Battle against Alpha

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Rex, Alex, Ben, and M'gann followed Caesar back onto the ship. He than began to explain the situation at hand, as he spoke out loud

"These were gathered from the area of the space-time rift, and you'll find them everywhere Alpha goes."

He spoke, as he held a container, filled with what Ben guesses.

"I take it those are Nanites?"

Ben questions Caesar. He than spoke out to Ben to confirm it.

"Dead Nanites, drained from the entity you just fought, and incidentally, the thing that dragged you there from your Earth."

Alex and Rex were surprised. While they have been through timelines, they never expected different Earths to exist.

"His Earth?!"

Alex shouted rather shocked.

"He really is from a parallel world?!"

Ben than spoke in a rather teasing tone towards the 2 people.

"Science class much? "

Rex questions his brother. Rex and Alex looked annoyed, before looking back at Caesar, who than spoke out.

"I believe it's been searching for a way home. It was possibly attracted to that device before it went though the portal. A powerful device, no doubt."

Caesar spoke, as Ben began to explain.

"It's called the Ultimatrix. It has the DNA of a million aliens.

Rex than did a mocking face and teased Ben back, which had now annoyed the Ultimatrix Wielder.

"Riiight...aliens. And leprechauns gave me these goggles."

Rex spoke in a mocking tone, but Alex spoke to him.

"Rex. You are forgetting M'gann, right?"

Rex realized it and facepalmed, before looking towards his brother, seriously. Ben and the others did the same thing as well.

"I'm curious at how my brother knows so much from a parallel dimension?"

Caesar than spoke out.

"Because I sent it there.

In the early days of the Nanite Program, our goal was simple -- Construct micromachines to cure diseases, grow new cells, regenerate bones. But there was a control issue. Some thought a human-machine link was the answer. Others proposed that the machines could control themselves. I was in the latter camp. I developed the Alpha to command other nanites."

"To maximize its effectiveness, I had to program Alpha to think for itself."

Ben than turned to Rex, having a large feeling the situation that this world has bad problems, possibly worse than even ones from his Earth.

"Does a long explanation means something bad on your Earth to?"

Ben spoke out to Rex, who later speaks back to Ben.

"Yep, in fact, a large number of bad things happened to everyone."

Caesar than began to continue explaining it.

"Alpha developed its own consciousness. It evolved into a unique life form and wanted a body, but whatever it built burnt out. So, when Alpha attempted possessing living things...Alpha had to be eliminated. So I built a Dimensional Disruptor."

Caesar explained, as he shows the schematics for the weaponry, and what its purpose is. Ben than spoke out.

"That sounds like a Null Void Gun! We've got those on my earth to.

Caesar spoke to the group.

"I designed it to send the Alpha to an empty space where it wouldn't do any more damage. That's what I was attempting to do again -- until you destroyed it."

But Ben than spoke something that shocked them.

"But...the Null Void isn't empty! It's a prison for intergalactic criminals!"

Caesar than puts his finger on his chin, realizing what he meant.

"Hmm...I see. Than clearly he found a host in a mechanical. Alpha always has a way with Machines.

It's been gaining mass and energy from machines and other nanites. If it's able to stabilize a host body, there's no limit to the amount of damage it can cause."

Rex than spoke back to his brother.

"So just cooked up a bazooka thingy, and let's go zap it!"

Before Caesar could even answer back.


The top of the vessel has been busted, with Alpha at the top.

"Too late for that, Rex."

Caesar than went into an escape vehicle of some sort.

"We gotta go, brother!"

Rex than spoke out to Caesar

"Tell me that's a new weapon."

But the doors closed, and Rex was shocked.


Alex and M'gann, wasting no time, than ran towards the opposite wall, busted a hole in there, and jumped out.


Than, as the vessel exploded, another creature came out at the same time, with Alex using his Hammerfists, and M'gann falling towards the ground after she hardened her entire mass. After a few seconds, The new Alien than rolled, with Alex doing the same, but stopped after about 2 rolls. After the filing had stopped.

"Ewwww!!! Do. You. Have. Any idea what it smells like in there, dude?!"

Rex spoke, talking to Ben, who is now in his form Cannonbolt.

Silence, until Ben changed back.

"I'm pretty sure you can handle some arburian musk to save your bits and bolts, 'dude.'

Rex than spoke out.

"Sorry...thanks. It's just..."

Rex than got frustrated, and began to speak out.

"This day was so perfect. Now there's aliens, my friend's in a coma, and my brother is trying to kill me."

But Ben disagrees, and spoke back.

"Maybe he was trying to protect us. Alpha was there and now it's not."

Rex than spoke out with a smile, as he pointed at Ben.

"You're one of those glass-half full guys, aren't you?"

Ben than twirled his finger near his right ear, and spoke out.

"Here on crazy earth, why not?"

Alex and M'gann than spoke to each other.

"They'd be really good friends."

Alex spoke out to M'gann. The White Martian than spoke back to the Blacklight.


Rex than presses on her Ear Piece, as she decide to speak for confirmation.

"Holiday, is Six? "

Holiday than spoke through the earpiece.

"He's the same, but the knights have figured out how to close the rift. You need to get Mr.
10 back to New York if he ever wants to see his home again."

"Figures. Just when I almost considered liking you."

Rex than spoke, knowing what this all meant. But Ben than objected back.

"Hold on a second. You think I'm leaving you like this? This might not be my Earth, but it's still Earth sort of."

Rex than spoke out to Ben again, knowing he means well, but thinks that it is his Earth's problem.

"Thanks, but this is mine, Alex, and M'gann's problem, not yours."

Than, Holdiay decide to drop a bombshell on Rex.

"Rex, we need you back at base. It's here."

Alex than looked, as he spoke out.

"That doesn't sound good at all. We need to go, fast."

Rex than turned, as he spoke out to Alex Mercer.

"Cool. Good call!"

Rex than activated the Boogie Packs, as Ben became Big Chill again. M'gann than used Telekinesis to carry Alex, and everyone began to fly back to Holiday.

Back at the base...

Alpha had busted inside of the base, and found the E.V.Os that reside there. He than spoke out to them.

"Come to me, my siblings."

Alpha said, as he began to absorb the Nanites of the E.V.Os. Holiday is watching the entire thing on screen. She than grabbed out a laser gun, and looks back at Six.

"I'll be back."

She leans in and kisses the Glass, before running out. She than came to the room, and aimed her weapon at the Alpha Nanite's form.

"The nanites in those creatures -- they are different, powerful. Your nanites are weak. I have no use for you."

Holiday than fired her weapon at the Alpha Nanite. But he wasn't phased by the weapon itself. He than manipulated his own body, and both extended and enlarged his hand to the point that it grabbed Holiday, and began crushing her.

"Where is the boy?"

Alpha spoke out in a demanding tone to Holiday, referring to Rex. Holiday, however, was defiant and spoke out, angrily towards Alpha

"His nanites are off limits."

Rex was in his Rex Ride, and batter-rammed into Alpha. Holiday was sent flying, but a blue blue caught Holiday before dropping down hard

XLR8 than changed back to Ben, after he got Holiday.

"Hey, do you mind giving me a hand?!"

Rex spoke out to Ben. The Omnitrix wielder than spoke out.

"How about 4."

He slapped the dial, and became Four Arms.

"I think I'm starting to like you, Ben 10.

Alpha than began to charge at the duo. Both Rex and Alex are held by Four Arms, who launch them. When the fists clashed, it caused a shockwave to appear.

But Alex was relentless, as he returned back to fight. He than formed his blade, as he than tried to cut it to pieces. But the Alpha Nanite is unaffected by the cutting, and simply pushed Alex back.

M'gann than tried a similar thing, but with her Martian Vision. It didn't work. All it did was simply annoy the Alpha.

"You cannot keep me from what I seek."

Alpha spoke to the group. But Rex than spoke back to the Alpha.

"My brother? Look around. He's not here."

But Alpha has a better idea, as he spoke out loud.

"The Father is redundant now that I found you."

Alpha than extended his arms, and Rex brought out his Smack Hands to try and block one of them, expecting him to use his other arm. But he was wrong, and instead, Alpha made another arm, and Rex had to use his left arm to block it. Ben and Alex try to charge at it, but Alpha simply manipulated his other arm, and trapped them both inside of his fist. He than put both the Smack Hands together, and tried to absorb Rex, but saw that he can't do it.

"I cannot merge!! What makes you so special?!"

Alpha than began to look deep into Rex's body, and saw what it is.

" Omega!"

Rex is than getting reeled in, as Alpha than began to make a mouth, and tried to devour Rex.

Rex, however, tried to resist, and attempts to get Alpha off.


Holiday shouted, as she fired a laser gun, and amputated Rex's Punk Buster.

"Ahhh!! That was my leg!!"

Alex and Four Arms than went in close and clapped their hands together, creating a powerful shockwave that sends the Alpha back farther. Holiday than aimed her weapon, as she spoke out to the entity.

"Your move."

Alpha than looked at Holiday, than looked at the opening, and in which than flees away. Ben couldn't believe that Holiday would cut off Rex's leg, as he spoke out, annoyed.

"The brother wants blow you up, and she's your friend? You might be safer on my Earth."

But Holiday than spoke out to Ben with great Reassurance to Ben.

"Rex can lose his builds relatively pain-free."


Ben and Rex are now in a room playing basketball. They decide to wait until they find out where Alpha is. Alex and M'gann are in the control room, trying to train and prepare to battle against the Alpha Nanites again.

"Holiday thinks it'll come back for me, but, yeah, I'd rather go after the thing, knock it into another dimension."

"But your bio-whatevers need a break."

I get it.

Rex than shoot the Basket Ball, but he instead hit the window instead of the hoop itself

"Ya missed."

Bono shouted towards the 2.

"At least you hit the rim that time."

Ben complemented towards Rex.

"Yeah, thanks."

Ben than got a little curious about Rex, so he decided to ask him a question that he has been holding.

"So, what happened to you, anyways?"

Rex than turned around to Ben with an annoyed expression.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing."

"Six years ago, the Nanite event changed everything."

"And there's alien DNA in the Omnitrix."

"And that's how I could build stuff with the micro machines in my body."

"Now Kevin, Gwen, and I are the plumbers."

Back in the outside world, Rex was looking at Ben with an amused look.

"Plumbers? I thought Providence was a dumb name."

Both Rex and Ben than laughed. Rex tried to score a shot, but missed. Ben cane to his aid, and shot it himself, and helped Rex Succeed.

"Nice assist."

Rex spoke out to Ben, who than spoke back to him.

"That's how we get it done."

Than, a loud beep was heard, and both Rex and Ben ran to the base for White Knight in order to find Alpha.


They are now at the control room where White Knight is at. He than began to speak.

"SATs Scans have located the Alpha. It's at the Bug Jar."

Rex got confused, as he spoke out to White Knight.

"I thought the Bug Jar was shielded."

But White Knight simply spoke out.

"Not anymore."

White Knight than deactivated the screen. Rex than looked at Ben and spoke out.

"So much for waiting! Let's get Alex and M'gann to help us out!"

Both Rex and Ben grabbed their coats and began running out, unaware what they just did.

Ben than sniffed, not knowing that they had picked and and are now wearing the wrong jackets. He than recoiled, as he spoke out.

"Why does my jacket smell like Bananas?"

Rex was uncomfortable, as he spoke out to Ben.

"Ghhh...this feels tight!"

Bobo looks at them, rather a little bit unamused.

"You guys are your best hope? We're doomed!"

He spoke out, as he threw the newspapers over his head in frustration. Both Ben and Rex looked at each other, as they realized they had swapped clothing.

M'gann and Alex are watching this, and Alex was very displeased. He facepalmed a little, bit M'gann is giggling, and laughing using her telepathic powers. This is going to be a whole day looking serious.

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