Generator Rex: Meeting Old Friends

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This will take place during the last hour of the 001 event. While the others are trying to fix the 001 Earth, Prime!Rex is still on the usual earth, doing a mission in Hong Kong.

It was a rather interesting thing that Rex and his girlfriend, Circe, was proposed to do by the Providence. Apparently, there are a group of E.V.Os grouped in Hong Kong. Thankfully, no one was able to witness this sort of thing, as the foundation had got everyone out of the area they are in. Another lucky thing is that Rex knows how to speak Chinese, and taught Circe how to do it as well.

That is not the only situation that they are put in. Apparently, 096 had somehow escaped containment and went off somewhere, so Rex and Circe have to take care of the problem together.

Right now, they are in the slums of the city. It was said that some humanoid E.V.Os

Rex: "Wow. For a Slum, it is still pretty neat."

Circe: "Yeah, even still as great as ever."

"So, where are the E.V.Os?"

As if on answer, an explosion was than heard at where the banks are at.

"Well, there is your answer."

Circe spoke to Rex. Rex than activates his Rex Ride, and Circe jumped in. They then rode to the banks. At the banks, Providence soldiers are seen fighting humanoid E.V.Os, alongside Agent six. One of them had red eyes and seemed to be covered and bandages, with a black t-shirt with a missing left sleeve and red pants. The second person is has sickly green skin, blackish-green eyes, no nose, and has tentacles for hair, as well as large 3 fingered hands, with a blue hoodie, green vest, and black pants. The last one looks the most human out of them all, to the point of cosplaying. She has purple hair, green skin looking like a cricket exoskeleton, 3 tiny appendages under each of the dark green eyes , and has 2 sharp spines on each of her elbow and forearm. The most notable thing his her legs. The way it looks is similar to a cricket, but has 2 toes. She wears a blue T-Shirt with an orange vest, and short brown skirt.

'Those guys...all three look so...familiar' Rex though, as he prepares to fight the three E.V.Os

"Looks like you Providence soldiers could use some help."

Rex came alongside Circe. Rex activates the Punk Busters and stomped the ground. The jumpy girl gets out of the way, lands on a wall, and bounces to Rex, while ramming into him. Six tries to slice the bandage guy, but it turns out he isn't covered in bandages, he is made of bandages. He used it to avoid the swords. The octopi guy than rams into many of the soldiers, before Rex uses the Slam Cannon to send him flying.

The jumpy girl tries to attack Rex, but Circe opens her mouth and summons a sonic blast at her.

Rex deactivates his Slam Cannon, as Six cuts the bag, revealing a lot of cash.

"Bank Heist? You're E.V.Os! Step it up a little bit."

The big girl was about to do something, but her facial expression was that of surprise, it's as if she had recognized Rex of who he is, until the squid guy suddenly opens his mouth and summons inky gas. This covered Rex's vision to the point that he can't see. When the only cloud is dispersed, he sees that they are getting away, while he had to cough up the ink inside his mouth.

"Split up."

Rex and Circe went west, with him activating the Rex Ride once again. As they chase the bandage E.V.O, Rex starts to have flashbacks on this place. It felt so...familiar, like he is missing something. As he began to remember, Circe cried out to him.

"Rex, watch out!"

Rex snapped it of it and realize he is heading toward a wall, he immediately turns and slammed the Rex Ride into it. Deactivating, he wen down on his knees, along with Circe. The bandage E.V.O raised a large rock on his head, but than. He gasped, and puts down the rock.


Circe was surprised that the E.V.O recognizes him, while Rex was confused, before he begins to realize who that voice actually belonged to.

"How did you...wait...I remember that voice...Tuck, is that you?"

Tuck helped him off the ground as he and Rex shook hands for one another.

"Heya Rex, it has been a while."

"Yeah, it has been long, too long I might add!"

"Wait, you know each other?"

Circe spoke, unable what she is witnessing before her eyes.

"Yeah, he is a friend and the member of a group I had made myself."

He rolled up his sleeve and spoke out.

"Ink check"Rex later showed a symbol that is formed on his right arm.

Tuck later reveals his symbol that is one the right shoulder.

"Wow, it really is you."

The three looked up and saw the jumpy girl and the squid guy, as they jump off the building.

"Cricket, Walter, that is you guys, right?"

Cricket and Walter smiled.

Cricket: "I am so glad you finally had remembered us."

Walter: "though I would like to be called Skwydd from now on, because of my appearance looking like a squid.

Cricket later reveals her symbol that is marked on the right side of her neck.

Skwydd later revealed his symbol, that is under his tentacle.

Circe was suprised at the fact that Rex had his own group, but there was one thing she wanted to know about.

"Rex, when did you meet them?"

Rex than tried to remember, but it wasn't clear, so he said this.

"If I remember correctly, I met them somewhere are the age of 10-12, which was when o met them. They looked more human looking when I was younger."

Tuck: "Yeah, that is when we had met. Pretty young age."

Skwydd: "So Rex, What happened while you were away from us, if you don't mind telling us about it."

"Yeah, Rex. Please tell us what happened while we're seperated."

Both him and Circe looked at one another. Then they slow this to them all.

"Let's take a seat, we have a lot to discuss."

A half an hour later...

Rex had just told them everything about what he has been through. About going to providence and escaping, about meeting with Circe, and meeting with the others at the Red Zone of New York, and going to a foundation to becomes a Mobile Task Force called the New Borns. The others are pretty shocked and awed at what he has been though with out their knowledge on what is happening.

Tuck: "Wow, Rex. That is some story."

Skwydd: "Heh, never knew these things existed."

Cricket: "I never though that you had to go through such a painful and serious situation."

"Yeah, though I did go the through with a few new friends."

"Well, that'a one side of it that's good."

"Yeah...that's a good thing."

As they continue talking about some stuff, they heard a scream of a man.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, but that doesn't sound good."

The group went on top of a building and saw a creature resembling a pale thin man, with arms grossly out of proportion with red long hands, and has a jaw extending a few times longer than the average human. And it was running fast.

Not thinking of anything, Rex activates his Slam Cannon, loads ammo, and shot the creature. He hit it just enough to send it flying 20 ft away.

Cricket: "Rex, that wasn't an SCP, was it not?"

"I think it is."

SCP-096 than comes back, looks at them and got immensely enraged. He than jumped high to try and get them.


Rex activates the Punk Busters, grabs Circe, and gets out of here, while Cricket grabs on Tuck and Skwydd and bounce away fast, while following Rex.

Tuck: "Rex, What SCP is that? "

Rex:"I think it is 096."

"What does that one do?"

Circe: "look at his face, he will run fast, and do something that is disturbing. Also, he doesn't feel any sort of pain that is thrown right at him."

Cricket: "How do we stop this thing from killing us?"

Skwydd: "we have to break his line of sight that is on us, but how."

Circe:"Well, one of the Mobile Task Forces used a bag over its head to make it stop chasing them."

Tuck "We don't have a bag!"

Rex: "Tuck, you ARE the bag."

Everyone: "Wait, WHAT?!"

Rex: "Tuck, you can change form, right? You can change into a bag and cover his head, but we need to get him into position. Make him stop for a bit."

Cricket: "How can we help in this thing?"

Circe: "Cricket, Skwydd, and I will distract it. Rex will wrap it around just long enough for one of us to use Tuck as a bag to put it on its head. Just who will do this sort of dangerous thing?"

Cricket: "I'll do the job."

Rex: "you sure about it?"

Cricket nodded, as Tuck immediately shapeshifters into a bag. 096 was close to them instantly.

"Get down to the street!"

Rex shouted at them, as they hoped down to street level and was in position.

Circe: "I'll call the Foundation so that they could retrieve it. You guys get into position to stop it and restrain SCP-096!"

As 096 drew close to Rex, Skwydd used his ink gas and covered SCP-096, having Cricket get to position so she can hit and ram into 096.

(Van Klein's as SCP-096)

After hitting him a number of times, Rex uses the Blast Caster to wrap 096 and tried to trap him, while also at the same time, shocking the agressive SCP, but 096 ripped out of the Blast Caster and tried to jump at him. Rex uses Block Party to defend with just enough time to bring out his Boogie Packs to get out of the way.

"Okay, that was the wrong build to use in this situation."

Tuck: "You think?"

Circe: "We have to try it again."

They got 096 to follow them in a more open space so that no one, but the foundation helicopter could see them. Rex tried it again, this time with the Smack Hands.

096 got close to Rex, but Skwydd created in even bigger cloud made of ink. Cricket bashed it a couple more times than last time, before Rex uses the Smack Hands to hold the monstrous entity in its place. This time, it worked more greater than before. The strength of the Smack Hands are great to hold SCP-006 in place. But the beast is struggling to get out of his grasp, and is starting to break free from Rex's hands. Rex immediately realized what was happening and called for Circe to help out.

"Circe, SCP-096 is trying to escape! Scream in his face long enough to get them into position at blocking 096's vision.

Circe screamed in SCP-096's face, just long enough for Tuck to become a bag and Cricket put it on 096's head. 096 began to shake his head for a few seconds, after which, it's head bends down, showing off that he is calmed down. Rex lets go of SCP-096, as it went on his knees from having his vision obscured. Everyone was completely exhausted. Even though the struggle was short, SCP-096's speed caused them to exhausted themselves. Tuck's face than appeared outside at the front.

Tuck: "It...Is it over?"

Rex turned to Tuck, with a smile on his face.

"'s over."

Cricket: "Wow, you aren't kidding when the SCPs are so hard to handle. It's like trying to tame a horse, except the horse is uncontrollable.

Skwydd: "I began to think that this is only the beginning. Will more of the SCPs come?"

Rex: "Possibly, though I am not sure. This is just once that it had happened around this place."

Circe: "Ummm...guys, the SCP Foundation is going to appear in 10 seconds, so best hide if you do not want to risk getting caught."

The others agreed when they hid in some alleyways. True to Circe's words, the Foundation appeared and came to pick up 096.

General: "I always wondered how 096 get into some odd places, but not like this. Alright, Rex and Circe, time to get back to the Foundation."

"Okay, general."

"Sure thing."

Before they could even step into the aircraft, though...


Everyone turned and saw a Cricket hopping to them.

"Cricket, What are you doing?"

"I decided I want to come with you."

"I do to."

Skwydd to came out of nowhere and next to Cricket.

"Me as well."

Tuck unwrapped himself and form his usual shape, but kept his right arm bandages around 096's eyes.

"Rex, Who are they?"

"They are old friends of mine. Why did you even reveal yourselves, anyway? I though you aren't getting caught."

Cricket "We haven't seen you in years, and we also want to spend the lost remaining time with you."

Circe: "You do know you are getting into a very difficult and dangerous situation, right?"

Tuck: "Yeah, we know. But defeating 096 realized how much stronger we have to get in this sort of thing."

Skwydd: "Which is why we want to join with you."

The general than turns to the people that made the Containment Cells for the SCP-5002-A instanced.

"Do we have room for 3 more?"

"Yeah, we do have more room."

The general turned to the three E.V.Os in front of them.

"Okay, you can come along."

The three E.V.Os are relieved that they are allowed.

Cricket smiled, who than all of a sudden bounced right next to Rex and hugged his left arm, which had made Circe a bit jealous and hugged Rex's right arm. Skwydd and Tuck just simply took a seat, while tuck is still covering 096's face wit the right arm tendrils. This is going to be an interesting new adventure for the friends of Rex Salazar.

Quick announcement. Unfortunately, a friend of my family's, recently has passed away. My entire family, along with their friends and out friend's wife will also be present in the funeral. I'll see if I can still do the story someday. Until then, everyone, see you later. This note is made on the 13th of June

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