The Ceremony

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Time was wasting and the ceremony was about to begin, but Jay didn't want it to start at all. All the prince of Zelda could think about was Nya and how she was going to get forced to get married to the son of a murderer. 

Jay and Kai met up at the front of the sanctuary to go in for the wedding, but they both know that this might be the last time they can see the person they love again. "So what happened Jay?" Kai asked. 

Jay sighed, "We couldn't think of anything cause of the guards" He said disappointed. 

Kai put his hand on Jay's shoulder, "We'll figure a way out alright, but I did notice some one that is attending the ceremony" Kai said using us open hand to point at 5 men in completely white tux in the back row.

"Who are they?" Jay asked. 

"They are the people who is going to take Nya away from us" Kai said sternly. Jay couldn't believe it. Kai and Nya's parents were really going to make Nya go to a crazy camp after the ceremony. Jay needed to think of something fast.

The two princes walked to the very front row where the rest of their friends were. Kai sat in the seat closest to the aisle and Jay sat right next to him while Lloyd and Zane were sitting next to each other. "Did you figure something out yet?" Lloyd asked Jay. 

Jay shook his head, "No we didn't have enough time to even get anything started." 

All the boys looked disappointed, but it became worse when the soon to be king of Jamanakai Village walked over to them. "Well I see that none of you brought weapons with you" Cole joked, "Are you happy that I'm going to marrying the most beautiful girl in all of Ninjago." 

Jay felt his face turn red as Cole talked about the girl HE wanted to spend the rest of his life with, "What if she says no at the alter?" Jay asked with venom following.

Cole gave Jay a bratty face, "What do you mean? Of course she is going to say yes. Who wouldn't want to say yes to me" He said like a snob. 

Kai rolled his eyes while Jay growled, "Alright be just so you know you might have just jinxed yourself" Jay snapped. Cole started to get angry, but he held it well and walked away from the group of teens. 

Meanwhile, Nya was still trying to pry her window open with one of her daggers, but unfortunately she kept slicing small cuts on her dress then the actual lock. "Crap" Nya whispered to herself as she accidently sliced herself with the dagger on one of her fingers. The bride heard a squeaky sound from behind her and turned around to see her door open with King Lou in his royal attire in front of it, but the attire looked familiar. Then she realized what it reminded her of, the attire that he murdered the King and Queen of Zelda in. 

"King Lou, aren't you suppose to be in the sanctuary?" Nya asked the king. 

Lou shook his head, "There has been a change of plans. I will be the one walking you down the aisle" He said to her. 

Nya looked at him confused, "Isn't my father suppose to walk me down?" She asked him once again walking away from the window. 

Lou smirk, "Lets just say that he won't be attending the ceremony anytime soon. He has other priorities he needs to complete" He assured her as he held out his hand to Nya, but before Nya could take his hand she looked over at the mirror and in its reflection was King Lou holding a dagger behind his back. And it was already covered in blood. 

Nya pulled her hand back from Lou, "What is wrong princess?" Lou asked in concern. 

Nya stepped back feeling her back touching to wall, "Why do you REALLY want to walk me down the aisle?" the princess asked with a shaky voice. 

Lou sighed and looked down at the ground, "I really wished you haven't had asked that" He said before lunging his dagger at Nya. She dodged the first strike only getting a cut on the bottom of her lip and tried to run to the door, but Lou grabbed her wrist. Nya pulled Lou over her head and made him fall to the ground with him letting go of Nya. 

She ran to the open door, but knights from Jamanakai blocked her and she felt a pair of hands grab both of her wrists and put them behind her back. "You will not escape now" Lou hissed in her ear. 

Nya tried to get out of his grasp, but Lou wasn't let her get away, "If you don't comply then I will order for your lover to be killed along with the rest of your friends" He said heartlessly. 

Nya's eyes opened wide with the thought of her friends in danger, "You wouldn't dare" She hissed. 

"Watch me. I already took care of your parents why not do the same to their daughter and son" Lou said as he held the tip of the dagger to Nya's back, "Now walk like nothing happened." Nya followed his command and walked forward in the direction of the ceremony. Nya couldn't believe that Lou would do this, but what surprised her more was that he KILLED her parents. 

Back at the sanctuary, the music started to play and everyone's head turned towards the open doors. The first ones out were the flower girls or better yet boys which was Lil Nelson who was a close friend to the Smith's. Behind him was the bridesmaids which were three lovely women who were named Skylor, Pixal, and Harumi. They were triplets and Nya despised the one in the green attire. Then the one the crowd has been waiting for the bride.

Nya walked in with a beautiful white dress with long sleeves and gold designs on the fabric in the middle of her dress. Her hair was put in a nice neat bun with her bangs still in its usual position and a blue flower tucked behind her ear. What surprised everyone other than Nya and Lou was that Nya's father was not walking her down the aisle. 

Kai looked from Nya to the guys, "Why is Lou walking Nya down and not my father?" Kai asked them. 

"I don't know, but does anyone else see the cut on the bottom of Nya's lip" Zane informed as he got the first glimpse of her face. Nya was not smiling or frowning, she was just keeping a stern face as she walked down the aisle slowly. 

She felt the dagger pushing up against her, "Keep walking" Lou whispered in her ear. 

Nya continued to walk until she made it to the alter to face Cole in his black tux with golden designs on the sleeves. Lou pulled the dagger away from Nya and hid it in his suit before anyone noticed and walked to his seat on the first row on the grooms side. 

"We gather here today to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry  has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish." The priest said. 

Jay kept his eyes on Nya the whole time and seeing her expression of this whole fiasco happening before her eyes. "Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?" The priest asked the royals. 

"I do" Cole announced with confidence. Nya looked back at her friends, brother, and lover with fear still in her eyes, but the kings words still haunted her. 

"I do" She said second guessing herself. 

"May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other," The priest said as the ring man walked down from his seat and handed the rings to Cole and Nya, "Cole, please repeat after me." 

"I Cole, promise to love and support you Nya and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed." The priest told Cole. "I Cole, promise to love and support you Nya and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With the ring I thee wed." Cole repeated as he put takes Nya's hand and puts a diamond ring around her ring finger. 

"Nya, please repeat after me" The priest commanded, "I Nya, promise to love and support you Cole and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring I thee wed."

Nya knew she had to say these words, but she doesn't love Cole. Her heart belongs to someone else. "I Nya- I- I can't do this" Nya hesitated before noticing Lou giving her a look, "I can't marry you Cole. My heart doesn't love you and I don't want you to live with someone you love, but the other one doesn't. My heart belongs to someone else and I don't want to be someone I'm not when I'm with you." Nya placed both her ring and the ring around her finger on the little purple pillow, "A girl would love to marry you, but I am not that person you are looking for." 

Nya walked away from the alter to the front doors, but before she could go through the door these men in white tux came in front of her. "You're going to have to come with us your highness" One of the five men said. 

"I am not going anywhere with you" She hissed as she backed away from them. Jay stood up from his seat and started to run to Nya, but he felt a strong pain in his chest and fell to the ground. Nya turned around once the audience gasped to see Jay on the ground with Lou right above him with a dagger in his hand. 

"NO!" Nya screamed as she tried to run to Jay, but was held back by the men in white suits. 

"What do you think you're doing father?" Cole asked in confusion. 

As his father turned to look at his son, "What I had to." 

"YOU BLOODY MURDERER!" Nya screamed from across the room. Lou walked closer to Nya as the other royals stood from their seats and came over to Jay. 

"I told you ONE instruction and you don't even bother to follow it!" Lou raised his voice at her. 


Kai looked up from Jay to Nya and Lou, "What?!?" He yelled with tears starting to form in his eyes. Nya started kicking her way out of the grasp of the white men until she hit the place where no light is shown and felt their arms let go of her. She pushed Lou to the ground and continued running to Jay who was bleeding from his chest. 

Nya kneeled down to Jay and held him close to her never wanting to let go, "Jay, please don't die.... please don't die on me please" Nya cried as tears were streaming down her face. 

Jay was facing Nya with his eyes still open, "Don't worry about me, Nya" He said using his remaining strength to hold Nya's face. A single tear went down his face, "Nya Smith, Do you take me as your husband through life and death" Jay asked her. 

Nya was surprised, Jay was marrying her with him, "Yes, do you Jay Walker-Gordon take me as your wife through life and death?" Nya asked him. 

"I do" He answered 

The two leaned in and kissed each other passionately, but something happened. Jay's chest started glowing electric blue where his stab wound was. Nya didn't know what was happening neither did the others. The glowing stopped and only silence took over the room and all the lights went out.   

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