Attempt to Assassinate Thought

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The Foundation is in a bit of a situation of their own right now. They are trying to find a way to halt a certain memory SCP, known as SCP-3002. SCP-3002 was originally Lily Veleska, who was taken by an SCP Laboratory, and was disposed of, but not before using her powers to start affecting the world. The SCP Foundation, this time, when they saw what they had done, they had acknowledged their most terrible mistake, and try the best that they can to try and put a stop to what they made.

But their efforts have only done nothing, and the influence has kept on growing and growing and growing even more. This is because the Foundation has no way they can to contain what they had just made. But there is one person, however, that can put a stop to it, and she is entering the foundation, while invisible and intangible.

M'gann was now invisible and is flying above the Foundation Personnel. She had been wanting to see Rex again after being with her uncle, J'onn. It was nice being with a relative of her own, but she really missed being with the man she loves.

As she began to fly, she was able to find and see Rex at the end of a empty hallway, with some of his friends present with the First E.V.O. Excited, she than flies towards the E.V.O, and wrapped her arms around her, and spoke in a telepathic voice to everyone that knows of her existence.

"Hello, Rex, and everyone!!"

Rex and everyone else heard that voice, but Rex can tell that she has her arms wrapped around his body, as he is also feeling it.

"Hello, M'gann. Good to see you again! How's home?"

M'gann than spoke back to him.

"Very good! All of the Martians are able to love among the humans undetected, and are aware of the danger their in, so they are cautious at what form they are choosing so they can switch and avoid detection.

Alex than spoke out to her.

"That's a relief, M'gann. But did something bad happen?"

M'gann frowned a little bit, before speaking with little sadness.

"Unfortunately. The White Martians are getting very unhappy that they had to live in a planet where fire can basically appear on the planet anywhere. So they want to stay here. Thankfully, they have not ventured to the outside world yet and have not done any sort of harm to the other humans just yet. But still...I can't help but worry that something bad might happen or everyone here."

The others than looked a bit sad at what she had just said.

"Oh...well...your kind is still alive. And that is all that matters to you, right M'gann?"

Circe spoke out to M'gann. The Martian looked and smiled at her and spoke.


The group than continued to walk forward, with M'gann simply floating beside all her friends. But M'gann...felt a strange presence. She felt like...there is someone that is watching over her, as there was no cameras present in the room that she's in now. was something else.

Suddenly, she has a strange vision of sorts. This vision was of a strange area filled with trees and a river with a miniature waterfall. There was a girl, and she spoke out.

"Do you know me?"

M'gann was brought back to reality. But she realized that something was wrong. As she recognized this, she than felt something. It was coming from the left. She than wasted no time, and began to fly over to where the source of this strange aura is coming from.

After a little while, she than looked and saw the Number:3002 atop the entrance. Wasting no time, she phased through the other side completely.

She looked and saw a person, who is now bedridden, seeming to be rather unconscious. She than looked, and saw the containment file of what the SCP is. She grabbed it and looked. After seeing this, she realized that this is only the first thing written, and not everything's mentioned. It only described it as a memory seen by prisoners, but that is it. M'gann is becoming very, very suspicious. She than used her telepathy, and she began to realize that something is very wrong.

"This human...his mental pattern is changing. It is as though it is being replaced by another one. I need to check it out."

M'gann than became invisible, and touched the infected personnel. Luckily, there are no cameras in the room that she is inside of right this moment. She than closed her eyes, as she concentrated into entering the mind of the 3002-infected.

Her eyes began to glow red, as she prepares to take a dive into this individual's mind. As this happens, M'gann's surroundings than began to alter a bit. The area began to warp. It isn't physically happening, but it happening in her mind. Than, as her powers began to dive in, she than felt strange webs beginning to touch her own being. As that is happening, she than had a vision of a strange being, but it was flickering. But Ren flickering began to slow itself down, until the being shows itself, and is now so early scene by M'gann.

The entity looked humanoid, but it is hard to know what it is, or even the gender of this being. It was white, and is hugging a strange black orb. The top of the head has hair, but is breaking apart like it is nothing more than very fragile glass. Strange purple and white webs are seen behind her, and are beginning to wrap around the Martian. There are strange figures on top of the figures head, signifying those that has been infected by 3002. Than, the strings than tugged even more, and pulled her into the black orb itself, in which the humanoid figure and the orb grew large, and M'gann was inside it, as a flash of darkness than appeared from her vision.

M'gann was in a strange black space of some sorts. The place is very strange. It was cold, dark...depressing. As she began to look around the entire strange place, the scene than changes, and now, it has changed into something akin to a forest.

There were trees around her, and there a minarets waterfall. Water poured down the waterfall at a very fast rate, but now at an abnormal way. But as she is wandering around the strange mental dimension of this SCP-3002, she began to sense that she is being followed. She than was able to sense the person, and realized that it is behind her. She than turned to look at who it is following her.

The face of this strange being resembles a normal human. It has a clothing similar to a patient at hospital, and has scars all over its entire arms. The figure appears to be female, and is aged between that of a child and a teenager, with blonde hair and appears to be breaking apart, literally. M'gann does not know why, but she feels like that there is something rather...innocent. It is like that person she is seeing is a type trapped soul that is desperately wanting to quickly escape.

M'gann was a bit cautious, but than had the courage to speak up.

"Who...are you?"

Silence...unlit the entity spoke.

"I am Lily Veleska."

The name sounds rather...human. M'gann than realized that there is something wrong. She than spoke out to the figure.

"'d you become this?"

Lily than looked down at the ground, and sighed sadly. Judging by the way she is acting, she is not very happy talking about it. But she than spoke and told her about this anyway.

"I didn't...turn into this...of my own free will. Some a laboratory...they wanted me as a test subject for something...important. It involves altering and erasing memories of something that's unnatural. But after so long, in trying to...the people who did this has disposed of me."

This made the female Martian beginning to feel pity about the girl, who was brought into something she didn't understand, but was than later killed. But the little girl continues on with her story, as she began to speak out.

"But my powers...they had manifested into the mind of another person, a prisoner, who knows of my existence. Than, I began to use my find the people that have done this to make me the being...I am now."

M'gann than looked down...thinking about that Lily told her. She is basically a person that had been experimented on, was disposed, but was able to survive by going into the minds of other people. After looking down at the ground, she spoke.

"We're you ever able to find them?"

After a minute of silence...

"Yes...I have. I was able to find them, and I was able to kill them for what they've done, but now...I have no idea where to go now. I'm so afraid that someone will take me someplace bad like the previous place. I'm scared, I needed to jump away. I needed to hide inside of the minds of humans, so I can survive, and makes sure that no one will hurt me again."

M'gann could not hell but feel pity towards the child. She is basically a person that had suffered a very strong amount of injustice, and while she did get revenge, she was unable to be fully safe, as the SCP Foundation might try taking her. M'gann than looked down, and try to think of something that might help Lily Veleska. After a little bit of thinking, she than snapped her fingers and spoke to Lily.

"I think I know what might help you be hidden."

Lily than looked up with a hopeful expression now present.

"Really? Tell me about it!!"

She spoke, hoping that their might be a way to escape. M'gann smiled, as she spoke out to Lily Veleska.

"I might be able to use my telepathy to get you into my mind. The people that might capture you did not know that I am in the base, as I am invisible to them. I could get you safely inside of my mind for you to escape being captured by them."

Lily, with a glimmer of hope not fully present, jumps up and down in excitement and hugged M'gann.

"Oh...thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank you!!! It means to much, miss!!!"

M'gann smiled, as she hugged back.

"It's nothing. And also, the name is M'gann, Lily."

Lily, while looking up, smiled and spoke out excitedly.

"Still...thank you so much, M'gann!! Can you please do it?!"

M'gann smiled, but than spoke.

"I will. But I will need to concentrate. So don't move a single muscle, Lily. If this is messed up, than I won't be able to get you to me. So please, do not move!!!"

Lily nodded in understanding. Stood in front of her excitedly. M'gann than spoke to Lily.

"Close your eyes, Lily. It'll be over in a minute."

Lily than closed her eyes. M'gann than began to wrap her arms around Lily's entire body, and closed her own eyes as well. As that is happening, more arms than began to appear on the back of the White Martian, and wrapped around Lily to. As that is happening, M'gann than focused on her telepathic powers, as well as her telekinesis, as she began to rise up from the place.

As he began to rise up, the entrance to returning to the outside world has been blocked. But M'gann took care of the strings already. Using her telekinesis, she was able to move the strings, and was able to make an opening. As that happened. The opening began to close up on her. So M'gann than sped up, and went through the hole, just as the strings began to reassemble, and closed of the entrance to the girl's mind again.

Than, a bright light, and M'gann closed her eyes, as that happened again. After a minute, M'gann opened her eyes, as she saw that she is still invisible, and the patient is beginning to awaken. The Martian than flies out of the room, and phased though the wall, as she spoke to Lily, if she is still here with her.

"Lily...Are you alright?"

Silence, and M'gann began to fear for the worse that something bad might have happened...until a familiar voice spoke to her.

"I'm alright, Miss M'gann."

Lily was still alive, and is now inside of M'gann's consciousness! M'gann has sighed in relief, as it became successful when doing a conciseness transference. Than, a astral projection of Lily, who is looking more complete than usual, appeared beside M'gann, and is looking the happiest that M'gann's ever seen.

"Hoooo...I'm so glad that it worked!! I was afraid that I had messed up badly and got you killed!! Well...Umm glad you're safe."

M'gann spoke to SCP-3002, as Lily Veleska hugged M'gann very quickly.

"Well...I'm so glad to have met a friend like you, Miss M'gann!!"

M'gann smiled, as she touched the arm of the SCP.

"Me too...Lily. Me too."

She spoke, as M'gann began to fly back to where her friends are at now. This has been a happy day for someone she's met. now finally free.

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