Contagious Crystal

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Inside the base of New York Zero's Red Zone, Alex is seen with his letter in his hand. He had been able to visit his mother for a little bit, and even brought Kaede with him. Thankfully, Kaede saw just how kind Alex's mother is, and even Alex's mother adores her. This was something that made Kaede smile every time.

But Alex...when he came back to his base, he was no longer smiling. In fact, he felt exhausted of what he has to go through. What happened in the past. The fact that he had to deal with so many things. He had to separate from his friends, he had to be betrayed by the people he cared about, he even had to forget that he was once a human, and had to become a monster to the Foundation.

He than looks down, as he sees the sample of other diseases that he took from some of the other SCPs.

"A couple of years, maybe a few. Yet, I am still hurt by what is happening, and what has happened to me and all of us. So many loved one we've been betrayed to, so many people we seperated from, and yet, we are able to make more friends more efficient than last time. And yet, we had no choice but to separate from them, all so we could protect them from the foundation. I just...just wish things were back to the way it was in the past."

He than continued to look down, but now has a determined expression on his face.

"These last years, I spent all my time trying to find some other diseases that could help me in this. Diseases we could combine to help make a perfect cure to any big SCP inflection. But we are missing 2 more things: SCP-610, and the cure, SCP-500. We need to get the last 2 SCPs, if we want to bring everything back to normal. I had ran away from the foundation for far to long. Here, it is time to make another run, and this one will be the last fleeing I'll do."

He than clenched his fist on the vials, as he spoke out.

"Once the last run is complete...I will stop running. Once I stop, than it will mean one thing, it is time for me to take the assault, and start to fight back, for real in what I'll do to the SCP-Foundation. No more fleeing, no more cowardice, no more talking or reasoning with the Foundation. All that would be, is killing."

Alex than stood up, as he looked at the photo, of his family once again. Than, he looked at another photo, and this one's different. It was of when he was at the SCP Foundation, back all those years ago. He looked down, as he than decided, it is time to keep moving.

He puts the pictures in his pocket, which is than absorbed in the biomass. He than walked up to the control room, and meet up with Cyborg and Rex, who have checked something that they must have found that could help them cure the SCP-610 infection.

"Victor, Rex. Did you find something?"

Victor turned and nodded, as he spoke out.

"We found that there is a container of SCP-500 inside one of the SCP sites. But it won't be easy to deal with."

Alex raised an eyebrow, as he spoke.

"What do you mean by that?"

Rex turned and speaks.

"Apparently, there was a containment breach involving SCP-409, the Contagious Crystal. And we all know how dangerous that this thing is."

Alex facepalmed, as he spoke out.

"Great. We have SCP-409, which is almost just as contagious as SCP-610. And it could spread throughout the facility, and onto a part of land."

He than looked at Rex with a demanding expression on his face.

"Thankfully, we're prepared."

He than spoke through a radio, and talked to Jaime.

"Jaime, I need you to get the Granite Tiles ready. We're going to a 409-infested site."

Jaime, caught by surprise at what Alex has said, spoke out.

"SCP-409? Oh shit! I got to get them fast. I'm gonna need some help carrying all the tiles to that site that's infested with SCP-409."

Alex nodded, as he spoke.

"Than it's settled. Get ready."

He than turned off the radio, and turned to the others.

"Let's hope that there is enough of SCP-500 to allow us to make a cure for SCP-610."

Alex than turns away, and Rex follows suit. But if Alex has paid attention, he would notice that Cyborg's left glowing purple.


It has been a total of 15 minutes. They had to keep themselves as slow as they possibly can, so that the Foundation doesn't notice where they are. Despite how long it was, however, they were able to get to the site, and see that the entire site is covered in 409 crystals.

"Yikes. Has it touched the ground yet?"

Alex spoke out. Jaime looked down and scanned the ground.

"Not yet. We need to put the tiles down quickly."

James than snarled, as he spoke out.

"Than what are we standing here for? Let's get this fucking thing done before it gets any worse!"

Alex nodded, and quickly, they are able to get the tiles on the ground, and made it far away from the grass. This would be a nightmare if that was the case. That it would quickly spread the entire continent, although it would take a long time to do so. It could take a total of 2-3 months, maybe even almost a year to fully spread everywhere.

Alex looks at the site, and wasn't happy with the state that everything itself is in. Alex decided that, he needs to go inside, regardless of what is gonna happen.

"There's only one area to go to. Hopefully it hasn't been affected like the others."

Alex than decided, he is going to try and get in. He can't use the door, since it will possibly have many SCP-409 crystals on it. So he'll try to go through the vent, since the windows have been blocked, and he doesn't want to risk having the SCP flying down to the ground, which will spread even more.

Alex than crouched a little bit, as he prepares to jump as high as he can, where the vent at the top is.

When he jumped, he looked, and saw that the top of the vent hasn't been affected, yet. So he needs to act fast.

He than got into the vent, and began to crawl as fast as possible. He crawls fast, and noticed that a spike of SCP-409 is piercing the vent. Thankfully, the vents are made of granite, so it would be able to effect it and start to spread immediately. He than crawled much more, and accidentally scarped his knee against the SCP-409 shard. However, Alex wasn't bothered by it, and claimed that he'll be okay, and isn't affected.

When he dropped from the vent, Alex immediately used his Tendrils and stick to an unaffected part of the ceiling. He looked down, and saw what happened to the floor.

"Woah. This is very crazy."

Feeling he needs to lessen the damage of the spikes below him, he formed armor.

Unfortunately, he has apparently forgotten how heavy his armor is. So when he formed it...


The tendrils broke, though his fingers are still fine. When that happened, he instantly fell down to the ground, shattering the SCP-409 shards.

"Well...that was kinda fun."

He than stood up, and looked around the site. It was very, very much covered in SCP-409, alright. Most of the site is filled with so much 409 crystals that there are little openings.

"How this happened, I won't know. What I do know, however, is that I need to make sure that SCP-500 isn't touched by 409."

He than began to walk as much as he can, as passed some containment sites, but as he continued walking. He looked through the minutes of waking, as the crystals kept on spreading and spreading, as the foundation of creaking and cracking continued being heard.


Alex turns around, and saw a rather disturbing sight in one of the containment chambers.

It was a D-Class of some sort, and is infected with SCP-409. Crystals are seen being ripped out of his body, as he cries in utter agony. Even Alex looked a bit disgusted at what he's seeing. He is sued to consuming people, but what he is seeing is on another level.


The D-Class shouted, as his screamed continued. Suddenly, the crystal began to spread through the body, as Alex flinched at what he is seeing before his very eyes. He knows that 409 is painful to watch, but this...terrible. And there was nothing he can do to help him.

Regardless, however, he continued on with his task to find SCP-509, in order to complete the cure that he needs for the 610 infection.

He than looked, and saw that there is a containment area that is titled 409. This must be the containment chamber for the SCP that had started spreading through the facility. He looked in, and he was a bit surprised at what he is seeing.

The main contagious crystal, SCP-409, is at the center, and is the tallest of the crystals. Alex looked around the facility, which is infected with 409, as he spoke.

"Yikes. I knew SCP-409 was contagious, but I never thought it would be this contagious to even non-organisms."

Alex spoke out. He than turns back, and decided that, it wasn't worth seeing it. He needs to find SCP-500, and not look in awe of a keter-class SCP. But getting through the crystals are a hassle, since they can still grow while infecting. He even has to punch some of the crystals out of the way, shattering them, all so he could find the SCP that he needs. Due to the fact that he's...a virus, one that evolves, he got through the SCP effortlessly, although he is rather...hurt inside of his own body. Due to the fact that he hasn't fully adapted to it just yet, he needs time to evolve against it, before he does anything else.

As he stepped through the crystals, he always wondered, how different is this to 610? From the way it looked, the Crystal only kills humans, and not change their behavior to make them keep spreading.

As he kept walking, an hour later, inside the large facility, crystals are beginning to form on the jacket of his body. But the immediately shattered to bit by nothing, but small red-black tendrils.

As he walked around, he looked, and saw that, there is a jar of SCP-500, and Alex decided, it was time to take it.

He than walked up to the SCP, and took it. But he isn't going to simply use it yet. He needs to make sure that there is enough for him to have.

As he opened the container, he found out that there were about 10 of SCP-500, with some of the 500 items replicated.

"The 500 copies from the Everything tree will be inferior to the original, so I'll need 2 of the copies to make the cure. It should be enough for me to use."

As he spoke out, another voice spoke out to him.

"You should thank me for causing the breach. It is what you wanted."

Alex turned around, and saw an unaffected part of the Site: the upper deck. At the top of the bridge right at the upper deck is a D-Class. But it has an SCP on his face, one that Alex heard about.

This is SCP-035, the Possessive Mask. It's corrosive black mucus oozing out of its mask, and hits the crystal, breaking it down. Some even got on Alex's jacket, but Alex immediately healed from the damage, due to encountering SCP-106 before, as he also is corrosive.

Alex sees that it is a happy comedy expression. He was completely unamused, as he spoke.

"035. I should have known that you would have the guts to cause such a breach like this. How did you even do such as thing without even getting infected with 409. And also, don't you dare try to lie your way out of this."

035 than chucked, as he spoke out.

"My my. You seem to know me very well."

Alex simply stares up at it, and spoke out.

"A mask that can take control of the human body to corrode it at the same time, being manipulative and tricking people into their doom, everyone knows you."

SCP-035 sighs in a mocking way, as he spoke out, while now possessing a sad tragedy mask.

"So it seems as it is to everyone. Well, I was able to find out that, since 409 is incapable of affecting anything that is made of granite, I found out that the SCP Foundation made a suit of Granite to protect against the SCP. So I was able to use it and escape from it."

"All so you could get your freedom. Unfortunately, you know that the foundation will still find you, regardless of where you are going to, right?"

Alex spoke out to 035. But 035 chuckled, as his maid turned back to the happy comedy mask, as he spoke out.

"I know that. But than, where's the fun, when you can have it while it can last temporality? I can at least have all the fun while it lasts me for a while."

Alex looked a bit frustrated, before his radio suddenly began to be activated. Alex uses the radio, and spoke out to whoever it is that is calling him right now.

"Who's this?"

Suddenly, Rex's voice shouted out.

"Alex! Thank god! Listen, you've gotta get back outside and fast!!"

Alex, worries that something happened, spoke out.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

Rex than spoke out.

"Cyborg. Something happened to him. He's not acting like himself! He's going berserk and is attacking everything in sight, even us! Get back to us quickly, so we could check out what is wrong with him!"

Alex, hearing the sounds of explosions from the radio, spoke out.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. Wait."

Rex than responded one last time.

"I'll try to hold him off. Just hurry up."

Than, a distorted roar was heard, and the sound of the Slam Cannon was heard.

"Alright, Cyborg! Come at me!!"

Alex turned off the radio, as he looked at SCP-500. He than looks up at the upper deck to talk a little bit more to 046, only to see 035 gone. Seems like he had the chance to flee with wherever he needed to go. Shaking his head, he decided to leave for the time being.

And fast, because not he is hearing the explosions with his enhanced hearing. So he decided to take the easy route, busting out.

Crouching down, he looks up, and aims at a precise moment to strike upwards. He begun to think of what happened to him, how it lead to the life that he had now. He began to think of the people that he cared about for so long. He began to think of Dana, his mother, Aqualeily...


He opened his eyes, as the armor dissolved. And than, at the next moment, leapt in the air. He looked, and decided to not think about the people of his life, and start, with the task at hand. He braved himself, as he rams into the crystals head-on


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