Dealing with The Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A building was toppled down by a giant sized SCP-4715, who is still dealing with SCP-682.

These 2 colossal titans have been fighting against each other for an entire week or so, and neither have been stopping. They never got tired, and the both of them are only getting more and more stronger than before. While SCP-4715 is powerful, SCP-682 is adaptive, and the strength and powers are increased, due to being the child of the Scarlet King. The fourth child. While he is not the strongest of his siblings, he is still a very powerful foe that nobody, not even the SCPs themselves can't kill. Even the Foundation have no way of even killing this immensely large reptile.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

SCP-4715 roars for battle, as he rushes forward, and claws SCP-682 in the face, nearly clawing out one of his eyes. SCP-682 roars back, and does the same thing to SCP-4715. Both Titanically large SCPs healed from the wounds that they had given each other. SCP-682 snarled, as he spoke out.

"I admit...I am impressed what you can keep up with me. BUT HOW MUCH LONGER CAN YOU DO SO?!!!!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

SCP-682 roars, as both gigantic SCPs rush towards each other, and clashed, causing a shockwave that spread throughout the entire continent, knocking down countless buildings, as the many parts of the continent became covered in fallen concrete rubble. more roaring was heard, as the 2 SCPs continue to fight.

Back at Site-Ω...

Dr.Bright got into a bit of a tantrum, and shouts out.




Dr.Gears chops Jack Bright in the head, as he spoke out calmly.

"Not in a million years, Dr.Bright. No."

Takion looks at the place where SCP-682 and SCP-4715 is at. He knew of their power, and is well aware on what either of them can do to the other, but SCP-682 is not a person that is going to come down at easily as anything else that exists in creation entirely. SCP-682 will soon start to adapt and think of ways to bring down the Demon Born of War soon, and that is something that should not happen anytime soon. While SCP-4175 is powerful, even he pales in comparison to the sheer might and power of SCP-682. What makes it even worse, is that SCP-4715 is now that intelligent compared to SCP-682. SCP-4715 was born only a couple centuries ago. But SCP-682 is beyond that age. He is so old, that only creation was the same age 682 himself.

As the fight between the Demon Born of War and Gaoler's Hubris continues going on, Takion than spoke out.

"You know..."

The 4 doctors turn around, as Takion began to speak out to them.

"There might he a way for us to actually contain SCP-682 much better than what your containment plan can do."

Dr.Clef, however, spoke doubtfully to the Avatar of the Source.

"Like hell there is. We 'ave tried everythin' that we found think of into bringing him down. But no matter what we did, we cannot stop him. We tried to use other SCPs to kill 682, we tried to cut him to bite, we tried to kill him with heat and freezing temperatures, we tried to cease his existence, we tried everthin'. But no matter what, we cannot contain him, and he always keeps on comin' back. What makes ya think that you can do it."

Takion shook his head, as he smiled at him.

"I am not going to be the one to do it. I have a friend, a New God, that might be able to build something that can stop SCP-682."

Dr.Gears steps forward, as he spoke out.

"And who might that be, Takion?"

Takion than opens a portal, and a female figure began to fly out of the portal, but was covered in shadows. When the portal was gone, the appearance of the female was revealed to those present.

"This is Atinai the Builder. She shall help you in your aid to weaken this so called, SCP-682, Gear."

Dr.Gears looks at Atinai, before speaking out to him.

"Is she promising enough to actually contain the Hard-To-Destroy Reptile?"

Takion nodded, as Atinai spoke out.

"I have been gifted by the same New God, that has given Takion his Godhood. I shall do anything in my power in order to make sure SCP-682 is stopped, no matter what."

Gears stared at Atinai for a minute, his expression unreadable. After a little bit, though, he spoke out to her.

"I really hope that whatever cage you're capable of building will be enough, because SCP-682, has been known to breach containment many countless times."

Atinai nods, and spoke out.

"I do have a cage that can be large enough to trap SCP-682. I'll make sure that it can hold him long enough for you to do something about it. But I need to concentrate on what I need to make, and what I do, it might take a very long time to do."

Dr.Gears than turns around, and spoke out to the others.

"If we're gonna buy her time to do what she does to SCP-682, we'll need to get some of the other SCPs to help out. Kondraki, is SCP-2059 available for us to use against SCP-682?"

Kondraki nodded, and spoke out to him.

"I do have access to him, but Gears, it will be immensely difficult to contain it if it tries to try and eat SCP-682."

Dr.Gears simply spoke out.

"It won't. SCP-682 can adapt to anything just fine, and besides, we always have the plan of when it escapes, don't we?"

Kondraki nodded, as Bright flinched at the look that Dr.Gears is giving him.

"Dr.Jack Bright. I need you to contact Cyborg and tell him to go to where SCP-682 is at now. We are going to need his hands in this situation."

Dr.Bright nodded, and spoke out.

"I will, but we need to know if he is still fighting against that Old God from the ocean. Bud cause if he is, than I'm not sure how we can even get him out of the situation."

Dr.Gears, however, spoke out to him.

"SCP-2845 can be fine without Cyborg. In fact, SCP-2845 can allow him to leave. He is simply a backup."

Dr.Bright looks down at the ground, and spoke out to him.

"I hope you're right."

Dr.Bright than goes to the communications room, and now gets ready to contact Cyborg for his aid.

Back with Cyborg...

Cyborg had had immense difficulty with the Tokage-Tako, who is still alive, even after taking many hits from both SCP-5514 and SCP-2845. But thankfully, it is starting to weaken, as it is not attacking as much as before. And besides...he manage to get himself a new ally who is helping him.

SCP-4217 was able to come into the fight, and aids both Cyborg and the Deer against the Tokage-Tako. It shot its artillery rounds, all of them, and it was able to knock the Old God into the ocean floor. Cyborg was relieved that it finally stopped, as it dropped unconscious to the floor. as Cyborg looks at the body of the Old God, a beeping was heard from his ear piece. Taking the time, he answers the call.

"Cyborg, this is Dr.Bright."

Cyborg, a bit surprised that the insane scientist is calling him, than spoke out.

"What is it, Dr.Bright? Is it serious?"

Dr.Bright nodded, as he spoke out to him.

"It is. I need you to go to where SCP-682 and SCP-4715 is at right now. We believe to have found a way for him to be contained in order to make him stop. But we are going to need your help, and the help of another SCP that we're gonna unleash on the reptile. I know that this sounds crazy, but we need time to bring out the plan into action to stop 682."

Cyborg glared a bit, as he realized what he had to do, which is now becoming is very ridiculous thing to him.

Before, he had brought SCP-4715 to combat against SCP-682. But now, he has to go back again, and this time, he needs to combat against the damn lizard. Cyborg looks down and sighs, as he spoke out.

"Ah, fuck me. Fine. I'll go back, but this is the only time that I have to do this!!"

He than gets off of the Deer, SCP-2845, and used the gravity manipulation field to fly up into the air, and starts to go to where SCP-682's at.

Back with fight between SCP-682 and SCP-4715...



SCP-682 roars out at SCP-4715, as the Demon Born of War charges at The Hard-To-Destroy reptile. SCP-4715 digs his hand into 682's torso and pulls out his heart, and 682 made a tendril that pulls out SCP-4715's. Both instantly regenerated, and unfortunately for the Demon, 682 is starting to adapt and grow more powerful. But the demon is also growing powerful due to being exposed to the conflict. So both can never truly stop fighting the other. 682 roars and tries to bite off SCP-4715's head...


Suddenly, a gravity bullet shot SCP-682, and made it knock 682 away, as well as making SCP-682 very, very heavy. SCP-4715 was surprised at what happened, until it turns to SCP-5514, with Cyborg piloting the gigantic mech inside it.

It has that Gravity Railgun out, and forced 682 with heavy gravity, making it weigh down. But not for long. As soon as the bullet hit, SCP-682 than began to stand up, and looks enraged that a machine was the one that harmed him. But Cyborg is going to do way more than that. He unsheathes a plasma blade from the right wrist, and begins to strike SCP-682 in the eyes, causing pain. But SCP-682 than formed tendrils out from his back, and smacks at SCP-5514, sending it back.

But Cyborg stops in mid-air, as he pulls out the Cold Iron Sword, and stares at SCP-682 in the air. He doesn't know why, but he feels SCP-682 staring back at him. Not at the eyes of SCP-5514, but at Cyborg's very eyes, and this is few unerring. He has no idea what to think about this now, but he also doesn't care. Shaking his head, he immediately speeds of, and struck SCP-682 in the head with the sword. But SCP-682 seems to know what it is very deadly to him. So to defend himself against it, he blocked the attack by forming a hardened carapace, deflecting the sword strike back.

But Cyborg is not much of a person that gives up on a fight like this very easily. He grabs on to the hat that is on SCP-5514's head, and as the plasma is activated, he throws it at SCP-682, as the plasma blade cuts through the hardened metal that 682 made, and causing it to roar in pain. The hat comes back, and Cyborg puts it back on the head of SCP-5514. He than picks up SCP-682 from the ground, as the metal carapace falls apart, before throwing it at SCP-4715, who than grabs onto SCP-682, and began to try and tear him apart, by starting it of through rolling the head off of the reptile's body. But SCP-682 is not amused, and with his immense strength, throws SCP-4715 off of his body, causi him to crash through hundreds of buildings at 2 miles an hour.


682 than saw a drop of flesh appear out of nowhere. It fell on top of his muzzle, as SCP-682 looks confused.


SCP-682 looks up, and saw something that he is clearly not expecting. Falling down from the sky above him, is an SCP that the foundation has released now:SCP-2059.

SCP-2059, the Wall of Flesh, is released right on top of SCP-682's torso. While this is a very risky move, the Foundation hope that SCP-2059 can keep SCP-682 busy enough for Atinai to think of a structure that can trap the Hard-To-Destory Reptile, which can hopefully be far more effective than the Containment Measures used by the Foundation, which wasn't that effective to even begin with anyway. And also, while SCP-2059 can't absorb SCP-682, due to the adaptability of the Hard-To-Destroy Reptile, it is still very tough enough that not even the Reptile himself can get out of this one easily.

It began to spread and spread, as SCP-682 tears and roars out at the entity that is trying to consume 682. But as SCP-2059 is desperate to consume SCP-682, 682 is also as desperate to get it off of him, and make sure that he does not become a part of the Fleshy Wall. Cyborg looks at what is happening, and spoke to Dr.Bright in the ear piece.

"Jack!! What is that thing that is attacking SCP-682?!"

Jack spoke back to Cyborg calmly.

"Oh that? That is SCP-2059, the Wall of Flesh. It has the power to absorb organic matter into itself. This is similar to the power of Alex Mercer, SCP-6000, except that, instead of needing to kill someone, it can absorb the host while it is still alive, although this is also because of how immensely large it is."

Cyborg's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Bright?! Do you have any idea how dangerous this this will be if it absorbs SCP-682 into itself?!"

Bright than spoke out to him in a voice that speaks of pure reassurance.

"Don't worry. It won't happen like that. SCP-682 has the power to adapt. So this should make him safe from the effects of SCP-2059. And besides, they cannot absorb the other, as they try to pull at some parts of their bodies, while also rejecting the other parts to keep itself very safe. So they both push and pull against the other's form. So it won't matter who wins. It will not truly defeat the other in the fight they are inside now."

Bright than pauses for a bit, and spoke out.

"And speaking of which, Kondraki. Is Atinai ready to make the cage that we had set up for SCP-682, pal?!"

Back at Site-Ω...

"I am no sure yet, Bright. I will star to check!!"

Kondraki than ran to the communication hub alongside Bright, and began to try and find which one had Atinai's communication signal present. After a little bit, he was able to locate and and spot where Atinai is at right now.

"Atinai, if you have prepares the cage and are going to build it to trap 682, Now would be a perfect time to do it!"

Kondraki shouts out, as the battle against SCP-682 is starting to get out of control.

Back on Earth...

Ataini is flying above the battle that is happening, as energy began to form around her hands, as she spoke out.

"Do not worry, Doctor. I shall take care of this Hard-To-Destory Reptile soon enough. But you need to find a way to get this...weird mass of organs out of the way, or this might not work for me."

Atinai closed her eyes, as she began to concentrate on the power that Highfather had given her when in her earlier days as a builder.

As she began to glow, SCP-2059 began to glow as well, but Atinai's glow is yellow and mist-like, while the glow around the Wall of Flesh is blue, and a bit pixel-like. In fact, SCP-4715 is the same thing. SCP-4715, he is also glowing the same way that 2059 is glowing right now. The Foundation is going to transport both of them out of the area that they are inside did right now. As the 3 anomalies glowing become brighter, both SCP-2059 and SCP-4715 began to fade away, before they both disappeared from the area they're in, while the New God, Atinai, released the energy, and covered it around SCP-682, causing it to grunt in utter confusion.

"What is this thing?"

It snarled out, before suddenly...something began to form around it. It was material that the Foundation and 682 has never seen in their lives. But Atinai knows what it is. It is metal from New Genesis, and is said to be so powerful that only an average New God is capable of breaking the metal. But at what SCP-682 can do, they are won't very sure. After all, it is a spawn of a Old God, the Scarlet King, and they have no idea what it will do to the cage. They hope that it can hold it long enough for the foundation to think of a plan.

After a minute is strain, Atinai gasped, as she stopped for a breath, and looks to see the cage. It is made of complicated structures and complex machinery. Much more so than the most complex invention made by hands of mortals.

As she looks to see if it is holding up...






SCP-682, he is trying to break out of the cage that Atinai has made for him. And saw that, some parts of the cage are actually starting to get off and break out of it.

"Oh no!! The cage is not enough to hold the Reptile in the cell!!!!"

As she shouts out loud and extends her hand out to the prison that's failing, Gears spoke out in the com.

"Do not worry, Atinai. We've got an idea. Get ready the high-precision laser drill."

Hammer Down immediately came to Earth in large suits, though not as large as SCP-5514, and got out a complex blue energy drill not front of SCP-682, before shoving the drill onto its chest, beginning to tear it apart like it is nothing more but tissue paper. And took the cage down with it. After a little bit, 682 almost got obliterated...but it has one last truck up it's sleeve. Using one of its tendrils, it picked up one of the Hammer Down members, and threw it at the machine, causing it to explode, and destroyed the cage. SCP-682 than fell down to the ground...and it was not as large as before. It is slightly larger than his usual small size, but that was it.

As that happened, though, a voice spoke out to SCP-682.

"Atanti...we meet yet again."

SCP-682 than turns around, and sees Abel again, and this time...he has Grayven and Grail, both of whom that he doesn't recognize at all.

SCP-682, understandably doesn't know what these 2 are. He knows that Abel is a human type of anomaly, but the 2 he is seeing are different. Their auras are similar to the Old Gods, but their energies are not of the Abyss. It's different. But before SCP-682 could confront the 2 of what they are, Abel than rushed at SCP-682, and formed a sword on his hand.

When that happened, he goes into combat against SCP-682, like last time, but in a different way. Much more different than before.

Abel and SCP-682 fight again. Last time, both Abel and 682 didn't win the fight, and both had most it altogether, but Abel's unable to kill SCP-682. This time, however, SCP-682 wants the outcome to be different than before. Abel rushed forward, and spoke out to SCP-682.

"It has been a long time since we both fought. How about another round during your father's invasion, Atanti?"

SCP-682 snarled at Abel in agreement.

"I could not agree more, Abel."

He roars for battle, as he launches tendrils at Abel, who manifested 2 swords.

SCP-682 bites onto Abel's right and left legs, and at the same time, 076-2 stabbed both of the void black swords in 682's largest eyes, causing it to roar in immense pain, before making a tendril, and tries to swipe Abel away, after he lets Abel go from the bite it has given to the Second Son of Adam. Abel, however, jumps back far, and than creates an axe from the rift that he has made,

as well as using it to make a weapon with a chain and a sharp point at the end of it.

Abel leaps into the air, as he struck SCP-682 with his weapons. He used the axe to cut both front right arm and the tendrils, and used the chain weapon to pierce SCP-682 in the eye, and send him flying over his head, and right into a building. But SCP-682 decided to return the favor, and stabs Abel in the torso, revealing his spinal cord, with blood coming out of his head. A piece of bone even fell from the inside of his torso, and disappeared inside of the muscle tissue that is inside of his body.

Abel, however, wasn't to bothered by that, and instead, he is grinning like a madman, like he finds it very funny that there is a very, very large hole in his torso. He was about to fight again, but Grayven and Grail than came forward. Grayven simply spoke out to SCP-682, who came out of the rubble that was a building.

"This is the power of an Old God's supposed spawn? No matter..."

He takes one last step forward, before his eyes began to glow.

SCP-682 smirked, as he spoke out to Grayven.

"That is, if you are capable of killing me. I have been attacked in a variety of ways. I have been cut to pieces, erased from existence, and I still return. So humor me, while you still can."

SCP-682 roars, as he charges at Grayven, who is not moving out of the way of 682.

Before SCP-682 could bite him, Grayven picks the Hard-To-Destoru Reptile by the neck, and blasts him with his Omega Beam, full power.

SCP-682 howls in pain, as he is hit continuously by the Omega Beam, as this is something he has never felt before. He has taken hits from the Old Gods, but at a New God, he never fought against their kind in his life.

But that doesn't mean that SCP-682 is going to give in, because he formed tendrils out of his back, and struck Grayven in the face, hurting him as much. But while that happened, Grail came out of nowhere, struck SCP-682 with her scythe, causing immense pain, as it is just as sharp, if not more sharper, than the swords that Abel can make. 682 snarled, as he tries to bite Grail, but she leapt into the air, and throws her scythe as it spins, and began the shred off parts of SCP-682's body, before it returned to Grail like a boomerang

682 roars, and made a tendril come out of his back, and tries to hit Grail with it. But Grail backflips over the tendril, and unleashed her more powerful Omega Beams at SCP-682.

Compared to Grayven's Omega Beams, these hurt way more than what Grayven can do to SCP-682, who is now knocked back by the power of the Omega Beams. But 682 isn't a being that is meant to give up. Standing up right now, SCP-682 turns to the Omega Siblings, and spoke out.

"Impressive. I have never seen a supposed god to do that. It might actually intrigue me. But nonetheless..."

SCP-682 crouches down, as he roars out to them.


He than leaps at the Omega Siblings, who than leaps as well, as the both prepares to clash with 682.

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