Wrath: S and E

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Usually, the Newborns will handle one problem at a time. Using all people in a situation will get the job done faster and easier than before. But sometimes, they are put in a position where they must split up. And what is happening, is only the beginning.


The red state of New York Zero is shaking. Even though it is a bit, in a way, slightly, the shaking was rather...tough.



Alex grunted, as he tries to keep himself stable and to not fall. Even when he is not human, he is still very troubled to how an earthquake so small can make him stagger a little bit. Kaede stumbles and holds onto Alex, as Alex hold onto her as well. James used the tendrils to keep himself from falling down.


Toxin, Scorn, and Jaime leaned up against the wall, as they too try to be stable when they felt it. Cyborg and Jaime than used their thrusters to fly in the air, in order to make sure that they will not be able to shake on the ground. 


Rex and Circe are in the air, thanks to Rex's Boogie Packs. When they felt it, they had a bad feeling something would happen. So then fly up in the air, and got ready to act once something really does happen.

Alex and Kaede than fell down, as Alex looked up, very confused.

"What on Earth? What's happening?!"

Kaede shouted out. She is very shocked at the strange Earthquake. James fell to his knees, and spoke out.

"Hey, scrap shit! You gotta think of something before we fall further."

Cyborg than fell down, as he looked at James with a somewhat, annoyed, type of expression. Looking up to the sky, his third 'eye' glows, as he uses a satellite. In fact, this satellite belongs to the SCP Foundation. But the sudden earthquake is making things difficult for him to concentrate on using it. But still, it didn't stop him from being able to access the SCP Foundation's satellite.

As he looked up, he than began to track the reason for the strange vibration.

"The Earthquake, it's coming from a tunnel underneath France."

Alex looked at Victor, and spoke out.

"Are you serious?"

Victor nodded, and spoke this out.

"I also used the satellite in the SCP Foundation, and apparently, it's beginning to freeze."

Back at the SCP Foundation...


The SCP Foundation's alarm has been going off very suddenly, causing many of the Foundation's Soldiers to go to a certain containment chamber that has been malfunctioning.

What containment chamber's functioning, you may ask? It's simple, the chamber of SCP-4812-Euclid

Their containment protocol for this SCP is to keep on pouring as much molten metal over the cage as much as possible. If they run out of the liquid, they have to change it, or else it will bust out. But the machine that is pouring the liquid, has jammed. It can now no longer pour any molten metal today. And it will take hours for them to fix it.

"Everyone!! Get ready!!!"

Everyone aimed their guns at the chamber, as it than began to freeze. Inside of the chamber, is an immensely tall humanoid statue, with an aura of frost and very white flakes of snow.

The eyes of the entity than opens, as it glows a light-blue color, as it is ready to suck the heat out of the MTF, and freeze them to their utter fate.

The door opens, as flamethrowers, and it starts walking forward. But the Flamethrowers are ineffective, as it is simply dissipated, and the soldiers immediately froze to death in an instant.

Back at the Newborn Base...

Alex and the others looked at the footage of SCP-4812-E, as he comes out, and began to froze everything 20 feet around itself.

"Great. We have not just one, but 2 disasters happening. This is something I was not expecting."

Alex snarled to himself, clearly unprepared for what is happening now. He looked at the screen, and saw something.

"What the...The giant statue is heading towards a village. We gotta stop it. But we'll also need a group to check an Earthquake."

James than snarled out...

"You have an idea, asshole?"

Alex turned to James and spoke out.

"Maybe. This could either backfire, or it could work. Here's how we'll do like this."

Alex goes forward, and spoke out.

"Blue Beetle, Cyborg. I will need you to take Toxin and Scorn to whenever the Earthquake is caused by. Rex, Circe, James, Kaede. You're coming with me to deal with the giant statue."

Cyborg and Jaime put on their masks, grabbed onto Toxin and Scorn, and flied up fast. Rex activated his Sky Slyder, activates his Blast Caster, and Alex, James, and Kaede grabbed onto it. Circe stands behind Rex, and holds onto him.

All of them went out of the lair fast, with the both going in opposite directions. Rex and the others went to where SCP-4812-E is on the loose at, while Cyborg and Blue Beetle go to where the Earthquake's coming from.

Later...with Rex and the others...

Rex and the others kept on flying as fast as they can to find out where the SCP is. Rex, being a little to high in the air, used his Goggles to her a close up on what he needs to find.

He than pressed a button with his left hand to get a zoom up below him. When he looked around, he was able to see the large statue, and it is heading towards a village.

"Gotta act fast. Alex, James, get ready to pound this guy down hard."

Alex and James nodded, as they drop down towards the ground, and formed their hammerfists. They than prepare to stop down to slam into E.

"Let's do it, James."

"Way ahead of you, Jackass."

Both Alex and James fell down like a meteorite, and positioning themselves, they slammed their fists to the ground. James made a shockwave of spikes with his Hammerfist ability.

Both Alex and James jumped back, unaffected by the aura that it is making, as the entity stepped back. In the air, Rex immediately switched from his Omega Build to his normal ones, and used the Boogie Packs. He than formed his Slam Cannon, and began to fire rocky rounds at the statue, as Kaede used her vectors to throw it back.

Thanks to Alex's and James' Blacklight abilities to adapt, they are unaffected by the aura of cold that the SCP is generating. Unfortunately, Rex, Circe, and Kaede are affected, and must attack at a distance.

Alex activates his Musclemass and charged at the Statue, punching it back with increased strength. But the anomaly moved and pushed Alex back. James used his own Hammerfist, and tried to destroy the anomaly, but the problem is that due to the aura, while Alex and James are adapted to it, they can still be slowed down by the aura. He tried to hit it as hard as he can, but the aura slowed it down to where he only pushed the entity away.

Rex than used his Blast Caster and went behind he entity, in hopes of reeling it back. Unfortunately, metal can also have their heat sucked out. So the Blast Caster began to freeze, and than...broke.

Circe than went in front of SCP-4812-E, and used her power to scream as loud as she can.

This was actually powerful enough to began to push it back much more than before. But Circe can't do this forever. So acing fast, Alex and James made tendrils and launched them at 4812-E. The tendrils wrapped around E, and they began to drag it back. Unfortunately, it was not enough, and Circe immediately ceased screaming, making the entity move harder, launching Alex and James I'm front of E.

With Toxin and Scorn...at the France Cave...

The Earthquakes were originating from a cave that is underneath France, and it was gettin worse and worse by the second. Due to this, Alex told both Toxin and Scorn to go to the cave, since they won't be affected by whatever's down there to affect their minds. Only thing affected would be the hosts that they are inhabiting. Thankfully, getting to France is no problem, as Cyborg and Blue Beetle was able to get them without problem.

When they entered the cave, they felt a tingling sensation rising above their host's spines, despite the fact that their hosts are still very asleep.

The ceiling of the cave looks like it has a face, staring at the Symbiotes. But they were not bother by it. They immediately went into the cave to check something out. Thankfully, they have enhanced vision that allows them to see in the dark. So they'll be just fine.

The Earthquakes are a bit more powerful than before, as they continue on downwards. The shaking is progressively worse than before, as Toxin and Scorn struggle to stand up properly.

"This is stupid. Why should we be the ones that have to do this sort of thing instead of Jaime and Cyborg? They can fly and not be shaken up!"

Scorn looked at him and spoke to answer his question

"<text>Cyborg and Jaime won't shake, but everything else will shake, even the cave's ceiling. So they could get hit without even realizing what's about to hit them next."

Toxin looked at his sister and grumbled, as her continued down the tunnel, this continues, until he saw something that he had stepped on.

"What the...what is that?"

Toxin spoke out, as he looked down at what seems to be hair. It was a bit white, like sparkles from a deep ocean. Patrick doesn't seem to see it, sense he's now rather unconscious. Toxin was able to suppress him, and Scorn did the same for her host, Patricia.

"<Text>It seems to be some form of hair/fur."

Scorn spoke out to her brother Toxin, who than looked up and spoke to her.

"From what?"

Scorn shrugged her shoulders, as they continued to look and go forward through the cave.

As they continue down the cave, they looked and saw something that looks very disturbing.

"What in the..."

Toxin spoke out. There were human bodies laying onto the cave floor. They seem to be recent, as there were no signs of decay yet. Their eyes seem to have swollen so much that their sockets shouldn't be able to pop out. Instead, they are solidly still in the sockets, and kind of squished slightly.

"That...doesn't look natural."

Toxin spoke out, rather unease. Scorn nodded, as she looked towards the end of the cave, and she sees something.

"<Text>Brother. We are almost at the end of the cave. Shall we proceed further?"

Toxin turned and nodded at her, as he spoke out.

"Let us continue on, Scorn."

Scorn nodded, and they pressed on. When they got to the end...they saw something that completely made them jump.

They were at what seems to be a ledge, that seems to go in a circle, and has other entrances. But it is what's on front of them that completely caught their attention.

Before them is a entity. This entity is a large, black, amorphous mass, that is covered in multiple appendages and water-repellent hairs, as well as having other appendages sticking to the walls around itself. Some of the appendages even blocked about 12 of the other cave entrances. The amorphous entity constantlh changes its mass and shape. One second, it is still, another, liquify, another, it has a nightmarish face, and another, it changes its new face into a more dreadful one, and cycles through this about as much as 10 times, before disappearing into its mass.

Toxin and Scorn looked in utter shock, as they entity than began to move again. Suddenly, the cave began to shake, and the entity began to react very, very violently, as it began to tear down the cave walls apart.

Toxin, realizing that the cave is about to go down by the entity, turns to Scorn, and shouted out to her.

"We've have to get back to the others, NOW!!!"

Toxin and Scorn than left as fast as they can, as the cave continue to piece down to the ground.

Back with SCP-4812-E...

Kaede is having a bit of serious trouble. Even though she is doing all she can to stall the large statue, the cold aura it is generating is so...unbearable, even when not touching her. She has no idea how long she can do this. Thankfully, help has finally arrived.

James came out of complete nowhere, and struck the entity with his Hammerfist. As one of the Blacklight entities, he is capable of adapting, and due to the fact that he has been in some cold stuff before, he has no problem in dealing with the entity and its aura, as right now, he was finally able to fully adapt to it. So now, he can move as fast when he was out of it.

However, SCP-4812-E can take insane amounts of punishment, and because of that, it will not simply stop from just punches alone.

Alex jumped back, and spoke to Kaede.

"Kaede, I think I have an idea on how we can take this thing down. But I need you to give is enough time for me and James to do what we need to do in order to stop it."

Kaede nodded, as she summons be vectors.

She than wrapped the Vectors around the statue, so that it doesn't move. Alex and James than got ready. They formed their tendrils, and wrapped it around the SCP's body, and stuck the tendrils to the ground. Alex than wrapped more and more tendrils around before, before the statue is now completely stopped by it.

Alex than looks at the entity, before he turns to the other and Rex spoke out.

"This thing, this is insane. I wonder how we'll be able to move-"


The sudden sound of metal getting hit caught everyone by surprise.

"What in the world? What was that?"

Circe spoke out. Rex turned and shrugged, as Kaede looked up and saw something

"Alex!! Look up!! Above us all!!"

Kaede shouted, as Alex than looked up.


Everyone looked up, and saw that Cyborg and Jaime are suddenly falling down fast. Toxin and Scorn made parachutes, and used webbing you catch both the mechanical entities, before they can fall down hard.

Alex and the others went to the 4 of them, and spoke out.

"Toxin, Scorn, what happened? Did you find out what is causing the Earthquake?"

Toxin nodded, and spoke out.

"Apparently, some large mass of some strange, thing as underneath the ground itself. We have no idea what it is. All that we know is, it was very large for us to even take care of."

"<text> when it made another Earthquake, much larger this time, we had to get out of the cave as fast as possible, before we can even get crushed."

Alex nodded, and turned to Cyborg and Jaime, as he spoke out.

"Why did you both suddenly fall down from the sky? Did something attacked."

Jaime looked up and spoke out.

"More like we flied into something. We have no idea what it was, because we didn't see anything in front of us while the 4 of us are flying. When the Earthquake became more terrible than before, we had to get out of the area as fast as possible, because we thought that whatever caused it was going to bust out if the ground."

Cyborg than made his turn to speak.

"While we were flying, we were about to see what was happening to France, while we were flying away fast, but when we turned around, we didn't see anything...until we suddenly hit something so hard and painful. Whatever it was, it's invisible."

Alex was about to continue speaking, but than, something happened, the entity that they were fighting, it was beginning to struggle against the tendrils, and turned to a different direction. Alex turned, and saw a familiar insignia of a helicopter.

It was a symbol that the original newborns know well.

"The G.O.C? What is it doing here?!"

Than, the earthquakes began to become much worse than before. Much more than what is expecting.

"What the...what's happening?! Is the entity starting to become more active?!"

Toxin shouted out. Everyone than began to stumble down a bit, as Alex looked around and see that many people in the village are beginning to panick, as they try to hide away.

Unbeknownst to the group, it was happening in a fraction of the Western Hemisphere. Everyone is beginning to panic, as they try their best to make sure not to get killed. The Earthquake than made some of the miniature buildings fall, as some humans got crushed under the building's weight, and some humans half to lie down to prevent themselves from falling down any further. Half of the U.S, Canada, Europe, the top part of the western hemisphere is being shaken by the powerful Earthquake, are many people are doing all they can to make sure that they stay alive during an earthquake. They even went to some boats to keep themselves alive. The Foundation is doing anything they can to get the entire situation under their control, and yet are having difficulty trying to ease the problem.

Alex than began to look around, trying to see if there is a way for them to stand up, but saw nothing. So to stop himself from shaking, he made armor to weigh just enough to stop himself from shaking so much, as James stood up to do the same thing. As he look around, he saw something in the air, and it was beginning to lower itself down.

"What in the...

Alex looked and as he squinted at the sight above him...James also looked up at this...thing, and spoke out, silently.

...what in the fuck is this gigantic thing?"

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