Chapter 1: Madiel's Friends (Part 2)

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"Where's prince charming?" She asked her sister who just finished folding her charger neatly and putting her foot socks and her black knee-high boots. "Prince charming? You mean that whining narcissist at the door?" She asked as she pointed at their front door. She didn't even bother watching what happened and took her bag and placed her phone inside of it. She wears the bag and looks from the front door, ready to go to school only for her to see Lucas and her sister dramatically posing and praising each other. "They do get along pretty well." The sudden voice from behind her startled her. She quickly looks at her back to see Jace standing in front of her as one of their hands rests inside of his pocket. She turns back and walks to the front door, passing in between the two.

"There is toast in the dining room. I'll go ahead, I can't stand this chaotic nonsense." She said without looking at them as she opened the door and went out of their house. Before she can even close the door behind her, a hand stops the door making her look back. Once again, she sees Jace standing there smiling as they hold the door. "May I come with you?" They asked as Marian let her grip from the knob of their door loosen. She looks away from the door and starts to walk ahead as she says, "Whatever." As a response to their question. They took it as a yes and went alongside Marian after they closed the door. 


Third Person POV

After a long silent walk to the school, the person named "Jace" leaves her alone. Marian ignores everyone she comes across despite the continued "whispers" about how she and her sister are so different. When she found her room, she came in and quietly sat at the very corner of the room.

She appears to be displeased with the territory she is in. People would usually fool around until a teacher can be present. It is not like she likes anything related to school. Getting up so bright and early, a mountain of homework to finish, disobliging individuals, and the old-fashioned system where there is an unbalanced treatment of students. Getting a good look at her, she seems she has enough of these unpleasant thoughts. She shakes her head in an attempt to remove those thoughts and drowns herself with thoughts about their father. The wandering girl jolts forward a bit after a loud, ear-piercing rang meets her ears. For a whole minute, she covers her ears tightly.

When the bell ended, a young woman, who seemed to be in her 30's, came in the room appearing to be really excited. She takes a deep breath before she shows a bright smile to her pupils. "Good morning everyone! It's so nice to see you once again! Before everything else, we shall do a quick attendance. Please say present as I call your name." She takes a folder and a pen from the teacher's desk before opening it as she removes the cover of the pen. Without anyone noticing, a young man walks up to the front door and knocks softly. This simple action catches everyone's attention, except for the young girl wearing black glasses.

"Late again, Mr. Green?" The teacher said as she sighs in disappointment. The person at the door looks away at her with a frown. "I deeply apologize for my actions. As a dazzling prince, he must be there on time to save his dearest princess but unfortunately, here we are." He suddenly turns his back in front of everyone as he continues to speak. "I only have one reason why I failed to save my princess." He immediately turned around to focus his teary eyes on the confused teacher.

"My looks got in the way! I attracted so many lonesome girls who I have no one to admire. I have to help!"

The teacher was not convinced by his excuse and felt more annoyed and confused with his story. On the other hand, the students showed different emotions about this. Some are confused, some are tearing, and some just gave him a bored look.

"Mr. Green, I don't know what happened to you on your way here but one thing is certain. You are late. For now, I'll let this pass but there won't be next time so I hope you learn your lesson. Please come in and find a seat." He nods as he enters the room and scans it to find a vacant seat. Luckily, there is a vacant seat next to the girl with the glasses. He slowly walks towards it as he notices one of the students obviously crying. He stops at his steps and takes his handkerchief out of his pocket. "What's wrong, lovely?" He asked as he offered his handkerchief to the tearing girl. That student accepts it and wipes off her tears.

"Your was really kind of you." He smiles at her warmly. "It was nothing at all. Anyone's problems can be healed with my stunning looks." He leans down to kiss the trail that was left by her tear gently before standing up straight. "Your tears shall disappear for I-"

"Ehem, Mr. Green" their teacher cut him off and it made the girl, who's now tomato red, jolts in surprise. He did not even look back at the teacher. Instead, he winked at the tomato girl when she took a small glance at him before walking to his seat. When he seated properly at the back, the teacher continued calling for the student's names.

Due to the lack of fun, he turns his attention to his right side only for him to see a young man with blue hair who's disgustingly taking out some dirt from his nose. His face cringes at this sight so he turns his attention to his left to see someone who looks familiar. Since she is looking away from him, he decides to take his pencil and poke the tip of the pencil at her arm. He did it repeatedly until the girl who's looking outside of the room turns her attention to him with annoyance spread to her face. 'What!?' She mouthed only to receive a chuckle from him. "You seem so distracted from the beauty outside. Why don't you get distracted from me, Marian?" She ignores him as she turns her attention back outside. He tried to poke her with the pencil repeatedly but it did not work.

"Marian Fox"

The teacher called but no one answered. Lucas tries his best to poke her more with the pencil as he and their teacher call out her name. Finally, she looks at him really annoyed. "Can you please stop poking me!?" She said vocally. He points his fingers at the front nervously. Marian rolls her eyes and turns her attention to where he was pointing at when she froze in her place as she gazed at the teacher who's eyeing her irritatedly. "Marian, please pay attention more to your surroundings." A shade of red slowly creeps to her face as she averts her eyes somewhere not the teacher in front of the class.

She tries to cover it with her hand but it still can be seen. Her classmates continue to stare at her as the teacher 'tsk' in disappointment. "This is one of the reasons why you will never succeed in any class. Why can't you be more like your sister?" She asked but did not get any response from her so she continues to call out the other students as the whole class turns their attention back to their teacher all except for Lucas. He examines her face as her blush slowly dies and changes into anger. It stayed like that until the teacher called for his attention.

Lunch break came and the students hurried their way to the cafeteria leaving two students behind inside the classroom. Marian stays at her seat as she continues to stare out of the window. On the other hand, Lucas has been shouting at her for the past couple of minutes. "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE. I COMMAND YOU TO COME WITH ME OR ELSE!" Irritated, Marian turns her attention to him. "Or what?" She asked. "OR...or.." Lucas tries his best to think of the right words as much as he could but silence finds its way into the room. Marian sighs and stands up straight. She grabs her bag and was about to walk past him when the words just went through his mouth.

"OR ELSE I'LL CALL MY ARMY TO FORCE YOU TO COME TO ME! BESIDES, I'm a prince with high standards and every person with high standards has an army who got their back." Marian chuckles. "You and what army? Your fangirls?" A teasing smirk can be seen on her face. She left him in the room who's stomping and shouting out of frustration. As she makes her way to the cafeteria, she cannot help but hear whispers of other students that pass by. If you can even say those are whispers.

"Hey, I heard Madiel got a new record in the track and field."

"Seriously? That girl is awesome. It was really unfortunate for her to have a lousy sister."

"I really wish I can be like Madiel. She is like the best of the best! I really wonder if her sister is some clone or something since they are too different from each other."

"Dude, why don't ya confess your feelings to her sister?"

"What the heck!? Not with that lazy robot."

And many more. Fortunately for her, someone went on and shouts at them causing them to abruptly stop. "You okay there?" She turns her head to see Jace making their way to her. "I'm fine. I don't need saving." She continues her way as Jace follows. The two silently walk into the cafeteria. Marian orders a sandwich at the cafeteria only to give her one piece of bread. "Hey, miss? This isn't a sandwich." She said returning the bread she got. The cafeteria lady did not take it back and ignored her to serve others. "Don't be such a brat. Either you take that bread or don't eat." Marian's tongue clicks but she does not say anything else and walks away.

On the other hand, Jace saw this happened and decided to step up. "Hey, miss. Please do your job properly and give her the same sandwich as everyone else." They said as they glared at her. The lunch lady just throws them a normal sandwich. "Whatever, get out of here I have more to serve." They were about to complain about her poor actions only for her to disappear like a bubble. Sighing, they decide to catch up with her, hopefully, they could find her before lunch ends.

Going back to Marian, she is currently being blocked by Lucas who has not given up. "Can you just stop bothering me!?" She shouted but he only gave her a stern look. "NO! I WON'T LET YOU GO UNTIL YOU REALIZE THAT YOU NEED TO GO WITH THE GOD OF BEAUTY."

"And who is this 'God of beauty'?" She asked. "Me, of course!" He said as he dramatically posed in front of her. She took this chance to pass by him as she quickened her pace. When he's out of sight, she slows down and sits on one of the benches she saw. She tries to catch her breath and when she does, she eats the bread she has. Not that many students are around that area so it was quiet, in a pleasant way. When she finishes the bread, her stomach grumbles in hunger. The bread was not enough to satisfy her grumbling stomach so she lays down on that bench and tries to sleep it through. When she finally fell asleep, Lucas found her and carried her like a potato bag with no trouble. He brought her to the back of the school where a tall wall blocks their way. He then saw a branch sticking out from the other side of the wall just above him.

Using his free arm, he raises it as small green lights slowly fade in surrounding his hands and the branch. After a few minutes, the branch starts to grow longer and longer until it is reachable. He holds on to it as it pulls them both up. Lucas starts to sweat as he continues to use magic on that branch, trying his best for that branch to pull them at the same time, tries not to break the branch because of their weight. He only manages to bring them to the top of the wall which is enough since he just jumps over the other side of the wall. He shouts in joy after escaping the school grounds.


Marian wakes up in an unknown room with dim light for her to see her surroundings. As she sat up, she saw worn-out materials like books, weapons, paintings, and other ancient things unorganized placed around the room. "AHA! You're finally awake to see my beauty." Lucas comes out from the mountain of books he was hiding and walks up to her while his right-hand hides from his back. "Where are we?" She asked, menacingly. He gulps anxiously as he slows down his pace. "W-we are in a special place! A land of lost treasures!" He tries to sound as joyful and exciting as he can but the fear lingers within his tone. She takes one last look around the room before looking back at him. "A storage room?" She asked as she pointed at an old sign placed at her right. "That's an old logo of an antic shop near the school." She said, in a monotone which made him relax. "Why are we in the storage room of an old antic shop?"

He did not respond; instead, he takes an old music box from his back and offers it to her. "A pretty box for a..." he trails off, trying to think of other words to describe her. "Ah! RUDE GRANNY! That should cool you down. Every girl likes music boxes because of their pleasant sound it makes!" Once again, her tongue clicked but did not say a word. She stands up and starts walking in random directions as she finds other things that could entertain her. This led to Lucas shouting at her once again. "HEY, YOU UNGRATEFUL BEING! TAKE THIS PRECIOUS MUSIC BOX AND BE THANKFUL THAT I AM TRYING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY!" Marian stops in her tracks and turns her attention to him without changing her expression.

"I did not ask for your or anyone's help to be happy. In addition to that, I don't like music boxes so why accept it? There's always an option of turning it down." She turns back to where she was going as she continues to speak. "Dumb of you to assume I like music boxes." He looks down in shame and stays as quiet as a mouse as she continues to explore the room. She pretty much appreciates the silence since a small smile finds its way to her lips. "So why here? Out of all places, you think 'girls like'?" She asked out of curiosity. Lucas looks up to where he last saw her. "Well..." he looks at the music box he is holding.

"This place has a lot of those music boxes and the vintage stuff that interest any girl I come across. At least that's what they said."

In a flip of a switch, he's back praising himself once again. His voice is more audible than he was a second ago. When Marian returns to him with a bunch of worn-out books, she can clearly see him posing like those statues you can see in a museum. She calls his name out loud as she interrupts his moment. "Your dashing prince is here to assist the rude granny." He responds after turning to her and bows down on one knee. She was not impressed at all but she waved off the nickname he gave her. "Do you know any table here that's far from you?" She asked and he gave her the answer she's looking for.

She walks away quietly leaving Lucas alone once again. He opens the music box he is holding and listens to the music it produces. It is pleasant but the music gave out an emotional feeling which made him smile. This was, of course, interrupted with a loud bang of a door near the old sign. Glancing, he saw Jace looking back at him worried. "Hey, have you seen Marian anywhere?" They walk up to him as they impatiently wait for an answer. "She's there." He points to the direction she went which made them furious. "Why in the world did you brought her here!?" They shout in a whisper. "Well she needs some cheering up and I, the great dazzling prince, must aid the pitiful rude granny." They beat his head down which led to him rubbing the back of his head as he glares at them.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" He asked as he unintentionally raised his voice.

An audible shushing can be heard not that far from them. The silence made its way into the room at least for a bit. "I did that because you're an idiot! Don't you remember what Madiel told us!?" They said as they continued to glare at him. Lucas shrugs it off and smiles at him with such confidence that anyone would believe what he's about to say.

"Well, she won't see the book anywhere here! I, of course, hid it somewhere where she won't find it!" He exclaimed which led to another shushing. They rub their temples as they stare down at the floor. His words may be convincing for other people but it is well known to him and Madiel that he is an idiot. "You hid it under the table, huh?" They asked. Lucas looks away as he nervously laughs while massaging his nape.

"The only table here is where...she is..." they trail off as their eyes widen their look in realization. Boiling anger from them rises but they calm themselves down by taking some deep breaths. On the other hand, Marian continues to read the book she randomly picks from the pile of dusty books. She is so deeply invested in the book that she pays no attention to her surroundings.

When she finally finishes at least half the book, she decides to look at her phone when she realizes her bag is nowhere to be seen. She sighs as she takes the book and places a bookmark on the page. She stands up and walks back to Lucas; ignoring the books she picked before.


She makes her way there with a scowl on her face. When she reaches where Lucas is, she notices Jace pulling his ear as they glare at him. "Or else what?" They asked as Lucas held on to their wrist. "OR ELSE HOW AM I GOING TO LISTEN TO THOSE POOR FROWNING GIRLS THEIR WISHES?!" He shouted and looked up to them in pain and anger. "Ehem." The two turn their attention to Marian in shock. They let go of his ear and stand up straight as Lucas seems to do the same. She turns her attention to Lucas who seems to back away a bit. "Where's my bag?" She asks and Lucas stares back at her with an idiotic look. "What bag?" he asked. Marian starts to describe her own bag to them but Lucas seems more confused than he was before. Jace, on the other hand, is not as clueless as Lucas for something from her description sparks up a memory. "Wait, did you leave that bag on the bench?"

She shrugs their question as she turns to them. "Maybe. I was asleep and I don't know what this idiot" she throws a deadly glare at him before turning her attention back to Jace. Lucas looks down, frowning as he whispers 'sorry' under his breath. It is not audible to them so she continues. "Is thinking." she finished and Jace nodded. "Your sister and I saw a bag on the bench while we were looking for you."

"Why were you looking for me?" she asked. "I bought you a sandwich. It was really unjust of what the lunch lady did so I bought a sandwich for you. It's back on a motorcycle." They said as they walked to the door they went in. "What about my bag?" she asked as she hugged the book she was reading on her chest. "It's with Madiel." They shouted as they managed to walk out of the room. She looks at Lucas one last time before following them out of the room leaving Lucas frowning in there. When Marian catches up with them, they are already sitting on a black colored classic type of motorcycle with a fade of magenta. They wear their bag to their back as they hold on to her sandwich. They notice her walking out of the old building and do not walk up to them so they shout at her as they raise their arm and hand whose sandwich. "YOUR SANDWICH!!"

Marian shakes her head no without giving them any attention. "I'm full." They start their vehicle as they make it roar. She did not pay any attention to it and continued to walk away from them and towards the sunset. Jace wants to stop her but before that even happens, Lucas manages to ride at the back of their vehicle without them noticing. "Can I have that instead?" He asked as he reaches for the sandwich they were holding.

They sigh and let him take it since they figured that she might not take it no matter how hard they try. He happily takes it and removes the covering that envelopes the sandwich as protection. They look back at him who is busy eating his sandwich like a little kid. They smile as they look back on the road. "For someone who said sandwiches aren't up to your 'princely' standards, this seems interesting." They tease as they start to move the vehicle. He did not like the teasing they did since the next thing he did is punching their shoulder. It was not that hard which they appreciated. They then take a quick u-turn to the other side of the road which surprises him. He wraps his arms around their waist as he holds on to his dear life. They continue to drive in the opposite direction where she went as they immediately pick up a higher speed which scared Lucas. He holds onto them tighter than before as he shouted while hiding his face from their back. "ARE YOU PLANNING TO KILL ME!? I CAN'T DIE YET OR ELSE THE GIRLS WILL RUIN THEIR BEAUTIFUL FACES DUE TO THEIR INTENSE SORROW FOR MY DEATH! They roll their eyes as they continue their way going back home.



Yeah, I wrote too much ._. sorry about that xD See you in chapter 2!

Art made by me OwO

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