Wrath: K and [REDACTED]

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Alex and the others look up to see something coming down towards them. They couldn't see clearly, due to the shaking that is still happening from the entity back in the cave that is under France. Cyborg used his eye to see what the entity is coming down. Thankfully, his cybernetic eye, despite having getting damaged, was able to have enough power to trace a circle around the entity.

Cyborg was able to see an entire outline, as he zoomed in to try and see what it is, but the damage he has taken from...wait...cyborg recalled having bumped into something while he was in the air, but was unable to see what thing it was that he had hit. The way it looked like, it was like it was letting itself now be...visible.

"Is that...is that the thing we have rammed into?"

Cyborg spoke out. Jaime looked up and try to use his scanner. After a bit...

"Yeah, I think so to!"

Everyone looked up, as they saw that the entity is lowering itself even more, and all they could do is nothing but watch to see what would it's gonna do. 4812-E is also beginning to act more crazier, and is trying to change direction.

When the entity fully revealed itself, they are surprised at how large the entity is.

Appearing from the clouds is a massive, insectoid entity. It was though it was a hybrid between a stag beetle and a scorpion, and it was 180 meters. It has a tail ending in a serrated barb, having 6 appendages, 2 of them are small pincers at the front of itself, and instead of the usual, beetle head or a usual scorpion head, it was a normal sized human face, which resembles a human male, and is covered in skin that is capable of reflecting light to make itself invisible. This is SCP-4812-K. 4812-K than began to them itself around, before facing the direction of whee the G.O.C had landed. It was than starting to to the same direction of where the G.O.C is, and began to fly to their direction at a very fast speed, almost seemly in an instant.

As Alex and the others looked, suddenly, the ground began to shake even more.




Alex and the others than fell down face first to the ground, as the shaking began to become even worse than ever before. They than turned around, and see that 30 feet away, there was a crack in the ground, which extended to where one of the tendrils holding the entity is at.

The earthquake are getting more worse than before, as the tendrils holding the large statue-like entity has suddenly snapped. 4812-E than starts going to where the giant insectoid entity is going to. Alex, having finally enough, than began to stand onto the ground, and than, he feels like the eruption is not happening to him. The same thing goes with James, who also began to stand up from the ground.

"Okay, this is very strange. The giant statue was heading towards that place. Why's it going to the direction of the strange helicopters?"

James spoke out. Alex turned around, and spoke out.

"Those aren't just copters. This is the Global Occult Initiative. they are an organization bent on killing anything anomalous. In other words, it is us they want to kill."

James snarled, as he spoke out.

"Really? Well let's fuck em up!"

Alex nodded, and spoke out.

"Everyone, it's time we fly to the G.O.C helicopter that has landed."

It was very difficult to concentrate on, due to the sheer magnitude of the Earthquakes, but after a little bit of struggling, Rex activates the Boogie Packs, and grabbed onto Circe, Jaime made his wings, and thrusters, as he grabbed onto Scorn, and Cyborg began to take flight, as he grabbed onto Toxin quickly. Kaede than used her vectors to prevent herself from falling into the crack underneath forming, and used her real hand to go onto Cyborg's hand as well.

Alex and James began to jump, before Jaime took James' hand, and Alex took Rex's Hand so they'll arrive faster.

The group looks down, and saw that cracks are starting to form in the ground. It seems the entity from France is about to erupt from the ground, and the G.O.C must have done something to set the entity off.

"I swear, if the G.O.C did something to make a situation like this, than I'll make sure that the members responsible will pay for possibly putting the Earth in danger."

Alex snarled, as they continue to fly towards the G.O.C.

When the group beat both 4812 entities to the G.O.C chopper, they found out that they have a cage of some sort, and when Alex used his thermal vision...

"There's someone in the cage. But I can't make out what the entity inside looks like."

Alex said to the group. James than stood up, and spoke out.

"Than let's start killing those sons of bitches!!"

He than jumped on the air, and formed his Hammerfists. He than aimed down, and charged to the ground fast.

The G.O.C than looked up, and shouted out.

"SCP-6000 entity detected!! Get ready for battle!!!"

James, however, roars.


He than hit the ground, and caused spikes to appear out of the ground around him, piercing many G.O.C soldiers.

Alex and Rex facepalmed, as Cyborg spoke out.

"Is he really gonna he going all out like this to them?"

Alex turned and spoke out.

"Most likely, he will Victor."

Alex sighed, before forming his own blade.

"Let's go help him out so we can get this over with, though I prefer to do it my own way."

Alex than leapt into the air, and cuts one of the soldiers in half, before bringing out his claw at the left hand. James made a Whipfist in the right hand and kept the Hammerfist at the left hand.

A G.O.C captain took out his radio, and spoke out.

"We need reinforcements!! There could be more anomalies with the SCP-6000 instances!"

As he said that, more helicopters are seen in the air, as they prepare to fight against SCP-6000. Than, Jets came out as well, as they rush to attack with their weapons.

Cyborg and Jaime than jumped and flies in the air, as they saw the jets coming towards them. Jaime and Cyborg attempt to ram into the jets, but they evaded them, and wen behind them. Jaime and Cyborg, realizing what they are doing, immediately began to fly away from the jets as fast as they both possibly can.

The jets than began to fire missiles at both Jaime and Cyborg. Blue Beetle was able to evade them as much as he can, while Cyborg simply used his own missiles to counter the G.O.C's.

Toxin and Scorn immediately stepped in, and began to fight against the back up G.O.Cs, as they bit their heads off. Toxin made tendrils and caused both heads of 2 G.O.C soldiers slam themselves against each other, knocking them both out. Scorn used her arm cannon to blast some of the G.O.C members. It didn't kill, but it made them unconscious. Unfortunately, the G.O.C knows how to deal with the Symbiotes, and are ready to to attack them, as a couple of the G.O.C soldiers has a flamethrower for each, and fired at the Symbiotes, making them shriek in utter agony at its weakness.

Circe was able to step in, and unleashed a sound wave at the flame throwing G.O.C soldier, and thankfully, did it away from the Symbiotes. Kaede instantly stepped in and begun to help out Rex, who activated his Punk Busters to stomp on the G.O.C, as spikes are underneath the soles of the Punk Busters. Rex kicked one of them away, and activated his Smack Hands. He punch one of the soldiers away, as he activated the Block Party Omega Build to defend against their bullets.

As that happens, one of the soldiers attempts to fight against him head on, but Rex was able to knock him out with a single kick.

He than Activated the Slam Cannon, and fired Rocky Bullets at the Soldier's Bombs.


The explosion was able to knock out many of the soldiers near it. But Rex has more in store for him.

Rex than used his Slam Cannon, as he fired at the Soldiers' Tanks, which has arrived to kill. He fired at the tank's barrel, and when the Drivers tried to fire their round, the barrels exploded on them. He than turns towards the soldiers, and fires on them.

Alex was than formed his Hammerfists with James, as the both of them hit the tanks with their bare hands, which caused the tanks to explode, killing the G.O.C soldiers that are inside the vehicles.

The G.O.C aircraft, which has the cave, was taking off, and was about to go, but suddenly, 4812-K came out of complete nowhere and hits the aircraft. And while some of the G.O.C soldiers weren't looking, they were suddenly frozen, as 4812-E came out of complete nowhere and sucked the heat from them.

The aircraft of the G.O.C attempted to get away, but 4812-K is not letting the aircraft get away this easily. The insect-scorpion entity used it's tail to damage the roof of the aircraft, which was able to hit one of the soldiers painfully.

Cyborg and Jaime are still getting chased by the jets, as they try the best that they can to make sure that they avoid getting hit by them. The jets' pilots, however, are very relentless at getting them, and refused to leave them alive.

But Jaime and Cyborg are thinking the same thing, also. Why they hate killing, they can force them to go down.

Cyborg immediately turns around, and attempts to ram himself against one of the jets. Cyborg missed, but it is what he need, and began to chase the G.O.C Jet. The Pilot inside the jet noticed, and began to try and out-fly him. But Cyborg's targeting system is now repaired, and this time, he is not going to let the Pilot escape this badly.

Cyborg than formed his White Noise Cannon, and than fired at the Jet. The Jet was able to avoid the shot, but this was exactly what Victor wants him to do. Now he can attack him directly. He made some missiles on his back, and using the laser to aim, he was able to launch the missiles at the Jet to hit the G.O.C Jet.


The wings of the Jet had exploded, as the pilot opened the cockpit, sending himself out of the Jet, and beginning to parachute down. Cyborg than looks, as the Pilot goes down slowly.

Jaime is being very fast in what he's doing. He is still getting chased by the Jet, and is doing all he can to avoid the missiles of the G.O.C Jet. But the Pilot in that G.O.C Jet is very relentless, and will stop at nothing to kill Jaime.

"Jaime Reyes, it seems that we will have no success if we keep on being chased. Suggesting tactic, turn around and ran into the aircraft."

Jaime, while a bit reluctant, agrees, as he turns around.

"Khaji Da, harden the armor to make it much more damaging to the Jet."


Jaime than looks at the Jet, as it is coming towards him. The scarab calculates the weak point of the Jet, as Jaime flies towards the Vehicle.

Before the Pilot knew what was gonna happen, Jaime, no longer holding back his speed, than goes in full force at the Jet, and cuts through it, like a blisteringly got knife through butter. The Pilot looks back, and saw that Jaime's behind him somehow. It didn't take long for him, however, to realize what was about to happen next.

At the last second, he was able to eject, and parachute down to safety, as the jet had violently exploded.

Jaime looks at the soldier, and spoke out.

"Scarab says you suck!!"

Back on ground, 4812-K was finally able to force the G.O.C to let go of the Cage, of whatever is holding what entity is in the cage. But the G.O.C are not much of a giving-up type of people who flees. They keep fighting, until one or the other side wins.

But James can arrange that. Forcusing his power, he crouched to the ground, than spread his arms as he lets out a roar, with a red, flame-like aura appearing from himself.


Alex, realizing what he's planning, than does he same. But instead of roaring, he spread's his arms upwards, as if calling the attention of something that he desires.

Suddenly, a pack of brawlers appeared before James,

and than, a flock of Flyers has also appeared with Alex.

The pack of Brawlers and Flock of Flyers than began to battle with the G.O.C, but this is what Alex and the others want them to do.

Kaede than used her vectors to pick up the cage, and Alex, guessing what they need to do, spoke out.

"Everyone. I know that this will sound crazy, but it think we should go on the giant insect! It seems he wants to free someone inside of the cage."

Toxin looked at Alex and spoke out.

"Are you sure about that?"

Alex nodded, and James spoke out.

"You better be right, because if not, I'll put your bitch-ass on a platter."

Alex looked at him and snarled out.

"You really are a crude person, aren't you?"

James simply glared, but all of them went on 4812-K's back, and the giant insect flies up and goes away fast.

4812-E immediately goes along, and goes with 4812-K as fast as possible.

Kaede looked at Alex, and spoke out.

"Are you sure that this is the right thing to do?"

Alex turned around and spoke out.

"I'm not sure. But I...I do have a hunch of what it could possibly be. I just hope that it is not the wrong type of action we should do."

Kaede looked a bit uncertain to, but she went along with it. She leaned her head against Alex, as they looked at the event horizon.

But whilst traveling, Alex felt like, something was off with the cage. He feels like, someone is trying to control him to do something to help it break free from it's confinement. But Alex always spoke to himself that they'll be able to free whoever is inside of the cage soon. They just need a safe place to do it.

Finally, after a few minutes, they were able to find a spot that can be used to open the cage without attracting any attention.

4812-K lowers itself down to the ground, as the Newborns jumped off of the insect. The cage was out down, as they looked at the cage.

"Okay, so we got the cage away from the G.O.C. So let's open it."

Alex than punched the cage...but it was a lot tougher than it looked. Instead of denting it, the force of his own punch has pushed him back.

"What the...what just happened?"

Alex spoke out, as he began to recover from the sudden backlash. Cyborg than used his eye to scan the metal's composition, and try to find out what is making it able to reflect the damage.

"Here, let me help."

Thankfully, Jaime is able to step in and help Victor out. Jaime's eyes began to glow, as both cybernetic beings worked together to see what's wrong.

After a little bit, Victor was able to find the cause of it, and spoke out.

"Alex, it seems that there are nano-machines of sorts that is covering all parts of the cage. They're making a force field that will reflect damage, should something were to hit it."

Kaede than went in front of Victor, and spoke out.

"How can we open something that will simply reflect a the force of our hits back to us?"

Jaime than took the turn to talk, and spoke out.

"We'll simply need to hit it with enough force to hopefully overtax the shield."

Jaime than made mace-arms, and began to attack, while Victor enlarged his right arm, and began to try and strike the robotic shield down.

But it didn't work, and they are both knocked back. Jaime and Cyborg try to use their large cannons to blast the robotic shield away next.

But it didn't work. Instead, the energy blasts got reflected right back to where they came from, knocking the both of them back far.

Okay. They had their turn. Not it is Toxin's and Scorn's turn.

Toxin than used his claws to try and slash his way into the cage, but it didn't work. Regardless, he still kept trying, and he jumped into the air, made webbing below him, and reeled himself down, hard. He than used his feet to try and hit the Cage as hard as he can. But all it did...it made it do nothing.

Now it was Scorn's turn. She made a heat blaster, and attempt to hit it when she fires at full power. But this, obviously failed, and she was instead knocked back by her own blast...and the Symbiote got off of Patricia, who was awake during the fight against the G.O.C.

Okay, so that failed, it was time for the others to join in. Alex and James made their fist move, and used their hammerfists and slammed down onto the top of the cage, with Rex, using the Smack hands, doing the same thing. The damage was reflected, and all of them were sent back. Circe than used her sound wave at the cage, in hopes that it will break. But it wasn't powerful enough, and she was hit by her very own sound blast.

Kaede's turn is now next. She used her Vectors at the third frequency, and attempts to cut right through the metal protection. But it didn't work, and instead, the stiles made a shockwave the was powerful enough to cut the side of Kaede's left cheek.

Needless to say, this made Kaede immensely angry. She than prepared to strike again, but this time, Alex, James, and Rex are joining in with their most powerful attacks. But as that happens, E Appeared, and used his power to begin freezing the cage. As that happened, Alex realized what is happening. E is using his power to make the circuits of the Nano-machines freeze in order to deactivate the shield.

"You know what? This is the chance of destroying the cave holding whoever's inside it. It's time we destroy this annoying reflective shield completely.

"You Damn fucking right, we're gonna!!"

"Eat this!!"

They than unleashed all they have at the cage in order to free whoever it is that is inside the cage that the G.O.C made.


When all 4 of them collided with the cage, instead of causing a backlash, it caused...an explosion.

The force of the explosion caused everyone to be sent back, as the force is so much to be handled.

When the smoke appeared, Alex spoke out.

"Did it...work?"

Kaede turned to Alex, and spoke out.

"Hopefully, it did work."

They looked, as they watch the smoke continue to appear...until it finally dissipates. That cage is gone...and there is someone inside it. Something weird.

It looked partially mummified from collar to toe. It resembles a child of some sort, and is vaguely human-like. It was like this child died and became part of an Egyptian ritual of sorts. Despite this...the head looks fine, and it was water-repellent, like the entity within the cave.

Than, she spoke.

"Thank you...for freeing me."

Her voice, it was like water being blown like air, yet calm and graceful. It was also alluring, like Alex wanted to go to her. Alex shook his head, and spoke out.

"You're welcome. Do you mind telling us...who you are? And how did you get captured?"

Alex, when he saw the cage, has the name, Eros, on it. Alex believed that the person that they're seeing before them is called by that. The female was silent, but than spoke out.

"I prefer to not reveal my name. But I will say that I am grateful for your aid. The people captured me when I was trying to travel to France. My friends, the faeries, they had attempted to bring me to safety. But those men...they attacked me, and attempted to kill the beings that I have controlled. If you hadn't freed me, I would have lost them."

Alex looked down at the being before him, and spoke out.

"So...why are you going to do now."

The child-like entity than goes on the back of 4812-K, and spoke out.

"Now, I must return to my friends, the faeries. They are waiting for me. And with those people involved, I must hide from them, until they can give up finding me."

She than looked up at the direction of where France is, and than, her eyes are shown. They are black as the void, but in the center, is a swirling white iris. Than...the rumbling has stopped, and Rex realized something.

"The Earthquake...it's...gone."

Rex spoke out. The mummified entity than turned around, and spoke out.

"This is the best I can do for you. I won't destroy the world...yet. But if something. Terrible happens, I will do so.

She than prepares to go, but before she does this, she talks one last time.

"Farewell...my new friend."

Than, faster than they could react, K and the female was gone, and E simply began to walk back with the princess.

Alex sighed in utter relief, and spoke out.

Well, guys...shall we go back?"

Rex nodded. Cyborg and Jaime begun to fly, and grabbed onto Scorn, Toxin, and James. Rex activates his Boogie Packs, and picks up Circe. Circe goes on Rex's back, and Rex hold's Alex and Kaede's hand. They than took off, and leave, before the G.O.C could find out their location.

Back at the base...

Everyone was taking a little break at the base they are in. They were able to release the princess from her cage. They all decide to have a well deserved rest.

Alex, however, isn't sleeping just yet. He is in his room, as he looked at the picture of his family. As he looked, he felt like he was being watched. He turned around, only to see something that is on his desk.

Alex looks, and saw that, it was SCP-3338, and it has a message written in his mother's handwriting...and a letter written in Japanese, obviously.

Alex took the letter, and saw that his mother was sending him a message.


How are you doing, even from all the hiding that you are going though. I've finally got out from the hospital, and now, I'm back to my normal life, though my hair is rather graying a little bit more. I hope you have made some new friends when you're still running away from them. If you have enough time, you can come to our old house and have your favorite food with me and Dana. I hope to see your face again soon.

Love, Mom

Alex smiled a bit, as he looked at the photo. He than turned around, and decided that, tommorow, he'll go to see his mother for a little bit. But after that...him and his group need to go to the foundation...for one last item that they need to retrieve, before anything else.

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