Alex vs James

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March 2021...Trip to 610...Day 12

It has been 2 years...since Alex has visited Edmonds. The town Edmonds has been deteriorating badly. Plants have begun to form around buildings, houses began to deteriorate very badly, as well as beginning to rot. It has been so long since he has last seen it.

It was now in even worse shape than before. Alex almost didn't recognize the town he once visited. But when he saw the horizon, he recognized the beach. That is when he realized who could be waiting at the place once lived in.


He looked down a little sad. Kaede, seeing his face, puts a hand on him in a comforting manner.

"What's wrong, Alex?"

He looked at Kaede, as he spoke out.

"Do you know what this place is?"

Kaede looked, and spoke out.


Alex looked down, obviously very frustrated at the fact that Kaede doesn't know. He talked to her about Edmons, and who it is that's living there. He than spoke in a annoyed tone.

"This place is Edmonds, and I think you no who it is that's living there."

Kaede than looked down...before it finally dawned to him.

"Wait...are you saying..?"

Alex looked down...before speaking.

"It's where Aqualeily is residing in. I know I have seen the alternate versions of her, but I'm nervous if it really is the case. What if it was a different history, and not this one?"

Kaede than spoke to Alex.

"Don't day that, Alex. You should know one thing. We don't doubt the possibility of what could possibly happen. We have seen your alternate counterparts forgive her alternate selves, twice. So it's time for the main one to happen now."

He than looked up, as he spoke.

" long as the foundation doesn't come out of nowhere, than fine."

Kaede smiles, before kissing him on the cheek, although he didn't mind. He knew Kaede somewhat loved a rather strange way in honesty. But as he began to look at the horizon, he than sensed a few of his Evolved coming towards him. He turned around, as they dropped down from behind him.

"Mercer. The SCP Foundation hasn't reached Edmonds just yet. They are going to the country next to it. So I would suggest get to the end as quickly as possible."

Alex turned back and nodded.

"Alright, let's go."

He than grabbed his radio, and began to speak through it.

"Jaime, Rex, Circe. You all ready?"

Silence, before Rex speaks out.

"Ready as we'll ever be, Alex."

Alex than nodded, as he spoke out.

"Let's go."

A portal opened, and Rex, with the Rex Ride activated with Circe holding onto him, than came out, along with Jaime's who is in speed mode. Alex and Toxin than decide to make the move themselves, and make sure that they are as far away from the Foundation as possible, so he could prove that he is innocent the entire time...although he won't forgive what they've done to him. None of the Newborns will.

At the Beach of Edmonds...

The beach has been abandoned for a long time. The logs began to grow moss. The bridge to the ferry has been broken down. The shops hav even abandoned, with the food even very rotten. But the sands of the beach remains the same as it was before being abandoned. And there is someone on the beach. A familiar face. She has a Royale purple dress, with a purple cape. The dress splits itself, revealing her stomach. There is a trident sheathed on her back. The entity looks like a cross species between something aquatic and something that looks human. She has cyan-blue skin, and has twin fish tails for hair, as well as a middle long one between the 2 tails that reached down to her knees. There is a dark green kok on the top of her head. The one that is most familiar is her face. It has eyes as white and reflective as pearls. There are no pupils  shown, no irises. The face of the person is beautiful, even past the standards of a human. But the female is looking down with a very sad expression present in her face.

This is Aqualeily, as an adult. She is sulking on the edge of the beaches sand, and is very unhappy with how things turned out with her life, especially when it came to the person she wants to see the most, the person she had deeply loved in a while. This person is Alex Mercer, the first friend she had ever obtained on the surface. But when she was tricked into being separated from Alex, she want into a state of depression. Her people tried to give her replacement suitors to make her feel better. But ultimately, she rejects all of them, claiming that no one can replace her real love, as she had not split from him by her choice. While Aqualeily has been training to her prime, she mostly stays in her room, almost always tearing up whenever Alex is in her mind, which is kept there all the time. Everyone tried to have her get out more, but she always kept feeling depressed. Finally, She stepped down from her throne, allowing one of her siblings to rule over, while she stays away. But she is not alone.

Next to Aqualeily is a friend of hers. She has 4 arms, with webbed feet like a frog. She also has fins of her arms and legs as well, as well as some fins as her ears. She is wearing a white t-shirt, and shirt pants. She has both yellow eyes and yellow hair. Lastly, there is a scar on her right eye, a scar on the left side of her gilled stomach, as well as a symbol of the moon on her forehead.

This is Aqualeily's friend: Darlthea. She, like Aqualeily, is one of the few groups of Aquatinalius that really wants to be friends with the humans. When she heard that Aqualeily had a human friend, she was happy and was eager to see him. It was only when she heard that Aqualeily's parents tricked them into being seperate, via killing themselves, is what made her very unhappy. She is now with Aqualeily, resting her hands on the shoulder of Aqualeily, comfortingly.

"Don't worry, Aqualeily. You will be with him again someday. He might even appear today."

Aqualeily than slumped down, as she spoke out.

"I know...but I still can't help but feel...terrible at what I did to him...what my parents did to trick me into no longer being with him. I wish I can take it all back."

Darlthea than patted her in the back.

"It will happen, to redeem yourself for that. You just need to prove it. That is all you-"

Before they could finish speaking, they heard something. A sonic boom. They looked up, and saw someone falling down.

Than, he positioned his legs, and landed on the ground. This caused a shockwave to appear. Aqualeily and Darlthea than cover their eyes, as they look at who it is that has landed on the ground.

They looked and saw a hooded figure. Aqualeily doesn't know why, but for some reason, the person felt familiar. Than, the figure began to take off his hood, and Aqualeily spoke out.

"Could it be?"

When the hood fell off, she gasped. It was Alex. He is much older than before. But he doesn't look like he was in good condition. His eyes have some black coloring around them. It's as though he hasn't slept or eaten in a while. And he look every bit menacing, yet he still kept the handsome feature on his face.

" beloved has returned."

Aqualeily spoke out. Ever since she thought of seeing him again, she remembered all the fun stuff they had done has kids, or as preteens. But when her parents ripped it away, she was unsure if she'll be reunited with Alex again. But now...he has returned.

Darlthea than looked at Aqualeily, as she spoke out.

"Is that Alex? He doesn't look like he's in good condition."

But Aqualeily didn't hear her. She only desires to hear Alex's voice.

"I need to talk to him."

She was about to get up, but than she heard other sounds being made. She than looked to see some other people coming. One of them has a pair of mechanical turbines on his back, with a female with black and red hair. Another had wings like a beetle. 2 others are a Orange and dark blue, with the other purple with metal spreading across her body. The last one has Pink hair with triangular white horns. And for an unknown reason, she's simply only wearing bandages. Alex than turned and puts his hood back on, as he faces them.

"Okay. The island before us. We need to be very quick and silent to her across it. The foundation is going to try and find us whatever they can do to contain all of us. Rex, is it possible to use your packs to make a diversion for us to sneak across?"

Aqualeily and Darlthea looked a bit unease. His voice sounded a bit dark and sinister, but also tired and sincere. He seemed to be in a situation of some sort.

"Alex, what happened to you?"

Aqualeily whispers to herself, worried.

Alex spoke out to the goggles man called Rex. The one called Rex spoke out.

"I might be able to, but it will make a lot of noises. It would also make it easier for the foundation to find us. What do you think, Toxin? Scorn?"

Rex said to the 2 slimy entities.

"<text> we might be able to our run then in the water."

"Yeah. After all, we are very nifty swimmers."

Than, the person is the blue armor spoke out.

"Wait a moment, what's about the ones that can't breath or even swim under the ocean? We can't just simply leave you both to fend against the foundation. Kaede can't even swim like the others, Alex can only bounce and glide, Rex only moves because of his smack hands, with Circe holding on to him, and I only have the big suit that flies. It isn't designed to swim. It can't even make any thrusters without making any noise to block."

Alex than turned to the blue armored person, as he spoke out.

"Well, can you use the mini thrusters in the ocean, Jaime?"

The blue armored person, called Jaime, than looked up a little nervous, but spoke out.

"Yeah, but it will make a lot of bubbles. Isn't there an airport that we can use to get to Russia and find a cure for 610?"

Alex than looked down, as he spoke out.

"We need to get enough distance from the foundation to even use one. If we simply use the airport inside of the island we're in. We need to use another one, Jaime. Not one where it's-"


Before Alex could finish speaking, an angry voice was suddenly heard. Alex looked up to see a man with shaven hair. It was James Heller, and he looked pissed off.


Alex than spoke back.

"I only did that because you have no idea what you are getting yourself into."

James Heller than got even angry, and roared back.


Alex only chucked a bit, as he spoke in a mocking tone.

"Do you honestly think that the Foundation could send someone like you to capture us?"

James Heller looked a bit confused, but than he shouted back.

"Foundation?! The Fuck are you taking about?!!"

Alex than looked at him, and spoke out.

"The people you work with never told you?"

James Heller, feeling increasingly irritated, than shouted.

"I don't know what nonsense-able shit you are referring to!! But you know what, I'm going to kill you for what you've done to me!!"

He than got ready to fight against him, as Alex realized what is happening.

"Alright won't understand...than you can never truly win against the fight that you put yourself in now."

He than formed his blade and claw, as he spoke.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Well...let's get this over with, shall we?"

He than did a swipe of his sword, as James and Alex began to battle each other.

James than decide to make his first move.

James used his blade to try and attack Alex's blade. But due to Alex's training with Rex, he was prepared to fight.

"I'm using that."

He than swiped and hit James. He attempts to do it again, but Alex did it again, and simply spoke to him.

Realizing that he can't fight him with the same weapon, James than decide to change it to his claws. 

He held much better ground when it comes to using he Claws. He was able to grab onto the blade with both his hands, parry the left claw, and even can pounce on Alex Mercer.

Alex tried to spin and cut James multiple times. But James simply jumped back, and did a pounce attack on Alex. Alex gets hit multiple times by the claws James formed.

Unfortunately, Alex still has a much greater experience is using it, since he was just a little child. So he still had an advantage. When Alex changed his right hand into a claw, James accidentally did a clash with him. Both Alex and James would clash left and right, until Alex hits James' knee, closed his face, and than does a groundspike, who sends him diagonally upwards back. The spike than retracts, and James fell.

"Come on. Don't copycat me."

Alex taunted a little bit. Hanes got madder and had to think of something, Alex than prepared an attack, as he believed that James had no chance in defeating him. He resided his right claw, as he prepared to do a groundspike attack, like he has done over the years.

But James than decide to turn the tables of the fight, by switching to his own Hammerfists.

James than slammed his Hanmerfist to the ground, causing groundspikes to appear. Alex still used his claw and did the same thing, despite knowing it won't work. The spikes than collided, causing them both to stop.
Alex than jumped in the air, as he than tried to cut James. But James jumped out of the way, and the blade got lodged into the concrete. Alex than struggles to get the blade out, due to the odd angle it cut the concrete.

But this is the distraction that James needed. Before Alex could recover, James than began to pound on Alex's head, before jumping, with both Hammerfists raised in the air, ready.

"You like that?!"

He shouted, as he slammed then onto Alex, and very hard. This sent Alex back, as he began to stand up, and than spoke out.

James than grunted really angrily. Even he's tired and extremely pissed off. But Alex's mind was focused. He than grabbed onto a rock with his Whipfist, as he spoke out.

"Here, Catch."

He than threw the rock at James, who than jumped out of the way.

"I'm to fast for you, asshole!"

James was sent back by the sheer force of that punch. He than switched to his Whipfist for another attack.

Unfortunately, Alex didn't parry the Whipfist like last time. Instead, the Whipfist missed, and it was only James that got hit.

"You can keep it."

James was than reeled into Alex, as James fell down hard. James than stood up, and decide to do another approach.

James than decide to use the Tendrils in this circumstance to fight.

He than began to shoot tendrils out of his arm to try and get him stuck to the web, Makkah him immmobile. unfortunately, all it did was slow him down.

Alex simply flipped over James Heller, and swing his Whipfist at him. He was able to get out of the way, but he got nicked at the sleeve. And Alex sees that it is starting to work. However, James an also do what Alex couldn't do all by himself

He set up a, shields, to defend against the Whipfist that Alex is now using to attack him with. Alex can only make one shield, which he can move with, and simply defend. But James can defend from all sides, and is able to stop more than what Alex can do. But James can only stay still, with Alex, he can move with one.

Alex than formed his right claw, and began to utilize the power of the groundspike. James, I able to get his Hammerfists on time, immediacy dodged the attack. But when Alex tried to do it the last time, James immediately formed the Hammerfists to utilize the groundspike, like before.

This was able to counter Alex's groundspike just as before. But James switched back to his blade. Alex than tried to launch his Whipfist at him, but James swung the blade and bats it back. This caused Alex to be hit by his own weapon. Needless to say, Alex got very irritated by that action.

Alex than jumped in the air, and launched his Whipfist. He than stabbed Heller's leg, as he prepared to reel himself in to attempt damage him. But James then used his shield and Alex hits the shield, causing the spike to hit him very painfully. Using this form of hesitation, James than made his move.

James than removed the two shields. And stabbed Alex painfully.

"Here!! Now fuck off!"

James angrily shouted, as he kicked Alex, very hard 15 feet back. Alex than began to stand back up, and while he doesn't show it, he is obvious very angry at James Heller.

Alex than formed his Hammerfists, as he spoke out.

"Well, now you just pissed me off."

As he formed them, he slammed them both together, before slamming them to the ground. He than began to fight him one on one with them.

James than took the initiative to clash with their Hammerfists. Unfortunately, it didn't go as what James had expected. In fact, it ended the same way as the other previous powers used.

This was not good for James, as when ever he uses the same power that Alex uses, Alex seems to retaliate back.

So he decide to use the Whipfist, due to the range of the weapon. Although dumb idea, it was the best shot that he has. He than began to swing his Whipfist as he hit Alex . He than did an overhead attack, and hits vertically.

Alex than began to slam his Hammerfist to the ground near James, which caused him to stumble a bit. Alex's Hammerfists seemed to generate larger shockwaves Shan even James' Hammerfists. James than pierces Alex's body, as he tried to reel himself in. As Alex has been weighed down by how much the Hammerfist is, it slows Alex. But Alex than leaned his Hammerfist back, as he swung it fast at James, who is than hit and sent flying back. If he was a normal human, James would have thought of being hit like this as being an equivalent of getting hit between by either a truck, or a wrecking ball, and speaking of a ball

Alex than jumps in the air, curls up his body and became a ball himself and rolled fast right onto James, hitting the entire body, and almost rolling over Heller. But as soon as Alex rolled off of the body of Heller, James than wrapped his Whipfist around Alex's entire midsection, as he swung him to a nearby brock. Alex stood back up, and than, made his move.

He than puts his right arm back, and than launched himself in the air. As he got close to James, the Second Prototype jumped out of the way, as that happened. Alex was now a little exhausted, and James used this moment to attack Alex directly.

James than swung his Whipfist, as it got lodged in Alex's head. Aqualeily and Darlthea felt very shocked and sick to their stomachs, as they saw just how violently these 2 are fighting each other.

"Happy Landing!!"

He than swung the Whipfist, sending Alex to the ground. But James is also exhausted, as he spoke.

"I'm gonna enjoy watching you die!"

Alex than stood up, before bringing out his tendrils. James did the same, and hopes that it doesn't end like last time. Unsurprisingly, wrong. Alex and James fired their webbed tendrils, and began to do a thing similar to tug-of-war. But Alex ripped James' tendrils, although James' Tendril arms are still intact, webbed his feet, and than jumped in the air. He than fired tendrils at the ground, where they stick at the opposite sides of James, and slingshots himself down hard, jumping on James Heller's gut.

But James than used his blade and stabbed him horizontally, almost cleaving him in half. James than punched Alex off of him, and Alex was sent flung back to his friends, who than helped him get up. Alex clearly didn't expect for someone like James it evenly match him when it comes to battling him.

Alex than formed back his original arms, as he looked at James. Both of them breathing heavily as they have become exhausted in the fight.

"I surprise me. Not many can keep up with me like this. But tell me...besides from making you like, what is it that made you hate me? No joke this time. I really mean it."

James Heller than got angry and shouted out.

"You think you can fool me?! You killed my wife and daughter!!!"

This caught Alex by surprise. He even spoke this out to James.


James than shouted out.


Alex than looked confused.

"Killed? I haven't killed anyone yet. And I only stopped killing 2 years ago."

James than looked confused.

"What do you mean?"

Alex than looked up and spoke out.

"I mean I haven't released the virus towards anyone in your hometown. When I looked into your memories, the day your family had died...was the same day I was on the run by the people I thought that I could trust before."

James, realizing what he meant, than spoke out.

"If it wasn't you, than who-"


James than stood up, as both him and Alex, along with the others took out their weapons. Aqualeily and Darlthea than camouflaged in the surrounding area, as the SCP Foundation came to capture.

"This is the SCP Foundation. SCPs 6000-6003! Come with us...

...if we will take you, Forcefully!!"

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