The Second Prototype Backstory: Part 1

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In the Red Zone of New York Zero, the infected run rampant throughout the barren infected city of what was formerly New York City. The Hunters are seeking out prey, The Juggernauts try to crush other people, and Flyers grab prey and bring them to a nest that they made. All of them obey one master...who's also a target.

In one of the streets of the Red Zone, there is a vehicle of some soldiers in there. Many of them are eager to take down the person behind it all and contain him. But there is one person who desires to kill the man that made him lose everything. He is called: James Heller.

Jaime Heller was originally the husband of his wife, Collette, and the father of his daughter, Amaya. In the past, he was a very kind and sweet guy. He tries to be the best husband he can be to Collette, and the greatest father he can be in Amaya's eyes. But one day at the military...

...changed his entire life.

The military had a problem with a virus of some sort, and James had to come and help out with the problem that they have. James than spoke to his family about it, and James promised Amaya that he'll come home. But when he worked there, he was not prepared of how difficult it is.

It is to hard to describe at the sheer amount of difficult there is when he tried to help with the work that the military had. But he did know how it had escalated badly. It escalated to the point where it reached his hometown. James, fearing for the lives of his wife and child than began to rush back as fast as he can to try and save them. But when he went back to them...

 was far to late to save both their lives. Amaya and gone.

James held onto the body of his dead wife, as he cried in deep sorrow. He daughter has also possibly been killed, as her body was never found in her room, only blood was found. But James decide to come back anyway, to find the person who was responsible for releasing the virus in his town, and try to take revenge on him for running on his entire life. The name of that man: ALEX MERCER...




















James Heller is seen inside the of a Carrier, with his knife, which he's sharpening right now. He is with some other soldiers, who are trying to contain Mercer. But for James, he wants to brutally kill him. Than, one of the Soldiers began to speak out to his other pals about this.

"Why're we even here? We're supposed to be peacekeepers. Savin' civilians n' shit. Give this Red Zone Bullshit to fuckin Blackwatch."

Than, another soldier spoke back to him about Blackwatch itself.

"Shit! You want to leave the patrol mission to those fuckin' babykillers? They'd just assume blow this city to Kingdom Come!"

Another soldier spoke.

"Yeah, yeah. I heard that, man."

James, however, did not get involved in any of the soldier's conversation. In fact, he wanted none with them. All he is thinking about are 2 things: Wanting to kill Alex Mercer, and the last thing he said to Amaya, his daughter.

"I'm going to miss you, Daddy!"

"I'll miss you to, baby girl. But don't worry...Daddy's coming home."

He was unable to keep the promise he had to both his wife and child. And because of what Alex had done, he had lost everything. And now...he is going to make sure that Alex, when he meets him, doesn't come out alive. He wants to kill Alex Mercer in the most painful and brutal way that he can possibly imagine. But while he is thinking that...the computer picked up something launched to the direction of the vehicle.

"Caution. Caution."

The camera than was on for a few moments. Launched towards the military vehicle is a car. The vehicle had came out of completely nowhere, and exploded on the military vehicle upon impact with it.

...the Tank rolled and exploded.

The soldiers began to scream...

...darkness...until James finally began to awaken from that sudden attack by, whatever happened.


James grunted, as he tried to sit up to see what was happened. He looked around, and saw that the vehicle has been destroyed. He looked around, and saw that many of the soldiers with him are now dead. But are all of them dead...or are some alive. As he began tot bunk out, he than heard something.

"Ninja 3-3, this is Shogun. Radio check."

James than was able to stand up, and began to limp towards the radio from the dead soldier.

"Ninja 3-3, so you need cas-evac."

Grabbing the radio, James spoke.

"Shogun...this is Ninja 3-3."

The person behind the radio was able to get Heller's response, and spoke out to him.

"Copy , 3-3. What is the status for your squad?"

James Heller than began to look around, but didn't see any of his squad alive.


As James spoke, he sees a bird-infected, called a Flyer.

The Flyer is on the car, as it than looked up. The Flyer than began to fly away. Than, a sonic boom was heard, as James looked up.

A human-sized being was seen falling down like a meteor. It than positioned on its feet, and fell down to the ground, creating a powerful orange shockwave, that sends James Heller off of his feet and into the ground.

Here it is....the man behind it all.

"Holy shit...."

James spoke out, as he began to stand up straight. He than growls out the name Blackwatch fears.

"Alex Mercer..."

The person at the other side of the radio than began to speak, before realizing who is in the area.

"Alex Mer-? Oh shit! Red Crown, we've got Alex Mercer in RZ Grid 3-4!"

As the person behind the radio began to speak, Alex lifted a tank with his left hand and sending flying far, and went behind James about 20 feet away from the sergeant.

"Repeat, Alex is in the A.O, RZ Grid 3-4!! We are awaiting your command!"

The radio finished speaking, as Alex began to observe one of the body of the soldiers that is killed by the exploding tank. Red Crown than began speaking out the command its said.

Ninja 3-3, this is Red Crown. We are sending reinforcements to your location. Do not pursue Mercer. Repeat.

But James has another idea. He than took out his knife, and spoke out to the A.I. Of Blackwatch.

"Red Crown, be advised: I'm not in fucking Blackwatch."

At these words, James than charged at Alex, ready to kill him

James than charged at Alex, and slitted his throat. But to James sudden surprise, it didn't even phase him, and instead, Alex simply hits him with his back lightly, but still sent James flying into a building wall. Usually, Alex would stagger a little at that, but it did nothing this time.

As Alex began to walk away, James than struggled to stand up. Than, a photo had fallen out of his vest. He than looked and picked it up.

It was the picture of his daughter, Amaya, happy, before being taken. Remembering why he kept on going, he than stood up, and prepare to attack again.

James than charged at Alex again. He stabbed Alex in the back, and took out his knife as Alex tried to punch him. James avoided another punch, and stabbed him in the neck, before stabbing him in the stomach. To James utter disbelief, Alex took out the knife, along with James' hand without any effort at all, and simply pushed him back into another wall.

Alex, whoever, was impressed. Normally, soldiers wouldn't do much damage like this. But this one had the nerve to actually come in close with a knife, even though he held back his power.

As James stood up, Alex than looked at the soldier in the eye, and spoke out to him.

"What else you've got."

James, not going to back down, stood back up, got his knife again, and prepare to fight again. But Alex began to go deeper into the city, and James prepares to follow. As James goes on top of a bus, Flyers suddenly swarmed above James. The sergeant than covered his eyes, until they are all gone. James than looked, as he saw Alex Mercer down at the lower part of the city.

and is looking up at James Heller, waiting for James Heller to make his move and follow him down deeper in the Red Zone of N.Y.Z

"What? You think I won't follow you in there?!"

Names growled at Alex silently. He than proceed to follow him. As he kept on following him, deeper and deeper into the city, he than saw a soldier, possibly one of the surviving one, calling out for help.

"Hello? Please help. Oh God! Help Me!"

James Heller than approached the soldier. Before he can do anything, a Hunter came out of complete nowhere and goes after the soldier, making him food.

"Oh fuck-fu...oh shit."

James spoke out, as the Hunter goes away. He was going to save the soldier, but the Hunter was gone, and Alex was present where it stood. James than proceed to chase Alex for an entire minute. He than got sick of following him around and shouted out to the Blacklight's master.


As James Heller began to near in towards Mercer, a helicopter than came out of nowhere, and went above James Heller. It than stopped and began to turn left, and than faced James Heller.

"Sergeant Heller, you are trespassing Blackwatch territory."

As the person driving the helicopter spoke out, Alex is on a building at the right of it, and looking at the helicopter through a broken window.

"You are to hold your position. A personnel carrier is inbound to-"

Than, before the pilot could finish speaking, Alex jumped and kicked the Helicopter in the air, which began to spin and live control. It than began to crash...where James Heller is at.

"OH SHIT!!!!!"

James Heller than wasted no time, jumped under, and rolled away from the helicopter, which exploded behind him. James was very surprised at what Alex did, before standing back up, and gripped his knife towards Alex, and than spoke out.

"You done runnin'?!"

Alex than looked at James Heller and nodded. Than, James felt the ground shake, as a roar was suddenly heard out of complete nowhere. It happened, and this time, made James collapses down hard. What he saw shocked him.

It was an infected called the Goliath. It is the largest creation Mercer ever made. And it was ready to crush a puny human underneath.

"Uhhh...what the-oh shit!!"

James than wasted no time, and began to run away from it as fast as he can, all while shouting and swearing. The Goliath than put down its club-arm, and began to push it hard, as the vehicles that is slowing Heller down got crushed and exploded from it. Heller kept on running, and running, and running even more, until he was able to finally get out, by jumping to the left, and into a different part of the alleyway. The Goliath missed him, as he kept on going.

But James was not safe from the attack just yet.

As James began to look around, a Hunter then came out of nowhere and began to try and eat Heller.

"AHH!! FUCK...YOU!!!"

Heller however, was not going to give up without a fight, and began to use his knife to kill. First, he slashed at it, and than, he stabbed it in the neck. These injuries killed the Hunter, as it fell on top of James.


But James pushed it off and went out of it. He looked at the Hunter and muttered out disgusted.


James than got back up and began to wander around again in the city. But as he began to walk, he than felt something. He felt like he is being watched. Hoping to confirm that it is what he thinks it is, he turns around, with his knife pointing at the position of someone who is now facing him.

Mercer is indeed here. He is standing and staring at James Heller. Believing he will finally get what he deserved, he than reversed gripped his Knife, and prepare to charge at Alex.


He than ran as fast as he can to Alex. Unfortunately, Alex simply formed his tendrils, and life's him off the ground, grabbing him by the neck rather tightly.

James Heller than made a futile attempt and began to stab Alex Mercer. But the Blacklight Virus has evolved to the point where, not only are knives not longer a problem and Alex can't feel it, but the wound instead healed at an instant pace. And James Heller was starting to loose air very badly. This made him drop the knife, as he struggled breathing.

Alex turned and smirked a little, as he sensed something special about this particular individual. He than grunts, formed his left claw, and injects the virus in him. The pain that James feeling is so unbareable, that he is starting to loose his grip to his consciousness. But when Alex is finally done, he let's go if he fell limp to the ground.

...when he first blinked...he sees Alex Mercer, looking down at him as he flees.

When he blinks a second time...he sees a helicopter, over James as they prepare to retrieve him.

The virus kept on showing, making James struggle a little, before it finally enters the human body. James is still alive, but the virus is now inside of him, as James than began to have a flashback on his entire life. He even began to have a flashback about Collette, and than, of his daughter. And than...of the last one that has been the reason his mind has been scarred.

 was of the graves of both his wife and his child. The last memory...before it all fades to black.

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