The Guest Are Arriving

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As the carriages stopped at the front gates of the castle, the people of Ignacia applauded as the guest exited there carry on's. Crowds of people came to see the royal wedding that could change a life time, but only the royal families and close friends get to attend the actual ceremony. 

Jay looked at Lloyd at little nervous, but Lloyd just gave him the signal to just breath and got out of the carriage. Jay followed behind him and smiled at the crowd as they cheered mostly Lloyd's name. Jay walked next to Lloyd as they could see at the main entrance Kai and Zane already waiting for them. The two picked up their pace and jogged up to the other royals princes who were waiting for them.

"What took you two so long!?!" Kai asked shaking Lloyd back and forth. 

"Hey I don't see any other royals here. How's Nya doing?" Lloyd asked the hotheaded brother. 

The prince of Ignacia sighed, "Not the greatest. She's complaining about the dress, makeup, and the whole wedding itself."

Jay didn't say one thing, but looked at the window with a beautiful young lady in a wedding dress. "Jay are you alright?" Zane asked waving his hand in front of the blue princes face. 

"W-what? Oh yeah just worried and shaken up that's all" Jay assured him. 

Kai gave Jay a glare, but realized what he truly meant, "I can take you to her if you want" Kai offered. 

Jay looked back at the soon to be king with a shocked face, "What!?! Are you even aloud to do that!?!" he yelled quietly to not cause a riot. 

"Yeah I've been doing it all day. But the person who's suppose to fix up Nya's veil just cancelled and I haven't told my parents, but they delivered it this morning to me, so you could take his place" Kai said with a smile that is happy for once. 

The former thief looked at all his friends and then back at Kai, "Let's do it" he said confidently. Kai walked to the front doors with Jay following as Zane and Lloyd stayed behind to greet the guest. The two princes came to Kai's room which was all in red and gold, to see a box with a long, white veil for the princess. 

Kai picked up the box and handed it to Jay, "I am not aloud in the room anymore, but the guards will let you in if I tell them your the person to give the veil to Nya. Got it?" The Ignacia prince told Jay. 

The prince of Zelda nodded and took the box from Kai's hand and walked out of his room with Kai still in front of him. As Kai leaded Jay to Nya's room, Jay noticed the paintings on the wall with the royal family in the early years when Nya was first born, but as he got closer to Nya's room the paintings looked sadder and much darker. Jay shook his head back to reality and saw knights guarding the outside of a room which was probably Nya's. 

Kai walked up to one of the knights with a nice fake smile, "What do you want now prince Kai? You know you can't go into your sister's room anymore" One of the two knights said. 

Kai smirked, "I know, but the person with the veil is here and he needs to get inside to fix it perfectly on my little sis" Kai assured the knight. 

The two guards looked at each other then to Jay back to Kai, "Alright the man with the veil may come in, but YOU stay here" The other knight commanded as they opened the door to Nya's room. 

Jay shyly walked in the room with chills coming down his spine as he past the two knights. Once he heard the door close he let out a sigh of relief, and he could see a small figure on a small gray bed. "Go away" The figure spoke with a sadden voice. 

Jay walked up closer to the bed as he placed the box on a counter, "Well if you're really going to let me leave then how will I tell you how much I love you" he joked as the figure jerked her head up to see the blue prince. 

"Jay!" Nya shouted as she ran up to him and gave him a big hug with tears streaming down her face.

"I thought you were dead after the beating you got from Cole!" Jay held her closer to him wanting to never let go.

"Let's just say that Lloyd has been very helpful with my recovery" he said, "and you look beautiful."

Nya raised her head to look at Jay's face to see a scar across his right eyebrow, "Thank you and I'm guessing this is going to stay there for a while" she said rubbing her thumb lightly on the scar. 

"I guess you can know say that I'm like your brother" Jay joked as he wiped a tear from Nya's face. 

"What are we going to do about this Jay? My parents are still keeping the lies they told the kingdom and they don't believe me or Kai about King Lou being a murderer" Nya said breathing heavily. 

"Hey we'll figure it out. I mean can't you say no at the alter?" Jay asked.

"It's not that simple Jay. The parents are in control of the whole ceremony and the children don't, so even if I say no the ceremony will still go on" Nya said. 

A knock was then heard at the door, "Come on! The wedding is starting in five minutes!" One of the knights yelled from outside the room. 

"You better go before the guards realize who you are" Nya said letting go of Jay and looked at him with teary eyes. 

"We'll figure something out" Jay assured her as he gave her a peck on the cheek. 

"Promise?" Nya asked holding her pinky out like a five year old. 

"Promise" Jay said locking pinkies with her and stealing a kiss on the lips as well. 

Jay let go of Nya and headed towards the door, "I love you Jay" Nya said from across the room. 

Jay turned his head to see her sitting on the bed still wiping tears from her face, "I love you too Nya" he said with a smile and walked out of the room with tears about to form in his eyes too. 

'This is the day you're going to change everything for the girl you love, the kingdom, and all of Ninjago. Follow your heart and don't let anything stop you from following it' 

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