Wolf King Failure

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A couple weeks later Rose and Dush arrive at the Wolf Kingdom. They are met by a welcoming guard and horns announcing their arrival. Upset at the failure of the negotiations Rose had demanded a face to face with the Wolf King. Saying he had no balls to make decisions without thr Lion King holding his hand.

"Oh shut the fuck up! Tell that idiot you call a king, Princess Rose and King Dush are here to talk with him."

A guard bows and runs off to do as told. Dush chuckles and shakes his head
"You know, I get the feeling that with you by my side. Many things will change for the better for all."

"Look all I want is things to get better and this bull shit between the kingdoms to end."

King Dush nods
"As do I, and if it takes you unleashing your inner bitch to do it. Then so be it, you have my complete support."

As they walk into the throne room the Wolf King scoffs and ignores Rose. A very big mistake, without warning a dagger hits the throne inches away from the Wolf King's head with a thunk that echoed in the throne room. Three guards attack and 15 seconds later the guards lay at Rose's feet groaning in pain.

Wolf King
"Who do you think you are? I could declare war on the Wasp Kingdom because of this."

Rose draws her katanas
"Bring it! I'm itching to get into a good fight. It's been too long since I've had a worthy opponent, send your pussy ass warriors. I will send them back to you tail between their legs and whimpering like puppies."

The Wolf King gulps, never had anyone stood up to him as Rose did. Her unwavering take no shit from anyone actually scared him.

King Dush
"You know, because of you I paid a painful price. I'm tempted to let my future Queen show you why my strongest warriors and my most seasoned General are afraid of her."

Rose smirks and cracks her knuckles, The Wolf King flinches.

Rose smiles as she keeps her eyes on The Wolf King she says to Dush.
"Please let me, I'm itching to release the bitch within. Those guards were nothing more than a tease."

Wolf King
"Ok, I have a proposal for you Princess Rose. You against my strongest and best warrior. If you win, I will do as you ask, if you loose you don't say anything about how I run things."

King Dush
"Rose, I don't like this deal."

"What, please don't tell me you think his pussy ass warrior can beat me?"

Rose points to the guards that she made short work of.
"These are his royal guards. Supposedly the best of the best, the Husky Kingdom royal guards at leat put up a decent fight, so do your royal guards. When I spar with your royal guards, it's a battle I actually enjoy."

King Dush nods
"Very well, if you are willing to accept his proposal. Then kick his ass."

The Wolf King leads them to an arena after Rose had changed. A crowd had gathered to watch Rose get pummeled. Rose stands waiting in the center of the arena, King Dush and The Wolf King sit in the VIP area.

The announcer says loudly.
"Welcome to the arena! Today we have a special treat for everyone! On the red side, Princess Rose!"

The crowd boos and throws rotten fruit at Rose, of course none of it hits her it was more of a statement.

"On the blue side. Wolfen! Our best warrior!"

The crowd cheers, Rose rolls her eyes as a 6 foot 7 inch wolf that had massive muscles walks out of the tunnel under the arena.

"This battle is to the death!"

King Dush looks at The Wolf King
"To the death was never part of the agreement!"

Wolf King
"She could have said no"

The wolf warrior draws a huge great sword. Rose just shrugs, she draws her katanas and takes her dragon claw stance.

"Our warrior has drawn his great sword. His opponent however has chosen smaller swords, they won't last against a great sword. The stance she has taken is something new, I've never seen anything like it."

A wolf by the annoucer taps his shoulder and says something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I've just been informed that the stance is one of Oriental origin. It is a dragon fighting style, called. Claw of the dragon."

The Wolf King stands.
"Combatants! Begin!"

Rose stands her ground as the warrior wolf charges. He raises his sword to strike, Rose doesn't move as the wolf swings for a strike, Rose steps backwards the great sward misses Rose by a couple of inches. Because of how much power the wolf put into the swing, the weight and momentum of the great sword carries him in a circle. Rose takes a strike but didn't go for blood first strike. She smacks the flat side of a katana on the back of the wolf's legs. He howls in pain and tumbles dropping his sword. The wolf grabs his sword, he looks at Rose and snarls.

"She could have ended the fight right there. But it appears she has chosen to tease and torment our warrior"

The wolf charges swinging his sword, Rose dances backwards dodging strike after strike. Just when it seemed the warrior was outmatched, he lands a glancing strike drawing blood. The crowd cheers, but it was short lived as Rose goes on the offensive. The wolf blocks strike after strike, Rose's strikes were fast and deliberate the next strike planned before the previous was completed. Rose fakes a leg sweep, the wolf jumps only to be met with an upper cut when he landed it sends him stumbling backwards.

The Wolf King watches, he growls each time Rose lands a hit. King Dush however was seeing just how much of a stupid decision the Wolf King had made.

The crowd cheers when the wolf warrior goes on the offensive or lands a strike, the crowd boos when Rose lands a strike. Slowly the wolf warrior starts to slow as the battle goes past 45 minutes, Rose was tired also but she had trained with dragons forcing her to bring her stamina up. When the battle reached one hour the wolf falls to a knee panting heavily. Both combatants had multiple cuts and were bleeding, Rose walks up to the wolf.

"Do you yield?"

Warrior wolf
"Do it! You have won, kill me!"

Rose looks up at the Wolf King and as she looks at the Wolf King Rose kicks the warrior wolf in the head knocking him out. More warriors charge out as Rose waks away. Seconds later Rose is in battle with 15 warrior wolves that tried to kill the one who lost. Within seconds Rose is surrounded by 40 wasp warriors in full battel armor. Three wasp warriors grab Rose and they fly out of the arena, the other wasp warriors follow.

Wolf King
"The battle was to the death. Rose has lost."

King Dush
"Actually you lost. To the death was never agreed to. You added that, showing how much of a coward you really are. Rose won, you lost"

The Wolf King nods
"Agreed. I do not want to face repercussions for going back on my word. King Dush, the Wolf Kingdom is now an ally, to bothe Wasp and Husky Kingdoms."

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