Today Is The Day

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The day of the royal wedding had arrived and Jay was getting more and more nervous every minute that passes by. Lloyd as been trying to calm him down, but much to his advantage it didn't help much. 

"Jay you got to stop worrying about this. We all know that Nya's going to say no at the alter" Lloyd assured his blue friend. 

"But either way if she says yes or no that she's going to get married anyway!" Jay said freaking out more than before. 

"She loves you more than anything and everyone knows it, so who knows what can happen once the ceremony happens" Lloyd said as he got Jay's outfit for the wedding, "Now get dressed. We have to be the first ones there."

Jay looked at the outfit that Lloyd was holding in his hands, it was a navy blue tux with silver designs on the sleeves and black shoes to go with it. Jay took the outfit from Lloyd and got dressed in his closet, but before he was completely ready he got himself his white handkerchief and tied it around his neck to remind him that he wasn't a thief, but a prince. 

Once Jay was finally ready he came out of the closet to see Lloyd was now fully dressed in his royal attire as well, he was in a green tux with golden designs on the back of his jacket. "You ready to go Walker?" He asked the former prince. Jay nodded and the started heading their way to the carriage to bring them to the fire temple where the ceremony will be taking place. 

The two boys entered the carriage and was off to the fire temple. All Jay could think about was only Nya, was she really going to say yes to marry Cole? Or was she going to say no because she loves him.

Meanwhile, Nya was having her own problems starting with being put in a wedding dress. Out pf everyone in the kingdom Nya hated dresses the most, not only because of hard fabric, but also cause of how tight it was and Nya was a very skinny person. Kai kept having to sneak his way into her room to try to make a plan, but it never went like he wanted since the guards kept telling him to get out of Nya's room. 

But the only person that was even allowed to go to Nya's room was her mother, and that never ended well. Maya got Nya into her dress and put on her makeup, Nya hated it. "Come on Nya you got to work with me here" Her mother begged as she was tightening Nya's wedding dress. 

"It's to tight" Nya said taking a puff of air, but Maya didn't listen and put it even tighter. 

"You have an hour before the wedding, so please be on your best behavior" Her mother asked of her as she was heading towards the door . 

"Oh so you could bring me to a crazy camp afterwards" Nya hissed to herself. 

Maya turned back to her daughter with a look of disgust, "What did you say?" She asked. 

"I said you are going to bring me to  crazy camp because I'm dangerous to other and maybe even myself!" Nya yelled quietly. 

"You shot Cole in the shoulder and killed some of our knights in the process" Maya said with a stern voice. 

"So you're making me marry him even though I caused harm to his shoulder?" Nya asked her. 

"Like I said before It's for the kingdom-" The queen tried to say but her daughter interrupted her before she could finish, "What's going to help the kingdom! The king of Jamanakai Village killed the king and queen from Zelda! You want me to marry a liar that only wants to keep his throne for his father!" Nya yelled loudly.

"I'm not going to talk about this. Your only seeing what's in your imagination and it's ridiculous" Maya said before shutting the door and locking it behind her. Nya screamed in frustration  and flopped on her bed in stress. She looked at her window to see a great view of Jay's cave and smiled to herself just thinking about him. 

'Please hurry Jay'  

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