Sibling Talk Part 2

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Rex and Caesar are taking in the hallways for a bit. A brother to brother talk, most would call it. Circe and the others are shocked. They never thought in a million years that Rex had an older brother all along. As the group looked at them, Circe spoke out.

"I didn't know you had a brother all along, Rex!"

Cricket couldn't believe what she is seeing before her eyes, and is also glaring at him with great annoyance.

Cricket than spoke to Rex, as she to, demands an explanation.

"Why didn't you mention that to me or our friends?!"

Rex turned and laughed sheepishly.

"Sorry. I wanted to tell you, but how do you expect that I'm brothers with a person who doesn't have powers like I do myself."

Everyone groaned a little bit. But M'gann spoke.

"Point taken."

Even though M'gann is now possessing a irritated look expression.

Even Breach agreed with M'gann for once, though she doesn't speak that, nor does she say that sort of thing. But Rex doesn't care, as he turned to his brother, and spoke this to him.

"Anyway, it is really good seeing you again, Big Bro. But where have you been?! I looked everywhere for you!"

Caesar laughed, as he spoke.

"Well, I was hiding in a cellar after that event. I was able to get a hazmat suit on, so I don't get affected myself from the Infectious Nanites around me, including the air itself. Long-sorry short, I was going around, and I was able to find a base, which is what we're in right now. Than, some people who were scientists were hidden, and we all banded together and made this base our home. Of course, I was trying to find you, and try to locate you, Rex. But it was as though you went off the map. So do you mind telling me where were 'you' in, Rex?"

Rex realize what he meant, and than began to speak out.

"Alright. But I'm warning's a bit off a ride to talk about to you. There's so many things that happened, that it it is going to make you possibly faint...possibly."

Rex than began to explain what has happened to him. How he had been traveling, how he had met Circe, as well as his gang, and how he met Alex, alongside many others he didn't met. This than goes to the SCP Foundation. While Caesar has heard of that place, he does not know what it is. So he asked Rex to continue on. He than gets intrigued when he began to explain all the strange stuff that's in there. Caesar was very intrigued and fascinated at what's in there, and was surprised at the purpose of the SCP Foundation.

As the group talk, suddenly, a shadow appeared behind them, and the shadow was above Rex. Rex was the first to notice the shadow, as well as some sounds appearing. Almost like some 'drooping' like water coming down from some sort of leak, but it is way more frequent. When he turned around to see what is casting the shadow, what he was almost gave him a massive heart attack.

The being that had appeared behind Rex is humanoid. It looks like it is made of a substance similar to Oil. It's all black and gooey ,and is also makes it look to walk. But inside of the humanoid body, there is some strange stuff glowing green. The arms look like there are three fingers, and where the feet should be, there is instead roots. Around the green stuff, there are black platings in the form of rings for the limbs. But for the torso, it looks similar to armor. The head looks like a helmet, but it has 2 eyeholes for the head. The hair, however, strangely resembles Caesar, but it is much more taller, by about 8 feet.

Rex and the others looked in awe at the sight of this thing before him.

" are really tall."

Rex said to the being. Caesar than realized who it is, and spoke to Rex.

"Whoops. I forgot to mention this guy to you, everyone. This is E.V.O Delta. E.V.O Delta, say hello to my brother, Rex."

E.V.O Delta lowered himself a bit, and extended his hand. Rex was a tiny bit hesitant, but he grabbed onto it, and tries to touch the green part. The oil feels exactly like how oil is felt. But the green part feels a bit solid, almost as human. The entity gurgled at him, most likely a type of greeting towards this new person. After about a minute of shaking hands with him, the being let's go of Rex, and Rex looks like he needs to wash his hands. But Caesar could tell what he's thinking in his head, and spoke to his brother.

"Don't worry, it's not poisonous. In fact, it is safe to touch without anything bad."

Rex turned and spoke, unnerved.

"Umm...okay. How did you get him into your group? And why does he look a bit like you, Caesar?"

Caesar smiled a bit wider.

"Well...I made him, obviously."

This shocked everyone here.


Everyone shouted at Rex's brother.

"How did you make him?!"

Rex spoke to his older brother. Caesar smoked, and spoke.

"Well, I had to use a type of cloning machine that the Peace Regime made. But while doing that. I wore a hazmat suit, and injected some Uninfected Nanites inside my blood. When I put it in the Machine, it had made this big guy here. Unlike the others, he's friendly to everyone around here. And also, because of the fact I made him, he is kind of like my other brother to my eyes. And also, I also have a machine that, when I am in it, I get to inhabit his body, and take control over the E.V.O. Of course, he knows, but he does allows me to use his body when important.

Rex was very impressed, but than spoke out to him.

"When did you make him?"

Caesar looked, and spoke out.

"A few of years ago."

Rex was a bit surprise, but than he was impress that the E.V.O was kept alive for this many years. He was also more surprised at the place had proper cloning technology. In the SCP Foundation, this sort of thing's imperfect and is very defective. The cloning process is very short, and the clones only last fir 2 full weeks, before they die of fast old age, also called degradation. But the ones at this place apparently seems more complete.

While they began to talk, the E.V.O than trudges away. The oil-like substance is seen on the ground as some form of trail. Circe and Cricket stepped back slightly, so they can get out of the way of it.

Suddenly, a cable has been sliced from a sharp bar, which caused it to send out sparks that's very dangerous. The E.V.O, however, noticed it in the nick of time, and went and began to absorb the electricity into itself by extending the right arm to the top half. But it wasn't done. It than used the left arm, and began to reroute it back down to the bottom half, which it picked and grabbed.

Everyone was a bit surprised, and Rex spoke to Caesar.

"I thought he was gonna be lit up into fire! Isn't he made of oil?!"

Caesar than chucked and spoke.

"Well, not really. It's similar, but it is not really oil. What he can do is absorb electricity, and for this circumstance, he can redirect the electricity to the cable. That way, it won't cause a power outage. But that also means nobody should come in contact when like this."

Everyone than turned to the Oil E.V.O, who turns and looks at the group, expressionless. He than makes an extra arm, and does a salute, before going back to business. Everyone had a bit of a 'ummm-okay' type of look present on their faces. But Rex looked and spoke.

"Okay, I admit, that's cool. Wish I could absorb electricity."

The females than looked at him with an 'are-you-serious' type of look present. Rex than turned to them, and shrugged while saying.

"What? I there a problem with getting that sort of ability?"

The ladies just said nothing. Caesar nodded, as he spoke.

"Well, I think it would not have a good impact on the Nanites in your body. But it would be cool to have, I admit. Now to-"

Before he could finish, a ringing was heard. Caesar looked and saw a message on his phone.

"Oh, great. Sorry Rex, but someone told me that there is something important. I'll catch you guys later!"

Caesar than runs. Rex just looked a bit weird from seeing his brother just simply running like that. But he smiled from just knowing that Caesar is alive.

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