Doctor Wondertainment's Custom Pets

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It has been a day since that Paper Incident. Apparently, this thing was called Super Paper, also known as SCP-445, made by a company that is known as Dr.Wondertainment. They are basically people that makes SCPs that is fun for kids to really use. But they were unfortunately unable to go in there, until they room is cleaned up. So they had to leave, but not before Alex made a paper airplane, and made the Foundation Director chase it.

Right now, Alex and the group, which consists of Alex, Rex, M'gann, and Koriand'r are walking around the place, and wondered what else is filled with Dr.Wondertainment. So he asked a site director if there is another place that has Dr.Wondertainment stuff. The Site Director deuces to show and lead them to one of them.

"So what is in there?"

Koriand'r spoke out to the Site Director. The Director turned and spoke out.

"You need to see yourself."

The door opens. Alex and the others looked and saw that there is a tank in there. It is atop a table. They than looked in and see what's in the tank on the table.

Everyone than flinched at the sight of this strange creature present. The creature looked very freaky. In fact, nobody was clearly expecting something like that existing. The creature present has leathery skin, eyes on short lumps protruding from its head in a manner somewhat like the eyes of a chameleon. It has multiple legs that are a little bit bendy.

Despite the appearance, it is acting like a affectionate pet, and is looking at them like they are its owners.

"Woah...she is that thing?"

Alex spoke out.

"I have no idea."

Rex spoke out.

"This thing is very strange."

M'gann spoke out to everyone. Alex than turned and spoke out to the Site Director.

"Can you tell us what that thing is now?"

The Site Director than spoke out to them.

"As you wish. This thing is called ScP-1550. It is apparently an artificial species of unknown classification whose larvae have the ability to undergo metamorphoses into a form which is adapted for their environment. However, despite adaptations, all specimens possess a tattoo-like set of markings on their underbelly, although the data is expunged. We have no idea what it truly looks like, due to its adaptation. But we have down some interesting experiments on the Custom Pets themselves."

"Well...what examples can you tell us."

M'gann questioned the Site Director. She than spoke out to them.

" name a few, one involved putting it in water, which made it grow gills, made flattened and broadened tails to serve as paddles for swimming, and produces specialized mucus to protect its eyes from salt damage. Another involved enlarging its lungs and thinned body for increased streamlining. When out in a forest, an instance had a thin layer of brown fur covering the top of its body and a ridged, snakelike underbelly as well as enlarged tail-tentacles. In a desert, another one was cold-blooded and has a tanned coloration to camouflage it against sand, as well as a tendency to burrow. The other one, when put in pressurized water, possessed a bioluminescent lure similar to that of an anglerfish extending from its forehead, gills similar to SCP-1550-1, and dark grey-blue coloration. The legs of the instance were flattened and webbed into fishlike fins and eyes were near twice the size of those of other SCP-1550 specimens. Teeth were sharpened and possessed ridges to cut meat, similar to those found in many species of shark."

Everyone was interested, and Alex spoke to the Site Director.

"Can we try our own? We want to see what happens when exposed to our environment."

The Site Director was surprised at that, and spoke out.

"Actually, we have been planning that, but never had the chance. I guess it is as good is a chance as it ever is."

So, everyone has taken their own pets, and send them to the environments. Rex for the Bug ajar, where it is filled with Nanites. Koriand'r to her home planet, which is very hidden. M'gann to the city chunks of Mars, which she stole. And Alex, who had taken one, went to the Red Zone of New York, where the Blacklight Virus is present.

Koriand'r's Pet was very orange like a Tamaranien. The Body and head are orange, but the legs are Red and we very, very long. The eyes are also very green, as it is constantly glowing.

M'gann's is white in color, fitting M'gann's nature as a White Martian. The head is similar to M'gann's true form, but the mouth is more longer and the teeth is longer, wider, and even more sharper. It also has been known to shape-shift into different appearances.

Rex's is simply similar to a Cyborg. The metal on the Pet is organic, while some are a sickly tan parts that are not metal, and the eyes are blue, with other eyes appearing all over the let's body. There's circuitry lines all over, and the teeth are gray, which is as long and shape as a Rabbit E.V.O.

Alex's Pet revolves it being black and tendrils. It has tendrils on its back, with some over a red glowing spot, and connecting like it is a caged vest, and the legs of them split into 2,3 , or even more separate branches. It is even possessing glowing red eyes. It's teeth were like a juggernauts. So nobody was that special, and was normal in the eyes of the SCP Foundation itself.

But Alex, however, had a far crazier plan to make his more unique than anything else in the other's ways, and took it one stop forward to make it special. He made it adaptive by sending to the one place that would normally be dangerous, but Alex does not care that it is: the Volcano!

Alex made his way to a volcano that was about to erupt, without any permission from the SCP Staff members. He took a helicopter, go to a volcano that is halfway on the urge of about to erupt and explode. After a little while of traveling, he was able to locate the nearest active volcano.

The volcano has smoke coming off of the mountain top. It is glowing hot orange, and some chunks of rock was still fine, but the magma was starting to seep. Taking the chance, Alex gets down and goes to the Volcano too as fast as he can. He even jumps and tried to position himself so that he can get a good spot to make the egg hatch. The egg just needs some slow, but enough heat to adapt here.

As the volcano began it's eruption, Alex saw that there was only one spot. But he had to do this and hold it by himself. He jumps in, stands at the spot, and holds the Egg on place. The heat was getting into the egg, but not enough to cook it or even boil it. The volcano, however, was about to begin the final stage of the eruption.

But as the final stage began happening, the egg began to crack. It is starting to hatch. After a couple of minutes, the egg final has broke. The creature has black plates on it's body like it is Obsidian, and is as hard as the Boron Nitride. The teeth is black, and is very tough. The legs are very sturdy and is rocky spikes, shaped similar to very pointy charcoal. As that is happening, the volcano explodes, and Alex got onto his jet, and took off, and watched what happens to the custom pet that has hatched. The result was that the Custom Pet was completely fine. The Pet simply withstood the amount of Lava, and was able to walk through it without any problems at all. After the lava has cooled down, Alex saw that a piece of the cooled magma has shattered, and the pet cane out. He than used the tendrils to grabbed onto the SCP, and took it back to the SCP Foundation. They are so going to have their jaws dropped when the had seen how successful it is on the volcano.


Well...the good news is...the Foundation was shocked and are looking into the one that Alex has made. The bad news is, he is forbidden to use them for extremely dangerous stuff like that again. While the Nanite and the Blacklight areas are dangerous, the Volcano was way more dangerous than that. Needless to say, Alex felt down. But he does not care, as the pet that had adapted to the volcano was now under the care of the Foundation.

"Well...At least the foundation can keep the pet that I had given. Which is a good sign."

As that is happening, Rex came out of complete nowhere, and put a arm around Alex's shoulder, as he pulled him close to Rex's position.

"Dude! That was very awesome the way you did that! You had made a Pet that not even the SCP Foundation can't even do themselves. That was so cool, Alex!"

Alex than turns and spoke to Rex.

"Rex, it's nothing. They are adaptive. That's all."

But Koriand'r disagrees and spoke out.

"No, Alex. You did something the SCP Foundation was unable to make the pet's adapt to. It was incredible."

'Totally! Even I was shocked and excited you did that!'

M'gann spoke out to Alex. Alex turned and smiled.

"Well...was you put it that way, I guess it's special."

Rex than puts a hand on Alex's shoulder and spoke out to him.

"Come on. Let's go back to our rooms before the foundation get angry for being out again."

Alex nodded, and the others go back, while M'gann instantly gets back to the room by flying away fast. This day just got very interesting.

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