Part 2: New York Side

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Toxin is web-swinging around the Red Zone of New York. He was able to get to the Red Zone by using a boat to avoid being caught by the infected, which could obviously see directly up.

It was an entire mess. Buildings are collapsed, people have become infected by this SCP-001 sun, and now he has to be transported to an alternate timeline to help an alternate version of the O5 council. Toxin and Patrick have even began a conversation with their thoughts.

"Patrick, the entire situation we are in, it is completely insane!"

"I know Toxin, but what can I even say about it? These people are humans that are desperate to regain their homes."

"Can't they just like, access Breach's dimension so they could get our counterparts out of there and convince them to help?"

"Would Breach agree with your words and comply to what you had said?"

"...Good point."

"Yeah, that is what I thought about that. Anyways, we got to find the piece for the machine, if we are going to save this version of Earth."

Toxin was also carrying a bomb that is filled with liquid nitrogen. He plan to use these bombs to freeze the infected and shatter them into bits, though it won't last. Within half an hour, the ice will melt and the instance will collect themselves, and then they would be good as new, which is why he need to be careful when he needs to use though things in the belt that is hidden under the Symbiotes. Thankfully, Symbiotes are unable to be weakened by the cold. Instead, it would only be heat and sound that would effect the Symbiotes instead, and Toxin is very tolerant to this sort of thing.

As he is web swinging around the remains of the Red Zone, a alarm signal went off in his head, as he turned and saw a long red melted hand coming right towards the both of them. Acting quickly, he found a car without anyone effected, fired a web line at it, and pulled it to him to use as a shield. Thankfully, the red gooey hand stopped and hit the car, which, unfortunately, caused the motor to malfunction. Acting quickly, he dropped it into a crowed if infected and glided to get out quicker.


The car exploded and many of the infected were blown to bits. Thankfully, Toxin dropped an ice bomb, causing the bits and pieces of the infected to freeze and stay there. He just hope it would be long enough to at least allow him to find the necessary piece that he needs. Well, he will just have to be clever about it.

Looking at a Gadget, he sees that the red dot is the site that he needs to go to. It was about 2 miles away. Having the Symbiotes put it beside him and stored it within him, Toxin glided when he was high enough, so that he could get there faster.

Half an hour later...again...

After more web-swinging, gliding and dealing with the SCP-001-A instances, Toxin finally was able to see and reach the site with the power regulator inside of it. 

As soon as Toxin lands on the ground, while making a parachute to not attract any of the infected, Toxin went near the door and saw what was inside. There are a number of infected, possibly all of them have turned. Thankfully, none of them have merged together, which would have been a real nightmare. But still, the problem here is that they would need to not only stay out of their sight, but to make sure that there is no sound emoting from the room and they must be as sneaky as possible.

"Okay, that is a lot of infected in this site. I kind of expect they would have some light-proof walls or something. I guess that one of them went out into the sun and had caused the windows there to shatter."

"Ummm...about outside, how are we even going to sneak in, if the infected are here. Like, there could be something such as 20 infected here."

Patrick began to think of how to get in. He could throw ice bombs at them, but it would alert them even more and cause more problems. Breaking the walls down isn't going to help as much, as it would attract the infected outside as well. The last option could work if done correctly.

"Patrick, What are you thinking?"

Patrick went out of thought as he began to conversation within his head.

"We will need to sneak inside. Toxin, we will have to become invisible and crawl on the ceiling or the wall. Doing it on the floor will only alert them that they are here and will most certainly combine and get bigger. Making any noises will also alert them. We will have to be slow and sneaky, and pause at whatever spot we are in."

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"If we don't screw it up and play our cards right, than yes, it will work."

Toxin than open the door very slowly, while Toxin became invisible, not making a single creek and closed it, leaving it open a bit slightly. Toxin than wall-crawled on the walls and now stuck to them ceiling. He went very slow and tries to make sure that it is okay to cross. When the coast is clear, he continues forward and goes around the room. In fact, he rarely comes down whenever there are none of them seen. He opens doors quietly and goes to rooms to see if they are here.

He has looked at the first floor, and now is at the second floor. He went to the statues, as an elevator will just make noises and alert them. Toxin continued this, until is has reached the 5th floor, the reactor room. Within the reactor room, there are many mechanisms and has a reactor in the center. On the table in front of the reactor, is the power regulator.

"Well, shall we get it?"

"Hold it, Toxin. There is something I want to do first."

Toxin crawled on the wall and opened the window. Carefully balancing himself, he threw the window as far as he could and didn't make a noise. As he grabbed the reactor and stored it in the Symbiote, he took the controls and typed something on it. A mechanical voice than came out of the speaker.

"Warning...Warning...Self-Destruct sequence initiated. Reactor shall explode in 10 seconds."

"Oh...I see why you opened the window."

Toxin than jumps up and glided our of the window, before web-swinging our of here. After gliding for half a mile, an explosion is seen behind them, taking about 10 blocks of the street, and obliterating most of the infected in its proximity directly right into oblivion.

"Man...what a mess. I never though the situation could get this bad. I guess I will have to become stronger next time if we want to protect our sisters."

"Agreed, Patrick Mulligan. I agreed"

Toxin and Patrick looked at the devastation that they had caused, before web-swinging our of the Red Zone

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