Siblings reunite

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Alex and Rex are chilling at one of the Sites. M'gann M'orzz is with Rex, by the way, due to the fact that because he helped M'gann M'orzz the most, she took a liking of him. Of course, Circe doesn't really like that, along with Cricket and Breach. So now they are all fighting over him at being with him. Alex held his head in one of non-transformed hands, seeing that the situation, while it is hilarious, it is also very annoying to him.

M'gann than grabbed on Rex's shirt, and forcefully kissed him.

Needless to say, none of them were at all happy.

"I just hope that it does not get in the way of what we're doing."

He whispered, knowing fully well that M'gann could easily read his mind. That would have been a rather insulting comment, should M'gann hear his voice when she uses her telepathy.

As he begin to think, he than remembered something from the past. Back when he was in a temporary apartment. He always had a sense of sadness. And every single time when he is sad, he is feeling very angry, so much that he hold his head to type and make the painful headache stop.

This is also because of one thing. He has not seen and reunited with Dana, his younger sister, in whom he was separated so long again back when they're kids. Because of this, he is tormtneted if the memory of her face when she had seen what he's turned into. It really hurts him seeing Dana, his own sister, that way. He just wish that he could see her again.

As he remembered this, a ringing was heard, and Alex answered whoever's ringing to him. It was the SCP Foundation.

"What is it? Is there something happening that is problematic?"

He spoke through the communicator. The Foundation confirmed the answer.

"There is. We are detecting some sort of Radio Signal from somewhere between the Bug Jar, and the Red Zone of New York Zero's location. We need you and you're friend to go there and see what is happening. If it is something that's threatening, contain or terminate if to dangerous."

Alex nodded, as he deactivate the communicator. And he turned to the E.V.Os and M'gann. But they are still fighting. So he than stomped the ground to stop them. And they did stop, as they became off-balance briefly. Alex than spoke to them.

"You all can settle this sort of situation later. We have been given an assignment."

Everyone nodded without question, and Alex began to run to the signal that is on his communicator. Rex activates the Boogie Packs, grabs Circe and Cricket, and takes off fast. Breach goes back through the portal, and M'gann flies fast.

It took about 10 minutes to reach the signals location. When they did, they see Helicopters and jets present there. Alex and the others went down, and ducked under bushes. Alex than crawls. M'gann, however, is invisible and is floating. So it really is unfair that she is more luckier.

Alex and the others went to where the Foundation got the signal. And what they are seeing is not pleasant. There are soldiers around the place, and they seem to have some sort of cargo. There is a type of symbol on their backs, which is recognize-able to see.

It was the Chaos Insurgency. They are at the base and are trying to move both the E.V.Os and the BlackLight infected. Alex, Rex, and the others ducked down, as they watch what they are doing here.

"M'game. Can you ready their minds, and know what's happening?"

Alex whispered to M'gann. She nodded, and Rex their minds. After a minute of listening, she cut off the communication to them, and made communication with the group beside her.

"They are planning to unleashed them to the other humans that are unaware of this. They are going to kill them."

Alex nodded, and looked at them. While normally he would kill, he wasn't going to do it with M'gann present with the whole group.

"Rex, how many soldiers present?"

Rex used his goggles, and began to scan the numbers.

"There's about 5 of them."

Alex nodded, as he prepares to attack the Chaos Insurgency.

"Alright then...let's do this.

Alex came in first, and attack the guards. He kicks the guards, and uppercuts one in the air, and used his Whipfist to cut open the cargos, releasing the infected and the E.V.Os. Soon, the soldiers began to fire at him, but he jumped and began to spin. He than summoned a shield, and deflected the bullets back, and a number of soldiers have been hit really hard in the head, stomach, and arms, and were even able to knock them down unconscious.

Unfortunately, many of the E.V.Os and the infected are about to go loose. Thankfully, however, Alex had it all planned out. Alex was able to make the infected very docile, and made them go into the portal, sending them back. With the E.V.Os, however, Rex and the others had decide to take care of them.

Rex than activated his Smack Hands, and began to attack the E.V.Os that are coming towards him and his friends. Circe and the others helped out. Circe used her scream to knock them unconscious. Cricket used her speed to ram her body into the E.V.Os. Breach used her Portals to make the drop from the air, and onto the ground. And M'gann made tentacles to wrap around the Soldiers, which are somewhat still awake, trying to attack them, while speaking.

Miss Martian, while she had not faced them before in her entire life, sees that they are very simply defeating. It is just that the large numbers are very annoying. But with any form of luck, it will be over before they even know it.

But as that is happening, and that the others were finishing the jobs brought forth, a roar was heard, and everyone has no idea where that came from. As Rex turns around, he than went face-to-face is a strange E.V.O.

This one resembles some sort of Dinosaur, mostly resembling a large T-Rex, and Rex is in front of the E.V.O Dinosaur's mouth by just about a foot.

Needless to say, Rex is now screwed from this proximity.

"Woah, you are really huge!"

Rex spoke out to the strange T-Rex-like E.V.O. The dinosaur roared in his face, as Rex was pushed back by the Dinosaur's force. Circe and the others than go into action to try and take out the E.V.O. Circe used her scream to make it stagger back, slightly Cricket had used her jumping ability, and pushed the E.V.O back, and made it fall down. Breach than summoned a portal, and made it stuck. M'gann comes in and enlarged her arms. She also extended them, and began to punched the everlasting daylights out of the Dinosaur E.V.O. After a little while, Rex came in, and changed it back to a man, who is unconscious.

As that is happening, another set of helicopters cane in, and wen text to the ones of the Chaos Insurgency. It had a unique symbol of sorts. Suddenly, soldiers came out and apprehended the Chaos Insurgency members. The soldiers also picked up the E.V.Os and brought them to their own chopper. M'gann is reading their minds, but see that they have no malicious intent of any sort. They are just head to help the E.V.Os then back to who they once were.

While M'gann doesn't know much about E.V.O's mentality, as they seem to be mindless, she seems to be somewhat aware that there is some sort of human part of them. It is just that the human mind inside of them is so fain and unseen. As the others are confused at what's happening around them, someone is coming out of the helicopter. A scientist came out of the Helicopter too. It was a female with blond hair and black eyes. She is wearing a lab coat, and has a strange symbol, but it is covered mostly from the coat itself. She than goes to Alex and Rex, and than, she speaks to them.

"So you must be Alex and Rex, the SCP's top leaders of their newest MTFs. I am a doctor of the Peace Regime. It is so nice to meet you."

She spoke. Alex and Rex looked indifferent. Obviously, they are not really impressed with the group's chosen name of the people to oppose against the Chaos Insurgency.

'Peace Regime? How original.'

'Could have thought a better name.'

Rex and Alex spoke in their minds. And M'gann is giggling at their sarcastic reactions. Honestly, she thinks the name is rather a bit silly. Because, it does not sound any sort of awesomeness in comparison to the SCP Foundation, the Serpent's Hand, and the Chaos Insurgency themselves. Luckily she didn't laugh out loud, or this could have been very insulting for everyone to hear.

Before anyone else could speak to them, however, a new voice spoke out.


A voice spoke out. Rex turned to the direction of the voice, and was surprised at who he's seeing.

His facial features are similar to Rex's, only more angular, with the addition of small lines near his eyes. Caesar wears a khaki vest with a green long sleeved shirt underneath and green pants. He also wears heavy, military-like boots.

Circe, Breach, Cricket, and M'gann were surprised at the man knowing him. But what came next was when Rex spoke

"Caesar? Bother?"

This surprised everyone. Rex had a brother?! Before anyone could speak, Caesar than shouted this out loud.

"Wow! It really is you!"

He than ran to Rex. Rex does the same, and they both hugged each other.

"I missed you so much!"

Rex spoke, finally able to see his filer brother again. Caesar spoke out to him.

"Me to, Rex. Me to."

"So, what happened while I wasn't around for you, Rex?"

Caesar spoke to his brother. Rex chuckled a bit, as he spoke to his brother.

"Oh, you won't believe how much stuff that I have been through, Caesar. Been through more than you could imagine."

Caesar laughed, as he spoke.

"Well...I can't wait to hear it."

As he looked around, he saw Alex, and was shocked at what he is seeing behind his brother.

"Wait, Huh?!"

He spoke, as he looks over Rex's shoulder.

"Wait, Who's that with you?!"

He spoke, seeing Alex behind Rex, looking very amused with a smile on his face. Obviously, it is funny to see how his brother is reacting to Alex. It almost wanted him to laugh aloud

"I'm Alex...Alex Mercer. Nice to meet you, Caesar Salazar."

He spoke, extending his hand. Caesar hesitated, but shook it. But as they did so, a female voice had spoken. And Alex doesn't know why...but it felt familiar here.


The voice...spoke his name. Alex turned, and saw someone that he didn't expect.

It didn't take long for Alex to realize who that person is that now appeared.


He spoke, recognizing the person walking to the group. Alex was close to tears, he couldn't believe what he is seeing before him now. Dana was also very disbelief, unsure what to believe if that is in-fact Alex, her long-lost older brother, and yet, they are reunited. She put a hand over her mouth, tearing up at seeing his brother once more, and ran to him. Alex than ran at normal speed, and hugged his sister, and him bringing out his right claw, holding her in place while he picks her up.

Dana was hugging her brother tight. She is so happy that she gets to see her brother again after so long, although she was a bit uncomfortable with how he is holding her off the ground. Alex is the same. The incident with his father and what happened to his is something that had really shaken him up. But seeing his sister still alive with him, it is one of the most happiest things that has happened to him right.

"I missed much Alex!"

Dana spoke, as she is now crying. Alex than spoke to his sister, as a tear dropped.

"I missed you to, Dana...

...I missed you as well."

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