Part 4: A Reconcilation of Friends

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Alex is seen gliding in the air, his armor had been deactivated. As his armor had kind of melted, he was able to adapt to the effects that SCP-001 had. He can even take his hood off without being affected, as he is already made of a self-evolving infectious biomass, although, he has to be careful when he take it off, especially when it involved his former friend, Aqualeily, whom he was framed by, at least in his eyes.

Now, he's in Seattle. He had his Blade activated in case he is ready to slice them, though he is aware it won't work, as well as carrying a Liquid Nitrogen gun, so that he could smash them with his Hammerfists.

As he glided, many of the infected see him and try to get to him through extending their arms and try to pull and absorb him. Alex simply activated his Whipfist to try and cut it away.

Alex was able to cut away the limbs of the creature. Alex got out his nitrogen gun and fired 15 shots at all 10 of them, causing them to freeze in place. Alex than used his hammerfist to smash them. While they had been broken down to bits, it won't keep them away forever. So he had to make it fast. He began it runs away and keep moving to Edmonds.

During the time he turned left, he began to wonder why this thing had happened. He than spoke his thoughts out loud at what happened.

"I wonder...did Yaldaboth have anything to do with changing the sun? I don't think so, since he relies on his instinct. Than again, he is very desiring to make humans fall under his control. The infected acted instinctively to the those not effected by the sun. It would make since, as he won't stop."

As he kept moving, he began thinking of the times that he had with Aqualeily...the good, precious times he had with her, when they are still younger.

Flashback, 7 years ago, back at the age of 13...

It was one of the games that me and Aqualeily are playing. We are trying to see, who can throw a large stone the farthest, with my Whipfist, and her octopus tentacle.

"Alright, Alex, are you ready?"

Aqualeily said, as Alex smiled at her.

"Ready as all ever be."

Aqualeily giggles at him for the way he acted to her.

"Alright than. Let us do it. I will go first."

Aqualeily changed her arm to a tentacle, and wrapped a big one next to her. She whipped it around like a cowboy whipping his lasso. She than swung it to about a 100 feet, while creating a splash.

"Alright. It's my turn."

Alex used his Whipfist to grab onto on rock, this one larger than hers. He than does the same, but tries to make sure not to extend it, as it would kinda count as cheating. Alex than swings it as far as he could, without any extension of the arm. It created a rather big splash. It had been thrown by at max, 200 feet. Even Aqualeily was impressed at this display of his abilities.

"Wow, Alex. You are so amazing!"

"Hey, you were just as good in my eyes."

Aqualeily giggles, before getting near him and kissing his cheek. Alex blushes and ties to hide his face by putting his hood down further. But his face was way to seen. Aqualeily giggles even further at how he reacted.

The next game they played involved trying to catch fish. Aqualeily can extend her tentacle arms like Alex, it is just so uncomfortable to her. Both her and Alex have their extendable appendages ready. As they prepare for it, Aqualeily said this to Alex.

"Alex, are you ready to get the fish?"

Alex turned her with a smirk.

"I was made for this."

Aqualeily smiles before readying her tentacle, while Alex readies the Whipfist.

Alex: "3, 2, 1, GO!"

Both him and Aqualeily extended their appendages, trying to get down at who is faster.

Both of them got it and reeled it back in. Unfortunately, Alex got their 2 second late.

Aqualeily: "(giggles) looks like you lost this time, Alex."

Alex: ", it doesn't matter."

This last game is very tricky, as it involved trying to get from one side to another as fast as you can. Who would be faster? Aqualeily's swimming and reflexes, or Alex's bouncing and gliding.

Alex: "You're ready, Aqualeily."

Aqualeily than giggles at him, as she covers her mouth with both her hand .

"Of course I am silly. Why would I not be, as I have been practice the ability to swim fast and far."

"And I have been practicing running fast, bouncing high on water, and gliding in air."

Aqualeily giggles a bit, before looking at the land, alongside Alex, who takes a stance.

Alex: "3..."

Alex crouches down, as he took a stance.

Alex: "2..."

Alex generates biomass to enhanced his ability to leap and Aqualeily generates electricity to increase her swimming speed.

Alex "1..."

Aqualeily opens her eyes, with them shining blue, as electricity sparks in them.

Alex: "...GO!!!!"

Alex than jumps and dashed in mid air, and began to glide, while Aqualeily dives down and began to swim and speed up with electricity.

Both of these challengers are evenly matched. Alex uses dashes and gliding to get around quicker, Aqualeily uses electricity and swimming to speed up. It was having both of them in equal levels of speed.

Near the end of the race, Alex notices something bad. There are sharks going around and are heading towards Aqualeily, which even she noticed! Aqualeily attempts to shock them underwater, but one of the sharks almost got her!

Alex: "Oh no you don't!"

Alex uses his Whipfist and reels her into his arms, and unfortunately for him, Alex can no longer glide in mid air. He now has to land on his feet. As he began falling, he began to dash in mid air and try to reach land. At the last second, he dash a third time, getting him on the sand.

"That was close. Are you okay, Aqualeily?"

Aqualeily looks up and sees the position they are both in.

"Yes, I am alright. I am just, very scared at what I saw."

" to."

Aqualeily than looks at Alex, before saying this to him.


Alex the looks at her as he layer her behind a rock.


Aqualeily than gets close to him, and embraces him, catching Alex by surprise. This was the first time he had it in year, and the first time it wasn't from a family of his own.

"Thank you...for being the first friend I have in years."

After a bit of hestiation, Alex than returns the embrace, and held her tightly to him.

"You're welcome, Aqualeily. You're welcome, and Aqualeily, that is what I wanted to tell you. At how greatful that I having a friend...for the first time, in the entirety of my life."

Both of them embraced one another, smiling that they will never be alone...never again.

Flashback ends, now at 2018, age 20...

Alex teared up at the remembrance of the friendship that the both of them had. It had been one of the fondest memories he ever had, tagged alongside with his uncle and sister. Even today, he still misses them greatly. He just wish he could see them again.

"This has been so painful for me. There has been to much suffering, to much pain, to much agony for me to have and know what? What am I even thinking?! Now is not the time to do this. It is time to get the job done and get out of this hell."

Alex had continued running in Seattle. Until he reached a underpass. Inside, there are no infected there. He used it to get out of there faster. He than took off as fast as he can.

3 hours later...

He finally reached Edmonds Beach. Surprisingly, while the town next to Edmonds had been filled with infected, Edmonds itself has little to no instances being seen here. Going to Edmonds Beach, he found a mechanical lighthouse where the telescope used to be. He than runs up the wall to see if there is the last piece. He looks and sees the last piece there. It was a mechanism that filters unwanted parts of a power source. Alex the grabs it and gets out of here.

Before he gets out of Edmonds Beach, however, he wants to take one last look at it before he does anything else. He takes off his hood as he sees the surrounding areas. His hair is no longer the usual color, which had used to be brown when as a child. Is is black, with an organ tinge made under beneath his hair. As he kept looking, he heard a voice that he never thought he would be hearing again.


Alex turns and saw someone unexpected. She wore some battle armor made of gems and golden metal. Even though a bit of her skin is exposed, she is not harmed to the light. Under the armor is a familiar purple dress with a golden upper part of it. Her face was all to familiar. She has white eyes as shiny and reflective as pearls, and has aqua-blue skin and a small dark-green round Kok. It was this world's version of Aqualeily, much more older, and is looking at him with shock as she had recognized him, and is very unsure.

"Not your Alex..."

"Wh-What do you mean? You're right here, are you not."

"I am from a different history entirely. Where this situation never happened. You may not be my Aqualeily, but even you have a lot of nerve showing up here, after what you put me through in framing me."

Aqualeily tried to pretend to not understand what he was saying, about the murder of her parents, but Alex's glare and the words he said really put a hole through her heart.

"Alex...I-I don't...I would never..."

"Don't pretend I don't remember the events that had happened. You had framed me bad when we were 13. I thought that if you truly are my friend, you would never had done this to me. I would never be stuck in the hell I was in, and I would at least be free from the pain you had put me through. I thought that if you were truly my friend, you would not have done this in the first place. And that you would have believed in the words I said, and instead, sent it back to me and destroyed our friendship with one another. In fact, I think my counterpart of this timeline could say the exact same thing, about what you had put the both of us through completely. But you know, we were glad to leave, because we had friends that always better to us. Friends that are much better at understanding me. And were the the most terrible one out of them all. My friends, my team...they're the greatest.

Aqualeily's face was hidden, though her body had began to tremble. Alex than spoke this right at her.

"If you are not going to have to get out of the way, that I will have to make you, even if it means to kill."

Alex than gets ready his claws, ready to strike at her with what every power he can use against her. But the exact moment he activated that...

(Sound of fabric wrapping.)

Aqualeily than instantly was suddenly close to him, hugging Alex around his neck and back. Alex was caught completely by surprise as what she just did. Not to mention, Alex claws were ready to strike her. She than heard...sobbing coming from her. She's...crying?

"A-Alex (Sobs) I-I am s-so (Sobs) so sorry! Yo-You(Sobs) You are right, that you didn't m-m-murder (Sobs) my p-parents. Th-They murdered themselves to (Sobs) t-to t-t-trick me into th-th-thinking you had(Sobs) had k-k-killed them! A-And you w-w-were right! I was the worst friend! I just was so (Sobs) So naïve that I thought my parents were right about everything they said, when I was only trying to prove them all completely wrong! P-P-Please (Sobs) don't leave me! I am s-so, so, s-s-so sorry, Alex! I-I-I (Sobs)!!"

Aqualeily began to full on cry on Alex's shoulder, as she expressed how saddened she truly is when she realized how she thought it was him that had murdered his parents, when in reality, it was the parents themselves that had put that sort of lie that made them kill themselves.

Alex's eyes widened at the revelation that she had spoken out. Her parents did it to themselves. Alex didn't know what to think.

"Aqualeily, look at me."

Aqualeily raised her head at Alex, as tears trickled down her cheeks.

"Is that true?"

Aqualeily nodded her head very fast as he said that.

"Y-Yes (Sobs). It was true. Alex, I-I-I..."

Alex than hugged her, bringing her closer to hm, catching her by surprise.

"Aqualeily...I...I forgive you...for everything that has happened."

Aqualeily gasped a bit, before finally embracing him again, crying a bit harder, but later saying (Thank you), (I am sorry) and (I am so happy) over and over again. Alex deactivate his claws as he wrapped his arms around her waist, fully hugging her completely. Aqualeily than raised her head with an overjoyed smile, with tears coming down, though less frequently. She than suddenly leans in and kisses Alex in the lips. Alex does the same and does a full kiss on her lips as well. Their tongues tried to dominate one another, but Alex Let's Aqualeily win this round, ash she explored the entire inside of his mouth. Aqualeily and Alex than separated from one another, as Alex stroke the tears away from Aqualeily's face.

"Alex...I know that you may not be of the time you are in right now...but I want to much I had loved you."

Alex smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"Yeah...I love you to."

As Alex and Aqualeily continued to embrace on another, Alex and Aqualeily heard sloshing, coming from 30 feet towards them. Alex than sees SCP-001-A infected, and they are coming towards them. Alex reacts quickly, holds Aqualeily bridal style, and jumps away, while the power filtering mechanism is inside his 'clothes'. Alex than melts running and running, until he can't see them.

2 hours later...

Alex went to a short cut, carrying Aqualeily in his arms. Aqualeily held on tightly as he is much faster on land than on water. Although, Aqualeily doesn't seem to care about that. All she cares about is being with the man that she loves. The man she always had wanted to reunite with after 7 years of separation.

'This was great...but I hope that...I get to reconcile with my loved one...from the time I am in.'

Both of them said in their heads as they both went back to the laboratory. Now that all the pieces have been collected, it is time to fix the wrongs that must become right again, and restore all life on the planet.

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