A New Year Special Chapter

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Alex and the others are now back at the foundation, after seeing their siblings again. It was great while it had lasted. But they know better than to stay away. Thankfully, Alex and Rex had given them a gift, but told them not to open it, until New Years appear. And also, M'gann is also very interested in human holidays. Rex then came in and volunteered to help with her.

"So...what exactly is a Happy New Year?"

M'gann questioned. Rex than spoke to her.

"Well...it's basically a holiday we celebrate. We celebrate this one at December 31, the last day of this year. And as the beams says, it is the end of this year, and the beginning of a new one."

M'gann was now really, really interested.

"Well...what year is it?"

As Rex continued explaining, Koriand'r was watching and listening the entire time. Even she is new to this, and is listening to understand this holiday.

As Rex began to explain, Alex and the others have already begun to do work on their stuff for this holiday.

Alex and Toxin began to work on the fireworks. Scorn began to use some instructions to bake some stuff, and Circe, along with the other E.V.Os began to decorate.

Cricket is jumping around, spreading the decoration. Skwydd is helping out by extending his arms, and wrapping around a pillar. Tuck is helping out, but also...became one...with the decorations themselves...with great awkwardness. Breach than used portals and...had stole them from some shops. Well...the fountain don't really care about that small thing. In fact, they prefer the SCPs, the Groups of interest, and the Holidays big priority. Having something stolen in the mundane/the outside world itself...to them, it is just a simple little thing.

While that is happening, Jaime decide to put on music. The music is not bad. But it could be better. But it is still enjoyable.

Alex decide to do his own thing. He goes to the SCP Kitchen and began to bake some stuff for the foundation to have enjoyable. But as he is doing this, a voice spoke aloud.

"Hello, Alex. I see you are working for the holiday."

Alex turned to see Cain, also known as SCP-073.

Cain is a friend of Alex, during his first days inside of the SCP Foundation. They both bonded pretty well. It wasn't much friendship, but it was still good enough.

"Of course I am. What to help out with this?"

Alex spoke to his friend. Cain nodded his head, yes. But as he walk towards Alex, Alex felt his coat being tugged by a hand. He looked down to see SCP-191, looking at him.

"You want to help to, Maddy?"

She nodded, and Alex picked her off of the ground, and they went to work. They both made some stuff for New Year's Eve. They put in Greens, pork, and cornbread, black-eyed peas, cowpeas, anything for this holiday.

They even made some soup, and after a little while, foundation members began to bake stuff for New Year's Eve. This meant that Alex no longer needs to cook anymore.

But as he does this, he remembers the time when he bakes stuff when he was with Dana and his Uncle John, while still alive. It reminded him of the fun time that he celebrated anther holiday. While it wasn't New Year's Eve, it was still very important.

Flashback...Back as little kid...

10-year old Alex and 7-year old Dana are seen at the kitchen. Their father had gone out for a bit somewhere really unknown. So now they get to take the job at baking stuff for their kind mother. Here, they are making a cake for her. It is her birthday to celebrate today.

"Okay, Dana. Be careful of what you are using now. We don't want to mess up the cake for our mother now, do we, Dana?"

Dana giggled to her brother.

"Of course I wouldn't, Alex."

Alex nodded, and turns back to the big clean bowl.

"Alright, let's add in some of the flour first."

Alex than added the flour. He than goes to ramble on about the ingredients, and which one to put in next. But Dana doesn't care. She's happy to work with Alex.

Finally, after a little bit of mixing, the cake batter was done.

"Alright, it is now set. Now it's fine to put the cake in the oven."

Dana nodded her head. But before they can do it, a voice spoke out loud.

"Hold on a minute! You can't do this sort of thing without me, Uncle Josh!"

Dana and Alex turned to see their uncle coming upstairs, and is looking rather annoyed. Alex and Dana got excited.

"Uncle Josh!!"

They than ran to him and hugged him, with Josh hugging them back.

"How's it going, little people? Come on, let me put it in the oven! Don't want to get your hands burned for your mama, right ?!"

Alex and Dana nodded.

"Okay, uncle! You can do it!"

Uncle Josh nodded, and puts the cake in the oven, turned it up, and the oven began to heat up.

Flashback ended...back as adult...

"Haaa...I really missed the time when I was a kid. It is the greatest moment I even had with Uncle Josh still with me. But now that...that...Ghhh..."

Alex does not want to bring out the person that had ruined his life. Besides, it is supposed to be Happy, the holiday is supposed to be. So he should stop reminding himself of what had happened, and stick to what is going on now. Alex than shakes his head, and look to the others...and it looks like they had made a large mess. The decorations had tangled everyone here. Tuck became part of the decorations, due to being made of nothing more than bandages, obviosuly. Cricket got wrapped around. Tuck is the same. Breach got tangled by the decorations. Obviously they went to fast, and they got themselves tangled.

Alex looked a bit unhappy at the mess at first, but he sighed and smiled. Koriand'r looked, and even she giggled at the sight here.

"These people are acting like little kids."

Koriand'r spoke to Alex. Alex chuckled a little bit, and spoke back to her.

"Heh...what else is there to say now? They might be kids. after all, they are still teenagers."

He spoke to Alex, who is a bit confused. But Alex does not pay attention. Alex than came in and began to untangle the E.V.Os. Koriand'r began to help to. Spawn than comes in, and brought new decorations as well. Kanpeki comes in, and began to help Spawn with decorating. Now Jaime comes in and also began to help out. Rex, after he has finished explaining to M'gann what the holiday is all about here, comes in, with M'gann and Circe preparing to help out.

After about an entire minute of using stars, balloons, and all of that, the entire room had become a masterpiece.

It was now much more perfect than before, and above the door had a sign.

"Phew. That took longer than I expect it to be. Than again, it will take just as long for the other rooms that might be in this site as well."

Alex spoke to the others, who had agreed with him. But before they could do anything to the other rooms, the Foundation staff came into the other rooms, and began to decorate the rooms themselves. This surprised Alex, as that had not happened in the foundation before. The SCP Foundation is supposed to be busy, if only a little slightly. But here, the people of the foundation are doing decoration.

"Huh? What's happening? I thought that half of the Foundation is working on their own..."

Before he could finish speaking, a voice called behind him.

"Hello, Alex. How are you?"

Alex turns around and saw Karen Parker coming towards him. She is looking a bit more happier than before, although she is a bit tired.

"I'm doing fine, Dr. Parker. But what's happening right now?"

Alex spoke. He is very confused with what is happening. Karen Parker smiles, as she spoke out to her friend.

"Well...swing you working for the holidays for us, as well as decorating, we though, why not take a break, and help you with it? So we stopped to take a break, although some of the staff members wanted to watch over some of the most dangerous SCPs still contained. And we decide to by done stuff very quickly. Than we cane back, decorated, and than we went to the food for everyone to eat. So, count it as our way of returning you the favor for all the things that you had done for us over the past months."

Karen Parker said, winking her eyes at Alex very friendly-like, due to Alex's reaction. But Rex doesn't mind.

In fact, he turns around to the E.V.O friend of his, and than spoke out to them.

"Hey, while they do that, should we get dressed for this sort of thing here?"

When he said that, Alex's head snapped up, and realized something.

"Oh, shoot. I remembered I was suppose to charge my clothes for this thing. Hang in a little bit."

He than focused, and his clothes changed from his thoughts. He is now wearing a different suit to match the holiday that he's now celebrating.

Rex looked a bit unhappy, when he thought this.

'Man, why can't I do that?'

Than, he hears a giggle from M'gann. That is when he had realized that M'gann must have read his mind. Rex than facepalmed, looking embarrassed. Circe than grabbed into Rex, and spoke out to him.

"Let's go back to our room to change into the outfits for New Years, okay?"

She than pushed Rex back to his room, and the others began to come along. Obviosyky, they are also going to change their clothing to. This is gonna take a while for them to finish.

After about 10 full minutes, 2 of them went out. Circe is looking pretty decent.

She does not look bad, and it is also fitting on this. But Rex...

Yeah, he just decide to act like someone from an action film. Seriously, where did he get that suit from anyway?

Cricket than came out, and is wearing a new outfit for the holiday tradition.

She looks way more fit for from what she's wearing. The others came back, but they still remained in their clothes. Apparently, their arms are too big, and the fact that Tuck's clothes are a part of his physical figure. Some it cannot be separated.

Toxin and Scorn shifted into fancy suits for the twins, and the Scarab made a fancy suit for his host. Kanpeki went into his room, and after a few minutes, he came back, entirely ready.

Spawn...well...let's say that he isn't much of a person that is very fancy. In fact, he prefers to remain in this form still.

M'gann, however, changed her 'clothes' and wore a red and white 'dress' with blue at the bottom of the 'clothing.'

This is very surprised for Alex, but than thinks about it and realized, he was no different in his way of changing his own clothes.

Timeskip to midnight...11:50...

The entire foundation is having fun out in the open. The food and drinks are all out, and the staff is having fun. But the group is outside somewhere else. Rex is dancing with Circe, Cricket, Breach, and M'gann, all of whom are taking turns, which is not so bad.

Toxin and Scorn are with the staff, along with Tuck, Spawn and Skwydd, who dance with random female SCP Foundation Members. Jaime is dancing with Koriand'r, Kanpeki with a female kin of his, but Alex has nothing else to do. He wished go in Alagadda, but it's the New Year, and he wants to celebrate it. But at the same time, he can't stay here and hurt his beloved Alagaddian. As began to struggle with his choices, Breach must have realized what he is thinking, because she made a portal, and went inside of it.

After a minute, she tapped Alex's shoulder, which caught his attention. Than, someone unexpected came out of the portal that Breach had made for Alex.

When he had hoped that there was a way to do both at the same tine, he didn't think that. The White Lady still maintained her form for some reason. She than took his hand, and spoke to him, seductively.

"Well...beloved. It looks like you can be with me after all without missing something, even with our child desperate to be born. are you ready, my beloved?/Bueno ... amado. Parece que puedes estar conmigo después de todo sin perderte algo, incluso con nuestro hijo desesperado por nacer. ¿estás listo, mi amado?"

Alex, who understand what she is saying, nodded. He can't speak Spanish, since he never consumed someone, but he can at least understand. So than, the 2 dance.

Their dance was very graceful. It was almost similar to something akin to an angel. Alex and the White Lady began to spin, and Alex picked her up, and spun. If anyone are paying attention, they would see most coming off of them. They would see Red and black from Alex, and white and yellow from the White Lady herself. Her child, who is still inside of her, also seems to have a mist of all 4 of those colors. Breach, however, seeing this, had an idea, she brought the other 2 Alagaddians to their respective mates. She brought the yellow one to Rex, and the red one to Spawn. As that is happening...











[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Than, all of a sudden, fireworks began to finally appear, and they all began to show itself very beautifully. Alex's fireworks, along with the others, fired up into the air, and began to use their symbols, before the last one was of the SCP Foundation insignia. The 3 ladies all rested their head their respective mates, with 3 E.V.O ladies and M'gann leaning on Rex on all parts of his body. Spawn also floated for this, along with the Red Lady. Alex looked at the horizon, and began to smile, but sadly claimed...

"If only I was still with Aqualeily now, and not speared from her."

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