Battling against Old Lovers

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Day 10 since betrayal incident...

Alex has looked through the thumb drive that Karen had given to him before she no longer exist on earth. The thumb drive has blue prints inside of it that was testing a cure for the 610 infection. This would be able to allow anyone to cure anything that has 610 inside of it. However, in order to do this, they would need to get the Blacklight, as well as some of the stuff, such as the Blacklight and the Nanites. They cannot be taken out of the body, because the system would identify them as a threat, and would destroy them sooner than one could say, 'Damn it.' So they would need another plan. Thankfully, Alex has that problem eliminated.

While away from the foundation, Alex was able to have found a number of people that believe in him. So he gave them the Blacklight Virus, and made them into what he calls: 'The Evolved.'

They are basically Alex's new army, as well as a group on infiltrators, in case Alex needs some answers on what he needs to no about. One of them, is a CFO of the foundation. He name: Sabrina Galloway.

Sabrina is basically Alex's source of information. She is tasked to find anything that Alex believe may help in this situation. And she has found one.

"Alex, I think I found something."

Alex than came to the screen, and spoke out.

"What is it?"

Sabrina than smiled as she spoke.

"I may have found some of the Nanites in one of the previous factories. This is the last one that is left untouched, and ones that haven't been corrupted. We might be able to use it for the fire on 610."

Alex nodded, and spoke out to her.

"Is there a downside into trying to get it?"

Sabrina later confirms it.

"Unfortunately, there's a problem. The foundation is also trying to find it. So I would suggest acting fast."

Alex nodded, as he spoke out.

"I'll see if I can bring a bit of my Juggernauts to deal with them. Rex and Jaime, they'll be more suitable for the job."

Sabrina nodded in agreement, before walking up to him and began to go around him in a rather seducing tone.

"You know, Alex. Maybe we can do something together someday. I would gladly enjoy it."

Alex than looked a bit annoyed, but spoke out with.

"We can do that once we're done with the situation at hand, Sabrina. For now, we need to act, fast. Rex, Jaime!"

Rex and Jaime went to him.

"Sabrina has found something that might help us, which is why I have a job for you both to do right now."

A couple of hours later...

Jaime and Rex are flying over the city of an abandoned factory. Alex was able to send some of the Juggernauts in order to deal with them. As that is happening, Rex and Jaime were looking for the factory they seek. Rex than turned to Jaime, as he spoke out.

"Jaime, do you know where it is?"

Jaime than used his scanner to try and find where the factory is. After a few minutes, he was able to catch sight of the factory they needed.

"I see it."

He than goes down, and Rex follows after him.


Jaime blasted a hole in the ceiling. Rex came in and took the vial of the uncorrupted Nanites, and put them in his pocket. Getting up to the rooftop, he than turned and spoke to Jaime.

"Let's get out of here, before-"

Before Rex could finish speaking, 2 voices were heard, and each that both Jaime and Rex never hoped to hear again.



Both turned, and are shocked to see who it is.

It was Koriand'r and M'gann!! They somehow found them both. Needless to say, Rex and Jaime were immensely pissed at seeing them again, as they believed they are working for the foundation. But both Koriand'r and M'gann in the other hand...

They are so joyful to see both Rex and Jaime again, seeing they're alive. They had always hoped to see them again after all these years, and know, they get the chance to reunite them the men they love...or better, love them again.

Koriand'r couldn't contain her joy in seeing her beloved again, and flied towards Jaime, ready to embrace.

Even M'gann was overjoyed to see Rex, as she began to fly and rush over to Rex. Back at the foundation, while one of the doctors was punishing her from an accident that she did, she had used her power in self-defense, and attacked his mind, making him braindead. But this very action lead her to see the truth of what really happened. Needless to say, M'gann was crushed at what she had discovered. Koriand'r had a guilty look on her face when she discovered that she was blaming the wrong person for the problem that has happened 2 years prior. But M'gann than convinced her to get out of the foundation and defect to it, which Koriand'r really wanted to do. They were able to cause a breach, releasing some of the safe SCPs that distracted them long enough for them both to escape. But now, there they are, seeing Rex and Jaime.

But they should realize...actions, such as betrayal...

...aren't forgiven.

Jaime took out his armor and formed his blaster, and fired at Koriand'r. Koriand'r was shocked and moved out of the way. It was Rex's turn. He activated the Slam Cannon, took a chunk of rock, and fired at M'gann. The White Martian was shocked and disbelief at what Rex is doing, and instead of launching the rocks back, she simply flies back, not wanting to harm the person she loved, which she now knows is innocent like everyone else.

Both Koriand'r and M'gann recovered from the sudden attack, and lowered themselves down, wanting to know what they are doing.

"Jaime, Rex...what are you both doing?!"

M'gann shouted out. She didn't expect for the both of them to attack. But than, Rex spoke out very angry.

" dare you both come to us?"

Although his voice is of rage, he is keeping it calm, and is speaking venomously.


Koriand'r spoke, unsure where he is starting off of. But than, Jaime spoke out, making realize how they changed.

"How dare the both of you approach us?! After all you had done to your own friends, you own lovers after these 2 years?! Going along with the people that has blamed us for something we would never had done?!"

Koriand'r, now seeing that he is still enraged at what she and M'gann had done, tried to talk him out of it.

"Please, Jaime! Listen to us!! We-"

But Jaime spoke out.

"That's enough! You're wasting your breath. I want nothing to do with your or anyone else that is with you."

M'gann, however, than spoke out and tried one last attempt to reason with both Rex and Jaime.

"Rex, Jaime! Please! We were both trick!! We want to be back by you sides again, like how we were 2 years ago!!

Jaime, ready to bring out his blade, spoke out is a rather dull tone.

"No thanks."

Rex than brought out his own blade, as he spoke out to M'gann.

"You have already chosen your side, the Foundation, AKA, the company of traitors that need to be stopped. Don't think you can trick us like before. We will not be tricked again by your foundation friends, who have framed all of us for what never happened. We are not the same people as we were before."

Koriand'r was shocked and shouted back at them.

"This is not the way to handle this!! It is not fair!!"

But Jaime spoke back, angrily.

"Koriand'r, life is always unfair..."

He than began to aim his blaster, as he spoke out.

" hell always is."

At these words, Blue Beetle fired his cannon at Koriand'r, who than fired her Starbolts at the the blast itself, and not at her beloved. Even for what Jaime is doing, Koriand'r doesn't blame Jaime for this, she blamed the foundation, and herself for not believing him.

Koriand'r was in tears, as she desperately tried to call out to Jaime for reason.

"Jaime, please!! Stop!! I don't want to kill you!"

But Jaime snarled back around her with rage present in himself.

"That's too bad. You are gonna have to in order to make me stop attacking you. I has trusted you, and you went along with them. That is unforgivable what you and M'gann has done."

Jaime spoke out, coldly. Normally, he wouldn't act like this. But he became so embittered by Koriand'r betrayal for years, that he now believed that Koriand'r really betrayed him intentionally. He than turned his arms into battering rams and began to charge towards Koriand'r fast. But Koriand'r remembering this technique, than got out of the way, grabbed onto one of Jaime's legs, and swung him down. She could have blasted him, but she doesn't want to accidentally kill her beloved.

But Jaime wasn't going to give up on this yet. He began to fly back up again, and formed mace arms to try and strike against the Tamaraien, who reacted by coating her fists with energy from her own Starbolts. Than, as they charged at each other, an explosion occurred.

Rex is also battling against M'gann. The White Martian was reluctant to fight against Koriand'r. But this is what Rex hope would happen. He than activated his Smack Hands, and began to charge at M'gann, wanting payback for the times she had hurt him. M'gann than phased out of the way, and used her telekinesis to hold him suspended in the air.

"Rex! Please, listen to me!!"

But Rex activates his Funchucks, spun them together, and slammed them both, sending a blue shockwave made of powerful energy at M'gann, who was sent back by the sheer power of the Omega Build. Rex than dropped down, brought out his Rex Ride, and prepares to ram her hard like before.

However, this time, it ended differently, as M'gann, now her head cleared from before, used her telekinesis to send the vehicle above her, and down to the building below.

But Rex doesn't go down easily. He activated the Boogie Packs, and flied back up. He than reactivated the Slam Cannon, and fired rocks at her.

M'gann than used her telekinesis to try and stop them, but Rex used the moment to activates the Smack Hands,

and slam the rooftop of the building, shaking everything. This ruined her concentration, and the rocks still hit her badly.

"You has betrayed me and threatened to fry my brain for what I didn't do. I will not let you get out of my sight that easily, you Martian heartbreaker."

Rex spoke out very angrily. He than activated the Bad Axes, and began to spin around. Not wanting to make the same mistake as before, M'gann than flied over him, and fired her Martian Vision. But Rex stopped and activated the Block Party to deflect the beams back at her. But M'gann than ducked and charged at Rex, with tears in her eyes.

"Rex!! Please!! It doesn't have to end-"

But Rex doesn't want to hear any of her complaints. He has gotten betrayed at the very worst at the foundation. This time, he's ignoring what Miss Martian has to say about what has happened. He activated the Boogie Packs again, and began to fly at her, getting ready to strike her when there is no guard to block his attack with.

But in M'gann's head, all she wanted is to be reunited with the man she was with in the past...the same man where he's joking and carefree.

M'gann than shifted through Rex, and turned back around, as Rex looked at her angry.

"Rex!!! Please!! I want us back together back again!! I don't want to see you like this!!"

But this only ticked Rex off badly, as he shouted back at her.


As he shouted in a rage, his eyes glowed blue, as circuitry markings began to form everywhere on his face. This is the peak of his rage. When the angry, he will stop at nothing to make the person who caused his suffering to pay. M'gann than flied above Rex, realizing that he is far to enraged to listen. She than looked down in utter regret, seeing how bitter he's become over the years that has happened since that incident. He's just been hiding it. She wiped a tear away, and prepared to battle against Rex again. She than went in the air, and began to charge at Rex, far more faster than ever before.

Rex than took flight and charged at her again, but M'gann reacted a lot faster, and punched him hard in the face, sending him back.

Rex was able to defend against that, but it caused some of the Nanites to be destroyed. Thankfully, Rex was able to generate more, thanks to the power of the Omega Nanite. But Rex is going to need to wait it out for them to be replicated again.

In the meantime, he needs to battle against M'gann still. He than activated the Punk Busters, and prepared to stomped the ground. But M'gann, having seen Rex do that before, immediacy flies and punched him high into the air, fast.

But Rex isn't the guy that is simply going to give into a defeat like that just yet. Deactivating the Punk Busters, he than reactivated he Boogie Packs. He than began to spin them to their maximum speed, slowing he ascension to the air, and prepare to go down to the ground once again. When he stopped, he was in space. So he has another idea. He than activated the Sky Slyder, and than began to go down to the Earth once more.

M'gann than looked at the sky, at where Rex had gone up. She than looked down with a tear coming out of her eye, as she spoke out.

"I'm so sorry, Rex."

She than wiped he tear away, as she looked at Koriand'r and Blue Beetle fighting still. She prepared to aid her, when all of a sudden...she hears a whistling sound. She than looked up, and what she is seeing right now completely shocked her.

Rex has returned to Earth, and is coming down, fast!! Before M'gann could react, Rex had stomped on her, although the spikes in the soles of the shoes aren't out. He was able to squish her down, as the building began to crack. After a little while, the building collapsed badly, causing both M'gann and Rex to fall. But Rex was able to utilize the Boogie Packs and escape from the collapsing building, while M'gann was to weak to shift through the building's debris. So she instead flied out of there as fast as she can possibly go.

As M'gann began to fly out of the way, she was hit by Koriand'r, who was launched away by Jaime, who eventually decided to simply get away and be finished. He, along with Rex, than booted out of the city, never returning here again after getting what they now need.

M'gann than recovers, and looked to see Jaime and Rex, her beloved go away. Needless to say, she was immensely saddened at what had transpired. She than looked down at the ground, as a tear fell out.

"Rex...I'm sorry."

She wished that she could take it al back...that she can go back in time to stop and warn her past self of what really happened. But she knows that it can never happen.

Koriand'r, was silent at first. But when she remembered the face of Jaime...the cold rage and hatred aimed towards her...she felt absolutely crush.

Koriand'r than began to cry tears of absolute sadness, as she realized how Jaime is so broken from what happened in the past. She than began to speak...which than became louder and louder and louder.

It's not fair. It's not fair! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

Koriand'r could not believe that this happened. She had the person she had ever loved in her entire life, and because of the foundation, they manipulated her into blaming her own love interest into thinking into that he caused the problem, rather than siding with him, and do what's right. But now thank's to the foundation.

She continued to scream how unfair it is, until M'gann came and hugged her friend behind her back, making her stop. M'gann than spoke out to her friend.

"We'll get back at them, Kori. We will do that. We'll sure that that they'll pay for what they've done. But first...we need to prove Jaime and Rex, our boyfriends, that we're back in their side again."

Koriand'r than looked at her...with a saddened depression on her face, but quickly nodded. As that happened, M'gann than sensed foundation personnel coming. She than turned to Koriand'r, and spoke out.

"We've got to go. Foundation troops are coming."

Nodding, Koriand'r and M'gann stood up, and began to fly away very fast. This was the most terrible reunion they had ever endured. They had hoped that there were no hard feelings involved. But they were so wrong. Tomorrow is the start of another day, and the beginning of redemption.

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