The Second Prototype Backstory: Part 2

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James Heller is unconscious...but is feeling very great pain. Using the remaining conscious mind that he has, James has the courage to now awaken.

He sees himself get cut open widely, with the remaining consciousness that he has within. A part of his lungs and some of his other organs are visible on the left side, although a strange light is blocking them from being seen. And in one point of his conscious moment, the doctor that he is seeing cuts him, and blood splatters on him.

He than sees himself on shackles, and is barely able to move around. But as he is still a little bit conscious, he than heard voices, due to the Blacklight giving him incredibly advanced hearing. In the middle of a conversation, he than began to awaken, and he gets to see 2 people visible talking. One of them is a bald man, which is probably the leader, while the other is the scientist that has been working operating on James.

"No man should have survived this. His system's flooded with the virus. Which is why you're going to run these expreiments, doctor."

The person spoke out. Koenig than spoke back.

"And if you don't like the result's Colonel Rooks? Than what?"

The person, named Colonel Rooks, than spoke back to the scientist.

"Heller's foundation property now. Thing's go sour, you bring the room."

Koenig than argues back and spoke.

"Burn the..? No, absolutely not. This specimen's worth-"

But another soldier than grabbed him by the shoulder. This one has black hair, and spoke out.

"Colonel said burn it. That's where you're in."

Koenig obviosuly does not like it, but doesn't dwell on it. He than spoke rather defeated.

"It's time to begin."

Than, him and the other scientists than went away, and out of the room to prepare on experimenting on James. The former sergeant than look around, still barely conscious about what is happening, before the shackles opened, and he fell down to the ground, limp.

"What the...where am I? What the...FUCK is this?"

James spoke, as the alarms began to blare. Than, the doors opened, reveling some humans infected by the Blacklight Virus, and they are hungering to eat up the human that is showing in their eyes.

James than began to attack one of the Blacklight infected. When he punch, a red line came out of him, and when he was unexpected.To his utter surprise, the infected was sent flying, along with its other kin, while a red shockwave was formed.

"Let me out of here!!"

James shouted at them. He still continued to fight off against the infected. Thanks to the training he had in the military, he was able to hold his own against the large horde of the infected, as not even a single one was able to touch them. Colonel than spoke frustrated.

"You have what you need, Dr. Koenig?"

Koenig than spoke out to Colonel Rooks, in an attempt to reason with the leader.

"Colonel, please, we must learn all we can about the subject."

James shouted out to them, obviously, not happy if the position that he is out inside now.

"Hey, I can hear you!"

Than, the alarm began to blare once more, as the other doors from the front side began to open. More of the infected are seen inside at the other side of the door, and all James could speak out to this is simply.

"My god."

He than proceeds to do battle with the infected. There were so much, about 10 to possibly even 30 or 40 of this amount. As he kept on battling, Koenig than looked at the data that they are getting right now.

"He raw data we're getting here--it is like nothing I've ever seen before."

As James kept on fighting, it is clear that he began to show signs of Mercer's superhuman abilities.

"I'm gonna kill you when I get up here!...HEY, YOU HEAR ME?"

James shouted at the people that are watching him. Unfortunately, they ignored what he said and just simply watch the entire thing, like he never spoken. This is really getting on his whole nerves very greatly.

Koenig was so astounded by the data they are getting from James and wants to know as much as possible. But Rooks than finally made his choice

"That's enough! He's too dangerous! Burn him!"

Koenig attempts to talk him out of it, not wanting to lose any more data to be obtained.

"Rooks!! You can't! He's far to valuable!"

But Rooks refused and spoke out the order to kill James.

"You're out of order, Koenig! Lieutenant Riley, hit the switch!"

Riley than obeyed the order and spoke out.

"Yes, sir. Burn order given per Colonel Douglass Rooks, 0233 hours."

As the fight kept on going, noting happened, but than, fire began to spew out, as gas is being leaked.

When the fire touched the gas...


The entire room than exploded suddenly!! The infected inside of the room are dead, except for James Heller, who's now on the floor. He is damaged from the explosion, as the virus began to glow red. Obviously, the explosion didn't kill him, it only weakened him to a very great degree. Colonel than spoke out again.

"Get clean-up and recovery in there. Make sure he's dead."

James groaned and tried to stand up, reaching his hand up, but he eventually fell limp, almost looking dead. Koenig was not happy for what Rooks is trying to do, and shouted to him.

"Damn you, Colonel! This is no place for you brand of barbarism!!"

But Colonel than shouted back at the doctor.

"Don't get sanctimonious on me, you fucking ghoul!!I've read your experiment's reports!!

2 soldiers than entered with their guns ready. They than began to approach the seemingly dead body of James Heller. He doesn't seem to be moving. One of the soldiers even kicked the body to confirm this.

"No signs of life, sir."

One of the soldiers spoke. Colonel than spoke out.

"Make sure. I don't need another Mercer running around."

One of the soldiers than gripped his gun and shoots him a coupe of times, in order to make sure that he is really dead.

James then looked up, his vision now colorless, as everything in his surroundings has turned back and white, like an old classic movie. He sees some guards standing over him, although they do not seem to notice that Heller's awake.

Than, Heller has the strange urge forming inside of him and began to stand up, catching both guards by surprise.

"GAH!!! SHIT!"

One of the guards shouted, as James Heller grabbed one of them by the throat, and lifts him.

"Shoot him!"

One of the soldiers said to his buddy. Unfortunately, they were not prepared for what Heller did next.

He than slammed the guard into the ground, and proceed to punch him multiple times, before black and red tendrils quickly grabbed onto it, and her absorbed into James' body.


Colonel Rooms spoke in a angry and desperate tone. James's body than began regenerating, the charred scars vanishing quickly. The other guy that was checking on him began to panic and shouted out.

"Oh Jesus! Fuck! get me out of here"

Koenig than spoke out.

"Incredible, it healed him."

James than looked shocked at himself, as he spoke.

"Oh shit! What the FUCK did he do to me?"

There was no time for answer. Infected were coming from behind him. He than goes and does the exact same thing he did to the guard. He began to initiate the consumption ability that Mercer does.

He kneed one in the face, and it got absorbed. He tripped one of them, and stomped on his face, which got it also absorbed. He grabbed the dirt of one of the infected, and slammed it onto the ground, headfirst, which got it absorbed. He than grabbed on one of them, punched a hole in its stomach, and absorbed it, finishing him.

"Riley, keep burning him!"

Colonel spoke out, desperate to try and get Heller killed to make sure that another one like Mercer is completely gone from life.

"Yes sir."

Riley spoke, as he prepared to try and activate the burning mechanism again.

"Heller, eat them! Eat them to survive!!"

Koenig than began to encourage Heller. But the commander spoke back to him.

"Shut the fuck up, doc! All non-essential personnel evacuate. I need a perimeter defense on this building!"

Than, the team that is going to defend the building and making sure Heller doesn't escape, speaks out.

"Roger, Colonel. Rattler 1-1 is Oscar Mike."

"That's my cue to leave."

James muttered, now knowing where to go to escape this. He than proceed to consume more and more and more of the infected, to that he can heal himself just enough to survive the next controlled explosion that just might come.

"Hahahahaha! I'm gonna turn your ass to charcoal. Hahahahaha!"

Obviously, Lieutenant Riley is starting to lose his mind rather badly. Before James could even speak, the machine was activated again, and the explosion is starting to come back to life.

And boy, it did come.

Suddenly, fire began to burst out, but more before gas began to leak into the room.


An explosion has occurs when that has happened!! James body was a bit more burnt than last time.

But he eventually stood back up and healed himself.

"You're gonna pat for this."

This was bad, because the mechanism is overheated, and they used up all the power. Needless to say, they're screwed.

Shit...shit! The burn controls are dead!!"

Riley shouted out, realizing how bad their luck is at containing James Heller right now. Rooks than spoke out, sternly.

"You guard that control room Lieutenant."

Riley than spoke out to the leader confidently .

"Oh don't you worry! He's not getting out this way

But James had proved them very wrong about holding him. James than picked up the machine that had kept him in shackles prepared to aim.

Even Riley knows what's about to happen.

"Oh shit!"

James than threw it at the window of where the people researching him are at. The Lieutenant than grabbed for gun and shouted.

"Alright, you fuckin come up here! COME ON!!!

And he did. James quickly jumped out of the window.

The Lieutenant took out his gun and began to fire at James Heller.

However, James dodged the bullets, and busted through the door, which is steel, by the way.

He than turned right, and began to run away, before running in the wall, and going on top of a building roof. He than looked around, as he saw the surrounding around his view.

Than, the light of a helicopter is about to shine on him, by James saw it quickly and ran away very fast. He ran and ran and ran. Eventually, he found a shadow for him to hide himself from the military. James went down, and made himself as small as he can. The troops began to look for him, but they went past him.

James Heller than ran again, and out of Blackwatch's reach. He than ran up the walls, and reached the rooftop of the building.

The night sky was very pretty, in the eyes of innocent. But to James, it is nothing more than hell. He got to see the side of Blackwatch that he has never seen in life. They were actually weaponizing Blacklight, which he believed he never thought that Blackwatch itself would do. But nothing made him angrier than the thought of meeting with Mercer yet again.

James than looked down, and spoke out to himself.

" have killed both my wife and daughter. I will make you pay for that."

He is very angry, and yet is very calm about what he said. He will not stop until he finds Alex and kills him for what he's done. He than looked down at himself, as he spoke out.

"I'm gonna need some fucking clothing."

As though his body granted his request, black and red tendrils than seeped out all over his entire upper body, making clothing all just for him.

James Heller's attire consists of a light grey undershirt, a simple black hoodie with a red interior, a dark olive jacket with a protruding collar, black fingerless gloves, a brown leather belt, dark blue jeans and combat boots. If James were to have a mirror, he would see a tattoo formed on his back, glowing.

The symbol on him was a little strange. It resembles blades above another, and almost shaped like it is a shield. It only formed when James was infected with the virus.

James Heller was very surprised that he can actually do that. He than looked up, and than began to jump in the air. Here...James Heller will make sure that Alex...will pay for ruining his entire life.

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