Regaining What is Abandoned Part 5

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The Twin Alex's have finally arrived at the city itself. But it is surrounded by a type of shield here. The shield is made up of the same organic substance as the Blacklight tendrils itself. Alex looked very confused here, the Prime one, that is.

Prime!A: "What's with that?"

Prime Alex has spoken to the 001 counterpart beside him. Prime Alex is very confused at what he's seeing now. 001 Alex turned and spoke.

"I put it here, around the N.Y.Z Red Zone. Many of the Blacklights needed to be formed. There should be enough for us to finally fight them, and make them have a resistance to the reality warping powers of the Aliens there. But I should warn you...when this is's only a matter of time, before the aliens triangulate to the Blacklight's position. So we need to act as fast as we can. Are you ready, my double?"

Prime Alex looked down, unsure. While he doesn't want the aliens to know what is happening in the city that they are in right now, he is also not letting the aliens take over the Earth and treat it as the playboy for their amusement. In fact, Aqualeily is possibly still here, and is now going to try and protect her and her kind's home, if it has not been captured by the aliens here. So when he raised his head back up, he nods, indicating that he is ready. The 001 Alex than turned back to the Blacklight Dome, and put's his hand onto it, speaking a few words. After speaking the words, quietly, the dome began to turn gray and began to shrivel up, before collapsing down below like it is a pillar. The Red Zone is unveiled. Inside, their are thousands of Blacklights inside of the city, and there are even very large ones, like this one.

Both of the Alex's than rushed to the city, and began to assemble them as much as they can get. A red portal has appeared, and the Alex's than shoved many of the Blacklights in, at least in smaller size. The large ones will be the last ones to do so, as it will take to long. So they will need to save the fastest ones first, so it is much faster to save them. The largest ones will need a bigger portal as well. Many of the infected came in at very fast speeds. All of the Brawlers, the zombies, flyers, all of them. The Juggernauts are more difficult, because of them being more strength based fighters in here, and the fact the they...they are really fat, literally, which made them this strong. Luckily, there was still enough time to get them away. It is just so much effort to wait for them. After that, they moved onto the largest infected there is. He is so...difficult here!!!! The guy is a giant, by about 60 feet, and is larger than most buildings.


The original shouted at his 001 counterpart for making this. The 001 looked back at his original, and spoke out with some humor present here.

001!A: "Well, just think bigger in this situation. Much, much bigger, actually."

The Prime looked at him with a deadpanned look present. Since when does he possess such humor like that there. He than shakes his head, and thought in his head that this isn't the right time, and that he needs to focus on getting the Goliath away from the city. Thankfully, there are only a few of them present here. So getting them away would be no problem at all. However, he underestimated the height of the Goliath right there. They had been known to have trouble walking to anywhere. Thankfully, the portal was close to the nearest one yet. And another bright side here, they are easy to command. It is just that they are so difficult to command at which direction that they should go to right there. This took about 10 minutes to work on, and they are now down to the last one of them all.

Prime!Alex: "Okay....we have one more left, and is that it?"

Prime Alex spoke to his other counterpart, who nodded. But as they prepare to move the last one, 001 Alex senses something coming, and used his Whipfist, and launched it upwards into the sky, which made a SHINK!! An Alien has been caught in the Whipfist very precisely. 001 Alex than turned to his prime counterpart, and spoke to him in a calm voice that sounds as deadly.

001!A: "They have located and are coming. Get a Whipfist out, and be ready to kill those that appear."

Alex than Brought out his own Whipfist, and the 2 Alex's than prepare to battle. Suddenly, a swarm of Aliens than appeared, and the 2 Prototypes than began to fight. 001!Alex spun around in a fashion of a tornado.

The Whipfist extended, and it is like a cutting twister. Many of the Aliens went into close proximity of him, and they are all cut down to many small pieces.

The 001 Alex is also flying in midair with his wings, and is heading to the Aliens that is nearest to the Goliath and try to capture it for themselves. The Prime Alex is seen running on the Goliath's back. He is looking at the Aliens nearing towards it, and used his Whipfist to ensnare and kill the Aliens closing in on the Goliath itself. He jumps into the air, and brought out his blade, as well as a claw.

He than spin around, and acts like a twister now, with the power of a tornado at the exceeding category by about 100 times there. It had sucked every alien inside of the powerful twister, and are all cut down. The Goliath has finally reach inside of the portal. The 2 Alex's then back around. While they do need to get in, they need some more room to make sure that the aliens don't enter, and for them to enter. They than used the one technique that will help them here: the Tendril Barrage Devastator.

It has gotten the ones that are about to enter the portal, or the ones that are closing in there. As the Alexes retract them, they dashed into the portal, and went out of sight. The portal has closed behind them, and the Aliens are enraged that they did not get the Blacklight virus, and the originators if the Blacklight.


The 2 Rexes have finally arrived at the Bug Jar. It looks the same, but there are more E.V.Os inside of the city itself. Some of the more Bigger E.V.Os have been able to get more larger than before. Rex than turned to his 001 counterpart and spoke out.

Prime!R: " was the shield able to hold these more larger giant E.V.Os? And more importantly of all...don't the aliens know that we have arrived right here?"

001!Rex than turned and spoke to his Prime counterpart.

001!R: "Well...the Shield was able to put up an effect that messes with the Alien's abilities to process any way of sensing them. But that is as long as it is active. As soon as it goes down, it will no longer hide itself from the outside world, and the Aliens will no of where it is now. So...are you ready, my other version of me? dude?"

Rex looked a bit weird at his 001 self here. He looked a bit uncomfortable right there, but he looked up at his other self and nodded yes to him. 001 Rex than spoke out to his Prime counterpart again.

001!R: "Great! Than it is settled. But we need to act fast when we are trying to move them. So I suggest to use both the Smack Hands and the Punk Busters together here. It is faster to move, and easy to carry E.V.Os. You get what I'm saying?"

Prime Rex nodded at him. He than activate them both.

His counterpart did the same, and the both of them than began to work around the clock to get as many E.V.Os as they can get around the place here. They were even strong enough to pick up the ones that are rather building sized. The things is, though, even though he is still much faster than the average man, the weight made it so difficult to move around fast. But Rex is doing his hardest at moving them fast. Luckily, the smallest ones are much easier to scare them into the portal as much. but as they are moving, the 001 Rex used his goggles while he is moving, and saw that the Aliens are beginning to come here. He than spoke to the Prime version of Rex again.

001!R: "Yo, Other Me! The Aliens are coming fast, make it quick right now!"

But the Prime version than shouts back at him, irritated.

Prime!R: "Well, sorry! The big E.V.Os are just so heavy that they're slowing me down very badly!! And the fact that you aren't helping is also the thing to!! So do something that can quicken our work right here!!"

001!Rex than facepalmed, realizing how stupid he is now. He than rushed in and began to help out now. Thankfully, the Circe of the 001 Earth is at the other side of the portal, and used her sonic scream to make them go through. After carrying the last E.V.O, the 2 Rexes see them about to enter in fast. Realizing that they do not have enough time to enter, they did a more logical choice in this situation: Fight!

Prime Rex deactivated the Smack Hands, and jumps high and tries to kick the Aliens.

The thrusters on the back of the Punk Buster part of the feet made the kicking power way more greater. It sends many of the aliens flying and even dead. He than begins to drop, and than he switches to his Smack Hands to try and punch them down, hard.

Not only did he cause a powerful punch, he also caused a miniature Earthquake that was effected around the city. But the Aliens were not giving up on trying to fight them yet. They than warped reality underneath Prime's feet, and the concrete then began to grow tendrils, and try to ensure Rex in them. But Rex immediately reactivates the Punk Busters, and jumps away. The ground also began to move, and out came a golem made entirely of concrete. Thankfully, Rex has the perfect build for this one monster.

Rex than activated the Slam Cannon for the job here. He took a chunk of concrete, and than began firing. And is sort of works, but it than began to integrate the ammo into itself. Rex looked in utter disbelief.

"Oh come on! Did it seriously did that right there?!"

The Golem than prepares to attack Prime Rex right here, but the 001 Rex comes, and used another tactic. He actives the Boogie Packs, and than flies up to the Golem at immensely high speeds. As he nears it, he than activates the Smack Hands, and Slams into the Golem, which crumbles into many pieces. Then, 001 Rex stood up, and he begins to see that there are so many of them around the city. Realizing that they cannot win this many, he turns and speaks to his Prime counterpart.

"Yo, other me! There is to many for us to take on all at once! We need to get out of here right now, immediately. Can't risk them discovering the Omega Nanites within us both!"

Rex look and spoke out.

"Yeah, good call right there!"

Both the Rexes than activate the Rex Ride and fled.

The 2 Rexes got out of the city as fast as they could flee away. But the Aliens could sense then trying to get away. They stopped their attention to the portal, and chase them. One of the Aliens try to attack from above Prime. But Prime Rex jumped as he had activated the B.F.S.

He than cuts one of them in half, before reactivating the Rex Ride to move. They couldn't go up with the Sky Slyder as it would make them easier to catch than slightly above ground. So they believe that it is best to stay grounded, even if it is slightly. One of the Aliens try to ram into the Prime, but he moved away, quick. The Alien flies right into the ground, and caused it to cause a big earthquake. The ground began to crack, and began to fall apart. The 2 Rexes than decide to switch to the Boogie Packs to be safe now.

They were able to get more speed than on ground. But the Aliens are slightly catching up. So Rex than utilizes the Big Fat Sword to combat them. As he turns on his back, he was right to do so, as one of the aliens prepares to strike him fatally. Rex than cuts one of he aliens in 2 haves, with a very clean cut.

But as Rex kept on shooting the Aliens chasing them, a red portal opens up, and just when Rex prepares to activate the Slam Cannon, they went through, which has closed the instant their through. The aliens had failed to capture another one yet again.

In the Beach of Edmonds...

On the outskirts of the sea is a queen. The Queen is one that Alex has been friends with before. She has a tail for hair, now with human legs, a purple cape with a golden crown, as well as some golden bracelets and a trident. But when she turned around, it is Aqualeily. She has finally appeared again. She is here to recall all the happy moments she once had with Alex as children. She wished that she can take it all back, but is unable to do so. But as she looks at this, she senses someone...familiar.

"That...that it who I think it is? It is really you...


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