The Deer of Saturn

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Alex and Rex are walking towards another site, which involved a certain SCP that involves a a Blood-color pool. Although Rex was a bit unease, he accepted to do this sort of thing anyway. But as they began to walk out to the location of the site, which is surprisingly quick to get to...


Alex and Rex than heard an explosion, coming from a Site, known as Site-100. This caught them both by surprise, as they are both near the site itself.

"What was that?"

Rex shouted at Alex, who simply frowned.

"I have no idea, but whatever it is, it's bad. This will have to wait. We need to see this."

Alex and Rex looked at each other, and nodded, before Alex runs and Rex activates the Rex Ride. They both went to the site as fast as they can go.

After arriving at the place, they saw multiple rooms busted, and there are towers of Ice and Metal.

"Alex, do you feel something?"

Rex spoke out to Alex, who is looking like he's trying to think of something about this place.

"Why do I feel like I am in the presence of a powerful God?"

As Alex and Rex looked around for the source of the cause, a pillar suddenly erupted from the ground, made of ice and metal. When Alex and Rex looked up, they than saw an entity, one they have not seen before in the SCP Foundation.

Alex and Rex were shocked at what they are seeing before them. The entity that they see is a gigantic green deer, with a humanoid face, and very large antlers. Behind the entity's head is a ring made of ice and metal, and it is standing onto some icy pillars. Alex didn't know what to think of it. The way it look was rather...Godlike. Alex than spoke out.

" that...SCP-2845?"

While he has not heard of it, he does know that SCP-2845 is very hostile, and can manipulate matter with only just a meet thought. While the Newborns have not faced him, Alex is weary of what would happen if he does face against it. And this is only the beginning of a situation happening.

Suddenly, columns of Ice and Metal than appeared out of nowhere, and began to erupt from the ground. Rex activates the Boogie Packs and grabbed Alex. Both Alex and Rex went up in the air, as the Columns erupted underneath the position they were in. Rex than looked in shock, as the entity was actually attacking already. Alex than spoke to Rex.

"Rex, throw me to SCP-2845, and fast!!"

Rex nodded. He than grabbed on Alex's arm with both hands, and begun to spin. When he was fast enough, he than threw Alex straight towards the being. Alex activates his Hammerfists to damage 2845.

2845, however, countered it by making a column of metallic hydrogen and helium, which Alex crashed into, but did not get through the column and hit the Deer from Saturn. Needless to say, Alex was not happy that he must jump and get away quick.

Rex than took the initiative and launched his Smack Hands at the Deer from Saturn. But when he hits the deer, while it did stumble back, it didn't feel pained at he was not hit by Rex's Build. And this seriously bothered Rex.

"How's that possible? Is he invulnerable or something?!"

Than, SCP-2845 than launches an attack at both Rex and Alex, but the resulting impact with the ground has sent both the Blacklight and E.V.O back. But the explosion caught the attention of the other Newborns, who are alerted by the explosion that had just appeared.

Alex and Rex stood up, and saw that the Deer has went down, and is now walking towards the duo. But Alex and Rex refuses to give up on fighting. Alex and Rex charged at him, as Rex activates the Punk Busters. Alex and Rex jumped high into the air, and both Alex and Rex charged down at it, both fists aiming at the deer.

But when they hit the Deer, it caused a MASSIVE SHOCKWAVE!! The shockwave was powerful enough that scatter dust and debris all over the area. When the dust finally cleared, Alex and Rex clearly hits the Deer, but the punches look like simple cheap jokes, because the punches didn't have an effect on the Deer. The Deer was still not phased. Than, a ball of ice and metal appeared, and slammed both Alex and Rex in the stomachs, and sent the both of them back.

Both Alex and Rex are standing back up, but they feel like they are strained. The deer than came forward to the Organic-Mechanic Duo. It than prepared to fire a spire made of Ice and Metal, when so suddenly, a beam of blue and green energy appeared and destroyed them. The Deer turned to see the other Newborns present. Blue Beetle, Koriand'r, and Spawn has their hands out, meaning that they had been the ones that had fired the attack towards the Deer's spires.

"Looks like you guys need some help on this Deer."

Jaime spoke out to both Alex and Rex. The Duo than spoke back.

""No kidding!!""

Both Alex and Rex than stood up, and saw that the Deer is now making more columns erupt from the ground. Alex, Rex, and the others jumped away from them. Toxin and Kanpeki leapt towards the entity, and unleashed a powerful strike at the Deer, but it simply shrugged it off, and simply used Ice Balls to launch them away. Koriand'r, Spawn, Jaime, and Scorn all utilized powerful blasts at the entity.

They were able to hit the entity, but the blasts, while it did blacken his body a little bit, it was still not phased by the powerful blasts delivered. And this was them not holding back against the Deer.

The Deer turned and hit three of them with Ice Spires, but Koriand'r was able to avoid the Spires and flies away from them. Although she is fast, she is leaving behind a trail of red from her hair, which made predicting where she would be at much easier. Koriand'r than landed down and launched another Starbolt at 2845.

"Get away from my Jaime!!"

But again, the Tamaranean Starbolt has barely made a scratch. The Starbolts, in the Deer's way of seeing it, if it can with its eyes closed, it is just annoying. This greatly irritated Koriand'r, as she flies in the air and fire them, very frustrated.

"Just how powerful is it?!"

But it was still not effected by the Starbolts, which was making Koriand'r upset. 2846 decided to attack, and summoned crystal spikes to try and aim at Koriand'r. But Alex and Rex attacked the Spikes it was summoning, and proceed to attack it again. But metal spiked balls appeared and hits them. As that happened, M'gann appeared and tried to use her shapeshifting abilities on it, and tried to hold it down to the ground. Kanpeki than joined into the fight once more, and does the same thing with his Kagune, as he made a cage. He also made it as durable as he can make it be as so.

Spawn than also jumped in, and wrapped around both his chains and his cape around the entity, and tried the best he can to hold the Deer from Saturn down, so that it doesn't escape.

Rex and Alex both rejoined in as quick as possible, and both used Whipfist and Blast Caster to hold it down. And Finally, Toxin, Scorn, and Jaime also went to their aid, and used their appendages to try and hold the entire entity down. Koriand'r than came in and tried to use her Starbolts to hold the entire entity down by blasting onto its back.

"H'tal Bkt'r!!"

Koriand'r than spoke out. Obviously, Koriand'r was getting very angry that the entity was attacking her friend and her love ones as well. And the fact that it is not staying down completely. It is just very annoying!

But the Deer has other ideas and yanked everyone that is on their feet, off the ground, and sent all of them flying very fast. Kanpeki landed onto some tree branches, and Spawn himself got pierced by some other branches, with the deer busting out of the cage Kanpeki made, proving that regardless of how touch Kanpeki had made it to be, SCP-2846 will still break out of it. Alex was sent flying, Blue Beetle went flying away fast, but was caught by Koriand'r, quick. Rex used the Boogie Packs. Toxin and Scorn were also sent flying away very fast. M'gann, however, used Telekinesis to fly, and also utilized her Relekinesis to attack and launch anything 2846 might throw at her. 2845 than launches Metal Spikes at the Martian, but she phased through it.

She than used her Telekinesis it crashed both the object into each other, shattering them. She than utilized her telepathy to enter the mind of the SCP, which is the first time she's doing that. Rex had also joined in.

The mental landscape of the SCP resembles a moon of some sort. Behind the moon, as a planet with rings around it. It was Saturn, the 6th planet in the solar system, which thankfully lived from the SCP-1548 event. But in front of the planet's figure is SCP-1548. It was still unamused that this happened, since the Deer is still focused on her.

It than made columns and raised itself off the ground, and launched a large number of spikes at the Martian. M'gann simply flies past and went through the SCP's attack.

M'gann than launches a large number of rocks at the entity. But the entity made a wall of Metallic Ice, which simply made the Rocks get destroyed upon quick impact. But the Deer than suddenly leapt up towards the Martian, who than charged at the Deer, who's coming in fast. M'gann also hardened her density, so that she is much more durable, harder, and metallic. When the 2 entities clashed, it created a shockwave in the mental landscape of 2845. Speaking of which, SCP-2845 was completely unharmed by the attack of the White Martian, who was sent skidding back.

Rex than utilized the Slam Cannon, and launched rocks at the entity, who simply used a wall of ice and metal to defend against that. Rex than activated the Funchucks and smacks 2845 with it.

But the Deer treated the Funchucks as nothing more than just a very simply poke from an inspector.

Rex than resorted to use the Big Fat Sword and tried to stab it at the side of the Deer. But to the Deer, it was nothing but a bug that bites his own side. He made a slab of Ice and Metal, and 'swatted' Rex hard to the left. Rex than stood up, and activated the Boogie Packs and charge at him, and activated the Smack Hands. But the Smack Hands had little effect on 2845. He simply made a metallic ball, and launched at Red, forcing Rex out of 2845's mind, leaving M'gann herself.

'This 2845...he's so powerful. I have no idea how I can make him stop.'

M'gann later thought to herself. Than, the Deer charged fast at the Martian, and knocked her away, and sent her out of the Deer's mind. Needless to say, the Deer was not happy at the fact that she tried defeating 2845 inside of his mind.

M'gann, however, has an idea to end the fight quicker.

She than used her Telepathic powers, than a blinding light occurred, and all of a sudden, 2845 was completely unconscious. Everyone than looks and Rex spoke out to her.

"M'gann. What did you do?"

M'gann looked at him and smiled.

"I simply trapped him inside of his own mind, although I have no idea how long he will do this. We need to get him back to the site, and fast."

Everyone nodded, agreeing with M'gann. Rex, M'gann, Spawn, Koriand'r, And Jaime picked the deer up. The deer was heavy, and even Rex agreed with it. The both of them lifted the Giant Deer's body off of the grassy ground, and carried him back to site-100 for coursing 2845 once more. Alex than looked down, as Kanpeki spoke out.

"Alex. Is there something wrong?"

Alex than turned to Kanpeki, as he spoke out, worried.

"I have a really bad feeling about this. The SCP-2845 entity was supposed to be contained through some stuff, rituals. But somehow, it's been able to escape from what it's been contained inside of. I have a real bad feeling that something bad must have caused it to escape."

Kanpeki than looked confused, as he spoke out to him.

"What are you saying?"

Alex turned around, and gave out a very sharp look.

"What I'm say is that...I just hope that it is not a person or anything that helped it escape."

Alex than turned back towards the direction of the Foundation, and Jumped and Glide back home.

Back at the Site...

It turns out something bad did happen. Apparently, someone had broken into the Site that 2845 was in and jammed the doors to the rooms that were meant to initiate the procedure, which gave the SCP a moment to strike. Thankfully, the person that had jammed the system has also been killed by the SCP itself. But who it is and how they were able to find the unknown.

Alex was now in his room, as he looked up and spoke out.

"How do the Foundation even contain something as powerful is that SCP?"

Alex than went to his bed, manipulate his clothes in order to make his Pajamas, and went to sleep, but not before turning off the lights. Tomorrow is another day.

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