Rose's Ultimatum

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King Dush and Princess Rose were sitting at a negotiation table, across from them was the Kings of both The Lion and Wolf Kingdoms.

Wolf King
"I don't understand why she is here. A woman knows nothing of negotiating."

Lion King
"Although I do not share his views about females, I do agree it seems odd Princess Rose is here"

King Dush
"Princess Rose may not have the experience we do in negotiations. But she has more intelligence than both of you combined. Under her direction we have made our homes more resistant to rot snow, plus she has implemented a traing regiment that has made our warriors stronger, faster and smarter. And that is all within five months."

Wolf King
"So what big deal."

Rose has stayed quite, Dush had asked her to let him handle the negotiations, unless he asks her to speak or she feels she needs to add something.

Lion King
"As you know The Lion Kingdom and The Wolf Kingdom are not exactly friends at the moment."

King Dush nods
"We know, your bickering and fighting is causing problems for the other kingdoms."

Wolf King
"Bickering and fighting is how we handle thing, especially at negotiations."

King Dush
"I understand that, but when it effects others then it becomes the problem of everyone involved. Or the ones not involved, that unfortunately get pulled into the issue."

Wolf King
"The way you say that, it makes it sound like we wanted to involve other kingdoms."

King Dush
"The way you two have handled it so far it's not hard to come to that conclusion."

Lion King
"And you have done better? Let us not forget, the tension between our kingdoms and The Husky Kingdom is because you forced a dying man to agree to giving up his daughters."

Wolf King
"Exactly. So if anyone is at fault for involvement of other kingdoms, it's you."

King Dush
"If you two hadn't stopped trade, it wouldn't have been needed. But of course you can't accept that fact, or admit you are the reason for the current issues."

Rose stays quiet, but King Dush could see Rose was about to lash out. He had been on the reciving end of Rose lashing out, and he didn't enjoy it in the slightest.

Wolf King
"I heard that Princess Rose was a hot head. One that makes her father look tame. Have you tamed the beast Dush?"

Rose stands
"No he hasn't tamed the beast, you coward wolf."

The Wolf King looks at Rose in complete shock. No one had ever spoke to him that way.

Rose smiles and walks around the table to the Wolf and Lion Kings. A guard with the Wolf King draws his sword.

"Put it away, unless you wanna suffer. Don't think I won't put you on the ground."

The guard gulps and steps back. King Dush chuckles as Rose stops between The Wolf and Lion Kings, she slams her hand on the table making them both jump.

"Look you two morons, wait that's too good for you. You two genetic failures, get your shit together. I'm sick and tired of you two acting like spoiled, ungrateful, self centered, back stabbing, pussy ass fuck ball bitches!"

The Wolf and Lion Kings both flinch at Rose's words, Rose looks at them both.
"Fix your idiocy. Quit thinking with your dick and use your brain. This testosterone fuled saber rattling is getting old. Get your shit together, or I'll kick both you're asses and make sure every kingdom knows you got your ass kicked by a female."

King Dush just watches as Rose flat out dominated both the Wolf and Lion Kings. He knew Rose would follow through, her words were not a threat they were a promise.

"Don't think for one second I'm not afraid to back-up my words. Give me a reason, and I'll kick your ass so hard you won't be able to sit for a week!"

King Dush chuckles and shakes his head.
"I'd listen to her, Rose is not one to trifle with. Trust me, I learned that lesson the hard way and so did Orin. He is walking everywhere, because he pissed Princess Rose off and he payed for it by getting a wing cut. It will heal, but Orin got his pride hurt by a female and Rose didn't so one shred of remorse"

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