Kalibak the Cruel

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Alex and the others continue to run away from the female furies quickly, as they are all doing everything that they can to try and reach Orion's Throne Room, which originally was Darkseid's Throne Room. They have no idea how long it will take for them to get to the Throne Rom before anyone around this place catches them, and starts to enslave the group under their control. According to Bekka, Apokolips is said to be a lot bigger than even the Earth, so much that the Earth actually looks about the small as a normal-sized Golfball. This means that it is going to take a very, very long time for the group to even cross over one part of Apokolips to the next part of Apokolips. All that they can hope about, is that they can endure the pain of running long enough to get to the Throne where Orion resides in. The group is starting to get a bit tired, with the exception of Knockout, Rex, Alex, and Bekka, due to bejng New Gods, and the champions of the Old Gods that made them what they are right now. But Alex, while he is moving with the others, doesn't realized something is now wrong with him, due to him bejng distracted with the task at hand. He is not moving as fast as before. Back in Earth, he is a lot faster, and in the Darkness Below, he was behind such a speed like the one in Earth. But now, even though he is much more faster than the average human, he is slower when compared to hie fast he was on Earth. But Alex decided to not pay attention to that right now, and instead, focus on getting Bekka to the throne room, and reunite her with Orion, her beloved Husband and Lord of Apokolips. Bekka than grabs onto a device of some sort, and looks at the device that is on her hand, and spoke out to the group, who are starting to get way more tired than before, which isn't helping with the fact that they had to fight with the furies, which had already tired them out beforehand.

"We are getting very close. Just one more mile to run across, and we will be able to reach my beloved's throne room. I can feel him waiting for our reunion."

The group nodded, and they continued to run as fast as they can, and avoiding the sights if the slaves of Apokolips. They are doing everything to the best of their abilities to make themselves as invisible to the New Gods as they possibly can. As they are starting to close in on the location, Alex can see the building of where the throne is, with Bekka seeing it too. The distanc debt week the group and the large tower is simply 200 feet apart from them. They're nearing soon.

"There it is. We need to get to the building and fast."

Alex nodded, as Rex is starting to prepare to use his Boogie Packs to carry Bekka, and Alex gets ready to run up the building to get to the top and meet Orion. But there is a thought that ruins the moment, and one that's very worrying to him, which he hopes won't happen.

'I really hope that we do not run into whenever I hope doesn't come out of attack us all. Because if it is who I think  it is that might attack, than we are about to have some serious problems in our hands.'

But Alex should not have thought of these words, and instead thought of the Throne Room that they are heading to, becasue as they are getting much closer and are about to meet the husband of Bekka himself...


Suddenly, a blast of energy hits the ground, and almost struck Alex's feet, just centimeters from touching the toes of his feet. Thankfully, though, Alex was able to avoid it just in time, but Alex looked and saw how large the hole in the ground was formed, and how big it was before him. Had this been able to hit him, that would have been way more catastrophic, and he would have been blown to bits along the way. However, this mad eAlex hyperventilate a little bit. In fact, Alex never has hyperventilatied in his life. Why is he suddenly starting to hyperventilate now? And who was it that had fired that energy blast?

"What the hell was that?"

Alex spoke out, and before anyone could speak out, a deep voice spoke out with power behind the tone that he carries.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"So, you must be the intruders that the furies spoke of? You don't impress me."

The group looks up, and saw a man, with hair on his head similar to that of a lion's mane, and strangely, as a shoe that shows 2 toes, as well as being very large and very muscular.

Kalibak, the eldest son of Darkseid, has spotted the group, and now immediately comes charging into the group, who just now began to notice his presence. The group moved out of the way, as he rams right into a part of an Apokolips buildings. But he simply turns back, and faced the group, snarling with bloodlust. Alex facepalms, as he knows that this is what he is being weary of for a very long time before he even went to Apokolips.

"This must be Kalibak. There is straight up, no resemblance to anyone in his family. I had hoped that we never had to meet him. There goes my hopes of getting away from this guy. Why must my hopes be destroyed in a place like this, and in a moment like now?"

Alex grumbled the last part out, as Bekka's mind began to play out the family of Darkseid that had existed in the time long past, and also...began to think about how this messed up legacy even existed in the first place.

But as she was thinking, Wanda carried Bekka behind a pillar, who than turns back around to get ready to fight off against Kalibak, who now strikes with his Club.

Alex raised his shield, and defenses against the Apokoliptian weapon. Surprisingly, the weapon actually manage to push back Alex roughly. This is surprising for Alex, but than again, they are in a place where the New Gods reside in, and strangely, the Source isn't powering Alex up. Instead, it made him a little bit weaker, like it's mean to oppose the place that has created the Old Gods from before. Although, he still has enoug of his energy to start talking to Kalibak, rather strained.

"Hey!! You're the one called Kalibak, right? Why are you suddenly starting to fight against me?! In fact, why are you fighting against all of us??!!!"

Kalibak snarled at Alex, as he spoke out.

"Why I am here to attack you is not your concern. What should be your concern is what I am about to do to you that will be your last!"

Rex appears to be suffering a similar problem, because when he steps in to fight against Kalibak, he seems to not be a graceful as before when the group were inside of the Darkness Below. Both Wanda and Firestorm are also suffering the same problems. Wanda used her telekinesis to try and hold him on the ground, but he simply stood back up, as if the telekinesis was not strong enough to hold him. Firestorm than tried to burn him alive, but the fire was as though it was lukewarm. Kalibak is taking the damage like it isn't very damaging.

But not Ben, as he is not an Old God, and has an Alien that he had used before, when he went up against a god before, who he remembers very well.

Rushing forward, Ben twisted the Omnitrix, and slapped onto the dial, and Ben had transformed into a familiar alien.

It was Four Arms again, and he is ready to get back into action, ever since he was used to fight against the Alpha Nanite a couple years back. And besides, he once used Four Arms to fight a god as a 10 year old kid, and now, he is ready to use Four Arms to fight against another God, this time, not on Earth.

Four Arms rushed forward, and began to attack Kalibak. The Eldest Son of Darkseid tried to hit Four Arms with his Beta Club, but Four Arms caught his arm holding it. Kalibak than tried to punch Four Arms, but he caught it with his other arm. The lower arms than began to punch Kalibak in the gut, to make the entire experience very painful. But the thing is, Kalibak is stronger than even Four Arms, and while he does feel Four Arms' strength, Kalibak doesn't feel it that much. He simply yanks his arms out with only slightly most of his might, and struck Four Arms with enough force to send him flying into a structure.


Alex shouts, as Knockout took the turn to fight against Kalibak. Besides, she always wanted to know what it is like to fight one who is Darkseid's Eldest Son.

Knockout with her strength was able to hurt Kalibak, much more than even Four Arms. But it isn't surprising, considering that she is a New Goddess. Knockout than kicked Kalibak in the face, before grabbing him by the hair, and throws him at a building, causing it to tumble down. Knockout thought that he was finally done for, but Kalibak immediately leaps out of the rubble, rising himself 50 feet into the air, before coming back down with a crash, breaking the ground beneath him. Kalibak looks at Knockout, and spoke out.

"If it isn't the traitor of Apokolips. I never thought that in a million years I would be seeing you in person again."

Knockout cracked her knuckles, as she smirked with pure bloodlust.

"Well, since I've been itching to spill some blood, I think I've prepared myself give you a reason of why I am about to give you a beat down that you pops refused to do!"

Knockout than rushed towards Kalibak, as Kalibak does the same. Kalibak raises his fist to punch Knockout, but all he did was punch the ground, as Knockout leapt on the air, and kicks him in the face, before putting her foot on top of the the immensely cruel and very violent god.

Kalibak, however, recovers, and launched a punch with his other arm, sending Knockout flying into Alex, who than catches her. Knockout leaps off of Alex, and than rushes at Kalibak, kicking him in the heart, and sends him into a tall structure about a few miles away, which goes down on top of him, much more painfully than the last structure. Some pieces even fell into the flames of Apokolips, as the metal pieces instantly turn into molten metal, and evaporated, as if it is water.

But Kalibak crashes out of the rubble, and comes back once more, and uses his Beta Club to blast Knockout. The female New Goddess jumped back, but the explosion of the Beta Club gives her a shockwave, forcing her back, and hits Alex, knocking him off of his feet, and sending them both to a crater, which fire belching out of it. But they were lucky that they didn't get closer, as it would have been an actual death sentence for both Alex Mercer and Knockout.

Rex than took the turn, activated his Slam Cannon, and grabs a chunk of the Apokolips' ground, before he aims, and fired at Kalibak with the pieces of a Apokolips ground. But Kalibak not only lowered through the pieces of Apokolips like it was nothing, he used his Beta Club to completely blast the Spam Cannon away.


Rex shouts, as the blast barely missed him. Now a bit more determined to see him go down, he formed his Punk Busters, before he crouched down, and leaps into the air, before coming back down, as spikes began to appear on the Soles of the Punk Busters, pointy and are ready to pierce. But Kalibak jumps away, and Rex missed, which created a crater into the ground, and is deep enough to fit Kalibak's height and size. Needless to say, Rex isn't to happy, as he activated his other build, the Smack Hands, and prepares to strike Kalibak, when he suddenly shot twin beams out of his eyes.

Rex cries out in pure and utter agony, as the beams hit his head, and he feels a painful sensation inside of his mind, like his whole brain's on fire. He held his head, as Alex looks at Rex, who is in pain. Rex falls to the ground, and Kalibak spoke out.

"Now I shall stomp you to split your body like a weak twig!!!"

Kalibak spoke out, as he raised his 2-toed foot, and gets ready to really stomp on Rex. But Alex held his foot with his Musclemass, his strength, even though it is increased, struggles to hold himself against even Kalibak's strength all alone. So with all of his might, he raised Kalibak off of the ground, and threw him as far as he can to carry Rex, and check him.

His head is glowing, and it looks as though the glow alone is causing him this much agony.

"Wanda. Try removing whatever is effecting his mind out of him.

Wanda spoke out.

"I'll try to get it out."

Wanda than used her powers, and began to try and figure out what it is that is attacking Rex, so she can get it out. As Alex looks at Rex, suddenly...


A loud sound was heard, as the ground shakes and cracks. The group turns around, only to see Kalibak, more madder than ever, as his eyes are now bloodshot and red with pure feral rage.


Kalibak roars out, as Alex faced him. He than spoke out to Kalibak about the power that he had just used against Rex from before.

"So this is the gift that Bekka has told me about."

Kalibak looked, as Alex spoke out.

"Bekka said that your father has gifted you with a new type of power, as well as enhancing your strength."

Kalibak smiled, as he spoke out about his power.

"Psi-Beams. It was the power that my father gave me. I would like to see you try and escape the never-ending pain within the mind that you all possess."

Kalibak smirked, as his eyes began to glow in Alex's direction. And Alex knows exactly what about to come next. He took a stance, as he got ready for the Psi-Beams going to hit. Kalibak smiled, as his eyes began to flare more, ready to fire his Psi-Beams.

"Now it is your turn."

Kalibak spoke out, as he hits Alex. Kalibak smiled, expecting him to fall down in agony. But...nothing happened. Alex didn't cry or scream in pain and hold his head. His head isn't even glowing like Rex is. He just stood there, looking unimpressed.


Kalinak does it again, and fired at Alex. Still no effect, just like before. He fired his Psi-beams again, and needless to say, it is very infuriating to Kalibak.

"Why?! Why isn't my Psi-Beams working on you?!"

Alex simply look up, and spoke out calmly to Kalibak.

"It's simple, I have been attacked in the mind before so many times, that my brain manage to develop and adapt to something like this. Which means your Psi-Beams won't have an effect on me. Guess that means someone can escape the nerve-ending pain that you give your minds. Or better yet, my mind."

Kalibak snarled, before he charges at Alex to strike him with his Beta Club. Alex was barely able to defend himself, by forming his shield, and stopped it from hitting him. But it could not absorb the impact, and Alex was pushed away. But Alex was able to stop himself by forming a tendril on his right arm, and anchors himself to the ground.

As Alex and Kalibak start to fight against each other, Wanda increases her power over the Rex, and tries to remove the effects of the Psi-Beam from his head. Miss Martian does the same, and tries to use her telepathy to remove the torture power inside of Rex's brain. But this is proving to be very difficult, as the Psi-Beams are based on the Omega Effect's power. Or rather, it is the Omega Effect, but in a weakened form. And it is very difficult for them to get rid of it, no matter what they are doing, and how much effort they try to get rid of it.

"Geez...this is like trying to get glue off of paper, and it is combined with thick duck tape!!"

Wanda snarled out, due to having some sort of difficulty in trying to get rid of the effects of the Psi-Beam. Her head even began to sweat at how difficult is for her to get rid of the effects of the Psi-Beam Kalibak had used on the Onega E.V.O. M'gann, while frustrated and sweating from the strain as well, simply spoke out to Wanda.

"Don't complain about it, Wanda. We need to focus in help Rex on getting rid if this thing. It think it is starting to mess with his mind much worse than a usual headache."

Wanda snarled, but nodded her head regardless, knowing that M'gann was right. So she simply calms down, and began to get rid of the thing that us attacking Rex from within the mind.

Alex jumps into the air, and dive bombs to the ground fast. But Kalibak moved out of the way, as Alex caused a crater to form. Kalibak, despite the fact that he is very large, is shown to be very fast. So much that even Alex was very surprised at the immense quickness of the very brutal New God. Alex jumps into the air, but he can't leap as high this time. On earth, he would leap up to between 15-16 floors, and in the Darkness Below, he would be able to jump up to 30. Instead, he can only leap up to between 7 and 8 floors, while Kalibak can jump higher, high enough to go or we average-sized Earth Buildings. Had Alex stayed in the Darkness Below, this would have been a different fight, and he would have been a lot stronger than right now. Kalibak than leaps up, and and shoots Alex with the Beta Club, the Nerve Beams actually hitting the Blacklight Virus.


This actually hurts Alex, as he was shot down to the ground. The pain was so immense, like his entire body was catching on fire. Alex later stood back up, when the pain of the Nerve Beam left his body. But Kalibak almost landed on top of Alex. Thankfully, thigh, he got out of the way fast, as he began to run up the structure, and jumps in the air, ready to make his move on Kalibak.

While he is in the air, Alex than formed his Whipfist,

as he wrapped it onto Kalibak's leg, and slammed him onto the ground before Kalibak could even react to it. He than formed his Hammerfists, and he tries to smash Kalibak. But Kalibak realized what was about to happen and moved out of the way fast, and it caused Alex to miss his chance, and he hits the ground instead.

"Really? Is that the best you can do? I expect the Firstborn Son of Darkseid to be far more stronger than this, and alot more crueler. Where is this ruthlessness that you boast of?"

Alex spoke out to Kalibak, feeling very disappointed that he isn't seeing the savagery that the New Gods had boasted to Alex about. But Kalibak didn't take those words lightly, as he spoke out calmly, at first

"If this is how you will see me in the fight, than I will say something to you, something that you shall never forget..."

As soon as he has readied the Beta Club, Kalibak than shouts out with fury present in his roaring voice.

Kalibak fires an energy shot with his Beta Club, which almost hit Alex, and hits the wall behind him. It caused the structure behind him to crumble down. Alex turns, realizing that his is very dangerous, and that he needs to be very, very careful. He turns back around, and charges at Kalibak, who than fired another energy blast with the Beta Club that is in his hand.

But Alex dodges the beam very fast, and as he ran forward and prepares to strike Kalibak, he whispers menacingly in his ear.

"In your next life, you will learn to shut up, fucker."

He than strikes against Kalibak with his musclemass arms, and sends him flying into a wall. Kalibak than fired his Beta-Club at Alex again, who than dodged the beam. Kalibak than charges at Alex, and punched him in the cut, before grabbing onto a piece of sharp metal, and stabbed Alex in the heart.


Alex, for once? Actually got hurt by the stab. Usually, a sharp object like this would never hurt Alex that much, and it would feel like a very small and week pinch, which Alex would usually ignore. But it seems that the Apokoliptian metal was much more sharper and painful than the metals on Earth.

"You want to see cruelty?!"

Kalibak shouts, as he began to pull the sharp object down, opening Alex's chest cavity, as Kalibak shouts out to him.

"Let me show you cruelty, when I pull your heart of out your very body!!!"

But as Kalibak was too busy with Alex, he didn't noticed a presence behind him, and when Kalibak hears the sound of a gun clicking with ammo inside, he turns around and sees that someone has completely came out out of utter nowhere and starts firing her gun at Kalibak.

It was Bekka. She had pulled off the same move again when they fought off against the furies from before. The shots fired at Kalibak, as the bullets moved far faster and are far more deadly, than the bullets that are used on Earth. Bullets powerful enough to punch a hole in titanium and steel, piecing enough to go through even the Earth's toughest metal, and with powerful enough kick to explode the entire body of a normal human.

Kalibak was taken by surprise, as he used his Beta Club to block some of the bullets and protect himself from getting shot by the guns that Bekka has in her hand. Bekka than began to reload her gun, as she looks at Kalibak, who is still recovering from the shots that she had given him from before.

"Hello, Brother-In-Law. Do you miss me?"

Bekka spoke out, as she fired a bullet at Kalibak, who used his arm to defend against the shot that Bekka made. Kalibak than spoke out.

"Oh I do miss you alright, Sister-In-Law. I missed you enough to do this to you!!

Kalibak than aimed his Beta-Club, and than used it to fire at the gun in Bekka's hand, which was knocked out of her hands, and caused Bekka pain.


Alex shouts out, before snarling with rage, as he turns around, and rushes towards Kalibak, with the Beta Club still in his right hand. Kalibak than smashed the ground, causing a fissure, but Alex than formed his Hammerfist, and does the same thing thing, causing them to collide and make a large shockwave. Alex, however, immediately reacts, as he jumps forward, and strikes at Kalibak with his Hammerfisted punch.

Kalibak was sent back by the punch a bit, but than, Four Arms went behind Kalibak, and restrains him long enough for Alex to keep on attacking Kalibak for as long as he can hold. But Kalibak has had enough, as he jumps into the air, and smashes Four Arms to the ground, before grabbing Four Arms, and throwing him at Alex, who is hit, and causing them both of slide into a wall.


As he roars out at the 2, another voice spoke out.

"Than I'll dare more for the 2 of them!!!"

Kalibak turns around, only to see his face meet the Punk Buster activated by Rex.

The kick was powerful enough to do nearly as much damage as Knockout, as Kalibak was kicked into the wall of a building, causing a 20 foot tall crater. The rubble goes all over and falls down into the hellosh fiery pits of Apokolips. He than gets out of the crater, and and leaps to Rex, and attacks with his Psi-Beams. But Rex was ready this time, because he deactivated his Punk Busters and activates his Block Party, deflecting the Beams to a pile of weapons. Rex than activated his Smack Hands, reactivated his Punk Busters, and leapt at Kalibak.

And as soon as Kalibak and Rex closed the distance...


It created a very loud shockwave, strong enough to bring down a couple of the tall buildings present. Rex falls down to the ground, and is alive, but the Builds have been shattered. Pieces of Nanite-constructe metal fell down to the ground, as they shattered like they are made out of nothing more than very fragile glass. Rex stands up while he holds his head, and walks to the group, with Alex speaking out.

"Wait...where's Kalibak?"

Before the group can answer that question, suddenly, they look up...to see Kalibak falling down from the sky, and looks like he's about to strike like he's a very large meteorite from orbit. Then, when he got close enough, he lands with so much force, he made the shockwave comparable to a powerful Earthquake, one that is even beyond even one on Earth. The power of that crash, could have halfway cracked the Earth in half like an egg. They are lucky that Apokolips is larger than even Earth, than they would have had bigger problems in their hands.

Kalibak gasped for breath, as he looks at the group, before speaking out.

"I must admit, I am impressed with how powerful you are. Even when you are beneath me, you manage tire me out."

Kalibak, whoever, stood up much straighter, as he spoke out.

"But...how long can you keep up with me?"

Alex and the others aren't very sure if they can truly stand up to him for even another minute. This Kalibak is very tough, and seems to hold no absolute competition for anyone. So how can they even fight against a New God, who's the son of a power evil New God?

Before the fight can go on any further...

"That is enough, brother."

A calm voice, low, yet very loud enough for all to hear, spoke out to everyone. Kalibak turned to see someone he never thought he would hear again, as he floats down with a stoic expression on his face.

Orion, the current Ruler of Apokolips, has finally arrived. He has seen the ruckus from outside of his Throne Room, and witnessed the clash between Rex and his brother, which caused a powerful shockwave that has reached Orion's Throne. Now that he has arrived, the fight is already stopping, as the group and Kalibak stand down and stops whatever it is that they're doing. He looks as though he is standing in the air, since his feet look as though he is still on the ground. He floats down, and for real, touches the ground. The hair almost resembles the helmet that his father had worn when he was still alive, but the suit still moves, obviously. When Orion turns to Kalibak, the Older Brother flinched at his gaze, as it reminds him of his father, Darkseid, who Kalibak is undyingly loyal to.

"Kalibak, what type of trouble have you been stirring off this time?"

Kalibak, though, says nothing, as he looks away, not wanting to anger his younger brother. While enhanced he may be when Darkseid granted him power, Orion got stronger on his own, both in his own body, and with the gifts that both Darkseid and Highfather has given to him, and is now just as strong as Darkseid. Kalibak is actually not that close to Orion's skill level, despite the fact that he capable of matching against the physical might of Orion. And even though the Psi-Beams are powerful, not even they can stop Orion completely, as he is has been able to break out of them multiple times when Kalibak uses the Psi-Beams on him. So Kalibak immediately steps down, and just backs away from his brother, not wanting to face his wrath.

Orion walks to the group...he turns to see...


Orion spoke out, with a whisper present in his voice. Bekka smiled, as she walked away from the group, and goes to Orion.

"Hello...my beloved."

Orion gently takes her by the shoulders, and hugs Bekka, in which Bekka does the same to Orion.

"I'm so relieved you're alive."

Bekka smiled wide, as she touched the face of Orion, grateful to see him again.

It was as though they had not seen each other for more than a thousand years, as Orion, despite looking ver calm, has sadness present on his Darkseid-looking face.

"Do not worry, my beloved. I would never have left you. I would always stay by your side, not matter what happens."

Orion, for once, smiled a bit, as Bekka closes the distance, and kissed him in the lips, as Orion remembers the feeling that is ok his very lips. Oh, how he has missed that feeling after so many years of painful separation and capture from the person that has taken her away. She than separates herself from him after a minute, before speaking out to her beloved.

"And besides...I had a group of people, some of them spawns of the Old Gods, that got me out of the place that I was taken to."

Orion was confused, until he noticed Alex and the others.

Orion's face is a bit impossible to describe about what he is feeling right now. But Alex is the same, as he simply looked with his own calm and stock expression on his own face.

"Were you the one that helped my wife?"

Alex than shook his head, as he spoke out to Orion.

"Not just me. I wasn't the only one that did it. The others with me, as well as a few more, they also discovered her and helped her. Knockout even Boomtubed us away from that place and into New Genesis."

Orion looks up to see the other members of the group, at least the ones that are still present, and looks at Knockout, who still as a grin present on her face.

After a minute of looking at them, he turned back to Alex, and spoke out to him.

"You are the one called Alex Mercer, right?"

Alex nodded, as he spoke out to him.

"Yeah, that is me. Why do you ask?"

Orion than stepped forward, as he looks at Alex in the eyes. While Alex himself is tall, Orion is simply taller than Alex, by a height of 6'9. Orion was originally 8 inches shorter than this, basically the height of 6'1. But Orion, due to having become the ruler of Apokolips, currently had became way more taller than before. Orion than looks at Alex with chilling intensity, before speaking out to the Blacklight.

"May we all speak back in the Throne Room of Apokolips?"

Ben then steps forward, as he spoke out.

"Ummm...for what, may I ask?"

Orion looks at him,and even Ben feels a but uneasy about the stare that Orion gives off to him.

"Because while Scott and Big Barda have given me news in what Bekka said, about the Scarlet King and the dangers that it holds, I was never told on how this is happening. And besides..."

Orion's red eye gleams with war-like rage, as he smiled with a form of frightening intent present in his mind, possibly on what he is going to do to the one that put his Bekka in danger like this, which Alex could guess, is how much he is going to torture the one that had done this horrible thing to Bekka, whatever torture it was.

"...I am interested in the information that you will talk to me about, and how it will help us on what is to come."

Alex looks at Orion, unsure what to think of the Dog of War, as he is impossible to read when his expression of calm, and he cannot tell what he's thinking inside his mind. But against his better judgement, he nodded his head, and spoke out to him.

"Mind you do the honors and lead us to the throne?"

Orion nodded his head, as he raised his hand, and opens up as blue and yellow boontube out of nowhere.

"Follow us in the Boomtube. Kalibak, you should also join, as this might be very important to all of Apokolips."

He and Bekka goes through, as the rest follow. But Kalibak stays outside, as he looks up in the fire-stained night sky, feeling very uneasy for an unknown reason. But shaking that weak and pantheistic feeling off of his body, he turns back around, and follows the others in the throne room, wanting to hear what is going on, and who the Scarlet King is. As soon as Kalibak went in, the portal starts closing, and than later disappears in a flash of Astro-Light.

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