Helping a New Ally

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It has been an hour since that happened. Thankfully, M'gann, who was with the girls, had recovered and helped Rex bring Six to Providence, while bring Ben in containment.

Holiday was looking at Six with a worried expression, as She spoke out to Rex.

"I'm doing everything I can, Rex. But we have to focus on the bigger picture. Six would want us to."

She spoke, as she closed the pod, and let Six recover. Rex was a little unhappy, and than spoke out to her.

"Figures the only time I do what Six would want, he's in coma."

M'gann than came in and hugged Rex, as she spoke out.

'Don't worry, Rex. He'll survive. We'll make sure of it.'

Rex was very uncomfortable, but he hugged back anyway.

White Knight is looking at some of the screens. Alex had informed him of a strange orange orb that had went out of the machine, just a moment after it exploded. White Knight is here to try and check it out.

"I'll be having the pleasure of helping Providence figure out how to close the rift. The rest of you can deal with that machine."

Rex was confused, as he spoke out.

"It got blown to bits along with Six. Remember?"

"Don't be so sure."

He than showed the Orange Orb, and spoke out to them.

"Alex informed of me of this thing coming out of the robot when it had exploded from Six. Someone needs to find out what that is and where it went."

As he spoke out, Ben's voice than spoke out loud.

"I can do that."

Everyone than looked at him, and Bono, the taking monkey, spoke.

"You ain't doin' nothi' but sittin' pretty and shuttin' up."

And Rex came towards him a little bit, and spoke out in the same angry tone, but is much more controlled than when he was enraged.

"And if Six doesn't pull through, you won't even be able to do that."

Alex puts a hand on Rex, and Alex's expression tells Rex to remain calm, Rex takes a little bit of a deep breath, as he looked at Ben, who spoke in a very remorseful voice, even though he did nothing about the coma of Six.

"I'm sorry about your friend -- honestly. Obviously, he's important to you. But I have no clue what's even happening here. I'never heard of Providence or evos or One minute I'm doing a tv Interview, the next -- hole in the sky, flash of light, and I'm punching out a mecha-monster."

As he speaks, Holiday than scanned Ben's body, to see about if he has Nanites.

"Then I end up in a world where nobody knows me."

"He might actually be telling the truth."

As she said that, Bono than jumped onto the window, trying to scare Ben, but only made him flinch a little. That was it. Alex, however, grabs Bobo by the neck, and throws him back to the table. M'gann than used Telekinesis and lowers him down very safely, without causing any harm to him. Holiday than speaks to Rex.

"Ben's nanite-absorption level indicates that he came through that rift without any."

Rex was surprised, and spoke out.

"I thought White Knight was the only living thing on Earth that's nanite-free. Well, maybe except the foundation, of course. As well as my friends."

Ben, however, was very worried, as he spoke out, unhappy.

"So, you mean I have those things in me now? Great. Where's my space suit?"

Ben spoke out, unsure if he would get badly affected. But Holiday spoke out to him.

"You'll live. It still doesn't explain how you got here."

"Well, whatever it is you came out of, hopefully we can send you back through to where you came from."

Alex spoke out to Ben. Ben than crossed his arms and leans against the Glass.

"We're probably looking at a parallel-world thing."

Holiday, however, disagrees, and spoke out

"Parallel worlds are a theory -- and a shaky one, at that."

Both Rex and Alex looked at each other. They didn't tell Providence about going to different Timelines. So obviously, they would more believe this thing.

"Are you serious? I go to them all the time.
Maybe if you knew where that mech-alien was from, it might help prove --"

Rex, however, doesn't want to listen any longer, as he shouted.

"Quit talking."
Ben than spoke back to him.

"Exactly. Nothing's gonna get answered sitting around here."

Rex however, than spoke out.

"In case you hadn't noticed, we're holding you under house arrest."

Rex spoke out confidently, as he crossed his arm in thinking there is no way out for Ben.

But Ben was smiling, and both Alex and M'gann knows what is about to happen next.

"You wern't holding me! I was offering got see if I could help!"

He than held out his device, and slapped onto it. Suddenly, the bright green light than appeared once more. When it died down, both Alex and Rex were shocked at what they're seeing.

Ben bas now changed into a new form. This one is a humanoid, moth-like alien whose four wings and antenna can fold up into a hooded robe (much akin to a poncho), giving him the appearance of a phantom. He has a black body with cyan patches on his arms, shoulders, legs, the back of his wings, and the back of his neck that resemble ice chunks. Each patch has thick blue outlining except for the ones on his wings, which are outlined in black. There is also a black line that runs on the edge of the outer margin on the back of each wing. On his torso are three plates: one resembling the chest, a shorter plate under the chest, and one resembling the stomach. On his face are blue cheeks and underjaw, a mouth that always shows bluish-white teeth, and large green eyes with dark green spots. The top of his head also sports a blue Y-shaped marking that extends over his scalp. He has three pointed fingers and a thumb on each hand, and two toes on each foot and a third toe-like extension on his ankles. This alien is Big Chill.

He than began to walk out of the containment chamber. M'gann was shocked at that.

"He can use density shift in this form?!"

Big Chill than got close to Rex's face, as he spoke.

"You aren't the only person worried about someone close to you."

Big Chill than went through the roof, but Rex grabbed Alex, as he spoke out.

"We got this."

Rex than activated the Boogie Packs, and flied our. M'gann simply passed through the ceiling, and began chasing Big Chill.

"Why don't you just go back to where you came from?"

Big Chill spoke very annoyed at Rex.

"I'm trying to, you doof!"

"Rex, does it look like he can even open a portal right now?"

Alex spoke in a questioning tone to the E.V.O. Rex however, was to angry to listen, and wants some payback at Ben, even though he did nothing wrong here.

Rex than tried to punch Big Chill, but he froze the arm. Alex came in and tried to attack it, but he simply past though Big Chill. M'gann, however, was able to use her power and actually touch him. But Big Chill than froze her, forcing Alex to try and get her out. But as that happened, Big Chill noticed something, and spoke.

"Oh no."

He than went flung, as Rex used his drill mechanism, braking the ice. Big Chill went in front of a restaurant of some sort, as he changed back.

"Mr Smoothie isn't here. That's messed up."

Rex, however, was not satisfied with the answer, and shouts back.

"My partner is in a coma. If you're stressing over a frozen drink, you are totally getting punk-busted!"

But Ben than spoke back without any form of anger.

"We're in Bellwood, my hometown -- or it should be. But it's all different. Part of me hoped it wouldn't be, but this pretty much proves it."

Rex, still not convinced, than spoke back angrier.

"This doesn't prove anything!"

But Ben than resists his voice back at him, and shouted.

"You know the friend you care about? Well, I have a cousin, a grandfather, a best friend that I care about. They don't exist here. I may never see them again. I'm totally alone. So, go ahead. Do your worst."

Ben said, as he prepared to make the attack. M'gann than did a telepathic communication.

"I don't sense any form of lie in him. Perhaps he is telling the truth."

Alex than came in and spoke out.

" you really think that we should still get angry."

Rex than looked down a bit, and spoke out.

"Maybe we can help each other."

Ben was surprised, and walked towards the group.

"You'd do that?"

"What's that sound?"

As if on answer, and aircraft carrier than appeared, and Rex recognized it.

"My brother."

Ben than questioned him.

"Is he like you?"

Rex than gave out a bit of a goofy smile, as he spoke to Ben.

"Uh, no. Caesar's a little crazy and he's working for the different side, but, otherwise, not so bad."

Well, when the door opened, Caesar is infact here...but he is holding a weapon. Needless to say, Rex, Ben, and the others are looking very disbelieved at him.

"What constitutes "not so bad" here on opposite world?"

Ben spoke out to Rex.

Caesar than fired his weapon, but Ben than changed to Diamond Head, and deflected the beam back at the gun, which had than short-circuited.

"No! We need that!"

Caesar than shouted out, as Alex picked it up.

"To try and kill us?!"

But Caesar than shouted back.

"To stop that!!"

Alex, Rex, and M'gann than looked in shock as a glowing orb of fiery orange emery than appeared.

"What the...who is that?"

M'gann spoke out. Caesar than spoke

"A bad, bad thing."

It than began to glow even more, as it began to change shape. Than, after a little bit, the shape had been made.

This strange humanoid appears to be a skinny red humanoid made of energy. His body is enveloped in a soft red glow. His face is somewhat skeletal, lacking a visible lower jaw and having small fang-like projections on either side of the mouth.

"Why would you speak of me so, Father? I am your Alpha. I came home. You are pleased?"

The being, called Alpha, spoke out. Caesar tha glazed at the entity, and spoke out to him.

"No...not especially."

Than, Alpha grabbed him by the neck, and spoke out to him.

"What has happend here? Why so many brothers?"

Alpha spoke out to Caesar. Caesar than spoke out.

"We has an accident."

The bodies I build, Father -- they still do not last. But my brothers are free. I can control them. They could help make me complete.

Alpha than let's go of Caesar, who fell down very painfully.


Rex and the others prepared to intercept, but Caesar held his hand out.

"Rex, stay back!"

Alpha: I am still weak, Father. I need more.

Alpha than got on its knees, and held out his hands, as though he is begging for some strange forgiveness.

"Will you help me live?"

Caesar, as defiant as always, than spoke out to him, angrily.

"I don't believe so, Alpha."

Alpha had expected the snare, and stood up.

"That is a very disappointing response."

Than, Ben, who is now Diamond head, than spoke out.

"Then you really won't like this one!"

Ben than struck against the Alpha, who is than sent back by the attack.

"Don't let it touch him!"

Caesar spoke out. Alex and M'gann joined in, and attacked. Alex than did Hammerfist and pounded the entity, while M'gann tired to use her shape shifting abilities to try and trap it. But Alpha simply went free.

Rex than came out and activated his Bad Axes. Alpha was very intrigued by that, as he spoke out.

You control nanites, yet you are human. How is this possible? Tell me the secret."

Alex, however, than did a clap with his hands, and both him and Diamond Head punches Alpha right there the head is. Alpha than fled the scene, and got away very quick.

"Eh, Caesar? What is that thing? Why did it call you "Father"?"

Rex questions his older brother. Caesar than grabbed onto Rex's shoulder, as he spoke out to his brother.

"It' a migrating. We have to follow it, now!"

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