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Alex is now outside, and is walking inside of a town. The Town seemed fairly normal, as there are no strange stuff that seemed to be present inside of it.

"Haaaa. Well...at least I can take a break from all the stuff that happened."

But as he began to look around, he than felt a strange...feeling. He than turned, and saw a mall next to him. Alex was a bit curious...but he feels like that there is someone calling out to him. It is like a cry for help. Curious...Alex than began to go towards whatever place that is before him.

As he went to it, a creature than popped out of the mall, and charged at Alex. Alex was taken aback, but than activated the Hammerfist, and smashed the entity. Now he realized that there is something defiantly wrong here.

He than went inside of the mall and see what is up. As he did, he looked and saw a page for the SCP. It was called, SCP-4971 'Rituals.'

"Oh no..."

Alex could not believe it. He than read it, and discovered what it is. Apparently, it was a type of pocket dimension that resides in the mall he is inside of right now. Apparently, A person, going by the name of Catarina, was part of a cult that follows Gaia, which Alex might have a guess on who. She sacrificed people, but the bottom half of the page is burnt, and Alex has no idea if it succeeded.

"Oh boy...looks like I have a new mission here."

The entire shop that he is seeing looks abandoned, as there are cracks, rust, and looks as though no one has used it in years. Whatever it is must have made the Foundation quarantine it.

As Alex is looking around the strange place, he than felt like he was being watch by something...off. He turned around, and while it is not easy to try and see it, he is able to spot some eyes that are behind some clothes

Alex sees that there is some strange creatures inside, but they are simply watching. Alex was a bit agitated, and threatened to takes his claws out and cut them without any people watching his presence. But he knew that it would only make the situation a lot worse if he had done this stupid move. So he decided to leave the entities alone and move.

As he is moving, he is getting an unease feeling. The feeling is similar to when he fought against the Deer. But the danger is much worse when he feels the strange feeling right now. He does not know why he is feeling this...but whatever it is...isn't good.

As he continued anywhere towards the mall, he than spot something. It was an entrance. He than stepped towards it. But than, he stepped in something. He looked down...and it was a book. He than crouched down, and began to turn the pages. It looks like...some sort of ritual book of some sort. As he turned the page, he than caught something on one of the 2 pages.

It was of a deer with a floating head of some sort. On the other page is of a symbol, with an upside-down triangle. Inside, it has a circle with a triangle right side-up, and had an even smaller circle inside of it. There is one title present, as the end of the book.


Alex than realized one thing.

"A ritual...maybe there is something that a ritual had done to make this place an anomalous place right now. And this entity, it might be some strange deity inside whatever this place it is in. I really hope that this is not a fake theory."

He than ventured inside of the enterance. As he continued onwards, he than spot a light at the end of it. He than runs up towards it, and looks outside. What he is seeing right now...is one that is completely shocking to him very greatly.

Alex...was in a state of utter shock at what he is seeing before him. There is a forest underneath the shop somehow. It is a pocket dimension, and he senses some stuff inside of this strange place. As he looked around, he noticed that the sun is up, despite the fact that it is legitimately night outside.

"Okay...something is definitely wrong right now. Whoever did this must be a really insane person."

Alex than decide to continue onward inside of this strange landscape. The place resembles a type of forest of some sort. But the forest...there is something defiantly off about it. Alex has no idea why...but he feels like there is some strange stuff that might appear from inside it.

A few more seconds, and he than encouraged something that had made him jumped greatly.

Alex jumped at the sight of the being that he is seeing, and sliced the being in half.

Than, a scream was heard, and the sound of glass shattering appeared. The symbol which replaces the head had shattered like it's glass. As that happened, monsters began to appear, and Alex realized that there's something wrong.

"Uh oh...that's not good."

All of a sudden, a reverse scream was heard, as Alex turned around, and the entity is starting to get back up, and the entity stood back up. A reverse sound of glass-shattering was than heard, and the symbol has now came back. Alex than had one thought inside of his mind.


He than turned and began to run out of the area he's in. The monsters began to follow him to. There was a large swarm of monsters that are trying to kill him. One of them attempted to rip his arm, but Alex got his arm out of the way, and stomped on the symbol. Another tried to grab the head, but Alex than jumped in the air, and glide away, as he turns left.

Alex was shocked, and could not believe what was happening.

"This is insane!! What is happening?!"

Alex has no idea why he had agreed to this mission right now. This entire mission is a mess. The creatures are still after him, and he had no idea how to get away from all of then at once. It almost seems impossible.

He than used his Whipfist and latched it onto a tree, and swung away fast. He than turned around, and landed on the ground, and was able to do it without making any sound. As that is happening, a voice suddenly spoke in his direction.

"Oh thank god someone had come to get me out!!"

Alex turned and sees a female, with the symbol of the SCP Foundation on her suit. Alex came to her, and saw a strange symbol in her eyes.

Alex tilted his head and spoke out to her.

"Who are you?"

The foundation. Than spoke with haste present in her voice.

"I'm an agent to the SCP Foundation. I have no idea how long I can keep up with this sort of thing. These monsters...they are trying to find me!! I need your help in finding a way out now!!"

Alex than held her arms and spoke out to her.

"Don't worry. We'll find a way back to the outside. I just hope that we..."

Before he could finish, he than heard something. He turned, and ducked down away. The agent must have realized that something wrong is here to, because he did the same thing. When they took a peak, they saw a gigantic being resembling a strange deer, but it was more monstrous.

"What...the hell is that?"

Alex spoke a little quiet. The agent than turned to him and spoke.

"'The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth.' That is the names of the entity we are seeing. We need to get away, fast."

The agent sounds really desperate, and Alex agrees with her.

"Than let's go."

Alex than turned and held onto the agent's hand, as they went. As they began to walk, he than spoke out loud.

'Man...I can't imagine what would happen if SCP-2846 saw this gigantic deer. They would either be good friends...or they'll be definitely pals.'

Alex shuttered at that thought. It would be so terrifying. He could not stand it. He later shook his head, and spoke to her.

"So, tell me. Do you know what caused this, Agent?"

He is really curious at how this situation even came into play. The agent took a deep breath, and spoke out.

"Apparently, a person, going by the name of Catarina had used a book, and had tried to summon a supposed, champion of Gaia."

Alex was now interested.

"Gaia? You mean the primordial earth goddess in Greek Mythology? That Gaia?"

The agent turned and nodded her head.

"Catarina has to sacrifice a large number of people, in order to summon this 'supposed champion.' But what she didn't know...is that this is not a champion of Gaia. It was a God of Sacrifice. She, however, was to blinded to see that, and still enacted the ritual anyway. The creatures you had seen are the victims of the sacrifice, that are kept alive by The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth. And Catarina, She is, in fact, still present in SCP-4971, but she only has a little bit of humanity still left inside of her being. We tried to kill her, but she was ressurectrd, and called out to Gaia. The God of Sacrifice...he...he tired the hearts of my team out. Catarina than tried to kill me, but I was able to survive her.I really hope that you know the way out of here, because I can't stand staying in this place anymore. The water is terrible, monsters are everywhere, and I have no idea where the entrance is."

But Alex knows. Before he left the enternsce, when he entered the other side, he placed a tracking chip, which allowed him to know where he needed to go.

"I placed a transmitter chip, before I left the enterance. Maybe it will help us both trying to get out."

The Agent looked with hope.


Alex nodded, and picked her up. Alex than jumped away from the area fast. He than looked at his tracker, and saw that he needed to go to the left. So he turned left, and was able to locate where the enterance is. He than told the Agent to hang onto him from behind, and wrap he arms around the neck, so he could glide. The agent does what he told her to do. She grabbed onto Alex's neck, and Alex began to glide.

But as they did so, a duo than began to here a strange song. The song was to familiar for the agent to even here. They turned and saw a female, who's identified as 'Catarina.'

"Oh no..."

The agent spoke out. Alex than turns to her, and shouted.

"Why are you standing here for?! Run back to the Foundation now!!"

The Agent did not argue, and turned as fast as she can go in running. Alex than turned, and brought out his blade for lethality. He than charged at Catarina, who is still trying to call out to Gaia herself. But Alex is still unsure if Gaia, if she is still existing, can hear Catarina. He than cuts Catarina in half. But Catarina simply came back, and called out to Gaia. Her head than collapsed into itself, as a symbol, one from the ritual, appeared.

Obviously, Alex has no idea how much he can take in this. The entities just keep on coming back again, and they seem to heal without any sort of issues. Alex is wondering if they can be permanently killed when he consumes them, but it would also make him infected to this thing as well. Needles to say, Alex has no idea what to do.

Then...a loud, bellowing roar was heard from behind Catarina, and Alex, worried about what is going to happen, sealed your the entrance to outside. He than looks up, and saw someone he never thought he would see up-close

Alex than looked in shock, as The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth appeared,

and this time...has brought all of the victims with him, the ones that's are from the sacrifice that Catarina had put them through.

All of the victims have only outlines of heads, as in the place of the heads are the symbols of the ritual itself.

Alex now is beginning to feel desperate to try and put a end to those being. But how can you kill a being, that will always be resurrected by a God that embodies Sacrifice itself?

As he began to look around, Catarina than began to laught, as she began to shout out.

"You shall be a great feast to Gaia!! Humanity will be cleansed of you vermin!!!"

The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth, than steps towards Alex, and Prepares to kill him, When suddenly...Alex spoke.

"The only one who is a Vermin...is you, Catarina."

Than...all of a sudden, a blast of red energy than appeared out of nowhere, and caused a massive shockwave to appear, sending the creatures back. Catarina was caught off guard by what had happened, and The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth is still standing his ground. As the light died down, Alex had changed to his other firm when he was in one of the 001 timelines.

But this time, it was not Alex in control....it was the creator of the Blacklight Virus: Yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth has heard of The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth. It was an entity that had once taken many of Yaldabaoth's followers, and converted them into beings of its own liking. Needless to say, Yaldabaoth was not happy, and battles against the entity. The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth and Yaldabaoth's battle was so great, it had even threatened to tear apart existence from even the slightest movement that they could do. After Yaldabaoth won, she had sealed away the entity, since it is an Amortal Being. She had hoped that no one, not even a human, would find a way to bring out The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth from his prison. But it seemed that someone had done that, and Yaldabaoth, is not happy that someone had did The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth a service.

Yaldabaoth than summoned a roar so loud, it caused every being infected by The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth's influence to be cured, minus those that has been a part of the cult themselves. They are than sent back to there they came from with no recollection whatsoever.

Yaldabaoth looked at The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth, and shouted to it.

"Sacrinus!!! How dare you appear before me and try to escape from the prison I had made for you?! I will make sure that you do not escape here, the prison I made to make sure that you are to stay trapped for eternity!!!!!"

The entity, remembering Yaldabaoth, now known as Sacrinus, than charged at her very angry, in an effort to try and kill the Goddess now present. But Yaldabaoth simply brought out her tentacles on the right arm, and flung The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth, as a piercing loud scream was heard, and the sound of glass shattering was heard 1000 times greater.

Catarina was shocked at the being before her. She than called out to Gaia.

"Gaia!!! Where are you?! I need your help!!! GAIA!!! SAVE ME!!!"

Than, a hand from Yaldabaoth grabbed onto Catarina, with only Catarina's head untouched. She was than lifted, and saw Yaldabaoth, as she changed form.

Catarina was shocked at what she is seeing before her eyes. Yaldabaoth than spoke very angrily at one of her creations.

"Catarina!!! How dare you use a ritual and attempt to Summon Sacrinus?! I had given you so many things!! I ha given you a mind, a body, a conscious, and this is how you repay me, girl??!!!"

Catarina was shocked at how long she is speaking. But than, Catarina spoke out, scared.

"Who...who are you?! Why is Gaia not here now?!"

Yaldabaoth sneered a little bit, before speaking out to Catarina.

"Who am I, you ask?! Pathetic girl, I am the being that had made humanity. I am Yaldabaoth, the Goddess of Flesh and Instinct!!! And Gaia...she was already in the outside world. You had just picked the wrong God to summon, Sacrinus!! You should have realized...that you had now picked up Gaia's book. Your friend tried to tell you, but you did not listen. Your efforts has been for nothing. And besides...Gaia is nowhere near my power."

Catarina was shocked. She had summoned a different being, and not Gaia, as Gaia had already been living on Earth. She had grabbed the wrong book. Her efforts...were for nothing. As Yaladabaoth looked at Catarina, she than saw The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth standing back up, and is resourcing itself again. She than has one idea. One of which Alex is terrified of happening.

"Sacrinus!!! I have decided to bring a friend for you to have!"

She than snapped her fingers, and summoned SCP-2845, in front of The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth.

Both of them looked at each other, before SCP-2845 than fired ice pillars at The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth. The Sacrifical God was unaffected, and tried to rip its heart out. This failed as well. Than, both SCP-2845 and The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth began to battle one another, as the causes devastation across the land itself. Yaldabaoth than looked down at Catarina, who was still in shock at the reveal that Yaldabaoth had told her about.

Yaldabaoth than spoke out to her in a cold voice.

"I will not set you free for what you had almost tried to do. Count this as your punishment for almost releasing Sacrinus."

She than snapped her fingers, and disappeared, while also relinquishing Alex control back to his body again. But Catarina was still on her knees. Her mind...broken...for her greatest failure yet. And now...she pays the consequences for what she did wrong, in summoning The-One-Who-Knows-Silence-in-the-Earth, also known as Sacrinus. This is Catarina's eternal punishment.

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