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Things went incredibly terrible at the foundation. Alex and his friends have been accused of releasing the 610 virus, and are now treated as experimental subjects. Koriand'r and M'gann believes what the foundation said about Alex and the others, and they both now despised them for it. Jaime tried to explain to Koriand'r. But the Tamaranean simply threatened to burn him. Rex tried to do the same, but M'gann simply launched a psychic attack at the Omega E.V.O's own brain. M'gann was now known of her existence by the foundation, and worked as the imformation gathered for the Foundation. She even changed her look.

Alex could not beleive that this thing had to happen, and is now in a cell with the other members.

Alex, however, was emotionally crushed by what has happened to Karen, his first human friend he ever made. Now 610 has made her an infected, and the foundation blamed him, despite the fact that he deeply cared for Karen Parker. But at the same time...he is enraged. The person that released, whatever it is, has done so on purpose.

"I will make sure that whoever it is, pays for what they have done. When I get my hands on whoever had done this, I won't just simply consume them...I will take their body, and rip it into so many shreds, there will be goddamned place to bury the remains of that bastard."

All of a sudden, the door opened, and guards came out, with weapons raised at them.

"Do not make any sudden movement. Stand up, and go to your new cells."

The guard had spoken out. No movement. The guard shot a bullet near Jaime's feet. This finally caused everyone to stand up. They than began to walk out of the cells they are about to be in.

'Maybe it is about time that I take the situation to my favor.'

As Alex went near one of the guards, he is preparing to consume in of the guards, as they are bout to be near the containment cell. Bust just as he is about to touch the guard, and prepare to absorb him...



The Chaos Insurgency attacked, releasing all the Dangerous SCPs towards the foundation. Alex and the others were shocked at that, but than Alex spoke out loud.


Than, the newborns attacked! Alex than began to consume soldiers one-by-one with both his blade and his claws working along. Rex began to stomp on the soldiers and used Block Party to deflect the attack back. Toxin bites the heads off of people, and Scorn began to shoot and obliterate foundation soldiers. Jaime than lets Khaji Da control him, beginning to shoot the soldiers and even pierce them. Spawn used his chains to skewer them, and Kanpeki simply bit them and began to consume their flesh.

As that happened, Cricket, Tuck, and Skwydd joined in to help Rex. They than began to ran out and into the main hall. The entire site is a disaster. 076-2 is cutting people one by one. 682 began to kill the guards without effort. 106 is released and is sending people to the pocket dimension. 953 began to kill the guards by clawing at their stomachs and releasing their internal organs to the outside world. SCP-079, who is now connected to the site, began to open more and more SCPs that are harmful to humans.

However, Koriand'r and M'gann was what happened, and were shocked at who was at the hallway. They were than enraged.

"I am going to send you to hell!!"

Koriand'r spoke, as she ready's her Starbolts.

M'gann than began to glow with her eyes, while speaking.

"You should not have tried to make the escape, Rex.

Her voice is deadly calm, but it was also devoid of any form of cheerfulness, and is filled with rage. Rex and Jaime prepares to fight. Jaime and Rex, so affected by what has happened, than decided to do the one thing when involving a fight against your haters: Fight!

Jaime made his first move, and moved at incredibly fast speeds, and was able to strike Koriand'r in the jaw with a punch. Koriand'r recovers, and began to fly fast towards her once former lover.

Jaime than immediacy does the same, as he turned his arms into a battering ram.

Both Koriand'r and Jaime closed the distance, as they both caused a shockwave.

Rex is fighting against M'gann. Normally, he wouldn't try to hurt and would try to reason with them. But after what he had to go through with the mind attack she did, he finally decided to attack.

Rex than used his Big Fat Sword and try to cleave her in half. But she simply flies back and used telekinesis to try and send him to a wall. But Rex used his Blast Caster and wrapped it around M'gann, stopping that. Rex than administered a powerful electric shock.

M'gann was extremely hurt by that, and went for Rex again.

"I'm going to make sure you are braindead, traitor."

Rex Thanos spoke back in a snarky tone.

"Same for you, you big white heartbreaker."

He than brought out his Bad Axes, and began to swing it at M'gann. The White Martian, whoever, used the tentacles formed from her arms, and try to stop it. But Rex than activated the Punk Busters, and kicked her, after catching her by surprise.

Blue Beetle and Koriand'r than began to lock energy blasts at each other. Koriand'r than began to snarl strained.

"How dare you betray us?!"

She shouted out at Jaime, who than spoke back to her.

"It wasn't me that betray was you that betrayed me!!"

He than blasted at her leg, and hurt her, giving out the distraction that he needed to attack. He went flying fast, as he grabbed her by the throat, and began to punch her, until she is unconscious. But Koriand'r was not going down that easily. She grabbed onto the helmet, tore it off, and punched Jaime in the nose. Jaime's nose began to bleed, but Jaime isn't going down now just yet. He than activated the armor's speed mode, and went around so fast, Koriand'r could not react to what is happening. Than all of a sudden, Jaime activated strength mode instantly when in the air, and punched Koriand'r so hard, she went to the wall, and hit a active furnace.


The explosion was the last thing that Jaime needed, as he was able to knock Koriand'r unconscious. She tried to stand up, but was so exhausted from the right, she collapsed back down to unconsciousness.

Rex than began to run forward, as he activated the Smack Hands. He than punched M'gann in the face, and sent her flying to the wall. But M'gann wasn't going to give up easily on Rex. M'gann than wen though the Smack Hands, and Rex, with his normal arms, than ran to her and locks hands with M'gann, as the Martian sent out a psychic attack. To M'gann's surprise, Rex is resisting the effects of the Mind attack. Rex than grabbed her by the cape, and threw her very far.

But M'gann was not going to stop. She than charged forward, and activated her psychic powers. She than tried to invade his mine so that she can make him nothing more than a drooling vegetable. But thanks to the Omega Nanite, he's safe. So the next thing she did, she used her Martian Vision and struck Rex. The Omega E.V.O was sent back by the sudden attack that M'gann had done. M'gann than tried to do it again, but Rex than brought out his Block Party and shielded himself from the attack. M'gann than went through Block Party and punched the E.V.O.

Circe than came out of nowhere, and did a sonic scream so loud, M'gann covered her ears. M'gann, however, turned around, and did her Martian Vision at Circe. Cricket than began to hop around, and struck M'gann many times. She was so fast that M'gann could not react fast enough to even stop Cricket. M'gann than used her telekinesis to spin the air around, and created a tornado fast enough to catch Cricket inside of it, and send her to a wall hard, although she is still conscious to see M'gann battling against Tuck and Skwydd.

Tuck wrapped himself around the Martian, just enough for Skwydd to come in and punch the everliving snot out of her. But M'gann than used her telekinesis to unravel Tuck and send him to Skwydd, who is than tied by Tuck. M'gann than punched Skwydd and Tuck, and send them to a wall next to Cricket. Tuck than tried to make one more attempt to attack her, but she simply pushed him away with her telekinesis, and made him go dangerously close to a very large fan.

Rex than got back into the fight with her, and is now more angered than before, attacking his friends that he knew as children. He than ran forward and activated the Rex Ride, and used the battering ram function of the vehicle.

M'gann was shocked, but was hit before she could realize what Rex was planning to do to her. She and Rex crashed threw multiple walls and desks, eventually going to another main room, where Rex now has enough room to really fight.

Rex than turned and hack into the foundation's security systems. Guns than activated and began to shoot at the Martian. But M'gann used telekinesis to stop the bullets and send them back to their origin, causing the weapons to explode. She even aimed some of them at Rex, who activated Block Party to block and deflect the bullets back, with M'gann simply phasing through them.

Rex activates the Funchucks and slammed them together, but M'gann made a telekinetic shield to stop it. Rex than activated the Punk Busters and stomped the ground he'd to cause a miniature earthquake. But M'gann simply flies. Rex than activated the boogie packs and the Big Fat Sword to attack. M'gann than began to see that he is fighting with much more aggression than before.

Than, Rex activates the Bad Axes yet again and now began to spin around very fast, and try to dice her down to small pieces. But M'gann held him suspended. However, this proved to be a big mistake, as Rex began to spin so fast, he made a glowing tornado, which sucked M'gann in, and Rex than used the Smack Hands and punched her down.

As the tornado stop, Rex is seen holding M'gann down by the neck which his normal arm, and having the Big Fat Sword on the right arm.

"What's the matter?! Fight like you mean it!!"

M'gann however, than shouted out in a rage.

"SHUT UP!!!"

She than used telekinesis and send him flying to a wall, which behind it is a weapon vault. Rex than took a look at something, and is seeing a grande at the floor.

Not just any grenade. It was a Napalm Grenade that the foundation had either made or bought.

So he did the next best thing to do, in the case of odds with a White Martian: He picked up a napalm grenade, took out the trigger, and threw it at M'gann. Before she could react, the Napalm Grenade exploded with fiery liquid, splashing all over her.


M'gann screamed in pain, as she was being extremely hurt by the hot liquid. This caused the fire sprinklers to go off, and water began to shower down. This made the fire on the napalm stop, but M'gann than became unconscious by the bomb. Rex was also unconscious by the attack he did, as well as the force of the grenade, but still okay.

Alex is battling against the Super Soldiers. He is really regretting doing the favor of making those for the foundation, and now he has to find a way to stop them.

Alex than shifted to his musclemass, and began to punch the Soldier, showing himself to become much more stronger than before.

The Super Soldier than punch Alex and send him to a gas tank, which exploded and damage Alex. But Alex was not a person that is willing to go down that easily.

He than used his blade, and cuts the arms of the super soldiers off, before consuming the Super Soldier very quickly. But he was not done yet. As the other soldiers went in close, Alex began to channel the biomass inside of himself. When the biomass reaches the peak, he than unleash his most powerful devastation: The Tendril Barrage Devastator

The Super Soldier and the normal Soldiers fell victim to the Devstator, as they all went down dead. Alex than used his power and summoned the Blacklight creatures that he gave to the foundation, and commanded them to attack everyone. The Brawlers, Juggernauts, Leviathebs, and the Zombies went in fast, and began to attack the Foundation Personnel with violent force.

Alex and the others ran out of the room, and saw the chaos still going on. All of the MTF members, including the strongest ones, are distracted by the chaos that is happening.

"We need to find a way to get out of her, fast."

As he spoke out, a familiar voice spoke out loud.

"Maybe I can be of help with that solution, Alex."

Breach than came out of nowhere, and summoned a portal for them.

Circe smiled, as Cricket looked with a smirk present.

"Now that is what I can call an entrance there, Breach."

Alex than realized what she meant, as she slipped back into the pocket dimension, as Alex than spoke his command.

"Alright everyone, this is our cue. Let's move!!"

Alex than grabbed Rex, and jumped through the portal. Toxin grabbed on Jaime, and did the same. Soon, everyone else than began to jump through the portal, as Koriand'r and M'gann began to awaken and try to see what's happening. But before they knew it, the portal closed, and Rex, Jaime... they are all gone.

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