Freeing Cyborg

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Rex has no idea what had just happened to Victor. Rex thought that Cyborg was simply having a headache of sort, minutes after Alex went into the 409 infested site. But suddenly, his left eye began to glow purple, and spikes began to appear on both the arms and shoulders, with Cyborg's voice becoming corrupted.

Needless to say, it wasn't pretty, and Victor began to attack those around his presence, A.K.A, the Newborns that are his friends. So now the Newborns are forced to fight him in order to find out what's gotten into Victor. Hopefully, they don't kill him.

Rex used his Smack Hands, as he clashed with Cyborg's who enlarged his fist to clash against Rex's attack. Rex jumped into the air and attempted to pound him into the ground, hoping that he could trap him in the ground. But Cyborg simply makes an energy shield to block the attack. He than activated the White Noise Cannon, and shoots Rex, but Rex blocks the attack with Block Party.

"Your shields will not last long to save you!!"

Cyborg spoke out, as Rex struggles or defend against the Cannon. Circe than came out of nowhere, and fired a Sonic Scream at Cyborg. Cyborg, however, launched his White Noise Cannon at Circe, which forced Kaede to go behind Circe, and used her vectors to make a shield to protect her with.


Rex shouted. Needless to say, he was not happy. He than activated his Punk Busters. As he crouched down, he leapt high into the air, and began to fall down at a fast speed, in order to crush him.


Cyborg was able to get hit by the Punk Busters, and was lying down on his back, in pain. He than attempted to stand up, but his legs are broken. Thankfully, he made some nano machines to repair the body. But Rex also took the chance to get up close, and used his power to control machines, onto Victor.


Victor screams in pain, as Rex forced himself inside. But unfortunately, Cyborg was able to kick Rex off him. He than stood up, and is more angrier than ever.

Rex leapt to his feet, and locked hands with Cyborg. The both of them attempt to take control of each other, but both their abilities to control machines are absolute. Cyborg's arms have blue circuits appearing, while Rex has Purple circuits appearing on his body. The circuits immensely retracted, and a backlash was forced out between the 2 hands, forcing them to jump back. Cyborg than looks at Rex enraged, and tries to blast him with the White Noise Cannon.

Rex than jumped out of the way, and activated the Slam Cannon.

Loading himself with rock, he fired at Cyborg, all to give him enough time to have him go up-close against him.

And thankfully, the assaults of rocks gave Tex enough time to activate the Big Fat Sword, and he charges at Cyborg with it. Cyborg saw what he's doing, and is forced to evade and defend. Cyborg activated his Energy shield, and is able to successfully block against the Big Fat Sword. But Rex has a trick up his sleeve. He than pulled onto the Sword's lever, to activate a secondary function of the Battle Saw.

Rex was able to get Cyborg to stagger a little bit, but Victor activates his arm cannon, knock the Battle Saw with his Shield, and fired his Sonic Disruptor at Rex, sending him back, hurt.

But before Cyborg can go on, Jaime tackles Cyborg and fight off against him.

Jaime, due to having similar powers with Cyborg, is capable on fighting on even ground with him. But Jaime, unfortunately, isn't as strong as Victor Stone. So he'll need to be a bit more tactical than ever before

Cyborg fired his Nova Blaster, but Blue Beetle fires his own energy Cannon, canceling the attack.

Cyborg than enlarged his fist again in order to punch Blue Beetle, but Blue Beetle made a mace in his arm, and strikes at the same time. This suddenly causes a shockwave that sends the both of them back very far away.

Jaime stood up, shaken from the power of the shockwave. He looks up, and sees Cyborg standing up, and he is not feeling as tired. Jaime was worried, and has no idea what to do. Suddenly, Khaji Da's voice spoke out from within Jaime's mind.  

"Jaime Reyes, you do not function at full capacity. Suggesting tactic, grant me total control of armor and all weaponry."

Jaime flinches, as he could not forget the first time that happened, back when he first obtained the Scarab. But realizing that there could be no other choice left, relents.

"Do it."

Suddenly, he grunts, as his iris and pupils fade completely out of sight.

The Scarab, now in full control of Jaime's armor, than flies towards Cyborg, and attempts to tackle him. But Cyborg than does the same, and locked fingers with the Scarab.

"Your Scarab will not save you, Jaime!!

Cyborg spoke out. Both cyber-organic entities wrestled with each other's strength, as Cyborg's wires and Scarab's appendages than began to connect to each other's arms, in an attempt to hack into the system of each other.

Suddenly, Scarab uses the appendages on its back, and stabs Cyborg in the shoulders, as it brings out its Arm Cannons, and aims it at Cyborg.

The Cannons than activate and hits Cyborg in the face and chest, causing immense pain to him. But Cyborg than used his missiles on his back, and hits the Scarab.


The explosion was enough to send them both back. Scarab stood up, and saw that Cyborg is sharing at him. So the Scarab formed his shield, in order to ram it into him. 

But Cyborg as a shield as well, and when Scarab attempts to close the distance, Cyborg formed in energy shield, and both of the shields clashed. Both Scarab and Cyborg once agin struggles with each other's strength, as they try to overpower the other in the fight.

Scarab, however, than jumps back, and gets ready to use his larger cannon now.

However, Cyborg has it ready with him as well, and than, at the same moment, both cannons fired against each other.

Both energy blasts collided, as they both try to overcome the other. But instead of overpower one, the other of the energies exploded instead.


Scarab used his shield to block the shocks as of the blast, but Cyborg used this moment to fly towards him and attempt to tackle him. But before he could...


Toxin slammed himself into Victor, as he used his orange tendrils to send him flying far. Scorn than used her arm cannon to fire at Cyborg. But Cyborg made a cannon himself, and used his to counter the energy blast of Scorn's arm cannon. But Cyborg's was simply to powerful, and Scorn was sent back in pain. Toxin tried to attack Cyborg, in order to bite a chunk of his metal off, but he was simply kicked back.

Cyborg than charged at the Symbiotes, preparing to kill them, when suddenly, James Heller appeared out of complete nowhere, and slammed his Hammerfist into Cyborg. Victor than stood up, and looked at James.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do this, tin man!"

Cyborg stood up, and spoke out as if enraged.

"Right back at you, asshole!"

Cyborg than used his power Fist, and both James and Cyborg clashed at each other. As both Cyborg and James began to fight, James leapt out of the way, and rolled. Thanks to his military training, combined with the Blacklight, he is a powerhouse to be reckoned with. James than kicked Cyborg in the face. He than clapped his Hammerfists together, sending a shockwave that makes Cyborg fly back far.

James than formed his Claws, and attempted to pounce of Victor. But Cyborg tackles him to the ground, and shocks him.


James, however, isn't going to give up easily into the pain, and stabbed Cyborg in the gut, or he had any, which forced Cyborg to get off James. The second prototype than began to slam his Hammerfists on Cyborg, before jumping in the air, preparing to slam them both down onto Victor's head.

"You like that?!"

He spoke, before slamming them both down, sending Cyborg back in pain, if he can feel pain.

When Cyborg stood up, he fired his Nova Blaster at James, who than brought in his 2 shields to deflect the blast back at Cyborg. Victor was sent back by the sheer force of the Nova Blaster, and was damaged.

Cyborg than slammed his fist together, and made some nano-machines, which he copied from that thing from Jupiter, in order to repair the damage he has been taken from the attack deflected at him.

Cyborg than healed, and now recovered, launched himself at James. James, however, dodges him, and forming the Whipfist, wrapped it around Cyborg's torso, and is than lifted off the ground.

James looked down, and saw that he is very high off the Earth. So he uses his Whipfist to reel him in, and get on Cyborg's back. Cyborg, feeling him, than began to go in many directions, as he shouted out.

"Hey, get off of me!!!"

But James than made a Hammerfist, and hits Cyborg in the head so hard, it nearly gave him a concussion. This caused both James and Victor to fall. But the battle is far from over.

James than formed his normal arms once more, and began to fight against Victor with nothing but his barehands. Cyborg began to attack back.

As both James and Cyborg fall down fast, James lands a kick on Victor's chin, while Cyborg uppercuts James' head. James than elbows Cyborg in the gut, as Victor knees him in the chin. If it weren't for James' advanced durability, than he would have had an immensely damaged jaw.

Than, both James and Cyborg intertwine fingers to overpower the other's strength. But Cyborg was almost winning, and attempt to overpower and break James' arms, if there are any bones still present inside of him.

But as the both of them kept on fighting...


Alex suddenly came out of the 409-infected site, with debris of the roof flying everywhere, as he jumped through the roof, and tackles Cyborg, as James jumped off of Cyborg's body, for Alex to tackle against Victor, and send him down to the ground.

As the both of them got up, cyborg didn't change his aggressive expression one bit, and Alex simply looks at him with an utter expression that resembles that of annoyance. Alex than charged at him, and began to attack him.

While Alex isn't trained in martial arts, he is, in a way, more physically powerful than James, due to the fact that the virus has evolved for a long time. So he is going to damage Victor very, very badly.

He than lands a punch on Cyborg's arm, which was dented. He than lands a kick at Cyborg's chest, sending him father back than James' hits. Alex than clapped his hands so hard, it caused a shockwave that sends Cyborg back once more.

But Cyborg's had enough, and simply launched himself at Alex, and attempted to hit him at high speed. But Alex simply backflipped over Cyborg, and used his biomass to thrust himself down and hit's Cyborg's back, hard.


Cyborg hit the dirty ground, and Alex jumped back. But Cyborg than turns around, and fired his White Noise Cannon at Alex, hitting him on the chest.

This made a large hole on his torso, which is enough to fit an entire arm through it, stopping only near the shoulders.

But Alex didn't feel that, as he regenerated the damage that he has taken. Cyborg was a bit surprised, but before he could do anything, something had suddenly caught him entirely by surprise alone.

Rex, on instinct, activated the Blast Caster, and wrapped it around Cyborg. He than utilized it's electricity to hit Cyborg.


Cyborg roared in pain, before he lands on his knees. But this was the moment that Rex needed. He charged at Cyborg fast, but Cyborg is starting to get up.

Fortunately, Alex and James were able to form their tendrils, and wrap it around Cyborg, before sticking it to the ground. This gave Rex the moment he needs to come in close and touched the metal part of his face. Suddenly, blue circuit markings than flowed at he mechanical part or Victor's face, as Rex attempts to find out what is going on.

"This is very unexpected? Why did Cyborg do this? Is there something controlling him?...only one way to find out."

As Rex closed his eyes, he enters the inner world of Cyborg, and sees...

"What in the world? What's that?!"

Inside of Cyborg's mind, is a purple entity that is vaguely humanoid in appearance, and is filled with immense rage. The shape of the entity resembles Cyborg, but is twice as large as Victor. The humanoid noticed Rex, and charged at him, with its arms stretching to grab onto the E.V.O

But Rex used his power of controlling machines to make a cage, with the computer data around the mental plane.

After that, Rex let's go, as Cyborg than regained control. Victor than looks around the place, and spoke out.

"What just...what happened?"

Rex, a bit exhausted, spoke out clearly.

"Apparently there was this strange entity controlling you from inside. I was able to cage it before it could do anymore damage. Though it makes me worry at how long the cage that I made will last against that thing."

Cyborg looked shocked, but than recalled the time where he had went into SCP-S, and it did not take long for him to realize what it was that made him back out like this.

"Oh god, I thinks I know what made me do it."

Rex than helped him up, and before he could question him...


A bullet nearly hits Rex in the foot, causing Rex to turn around, only to see the SCP Foundation, and this time, they brought carnage with them.

"Series 7 SCPs, you are not going to escape this time. Return quietly to containment, or be taken by force!!"

The captain spoke out. Kaede responded, by using her vectors to explode the vehicles that had the person that spoke. Suddenly, the armies than battled against the SCPs that they are trying to capture. But this was a bad time to do so, as most of them were exhausted from fighting against a possessed Cyborg. But Kaede, Alex, Circe, and Rex, who recovered, are not as exhausted. Instead, they got ready to fight off against the SCP Foundation Soldiers.

Carnage, however, went full force, and prepared to fight Alex, but Kaede went in the way.

Kaede made as many vectors as she can, as they are both at the second frequency. She launched them at Carnage, who than made tendrils, with each of the Vectors catching their hands on.

Carnage than launched spikes at Kaede, who than increased her power to the third frequent, as she cuts the spikes that are being launched at her.

Kaede than used her vectors to cut Carnage's body, but Carnage was able to regenerate the damage, and it is seriously annoying her. Thankfully, she won't be doing this alone, as Alex stepped into fighting.

Alex than formed his Blade, as he goes on a full frontal assault on Carnage. Toxin also joined, as the both of them attempt to kill him. Carnage simply made a bunch of tendrils, causing them both to jump away from Carnage.

Alex formed his claws, as he attacks Carnage. He strikes Carnage as much and as fast as he can, but Carnage's regenerative abilities is to much, and keeps reforming bits and pieces of himself. This made things annoying, so he formed his Whipfist.

He than jumped in the air, and extended his Whipfist, taking a chunk of Carnage, used the Whipfist to slam Carnage down to the ground. Toxin than jumped straight into action, and began to fight Toxin, taking over for Alex.

He clawed at Carnage's face, and knees him in the face. He than made his own webbing, and swung him down into the ground.

"Hello, kid!! You miss me?!"

Toxin snarled, and shouted out.

"Not a single bit!!!"

He than lunged at Carnage, as he used orange tendrils from his arms. He reeled then towards Carnage, as he rammed himself into his parent. Carnage snarled, as he spoke out.

"Maybe I should punish you for hurting your parent!!!"

Toxin snarled back.

"You wouldn't be my parent if you kept on fight me, Carnage!!"

Toxin unleashed a kick at Carnage, a she leapt into the air, and used his tendrils as whips. He sends Carnage flying back, as Alex took the chance to land a kick on the Red Symbiote, all while they both fight being shot by gunfire at the other SCP Soldiers.

Thankfully, the bullets from the other foundation members aren't really grunt than much, but they're annoying.

Toxin and Alex than charged at Toxin, in an attempt to punch him down, but Toxin grabbed their fists, and did something terrible. He infected Toxin and Alex, causing the both of them to roar in utter pain and agony.

Alex and Toxin fell to the ground, and begin to shake as if they are both having a seizure of some sort. But what Kaede saw enraged her very badly.


She than used her Vectors and enlarged them. While she lowered it back down to second frequency, this time, she is going to make this extremely painful to Carnage.

She attempts on Carnage with any of her Vectors. But Carnage possesses an ability to sense when danger's about to hit. So he is going as fast as he can to avoid the Vectors, before one of them caught Carnage. Kaede than used her Vectors to grab Carnage's legs, and rip them off of him, before dropping him dow to the floor. Than, she reused the third frequency to stab him all over the place, as well as chop him to bite, before unleashing a punch at Carnage, while reusing the second frequency.

She than grabbed onto Carnage's meshed body, before throwing it very far away. Kaede than goes to Alex and Toxin, only to see Alex starting to get up, but than falls down on his knees. Alex than puked out a red slime, which began to go back to the same place where Carnage has landed. Toxin does the same, as they both recover.

"Ghhh...that was terrible. I felt like my insides are about to be eaten from inside, that is if I have any organs left inside of me still."

Patrick, who didn't respond, now spoke.

"Yeah, same for me. If it weren't for Toxin, we'd both be dead."

They than look back at the battle, with Rex using Block Party to defend everyone against the bullets. Cyborg than jumped in, and shot a giant laser blast at the soldiers, sending them back.

Alex turns to the group, and spoke out.

"It's no use!! We can't fight right now, and if we go in groups, we're dead!! We need to split up!!"

Rex turns around, and spoke out.

"Are you insane?! They'll chase us!!"

Alex than spoke back.

"We'll get caught at the same time if we go in a group, as we need to get to Russia! We'll meet in a city near Irktusk. Rex, Kaede, Circe, you're with me!! James, Toxin, Scorn, Jaime, Victor, go to an alternate route towards here Irktusk. We'll meet you there!!!"

Rex activates his Boogie Packs, and Cire goes on his back. Alex and Kaede grabbed Rex's hands, and the four of them fly away. Jaime grabbed onto Toxin and Scorn, and carried them up in the air, while Cyborg grabbed onto James' hand, and the both fly away.

Timeskip...2 days later...

Now that the Newborns are our in the open, they need to split into 2 groups, so that they could divide the foundation's efforts into finding them. And it has become difficult. They had advanced their technology to the point where they will not loose sight of them, once they caught them in their cameras.

Which is why Alex prefers to go to any anomalous location to travel through, so that once they are gone temporarily, and will loose sight of them. Rex even manipulated certain decided to cloak the group from the foundation, though it won't last long.

As for James' group, due to the nature of Cyborg's nature, he was able to interfere with some of the satellites, but even it is only some, and not all of them offline. Do they had to continue as fast as possible in order for them to avoid being caught by the foundation, and go to a different direction, should the foundation go to the direction they are originally going to. However, the Foundation also developed technology to temporarily fix the cameras to track them down once again. And also, both groups had to disguise themselves as normal people to get them off their tail.

Right now, Jaime is using the scanning abilities of the Scarab to check the area, when he finds there's nothing here, he spoke out.

"Okay, we're clear."

Scorn spoke out to him.

"<text> are you sure?"

Jaime nodded, as he spoke out.

"I'm positive, Scorn. Let's go."

Everyone began to walk to where they need to go. James grunted a bit under his breath, as he spoke out.

"Can't believe that Mercer would think of a crazy idea such as this! I swear, I'm gonna kill him if this fails!"

Cyborg looks at James, as if he heard of it, but simply looks away. As they walked, Cyborg than made an opening on his leg, and pulled out something.

This is SCP-427. While Cyborg was hacking information on 610's whereabouts, he found 427 on the ground, as a D-Class try to get outside and steal it from them. Cyborg decided to take the SCP, and hide it from the others. But now, it looks like it is necessary to bring the SCP to 610. Victor looks at it form a moment, before putting it away, and flying away with James as fast as possible.

With Alex's group...

Alex and the others are seen walking in a city of sorts, wearing different clothes. As Alex looks up in the air, he than thought to himself.

"This is it. No turning back now. We need to get to 610 so that we can prove to the foundation it wasn't us. But even than, I am not coming back, and I will still reveal their secrecy."

Alex than continues forward, as the group continue to go to 610, or at least the direction of it. But even than, they will not stop at trying to find a way to cure 610, and save the other humans from the dangerous infection.

"Was it the right choice to even split up, Alex?"

Kaede spoke out. Alex sighed, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I think so. It should make it difficult for the Foundation to find us. Just hoping that they will reach up with us very soon."

Kaede than leaned against his head, as the group continued to walk to Irktusk's direction.

...Tomorrow will be the start of something new

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