta move."

Poppy whined and rubbed her eyes but still refused to open them.

Branch let out a deep sigh.

"Alright, you wanna stay asleep? I'll just go by myself."

He wasn't actually going to leave her, but he wanted to see if she would follow, so he started walking slowly.

"Branchhh don't leave meeee." The Princess whined again, her eyes still closed.

Branch walked at least fifteen steps until he finally turned around and saw she just stood there.

Even with her eyes closed it showed a sign she wanted to be carried, just by her standing in place.

Branch facepalmed himself and walked back to the pink troll and put her on his back and held her under her legs, feeling her arms wrap around his neck and her chin rest on his shoulder.

"You're really difficult you know that?" He grunted out while starting to walk again.

Poppy didn't say anything but just smiled and finally opened her eyes slowly, a soft giggle escaping her lips.


"Ugh, this is taking way too long." Creek muttered to himself while pacing around.

He looked around and saw King Peppy speaking to a troll.

He slowly walked to him and tapped his shoulder lightly.

Feeling him do so, Peppy turned around to look at the purple troll.

"Oh, hello Creek!" He greeted.

The troll that was previously speaking to him walked away.

"And greetings to you, King Peppy. May we please talk in private, if you don't mind?" Creek said in a calm voice.

"Of course." Peppy smiled.

"Great, follow me now please." Creek replied, and he walked somewhere else, the king following.

Creek led him next to a closet, making sure no other trolls were around.

"So, is there something you'd like to tell me?" Peppy asked.

"Well, it's just.. you're a great king and all, but..

He held something behind his back, twirling it in his hand.

Peppy blinked for a second.

"What if someone were to date the Princess, Princess Poppy?"

"Then they would be announced as Prince of Troll Village, of course."

"Well, you've been king for a very long time don't you think?"


"And wouldn't you be out there looking there for you Princess daughter if you were a King?"

"Creek," Peppy sighed, "where are you getting at with this?"

"Here, I'll say it in a simple wording."

He revealed what he had behind his back, which was a knife, and jabbed it into his side.

Peppy gasped and fell to the ground, wheezing and holding his side.

Creek opened the closet and picked Peppy up and threw him inside.

"There's a new King in Troll Village, Peppy. And that's me. Once Poppy and that other troll I forgot his name comes back, Poppy will be forced to marry me, and the village will be under my rulings." He shut the closet door and locked it, walking away.

Peppy tried to call for help, but his voice was too soft and weak for anyone to hear.

He began to feel lightheaded, and passed out.


Branch was merely walking ahead of Poppy, who was falling behind, taking each step by step slowly, while staring at the ground.

He noticed this and took a short stop and let her catch up.

"You alright?" He asked her, which kind of surprised her in a way.

"Yeah, I'm okay Branch." She said quietly, not looking up at him, walking past him.

Branch sighed and slowly walked to her side.

"I know you're lying."

Poppy just exhaled.

"I'm just worried something is happening back in Troll Village.."

Branch sighed again.

"Poppy, I told you, everyone is in my bunker safe and sound."

"But what if for whatever reason they left it?"

"And why would they do that?"

"Who would want to be in a hot sweaty bunker for so long?"

"How do you know what my bunker's like?"

"I just guessed."

"Well... you're right."

Poppy giggled and turned to look forward and saw something.

Something that looked... familiar.

She squinted ahead and started to run.

"Poppy? Where are you going?!" Branch followed after her, huffing to himself.

Little did they know though, that they went off the path.

And little did they know, something is going on back in Troll Village.



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