The Finale: The Revival for Earth

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They did it. They had finally did it. They had found the parts of the machine that is used to cure the ones effect by 001. The pieces of the puzzle That will finally allow them to end this nightmarish event. They are now returning to the base of site-19. There is very little time. So they have to get out of there as fast as they could.


"Alright sir. The machine is fully upgraded and is ready to cure."

Administrator: "Great. Let's him I'm God's name that we are successful in the attempt to revive our world. The home we're in."

Scorn, while not from this earth, actually felt the same way. This earth may not be her home, but it is her counterparts, alongside her counterparts version of the New Borns. She just hope that I can work to restore everything back to the way it used to be.


Patrick/Toxin is gliding from the air, with the power regulator store in the Symbiote. He is now in New Jersey, which is now in ruins. Windows cracked and shattered, buildings tumbled down, and infected running rampant, desperately trying to get to Toxin.

Toxin runs is running in the building. As he is camouflaged, he is unseen by the infected, the fact he is light-footed made him almost undetectable. Toxin kept running and gliding as fast as he could. It was very difficult to do, considering the infected are waiting for a number of things.

"Patrick, there is so many infected. How are you going to change everybody back?"

"The machine was said to cure everyone. If it is upgraded enough, than it will be the key to getting this world back. We just have to upgrade it and assemble it correctly.

"I just hope you know what you are doing in this situation."

Toxin than leapt and re-creates his wings, while gliding down and a fast pace. He just hope he isn't to late.

Khaji Da/Jaime and Milagro

Jaime and his sister, Milagro, had been flying to the site for the past hour. As much as Jaime wanted to go faster, it would only attract the attention of the other SCP-001-A instances, that are likely to try and assimilate them into their mass. Thankfully, Jaime and his sister are invisible, this time. So they won't be seen by any infected that would look up. He is also making very little noise, as the infected isn't looking up to figure out what is going on up there.

"Jaime, ¿No puedes ir más rápido?/can you not go any faster?

"Milagro, if I try that, I will only atrae a esos monstruos! So it is best I don't do anymore speed."

Milagro wanted to argue, but Jaime makes a good point, as he can still be noticed through sound.

"Solo espero que sepas lo que estas haciendo, Jaime./i just hope you know what you are doing, Jaime."

"Yeah, yo también/me to."

Jaime and Milagro remains silent, as both of them fly away right towards the site. They will be there to make it, right on time.

Alex and Aqualeily

Alex and Aqualeily are going to the foundation as fast as they could. Since Alex can't glide while carrying her, Aqualeily has to hang on at Alex's back, so that he could glide and get out of there faster. As Alex and Aqualeily kept moving, Aqualeily spoke out this to Alex.


"Yeah, Aqualeily?"

"Do you think that...the Alex of my world will...forgive me for what I have done?"

Alex look down, unable to say something for a minute, until he said something to her.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure. It is possible that my counterpart in this Earth might act somewhat more different than me. It is possible for him to forgive, it is possible not to forgive. If this world's Alex comes here when the situation is over, I will talk to him about it, you can count me on this sort of thing."

Aqualeily looked surprised, than snorted, and finally, giggled for the first time in years.

"Hmhmhmhmhm...I haven't giggled for a very long time know..."

"Yeah...I do. Hehehehehehehehehehehe."

Alex Mercer chuckled a bit when he remembered all the good times that he spent with both himself and his Aqualeily, right when they had suddenly approached site-19, alongside the others who manage to regain the parts that they had found in the location of the places they had been searching long for.


It was very great that all three of the SCP's has found each other. They even found new additions to the group.

"Hey, Who are you?"

Jaime spoke to Aqualeily, while the others turn.

"I am Aqualeily, Alex's reconciled friend."

This shocked the others.

"Wait, Reconciled? You actually made up with her, after all that has happened?"

"I'll explain it later. Right now, we have a world to completely restore."

"He's right, we have to move, or we are going to waste time in fixing the machine to cure the Earth, and everyone in it."

The others agreed, knowing this is way more important than the talk/situation with Aqualeily. The group went inside and began to repair the machine that is necessary to cure the earth.

Room with machine...

The Administrator and Scorn were waiting patiently. It has been 3 hours and they had not returned, until one of the O5 members, O5-10, went in and send a message to the Administrator.

"Administrator, the others had returned with the parts we needed, as well as bringing a couple more people."

"...Bring them in."

O5-10 nodded and gestures them to come in. Alex, Toxin/Patrick, Jaime, Milagro, and Aqualeily appeared before the Administrator. The Administrator was surprised at who they are seeing. But was more surprised to see Aqualeily.

"Administrator, I know what you are thinking, but this is not the time for that. We will deal with Aqualeily later. Right now, we have to rebuild the machine and get this thing working, so that you world will be saved from the curse of SCP-001."

The Administrator gathers his consciousness and regained his composure.

"Agreed, And Agent Venom will be the one to help you."

Alex: "Agent Venom? He is still alive in this world?"

"Of course I am."

Everyone turns and saw Agent Venom at the door.

He still looks the same as last time. Human-sized with military equipment. Has machine guns, and the giant white spider symbol.

Everyone looked surprised that the Venom Symbiote is still alive in this world as well.

"What? You think we are able to be killed that easily?"

"No...I'm just surprised that you are still alive, Grandfather."

"Well, my host is still alive and has been working with us on scouting for survivors. We may not as be powerful, but we are experienced."


"Everyone, if we are done here, can we go and fix the machine?"

Everyone agreed once again and got to work on the machine. The power regulator was placed next to the reactor, so that it could stabilize the power source and makes sure it doesn't explode. The filtering mechanism also was placed on all corners of the reactor to filter out any unwanted energies and particles get inside the machine.

After a total of 10 minutes, the machine is up and is ready to cure everything in sight. The hardest part is trying to bring out the program. As the Administrator began to work on the program, alongside O5-10, a crash and explosions were heard, as the person at the microphone told them to get in the cellar. Before anyone could do anything, a voice was heard in the speaker.

"Everyone, SCP-001-A Instances have breached the site! I repeat, SCP-001-A instances have breached the site! No, get back! Get back! Get...AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHH!!!!"

Everyone was alarmed by what the voice at the speaker said.

Administrator: "Everyone, defend me and O5-10 while we type in the mechanism to the machines. Freeze them and throw them off to the edge."

Everyone looked around and saw that their are in fact, in a bridge-like room. There are bridges connected to one in making a 12-foot long square area. Agent Venom than prepares his weapon, as he loads his guns for the incoming attack.

"Than let us get started."

Alex Mercer activates the Blade.

Jaime readies his twin blades.

Scorn readies her Arm Cannon, filed entirely with Liquid Nitrogen.

Toxin extends his long claws

Alex: "Everyone, spread out, and take out your Liquid Nitrogen guns."

Everyone took our their liquid nitrogen guns, while Jaime has a blaster mounted on the right shoulder, and Toxin is holding one with his orange tendrils at the right sleeve. Alex Mercer simply uses the left hand to hold the gun. Agent Venom simply holds a machine gun with bullets filled with Liquid Nitrogen. He can just fire 3-5 rounds and they will be frozen. Milagro is given one with powerful caliber, and Aqualeily can use her ice powers to freeze them in place, and launch water to use the ice and send the infected pretty far away.

"Alright Everyone, start spreading out."

Aqualeily and Alex went to the Northern part of the door.

Jaime and Milagro went to the Eastern part of the door.

Toxin/Patrick and Scorn/Patrica went to Southern part of the door.

And Agent Venom goes to the Western part of the door.

O5-10: "we should continue on with the machine, while the SCPs by us time get this thing up, running, working and ready."

Administrator: "Yes, I already know of that, O5-10. There is absolutely no need to remind me of that thing. I just wish them good luck for this sort of thing."

O5-10: "We all do, sir. We all do."

The Administrator sighed with exhaustion and fear, before going next to O5-10 and continue on with the program.

Agent Venom...

Flash Thompson, also known only as Agent Venom, is patrolling the Western part of the facility, in an attempt to sense any of the instance of SCP-001-A. He has been trained in military martial arts at the maximum, sense the age of 13, which is for children. As he began to look around, he heard a dripping noise coming from above. His alarm sense immediately went off, telling him to move. He jumps back and an SCP-001-A instance came out of nowhere. Acting quickly, Agent Venom fired three rounds of Liquid Nitrogen bullets into it, causing it to freeze. He later picks it up and throws it down, it took it 5 seconds to go down and shatter. He heard moaning and saw more of the instances of SCP-001-A coming to him. Agent Venom shot more of the rounds at them, before the froze. He than threw one of the at the wall, the other at the upper bridge, where it had shattered on the top, and the last one shattered on the bridge he is on, by firing black webbing at the bridge above it, causing it to break down into a million pieces. As he looked down at the shattered instance, more groaning was heard. He looked and saw more and more of SCP-001-A coming to him. He reloads his gun and fired again.

(Not outside the foundation, inside)

Agent Venom than formed 2 pair of arms and 4 guns filled with L.N bullets. He uses his right arm to put up is web and shot at the instances. Many of them froze and he toppled them right into the vat on liquid metal. He than jumps back to he feet and shot quickly.

He is going to have to try to use whatever power that he had in order to beat the SCP-001-A instances.

Toxin and Scorn...

At the Southern part of the facility, Toxin and Scorn are patrolling the area, finding any of the infected at any sight. As they continued to patrol, Patrick spoke through Toxin and communicates through Patrica.

Patrick: "Patricia, how are we going to know when the instances appear?"

Patricia remained silent, until she spoke out this to her twin brother.

Patricia: "I don't know. I guess it is either we hear it coming, or we trust our senses on this sort of thing. We just have to make sure that we don't get touched by any of those things."

Patrick said, though Toxin could sense fear coming from Patrick. Obviously, he is very afraid of what is happening.

"Don't worry Patrick. We just got to avoid touching them. Plus, our sisters are with us and because of that, we can protect one another. Nothing will stop us from getting back home. After all, partners help each other, right?"

Patrick was shocked at what Toxin said, but later spoke out this.

"'re right. Sorry, Toxin. I didn't mean to worry you like that."

"Ehhh...don't worry about it."

As they kept walking, Patrick felt goosebumps coming on every part of the body. Toxin later takes control and fires a string of webbing at them as he reels her back to them. Suddenly, an SCP-001-A instance came out of nowhere and moans at them. Scorn aims her gun and shoots it. It became frozen solid, and toxin threw it so far away, it fell off the bridge and was smashed to millions of bits.


They heard more of them coming to them. They looked at the bridge and saw more of them coming, and possibly have 15-30 of them. Scorn acted fast and shot all the instances with the Liquid Nitrogen. Freezing a number of them in place. Toxin used webbing to shatter in a number of directions, but tries to do it separately from one another, so none of them would combine. They immediately fell back a bit. Scorn tries to use incineration weapons to obliterate them completely. This sort of worked, but unfortunately regenerated completely. Worse. A coupe of them merged together. This had made the situation worse. This is going to be a tough challenge to overcome.

Jaime and Milagro...

At the east side, Jaime and Milagro are searching at the Eastern side of the facility. It was huge. Multiple pipes and boilers are present, and so many bridges. Jaime used Khaji Da's power and began to scan the entire area, and see the outlines of the infected. As he kept looking, Milagro than spoke this to Jaime.


"What is it, Milagro?"

"I'm scared of doing this. I am afraid of getting infected. Jaime, would you always protect me from these monsters that were once us?"

"I've course I do, Milagro. We are brother and sister. Siblings like us, we watch one another's backs to see what happens around us both."

Milagro than looks at her brother, but than smiles at him.

"Hey, you are right, Jaime. I guess I was so lost in my thoughts."

"Ehh. Don't worry about it."

Before the both could continue with what they are about to say, they heard a moaning noise coming from the front of the bridge. They looked and saw a SCP-001-A instance coming towards them.

Jaime puts out a cannon arm and shot it with a ball of Liquid Nitrogen, freezing it in place. Jaime than uses the usual setting of the arm cannon and blast it to millions of pieces. He than sends the other pieces to father directions. He does a similar thing to the second infected, but uses his arm blades and cut it down to pieces.

Milagro: (Screams)

Jaime turns and saw his sister, almost about to get touched. Thinking quickly, he blasted Liquid Nitrogen at its arm, causing the other parts of its body to freeze as well. Milagro than shoots her regular pistol, and shattered it to a thousand pieces instead. She kicks them off the edge of the bridge. Jaime saw a hole on the upper bridge, which must have caused the SCP-001-A instance to fall next to her. Jaime uses a bucket of water, and Liquid Nitrogen to seal the hole up. The sibling turned forward and saw more of them coming. Jaime strolls backs bit as he began to blast them with both frozen and normal shots.

Northern side...

Alex and Aqualeily have been trying to get their sight on any instance of SCP-001-A. Alex uses thermal vision and saw a number of them heading their way. He looks up to see a hole in top a bridge. He uses his tendrils to seal it up. Aqualeily and Alex has gotten ready for when they are about to come.

"Alex, will ice really do any damage to them?"

"It won't kill them. It will just simply come back and rebuild itself to make us waste our weapons. No, we are buying time for O5-10 and the Administrator to complete the program and so that they could fix this thing. Don't worry, though. We will live to go see another day."

Aqualeily smiles, seeing at how confident that Alex is, end though he isn't truly the one she has in this world that she lived in. Before they could say anything else, Alex heard their moans coming close to the point of being in sight. Alex than fires a freeze gun at the infected. He than cuts it apart with the blade, and kicks the lower half away. Aqualeily was able to freeze more of it and fitted them to pieces and separate them far away from one another. More of them kept coming. At this point, there won't be enough room to keep them from combining from being ice shards. They later have no choice, but to try and actually slow them down. Aqualeily began to shoot lightning at them, while Alex activates his claws and does the ground-spike.

(The enemies are in a straight line, they are in the foundation, and Aqualeily is behind Alex.)

Alex: "That's not good. (Uses earpiece) Administrator, when are you going to be done with it?!"

Back at the Device Room...

Administrator puts a finger on his earpiece as he spoke this.

"I am almost there, Alex. Just hold them of for long as you can attack."

Jaime than spoke this in the earpiece

"Well, you better hurry up! Because we are getting overwhelmed, and they are coming more closer than ever!"

Toxin suddenly than spoke out.

"Yeah, and fast! So many of the instances are combining and are getting a bit more resistant to Liquid Nitrogen!"

Agent Venom than speaks out.

"Administrator, should I come back and help with the program?"

Administrator than spoke out: "No. you are going to keep those things out for as long as you can."

"Well, I am running out of ammo by about 30% of it still in my equipment. So please hurry. I do not know how long I can hold them."

The communication ends. The Administrator then does it as quick as he can. He knows it would take this long, but wasn't expecting them to get a hard time slowing them down. He types a few more programs for about 10 more minutes. Now he is down to one final program. O5-10 was getting exhausted, but is still hanging in there. As they are beginning the program, the door opens and Alex, Aqualeily from the north, Toxin and Scorn at the East, Jaime and Milagro at the south, and Agent Venom at the West. The 4 groups closed the doors as they began to prepare for a more aggressive assault. The infected began to bang of the doors, until...


The doors had broken down!!! The SCP-001-A instances have entered the room, with a couple to a few of the infected of each group already combined, increased by twice or thrice the size of a normal human being! The group is than engaged in very fierce combat, as the swarms draw closer. Very powerful liquid nitrogen grenade bombs have been used to stop the infected, but did somewhat little to slow it down.

Alex glares very darkly at the infected, finally having enough of them, he freezes them all up and sends them down to an incinerator below, filled with pools of liquid metal. He outright destroyed the instances, but began to fall back when more and more of them come. They came more faster than he destroys. Even so, he used hammerfist and knuckle shockwave to knock them into the molten metal. The instances that are 4 times his size, Aqualeily would use her ability over ice to slow them down. They are still struggling against the larger and more difficult horde.

Toxin is very enraged that they keep to try and hurt his friends and sister. He than grew Venom-Sized and had so much physical power, he swatted the SCP-001-A instances away like gnats and flees and even grabs the instance that is 2 times his human height. Any instances 3 times his size, he simply steps back and uses Liquid Nitrogen grenades, in a effort to slow down the SCP-001 instances. He would also try to break large parts of the ceiling to try and stall them for just a bit.

Jaime Reyes has finally had enough of the instances trying to infect his sister. At this level of rage, sparks began to fly off, and he than shouts out at the top of his lungs.

His suit immediately grew more powerful, while his eyes glowed blue. He activated his arm cannons and blasted the human-sized ones to oblivion, alongside the twice-as-big instances.

Agent Venom finally has enough of his allies getting endangered by them. He was so furious, the Venom form returned, but with Flash in control only. Flash Thompson swatted the human-sized Instances and throw the twice-the-size Instances down into the vat of molten metal below. Those 4 times his size, he slows it down with ice guns. While is no longer freezes it completely, it does slow its movement enough to by the Administrator more time to get the final program activated.

Alex "Administrator, hurry! They are coming to us more closer!"

"I just need another minute, don't rush me!"

O5-10: "we are almost there, everyone! Just hang out very tight!"

The swarm began to draw even closer to them, everyone than did all that they could to slow them all down, and give the Administrator and O5-10 enough time to bring out the very last program to activate it the machine to cure this. The team are 6 feet in front of the programmers, and the infected are about 8 feet away from them.

Alex: 'this is it, it is the end!'

Aqualeily: 'now I won't be able to see my Alex again!'

Patrick: 'we are all dead, big time.'

Toxin: 'We are not going to die!!'

Patricia: 'is this...where we all fall?'

Scorn: '<Text>No, it is not over just yet!'

Jaime: 'Never! I will not die, not ever like this!'

Milagro: 'there is so much I still want to do with my good older brother, I must survive for him, for our parents!'

Agent Venom: 'I must still keep on fighting, regardless of how much pain I was put into and how much it takes me!'

As the swarm draws nearer, the team fought more aggressively, as they continue to fight until they lose, or they win in this big challenge. There will only be one winner to this entire round. The battle ensuing will determine the future of this earth, and all its inhabitant. Whether it will be light and filled with purity, or be filled with light and corruption.

Finally, at the last second of the fight for Earth...

Administrator: "Alright! The program is in! Punch it!"

O5-10: "you got it!"

O5-10 forced the lever down, as a cluster of energy began to form. Everyone, even the infected back away and cover their eyes at the sight. Suddenly, a blast of collected energy shot out of the machine, causing the infected to get blasted out of the building, and the ones in the incinerator to come outside.

The cluster of energy than suddenly reaches to space, as it began to form into a double helix. It was DNA, within it was the energy of the original sun, which they had taken, Incase things like this ever happens. As the beam struck the sun, a loud noise was heard. It sounded like a hundred nuclear blasts going off, combines with what seems to be a roar of a dragon, but is roared a thousand times louder than anything else of the planet Earth. As the sun began to return to normal, the Earth starts to repair itself. Buildings began to reconstruct, houses began to fix itself, and the infected began to change back.

After a total of 10 minutes, it was finally over. The world is finally free from SCP-001. It can no longer exist like this ever again. The humans and animals have finally returns back to normal. They don't really remember much of what happened before transformation.

As everyone came out, a red portal opens. What they saw caught them by surprise.

(Alex, Evolved Form)

(Rex, Evolved Omega1 Nanite Awakened)

(This is from a guys fan art on Instagram of Rex with the Meta-Nanite)

(Has a tint of red hair at the end, which will grow back to length she originally had when younger)

It was this world's version of the Mobile Task Force, New Borns. They are somehow still existing in this world. Before they could say anything, the alternate counterpart Alex began to speak.

(From this point, this Earth's version of the N.B. will be called 001 to separate the confusion between them and their prime counterparts)

001!Alex: "So, What Breach said it true, our counterparts from a different earth helped us."

Prime!Alex was confused. What do you mean by that?"

001!Alex: "Don't you remember what that Administrator said? Breach took us and some of the most major cities to her pocket dimension in order for us to be safe."

Prime!Alex: "Why weren't you there to help out?"

001!Toxin: "Breach cares to much for our safety. She would not let us leave until this situation is over!"

Prime!Toxin: "Must've been rough.

001 and Prime!Scorn: "<Text>No kidding!"

Both counterparts looked at each other, rather confused.

001!Rex: I gotta say, you people were able to do something even we weren't able to do."

Alex: "Maybe that's because you weren't there."

001!Rex: "Oh...right. Whoops.

001!Circe: I am so glad that he situation's over!"

Prime!Jaime: "I think we all are."

001!Jaime: "True, and the cities that she put in her pocket dimension to keep the remaining humans safe will be returned back to where they originally belonged. They will live normally again."

001!Alex: "And for you, Aqualeily..."

Aqualeily flinched as she sees his gaze. She nervously walked to him and looked up at him, seeing his viral bright-red glowing eyes.

Aqualeily: Alex...I know you won't be able to forgive, but I just want to say-"

001!Alex: "You don't have to say it, I know about it already."

Aqualeily was shocked at what he had said. He knew of what was happening with her?

001!Alex: "I...Breach has allowed us to use portals when our counterparts came to our Earth, and...I overheard what you and the other me talked about. When I overheard...what really happened...I was angry at first...but when I saw my counterpart forgiving you...I realize, I shouldn't be mad at you for being manipulated that easily. It was foolish of me."

Aqualeily: " mean..."

001!Alex: "Yes, Aqualeily...I have actually forgiven you for what you had done to me."

Aqualeily was in tears and hugged her Alex. She was so overjoyed that she kissed him right in the lips, while 001!Alex did the same. After they are done, she spoke this to him.

"I love you, my Alex."

"I love you to, Aqualeily."

They both hugged each other. Prime!Alex smiled at the sight that he is seeing. But than looks at the 001!Jaime and 001!Milagro, he saw that they are already hugging. The sight of the both of them made his smile, seeing that they are finally back together again. But as Alex want to keep watching it, even he knows that he can't stay here forever.

"Administrator, is there anyway for us to go back?"

The Administrator looks at him and says: "yes , there is a way. Follow me."

Everyone than gave one last goodbye, before finally leaving.

A few minutes later...

Alex, Toxin/Patrick, Scorn/Patricia, and Jaime are under SCP-5004, which is a device that can transport beings from different timelines, or at least, modify it.

Alex: "So, I guess this is goodbye.

Administrator: "yes, it is. Thank you all for what you've done fo is. It was meaningful to me. Enjoy your way back to your original home."

Agent Venom: "I hope your future is a brighter and greater one than our own.

Everyone: "so long."

The Administrator pulled the handle, and everyone is sent back to where they came from in a blinding flash of light, than, they are gone. The Administrator looks outside as he sees civilization rebuilding.

" is the rebirth of a brand new twilight."

Agent Venom: "Of course it is, Administrator, the great rebirth...of an very old civilization."

O5-10: "And also, no matter how bad the future is, the miracle will always come back to our side.

O5-10 spoke, as Administrator smiled at everything being restored. He can't wait to see how bright the future ahead of them will be. He is just please of a new revival and great miracle.

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