💝Chapter 6💝

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A/N: HOLY MOLY YOU GUYS I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT, I'VE BEEN ON A BIT OF WRITER'S BLOCK WITH THIS STORY AND SOME OTHER STUFF HAPPENED, BUT NOW IT IS BACKKKK. And I've also watched trolls a few times and read some fAnFiCs so that kinda helped me with writing this again. And I've also been taking time to read you guys' comments! I love them sm! 😂 And even if I didn't respond I still most likely read your comment, I read all of you guys' comments! 😊

Okay let me stop talking. eNjOy tHe cHaPtEr lOvEliEs~💕💕💕


Poppy had walked through a large field of grass to find a field of flowers in front of her.

She slowly started to take in the familiarity and recognized the field of flowers.

"Wait a minute.." She said quietly, and gently drew her hand across the flowers. "I remember this place.."

Branch ended up finding Poppy in the flowery field, raising an eyebrow when he saw her kneeling down into the soft bodies of nature.

"What, are you doing." He walked up to the pink troll, standing next to her.

"Sorry, I just.. this place.. I remember it well.."

Branch stared at her for a few seconds.

"Well that's great but we've gotta get-"

"My mom.."


"My mom, Branch. She used to be Queen of the village." She turned her whole body towards him.

"Yeah, I know. And?"

"When.. I was only six, she brought me here.. she wanted this to be our own special place.. she told me she found this place when she was my age, and she wanted to show it to me privately.. she.. showed me the day before.. she was taken by a.. bergen.." She stared down at the flowers again, gently playing with them.

Branch felt bad for interrupting her those few times earlier. He didn't know that this place had been a warm memory back when her mother was still around. But he was in a hurry for a reason. There was a bergen out there looking for them, and he couldn't risk them especially her, getting taken by one. He wanted to get home as fast as he could. Still, he decided to sit down next to her, playing around with the flowers as well.

Poppy, noticing this, looked up at him slowly, something traveling through her mind that she was unsure of speaking of.


"Mmh." He responded, still playing with the flowers, not taking one glance at her.

"How did you.." She hesitated for a moment, "how did you become.. gray..?" She said almost like a whisper.

The gray troll stopped playing with the flowers, still staring at them. He didn't say anything. Poppy noticed this and quickly looked down again, feeling ashamed.

"I-I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that.. I-I was just curio-"

"My Grandma.." He started quietly, forcing Poppy to look up at him once more.

"She was.. the last part of family I had in my life.. the person that actually made me feel.. love and happiness.. so when she was.. taken by a bergen, it just scarred me horribly, and I was only young.. it got so bad I started to feel myself go.. yeah you know.. I was alone for many years and I had to take care of myself.. I didn't speak to anyone, it was all just me.."

Poppy's eyes widened, and she felt her heart ache. Branch had been alone for God knows how long after that tragedy.

"What happened to your parents..?" She asked once again, quieter than earlier.

"I don't know, I barely got to meet them.. half my life I was raised by Grandma.. I asked her sometimes what happened to them but she would either not respond or try and change the subject.. I think she tried avoiding telling me because she didn't want to hurt me, but it hurt me more not knowing what happened to them.. I assume they were taken by bergens as well though.." He continued staring at the flowers as the warm breeze flowing through made them dance.

"Oh Branch.." Poppy gently took her fingers underneath his chin and turned his head slowly to look at her. "Why didn't you just tell anyone.."

"Pfft, as if anyone would wanna talk to a gray troll.." He tried to look away again, but something about her just made it impossible for him to. "Besides I was used to being alone, and I didn't fully trust everyone or know around here, who was I gonna go to? You expect me to just talk to random people about my problems?"

"You could've came to me!"

Branch looked at her like she was crazy.

"You really think my next move would be to go talk to the Princess of Troll Village? Plus you always came to me but I told you to leave me alone all the time and you never did." He huffed.

"I only tried to help you." The Princess huffed as well, crossing her arms.

"And I told you I didn't need it. Everytime you came to me all you'd do is non-stop blabber around and hug me, you were soooo obnoxious. You never understood me." He started to mutter.

"I did understand you Branch, I understand everyone, why do you think I tried to help you-"

"No you don't! You think that but it's not actually true! All you did was try cheering me up but it never worked, it always irritated me. You never knew my story and why I was grey until now. And you may think you know your village, but you don't know them personally. The only people you know personally is your dad and your friends." Branch scolded, staring her straight in the eyes.

Poppy sealed her lips and looked down once more, feeling ashamed of herself. She was so into trying to cheer Branch up that she never realized how much it made things worse. She should've got real with him instead of just being so outgoing with him. She has felt pain before, but not as much as Branch did.

"I.. I'm sorry.. Really I am.. I-I never knew.."

Branch stayed silent for a second. "Well now you do."

But his ear twitched when he swore he could hear quiet whimpers and sniffling, and he looked up to see a few tears trailing slowly down her pink cheeks.

Branch cursed under his breath, he didn't mean to make her cry. He never wanted to hurt her at all. He knew that she cared for him, but she never understood him, and he wanted her to.

Not really thinking much about it, he slowly opened his arms, offering her a hug.

Wiping a few tears, Poppy looked at him and saw him with his arms open wide.

She took no hesitation to crawl to him and jumped in his arms, squeezing him tightly. This was officially their third hug together.

The Princess buried her face in his shoulder and didn't let go of him, not wanting to either.

Branch hugged her back tightly, but not as tightly as she hugged. He gently rubbed her back, feeling her breathe warmly in his shoulder.

He tried as hard as he could to hold back a smile, but he just couldn't. The female just somehow drove his mind crazy.

Maybe even his heart.

"Branch, can I tell you something..?" She muttered into his shoulder.

"What..?" He replied, continuing to rub her back, feeling her squeeze him  tighter.

"When.. you rescued me..? I.. I was expecting it to be Creek.."

"What?" He let go of her, looking at her crazy once again.

"I-I don't know why.. I just thought because.. well.. I kinda had a crush on him, and he'd always flirt with me.. and he is a knight.." She played with her fingers lightly. Branch turned away from her.

She sighed and turned him around again slowly. "But.. I am really grateful that you went through all this trouble to come get me.."

"Poppy that guy's a wuss, he was too afraid to bother to come and save you. And he's also a douche who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut, he said to me that you wouldn't want to be saved by a grey troll."

Poppy blinked for a second and sighed and looked down again. "It's alright, he didn't have to come if he was scared.. and I'm sorry he said that to you, but I assure you he's a nice-"

"No, I'm not believing that for a second." Branch crossed his arms.

Poppy sighed again, keeping quiet for a minute. She looked at his hand and gently took it and interlocked their fingers.

He looked down at his hand, then back up at her. "What are you doing."

She just shrugged and squeezed his hand lightly, then looked up at him as well, staring into his eyes.

He looked back into her eyes, and everything around them seemed to disappear.

Taking in this feeling, they both began to lean in slowly, not taking one glance away from each other and keeping a soft grip on each other's hands.

But they cut to an abrupt stop when their noses made contact with each other, and they realized what they were doing.

"Uhhh.." Branch cursed under his breath again and quickly got up, letting out a cough.

Poppy got up as well, surprisingly smiling a bit.

"We um.. we really need to get going.. that bergen could be getting close.." Branch rubbed the back of his neck, quickly walking out the fields, and looked around for the trail they were on.

Poppy caught up with him and looked around as well and searched for any familiar surroundings.

"I think we were that way.." She pointed toward a trail.

He looked to it and quickly walked to it, just keeping his glance forward.

Poppy giggled and followed him. "Branch, wait for me!"

Branch heard her and slowed down a bit but still walked in front of her and didn't take one look back.

He felt something. Something that kept bothering him. Something he didn't want to admit. Something he didn't want to be true and was too good to be true.

He was in love with the Pink troll.

A/N: How's that for a comeback? :D

Just our favorite babies in this chapter 😌💖💙

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