Conquest Downfall Part 6

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They all got it. They had gotten everybody assembled, even 001 Kanpeki and the Omega Spawn with them here. But now...they need a plan.

Prime!A: "Okay. We have done it. We have got all of the things and the people what we need."

Prime!R: "As well as getting away from the aliens when they had chased us."

The others turned to Prime Rex, who held his hands up, realizing what he said. 001 Alex than shook his head in a diss appointed fashion, hearing him like this. Than, he sensed that there is something wrong.

" you feel there's something wrong?"

Everyone began to notice to. They than closed their eyes, and than, they began to experience some kind of vision.

A fist was slammed in a table of some kind. It was gray and gnarly, and has some sharp claws. The fist of this sort of thing belongs to a alien larger than the others. It must be the leader. He is looking immensely enraged at what could possibly be from the failed capture attempts.

"This is an outrage!! We had failed to get them and bring them back here?! How could this thing happen?! We had a duty here!!! And it only ended poorly!!!"

As the leader shouted out, another Alien than spoke out to the leader very calmly.

"But my lord. We do have a solution that might help out ease this rage."

The leader than looked angrily at the alien before him, and then he spoke out.

"And What plan do you have in mind right there?"

The alien seems to be making some kind of crooked smile on his ugly face.

"We will threaten to destroy the planet. If we can do that, it might cause the entities that we need to come out of hiding. When we do that, we will bring out a army of them, where they will be overwhelmed by our forces. And finally, we will combine their powers together, in order to make the ultimate weapon to use on the world."

The leader than looked a bit surprised for a bit, before his face morphed into a very toothy, hungry grin. Speaking of tooth, his teeth are very misshaped and crooked. He than chuckled out a very dark laugh at the Alien who spoke to him, as he spoke back, confidently.

"I like the way that you plan, my loyal servant. Yes, a good plan indeed. We will take use that to our advantage. They will not know what hit them."

He than began to laugh an insane type of laughter. The vision ends, and everyone here was very surprised at what they had heard there.

Prime!BB: "Well, looks like it is no longer secret."

Prime Blue Beetle spoke aloud. Then, Prime Koriand'r than spoke out to the group present.

Prime!K: "What do we do now? If they destroy the planet, it will kill everyone. But if we do not do something about it, than we will get caught and be experiment by him! Is there any ideas that can help us in this mess we are in now?"

Everyone began to look down, before Alex snapped his fingers.

"I have an idea. Our 001 counterparts of me and Rex, they will make more of the Blacklights and E.V.Os to aid us in this, as well as make more Ghouls and Demons for 001 Kanpeki and Spawn. But while that is happening, the rest of us will go in and try to distract the leader as much as possible, while this may work. However, before we get to the leader, we need to weaken his forces a little bit, and get the humans out of the city to fight. Don't want any risk of getting them killed from the battle that we might have. We have only one shot at this. It is either a now or never situation."

Everyone was a bit unease of his plan, but they new that there is no other choice. One one side, they think it was bad to reveal themselves to 001s. But on the other hand, they need to reveal themselves, before they destroy the Earth. Everyone looked and nodded, agreeing.

"Okay...but where do we start on this thing here?"

Alex looked at Rex who spoke, and smiled at him. the Alien place...

The alien soldiers are seen guarding the place, and is trying to find any intruders. Or more specifically, to find the targets they failed capturing. But as they look around, a twin green laser beam than hits the 2 guards, causing them to drop dead.

Alex has dropped down from the ceiling, and the others had dropped down as well. As they look around here, Toxin senses more of them coming, and jumped back up. But a laser began stopped them from hiding in place. As they fall, Alex maneuvered around just a little bit, and began to use his Medusa's Wrath on the Aliens that are coming this way. The instant kill eye beams spread throughout the room itself, and killed every alien entering.

While the aliens are being killed by the eye beams, the Alien is watching the entire scene form a screen near him. It is even more worse for his now, because many of the humans in the city are gone. The 001 counterpart of Breach had made a portal that got all of the humans out of here, while the alien's attention is only payed on the Prime Counterparts themselves.

While the Prime counterparts are taking care of the Aliens, and 001 counterparts are doing the best they can to make as many more as possible to help the Primes. But they are somewhat stressed at trying to help them. Because of the unknown amount of Aliens that's possibly present, they need to use a lot of their energy to do what they can stop try and help them out.

Back with Alex and the others from the Prime Earth, Alex and the others have begun to decrease the army, and are weakening them greatly. Now the others are helping out on this situation, greatly. Koriand'r and Blue Beetle are using energy attacks for vaporization. Rex, Kanpeki, and Spawn are using blades made from themselves to cut them in pieces, and Circe, along with Scorn are doing their best here.

Spawn, however, take it up a notch, when he makes a nightmarish mouth, and begins to claw at the aliens

Spawn than began going berserk, and start tearing them apart. Spawn, obviously, is getting impatient, and wants to get back as soon as he could. Kanpeki must have thought the same, because he unleashed his Kagune at a lethal rate. He began to cut many of the enemies down to so much pieces as before. One of the Aliens tried to attack him from behind. However, he ducked and used his Kagune to hit back.

Koriand'r, obviously now fed up, decide to make it quicker. But he has to warn them about what she'll do.

"Everyone, you must shield yourselves!"

Everyone took the warning, and began to used some shields that they can make, or make one similar to it. As the enemies close it, she then spread her arms outwards, and created a massive blast from her own energy.


The explosion was very powerful to the point that every Alien inside is vaporized. But when the explosion's gone, Koriand'r was very, very exhausted.

"X...X'hal! That was much energy right there!"

She than began to recharge the power she had used. At the same time, Alex and the others dropped their shields.

"Woah...that was powerful."

Jaime has spoken out loud. The others looked and nodded. As they looked, they than saw a door to where the leader is for them. It is at the far end of the hallway seen. Everyone looked at each other...and then they moved forward as fast as they could.

The door, however, was locked. And not in the usual type of lock. The door is actually sealed shut completely. Koriand'r tried to melt it, but it didn't do so. Spawn tried to blast it and make the door explode, but it did nothing here. Than, Alex than decided a new tactic to open it. Each of them combine their physical might to open it. Alex changed to his Hammerfists, Rex with his Smack Hands, and Jaime with the mace formed in his band's place.

Everyone had punched the door, and the door has let itself go off very hard. The Newborns than looked at the room itself. At the other side of the room, is the Leader, standing up. He has some strange battle armor that he now dons. Alex has no idea, but he knows that this Alien is very well prepared here. The Leader looks at them, and he is looking enraged. He is also feeling it as well. Enraged that his plan has become ruined by the people he had tried to capture the entire time. He than looks at them...and than roars immensely loud.


The roar was enough to crack the walls and the floor of the room, which are tougher than titanium. He looks at them with immense hatred in his eyes.


He than charged at them. Alex, however, ran forward first. They both of them punch, and caused a powerful shockwave. The shockwave than caused the entire room here to collapse. The room than exploded, and, much to everyones's surprise, it was floating in mid-air. Toxin and Scorn than manipulated their biomass to make them parachute down to safety. Koriand'r and Spawn used their ability to fly, along with Jaime, who catches Kanpeki from falling. Rex used his Boogie Packs and held onto Circe, dearly. Alex, however, is still falling, and is fighting the Leader.

Alex punches the face of the leader, who, while got knocked back a little bit, headbutts Ale in the stomach. This made him almost puke, but he recovered and kicks the Leader in the neck, causing a sickening 'crunch', and the General to have trouble breathing from the attack itself. However, the general regenerated greatly, and Alex than decide to settle it when in ground. Alex than grabbed the General and began to wrestle and than tried for get him down to the ground first. But the Leader was big. Even bigger than even Koriand'r, who is by far the tallest member in the group. The General realize what Alex is trying to do here, and tries doing the same. As the began to fall, they all began to flare like they are a meteorite, and when they crashed down to the ground, it caused them create a large explosion.


Everyone shouted at him. They were afraid that Alex has been killed from that. Everyone looked worried at first. But when the smoke cleared, Alex is seen standing up. He is looking rather exhausted, but is rather alright still. Unfortunately, the Leader is fine at the same time too. As the both of them stand up, the 2 combatants glared at each other, ferociously. Alex than prepares to fight, but the others than went back down and aid him. Spawn than made some claws, Kanpeki released his Kagune, Blue Beetle, Toxin, Scorn, and Rex: Blades. Koriand'r, Starbolts. Circe, Scream.

The Leader looked very furious, seeing that he is fighting a group of people here.

"Alright!!! If you all want to fight me...than so be it!!! I will make sure you will never live to see another day and interfere with my conquest here! I will get her I want, and you all will become my weapons right here!!! YOU WILL ALL BECOME A PART OF THIS ARMY HERE, AND IT WILL LIVE TO BRING FORTH SWEET, DESTRUCTIVE DEATH!!!"

Having enough of this guy, Alex launched forward, and punches him really hard, sending him flying into multiple buildings fast. Blue Beetle and Koriand'r than fly and began to shoot energy blasts at the Leader. But the General causes a massive Earthquake with just his thoughts, and it causes them to get away from here. Spawn, however, was not afraid, and jumps into action. He used Necroplasm to burn the left side of the Leader's face, making him scream painfully. He than grabbed him, and launched him at Kanpeki, who uses his Kagune to form a hand.

He than grabbed the Leader, and flings him at Toxin, Alex, and Rex. Circe and Scorn launched their attacks. Scorn of her energy cannon, and Circe of her Sonic Scream. While it didn't do any true damage completely, it did weaken the Leader. When he came close enough, Rex, Alex, and Toxin punched with all of their might. This caused some significant damage, and sent him flying again, this oil tanker. This caused a powerful explosion, making it blinding to see. Everyone covered their eyes, and saw that the Leader is now damaged, and even angrier. He than stood up, and charged at the Newborns, quickly. Alex, however, doesn't hesitate here, and began to run fast. Rex and Spawn, along with the others, also joined along.

Alex and Rex utilized their blades, and began to try and cut the Leader painfully. The leader, however, catches it. Kanpeki and Toxin tried theirs, but the Leader made arms slightly above the shoulders themselves. He than throws them away. Jaime, Scorn, and Koriand'r than began to launched energy attacks quickly. But the Leader warped reality, and made them spiral into nothing. Spawn, however, came in, and charged at the Leader, while increasing his density. The Leader tried to stop him, but Spawn was shaking the ground, making it difficult to catch, when he kicks.

He kicked the Leader so hard, it caused a shockwave, and sent the Leader back so far, it caused a number of rocks to fly, as well as crash into a the cape, which then turned into a metallic spike. The Leader got pierced by it, and it was painful.


The leader looked down, and prepares to free himself. But Spawn was not going to let him go free. He than conducted the Necroplasm, and it was drawn to the Leader. It was so painful, the leader felt like he was about to faint from the extreme, indescribable pain.

But the General was not giving up, and slips free. He looks at the group, and spoke very, very angrily.

"I all fave some type of...challenge. long can you stand...AGAINST AN ENTIRE ARMY??!!!"

As he said that, everyone heard a rumble coming everywhere. When everyone looked at what is happening, they looked at the left, and saw something that is so, so terrifying. There was an army...of the aliens. They had appeared to the city right here. The Leader than morphed into the ground, and reappeared in front of the Alien army. He than laughed very arrogantly, and spoke out to them.

"You fools should never had come to fight me!! Now you will be taken by us, and your bodies will be used as our weapons!! And there is not a thing you can do to stop us from our goals!!!"

But Alex...began to laugh. He started as a chuckle, and than he began to laugh out loud to everyone.


The General was confused, and than shouted at Alex.

"What is this?! Why do you think it as funny to get captured?!"

Alex than stops laughing, and smiled very pridefully towards him.

" really think that we're not prepared for this?"

He than spread his arms out, and a portal opened from behind the Newborns themselves. Suddenly, an entire fleet of Blacklights, E.V.Os, Ghouls, and Demons came out of the portal. Everyone than prepares the weapons they use for their battle.

The 001 counterparts of the Newborns than came rising out, and than, the counterparts takes the command first.




The army roars and charges forward. Omega Spawn held out his own hand, and shouted.

The armies than charged at each other. The feet of them sounds like an Earthquake. This is finally it. It is the battle for earth.

The army than began to tear each other apart, fatally. The Blacklights, E.V.Os, and the Ghouls munch on the aliens. The demons began to slay, and take the alien's souls, lie it's a precious artifact.

The 2 Alexes used their blades in the fight. The both of them than began to spin around, creating a very powerful and deadly tornado. The tornado was orange, and had many invisible blades attacking. After they are done spinning, the Aliens are in pieces. The 2 Alexes fist-bumped, and than switch to Whipfists for more range and numbers.

The Symbiotes are faring well. The Toxins went into their Venom-Sized forms, and began to smash the Aliens dead, while the Scorns combined their cannons, creating a powerful blast. They are also joined in by the Koriand'rs, and Blue Beetles, making the blast more powerful than it was before.

The Kanpeki's are acting berserk. The Kagunes are aimed everywhere, and have gotten countless amounts of the aliens that came. One of the aliens tried stabbing, but was very unsuccessful at taking the 001!Kanpeki, who uses the metal crosses to block the stabbing attack.

The 001!Kanpeki blocked it, and than jumped into the air, while the Prime holds off as many as possible.

As Kanpeki of the 001 Earth jumps, some of the aliens than began to try and grab onto him, tightly. Kanpeki than began to struggle from the amount of aliens.

"Ghhh...Get off of me!"

But the aliens had such a tight hold. So he exploded in a violent energy that bursted out of him.


An explosion came out of nowhere, and when Kanpeki looks up, he was shocked

His 001 counterpart...has wings!! Where did that come from?! He never thought that this was going to happen here! Kanpeki, however, didn't have time to think about this phenomenon, as the 001 Kanpeki than shot it into the sky, and began to attack fast. Kanpeki, looking a bit jealous, decided to discuss this later. He needs to still battle. He turned back to the aliens, and continues to battle.

But it turns out that Kanpeki wasn't the only one. The 001 Rex has his own wings. When the Rex's uses the cutting weapons, the Big Fat Sword and the Bad Axes to fight them, some of the aliens tried to go jump on them. But the Rexes than went flying up. But as Rex has the Boogie Packs himself, the 001 Rex was different.

The 001 counterpart of Rex has wings that is similar to a dragon, but the flames are blue, and the thing on his back resembles the backpack dynamo that he uses in is Blast Caster. The original Rex looked very jealous at that wing design. Before he could even speak, 001 Rex has flown in the form of blue flames. Rex than looked and slammed his Punk Busters on the ground. This caused a miniature earthquake, and so he can release his frustration on what he had just seen there.

Spawn and the Omega Spawn are battling against the Aliens. Both of the Spawns has used their axes to try and cut as many of the aliens as they can. But the aliens kept on coming. So Spawn resorts to using his Necroplasm. But before he could, the Omega Spawn than decided to use it. Both of his hands are covered by the sickly green substance, and Onega Spawn then ran forward to the aliens. Surprising for some his size, he was rather immensely fast. He disappears and reappears instantly.

When he touched one Alien, its body began to blink a green color. Spawn than grabbed the other 5 aliens, stick them to the one that is flashing the green, and threw them far. After about 10 seconds of throwing, a green explosion was heard.


The explosion was powerful enough to surpass the most powerful nuke built in history. The explosion also scattered very dangerous and acidic Necroplasm everywhere. It hit so many Aliens, and missed the teammates thankfully. The aliens that got hit are them set off a miniature explosions, similar to grandes. The Alien Leader than looked around in shock at what it is seeing right now. His army is dead, well most of them. Some of them are still alive, but they are so exhausted to even fight back. The army has been half gone here. Half of the army have been killed in the battle. And there are only 4 giants that are still left. 2 Blacklights and 2 E.V.Os. The army than looked around, and was in immense shock.

" cannot be..."

Alex than spoke to him in a very angered tone.

"Give it up. You've lost."

The alien looked at Alex, and than suddenly became enraged.


At these words, the dead aliens, and some of the still living aliens that's exhausted began to float towards him. The aliens than began to turn into energy, and started to fuse with him as well, and then he screamed out to them, enraged.


As these words, the alien than began to glow, as he start to enlarge in higher to a gargantuan size. He still continued growing from the very ground itself, and as he kept on growing, more limbs and eyes began to appear all over. He continued to grow, until he surpasses the tallest building that's ever built in history. After about a minute, everyone became a little afraid of what might possibly happen next. After the glowing had stopped, everyone was shocked and disbelief at what they are seeing.

This being is the tallest being they had ever seen. It is black, like it is the night itself. There are so many arms present, by about 100 of them. It has many faces on its chest, with each of them having 100 red eyes with many tendrils coming out of the back. There is a large fin on the top of the alien's head. The mouths are even more grotesque than they used to be when they're first seen. What truly caught their attention was the height of it. The alien was so tall, it is about 3,000 feet.

Everyone couldn't believe the sight. They thought it was just a small number of them. But looks like their wrong. When they are trying to figure a plan to defeat it from doing anything else, reality began to rip and break down to small atoms. The entitie's presence is so powerful, it is warping reality by just its presence alone. Alex and the others than attacked it. The Alexes, Toxins, and Kanpekis tried to cut it. The Spawns, Blue Beetles, Scorns, and Koriand'rs tried to blast it, and the Circes did her sonic scream. But the barely did anything to defeat the entity. Suddenly, the entity's eyes widened, and a shockwave appeared out of nowhere and sent them flying away to the buildings. Rex is still standing there, as he isn't doing anything but watch the entire struggle. He is still shocked here, unable to believe that there work was for nothing entirely. The 001 Rex was knocked out from the blast of the shockwave itself. A quarter of the army than charged at the very gargantuan alien before them. Even the largest of them all joined it, despite being more smaller than the Alien, who simply swatted and consumed.

The gigantic alien noticed him, and Rex than launched himself at the building-sized alien. Rex brought out the Funchucks, and slammed them both together, causing a powerful blue shockwave. This, however, only annoyed him. The Alien tried to swat him, but Rex used the Sky Slyder and moved away. Rex than activated the Bad Axes and tries cutting it. But the Alien uses a invisible force field and blocks. Than, it tried to punch Rex. Rex, however, used Block Part to defend against the alien trying to punch him.

When the punch made contact, it caused a crater to appear from the ground, and Rex, while he's still fine, stood up, and is exhausted. He than looks up, as the Alien spoke out, finally.

"There is no hope for you, insects!! I've become king of all of reality itself!! You are at imply gnats to be swatted away here!! You will all bow before my presence, or else...DEATH WILL BECONE YOUR ONLY OPTION!!!!!!"

The fused alien spoke out. It is as though there are many voices in this thing that are singing in the song of absolute misery. Each of them spelling doom and wants to conquer all. But Rex, staying defiant to the end, stood up, alongside Alex, who is also standing up from the attack, as they both began to speak.

"You should realize one thing, you fused dude. We may not be as strong and as powerful as you are...but we're not gonna sit here...and do absolutely nothing."

"That is in fact right. We have faced people like you before, and even though it may seem impossible for us...we still were able to fight back. And because of this..."

"We're not gonna stand by...AND DO NOTHING!!!!"

As they shouted it, blue flames began to appear, and red tendrils began appearing. Their eyes glowing blue and red. Circuitry markings began to appear all over Rex, and vein-like markings began to appear in Alex. His hair became flames again, but this time is different. The Omega Nanite than began to glow at its maximum potential, and the Blacklight began to do the same. explosion of energy than appears from both Rex's and Alex's own bodies, as it actually was able to send the Alien back. When everyone looked at what had caused this...they're shocked.

Rex and Alex have grown to a gargantuan size, half as tall as the fused alien itself. Their entire body is metallic and fleshy like, which blue flames at the top of his head, tendrils for the hair, blue cables, snakes at the right arms, spots, claws, and glowing eyes. Rex is in the form that is called: "Omega E.V.O," while Alex's form is known only as the "Blacklight Titan."

In this state, Rex and Alex, unlike the previous transformations, is in completely control of themselves, and can access their full powers in this state. Now able to stand their ground against the Alien that they're is facing right now.

Alex made the first move, and launched the right arm into the ground. The ground began to crack and break, until the serpents and tendrils went out of the ground. The arms wrapped around the Alien, as it struggles to break free from the tendrils.

Rex than came in and punched the Alien multiple times. With every punch, the Earth itself seems to crack greatly. But thanks to the Blacklight Titan form, and the Omega E.V.O form, they prevented the Earth from breaking itself apart.

The alien broke free and then made its own assault. It wrapped 50 arms around Alex, and tried to do the same to Rex. Rex than used a rocket punch to knock the alien back. But it dodged, and wrapped its other 50 arms instead. The Alien drooled, and prepares to swallow the 2 entities, but the rocket fist from the dust than came back

It hits the Alien hard, right in the face badly, causing it to loosen the hold on Alex and Rex. They got out quickly, and the arm returns back to where it had came from. Alex than used his powers, alongside Rex, to stabilize reality.

Alex and Rex stood up back to their full height, and prepare to fight again. But as they prepare to, the cavalry has unexpectedly arrived. The SCP Foundation, and they are more advanced than ever. And that is not all. An army of aquatic  humanoids are here, with spears electrifying, and having tridents as well. At the one leading Alex's old friend, Aqualeily! The 001 Alex looked and spoke out to the crowd.

" can't...can't be."

Than, a stomp was heard, and the alien is moving. The Foundation launched beams of energy, which damaged the creature, while the Aquatinalius began to shoot powerful bolts of electricity.

While the Alien is distracted, Alex gets up close and personal and used his left claw to cut the Alien at the right face itself. Than, he jumped back, as Rex than began to charge up something on his back. He than crouches down, and lands of his feet, as the energy blasts out, fast. The blast was so powerful, it made a hole inside of the Alien's large body. The hole was 1,090 feet.

An than, 001 Alex, along with the others, summoned an energy blast, together with the Omega E.V.O and the Blacklight Titan, causing a black hole. The Black hole was so powerful, it begun to tear the Alien's body apart, greatly. The alien was panicking, realizing that it's life is about to end, and tries escaping. But his inevitable.


Before it could finish speaking, the Alien was gone...dead. It is now finally...destroyed. The battle for the finally at its end. The SCP foundation finally was able to meet the Newborns of this world, and spoke.

"It is nice to meet you all here again after so many years. Especially you to...Alex."

The name 'Alex' got the attention of someone. Aqualeily than turned, and saw a hooded figure, and than knows who it is there.


She spoke, and walked to the 001 Alex himself. Alex noticed, and was surprised.


Prime Koriand'r looked and saw what is gonna happen. She was actually rather interested.

"Who's that?"

Alex and Aqualeily walked a foot before each other. They looked very surprised, before feeling so relieved, and hugged each other in happiness.

"I missed you so much!!"

Aqualeily spoke to Alex, who acted tearful and spoke back.

"Me to...Aqualeily. Me to."

Koriand'r looked and noticed that this Alex is actually crying. The original is seen with tears streaming down his face. Alex...has remembered how their relationship had fallen apart, and is unsure how to return back to that cherished bond. Than, Alex and Rex began starting to change back. Before that happened, howeve, a Golden Portal opened underneath the team, by the Breach of 001. Than...the Newborns have finally returned from the Earth 001, and back to their world.

By that time, Alex has returned to normal, along with Rex. Jaime and the others looked around the place to.

"We...We're back here again!"

He than got very happy, everybody everybody that missed this. But Koriand'r wanted to speak to Alex privately about something.

'That Person...that's called 'Aqualeily', what is Alex connection with whoever this Aqualeily person is?'

But that will be later. Right now...


Rex turned and got tackled by Cricket and Breach, who came out of nowhere after he's gone for such a long time. Koriand'r and the others laughed at such a humorous sight, except for Circe, who got really angry, and tried to her Rex away from them. least there's one sort of funny scene here.

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