Part 3: The Mexican Side

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Jaime was able to fly away without the thrusters making any sound. As he flies over the land, looking at the devastation that had happened in the timeline he's in. The entire land was very chaotic. Many buildings and houses broken down, many people had been turned into an instance SCP-001-A. Jaime has to wear a blue slab of the material for form over the mask, in order to not get infected from within the inside out.

"Khaji Da, are there any people that and unaffected by the SCP-001 event?"

The scarab than shines blue light from his eyes. There are a couple of outlines near him. Then than went through the entirety of Mexico, which took an hour to do.

"About 20 survivors."

"Maldita sea/Damn!"

"Jaime Reyes, why did you even want to know if there are survivors?"

"I figured they would help us with the situation that we are in."

"That is if they can trust you in this chaotic situation."

"Well...someone has to try."

Jaime than goes to the direction of trying to get to the site. It was not an easy task, as many of the infected tried to extend their limbs and try to assimilate them into their mass. Luckily, he was able to use his arm cannons to blast them off.

Unfortunately, the blast doesn't really do anything, as it would immobilize them for only a few seconds, so you would have to be quick on your feet. He easily got passed that, by freezing them with liquid nitrogen that he stored in his arms and replicated. Jaime Reyes than scanned the area for the piece of the machine. It was just as hard as trying to take care of the infected instances. As there are so many of them infected.

As he is passing by from his old home, he heard a scream.

"GET AWAY!!!!"

That was his sisters....and it was coming inside the house!!!

Jaime immediately went inside the house and saw his sister of this timeline, a few years older, almost at the age of 12. She was wearing clothes that cover her entire body. She had a magnum hand gun in her hand, but was trembling as she is not able to put them down. Many of the infected are inside her home attacking her.

Jaime immediately took action and decide to save her, because, while the may no longer be a human, he still deeply cares about her safety. He flies at the backyard, still invisible, and crashed through the window, and blasted liquid nitrogen at the infected, freezing them in place. He lifts his invisibility and reveals himself to his sister. Milagro than points her gun at him.


This caught her by surprise at how he knew her name.

" do you know my name?"

Looking to see that he is not near the window, and that there is no light side at the both of them, he lifts his mask and revealed his face. When she saw the face, her face slowly went from angry to shocked, to saddened.


She spoke in tears. Jaime nodded.

"Yes... hermana. It is me, your brother Jaime."

Milagro held her hands over her mouth, before running to him and embracing him. She sobbed quietly as she is so happy to reunite with her brother. But still had one question in mind.

"Ja-Jaime...where did you go? (Sobs) I thought I was going to lose my memories about you completely, (Sobs) when I had the photo of you in my pocket."

Wait, this version of his sister remembers her brother because of a photo in his pocket? That is strange. Getting himself together...

"I...I'll explain."

He than began to explain everything, where he had been going over the past months, the situation he gotten into, and where his new home is. It was pretty full on at the story he had spoke about.

Milagro: "Man, I never thought that things like these, nor did I realize the situation you've gotten through."


"But why did you come back to Mexico?"

"The foundation believes that they can restore everything with a machine that they have been making, but they have someone left behind to upgrade it, and three people retrieving 3 pieces of it, which are important. I am trying to find the reactor of the machine."

"Ohhh...I see."

I...I really have to go, I need to get this done as much as possible, in order to save everyone."

As he began to take off, his sister stopped her.

"Wait, take me with you. The house, it is not safe anymore, now that the infected are inside."

Milagro said to her brother. Jaime turns around, forgetting about the infected. He even saw that it is also beginning to crack.

"Ummm...Okay, But you better make sure that your clothes that cover the skin aren't coming of and are lose. And also, make it as a fast as you can."

Milagro nodded and put on some tighter clothes. While in her room, Jaime looked at the infected and saw more cracks beginning to form. Jaime gets his Liquid Nitrogen ready to reseal it.

A few minutes later...

Milagro was hanging from behind her brother. She had worn tighter clothes, but had enough layers to not be affected by the SCP-001 sun lights. She was wearing a work shirt, a hoodie, and another, bigger one, which is a winter coat. She had a gas mask over her entire head, and stuffed her hair in it, she it wouldn't get affected. Both of them had became invisible as they try to find the site. My sister...she is afraid, afraid that I will be leaving her again, even if she is from an alternate timeline, she is still family.

A half an hour later...

I finally reached the site. Man, that took a seriously long time. I had no idea what had happened. Many of the infected had tried to get my sister, who was somehow still seen, and i was able to blast them away, before they could even catch her. As I flies down, me and my sister looked out the window. It was filled with the infected. I looked at the second floor, infected. Third, same. Fourth, no dice. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. Every single one of the floor have been filled with the SCP-5000-A infected. It was a complete disaster if they can't find the Reactor. Than Jaime thought
of something. If it isn't on the upper floors, than it has to be somewhere underground.

"Khaji Da, try to scan anything underground."

Khaji Da than summons a blue glow from Jamie's eyes to see anything underground. There was an underground basement, and the reactor is in there. It was not good, but Jaime has a plan. He combined his arms into a giant drill and burrows his way down. It was difficult because of the debris that is going, and even his sister is bothered by it. Luckily, her mask didn't break from the small bits of very fast rock that hit the glass.

It took a total of 10 minutes before finally reaching the basement. It was big, but empty of the infected. There is the reactor on the table, and it is next to a nuclear core of its own. Jaime than grabs the reactor and spoke this to his sister.

"Well... mission accomplished, now to get it back to-"

Before he can say anything else, a groaning noise was heard, along with splatting noise. A couple of seconds, an SCP-001-A instance came down, and it was a fused instance. There are a few faces fused in this thing. It was 3-5 times the size of a normal human. And it began to reach out. Milagro tried to shoot the instance, but as expected, it had no effect on it, and is instead lodged right inside the infected that's fused. Thinking quickly, he froze it within the liquid nitrogen within his gun. He the turned to the core and shot it with a blast, damaging it. A voice was than heard.

" readings have spiked, reactor will blow in 10 seconds."

Reacting quickly, he carries his sister bridal style and flies out of here. He got out of the nuclear reactor as fast as he could. He was able to use the bleed to get out of Mexico quicker, before a blast is seen. The blast was so powerful, it took out 25% of Mexico. It was a sight he didn't dare continue watching.


Milagro said to her brother."


"I am so glad to see you again, after all these years of not being with you all this time."

" to, to."

Both of the siblings smiled as they both went back to Site-19

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