When is the Day where everything Breaks: Part 1

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I Before this starts, I should tell you that, I didn't visit the wiki for this sort of thing. I had found this one on the vs. battle wiki and the information about it on YouTube. I'm not sure if we are allowed to do this version of 001, as it is private, but I am just going to try it to see how it will go in this thing. In the way I see it, this SCP will only take place in a alternate timeline, and 4 of the main timelines SCPs: 5000-1, 5001-3-1 and 2, and finally, SCP-5003, will be the ones transported to there. And there has been a time-skip in the main universe by about a month. These SCPs will be the only ones to appear in this thing.

The world has change ever since the Sun has been [EXPUNGED], causing every organism, minus plants, to become melted monsters, with half of them still a single being, and the other half becoming fused in chaotic masses of 001 biomass. Currently, the year is 2022. There are only 7% of the humans remaining on Earth. Most of the population resides in site-19 for their safety, which include families and children. Inside, the Administrator has been thinking of a plan to put in end to this nightmare, as well as multiple people from what little remains of the 0-5 council discussing it.

O5-2: "Do we have a machine to turn the sun back to normal?"

O5-1: "We would have it work if it weren't for the fact it isn't advanced enough! And worse, three of the parts for it are separated in different location in New York, in Mexico, and Edmonds!"

O5-3: "Damn it! If only SCP-5001 through SCP-5003 are with us..."

O5-7: "Unfortunately, Breach has taken them, along with a few major cities, Tokyo, New York Zero Green Zone, Hong Kong, Paris, Moscow, and Seattle. Not to mention, SCP-5002-A-1 and 2 would be effected as SCP-5002 only protects them from diseases and mental attacks, and we don't know if it counts as a disease.

Administrator: "Damn, this is getting know where! What are we supposed to do?!"

"Maybe we don't have to use our SCP-5000-50003."

Everyone turned to O5-8, the calmest and most intelligent out of all the O5 council members.

Administrator:"What do you mean by that?"

O5-8 looks at him dead in the eyes as he spoke this.

"How about we get a different SCP-5000-5003. One where in a different timeline, it never happened. We can use them to get out of this situation and construct a machine advanced enough to save the earth and restore the lives that the SCP-001 event has taken."

The council members looked at O5-8 in suprise, even the Administrator looked in surprise at O5-8.

Administrator: "Do we have this sort of technology?"

O5-10: "Yes, we do, through SCP-5004, 'The Timeline Modifier'. It can allow us to not only modify timelines, but it can also send items and people to this timeline. And before anyone asks, the machine can only affect other timelines, not the one we are in, which is our home."

The O5 council members though hard, even the Administrator, before they spoke out this.

O5-1: "I guess that is our only option left, huh?"

O5-2: "I'll take it."

O5-3: Seconded

O5-7: "Agreed, but who do we bring?"

O5-8: "SCP-5000-1, SCP-5001-3-1, SCP-5001-3-2, and SCP-5003. They are the only ones that can withstand the environment around them. SCP-5002 is unable to resist than, as the E.V.Os had turn a bit more chaotic that the usual stuff.

Administrator: "Than it is decided. O5-8 and 10, ready the machine. This is our only chance to get our world back. Let's start, right here, right now."

In the Prime Timeline:

Today was pretty normal for the SCP foundation. It was filled with doctors, soldiers, and even some of the SCPs that are more than willing to help the foundation as much as they can. One such group are SCP-5000 to 5003. They are knows for taking down 682 and an all SCP Mobile Task Force. SCP-5000 is carrying paper for possible continuation on SCP-5003. SCP-5001-3-1 and SCP-5001-3-2 are sparring, and SCP-5003 is talking with female staff and even flirting with them, much to the others dismay. SCP-5002-A-1 and SCP-5002-A-2 are on a mission to deal with more SCP-5002-B instances. Apparently, there was a guy named Van Kleiss and his group called the Pack, who had attacked the foundation before to get to Rex. It would have been the case, has it not been for the other members of the New Borns stopping him. This time, they are going to prepare for another attack.

As he puts down the papers, he saw that his body is glowing blue and begun to glitch! He shakes his head and looks, seeing that he is normal this time.

'Must have been my imagination.'

As he put began to walk to his room again, a familiar voice called to him.


He turned and saw a man with platinum hair and green eyes. He is 6 feet tall, and a few inches shorter than Alex.

This is doctor Robertson , who is known for getting along extremely well with humanoid SCPs, even if it is somewhat dangerous.

Alex: "Hey Jacob, How are you doing?"

Robertson: "Pretty good. Been with another new SCP recently. She's pretty nice, but pretty scary if you try to provok her."

Alex: "Think I will get to meet her soon?"

Robertson: "I don't think you can. The O5 council won allow you to get near her, due to your dangerous nature as a humanoid virus. She can meet the others, though, if the O5 council allows them to."

Alex "Man, that's a shame."

Robertson: "Yeah, that is a Sha...Ummmm, Alex?"

Robertson looked uneasy at Alex's right arm for some reason.

Alex "...Yeah?"

Robertson: "You arm...look."

Confused, Alex looked at his right arm, only to see his arm glow blue and begin to glitch out, this time when he blinked, it did not disappear! It was real!

"What...I thought I was imagining stuff! How did I..."

As he began to speak, he began to glow blue. Alex than spoke this out loud.


As he said that, blue light shines around the room, before he disappeared, with only the floor scorched black at where Alex Mercer once stood.

With Toxin and his sister:

Toxin and Scorn are seen training in the sparring room, which has been repaired with more tougher metal that can take extreme blows. Toxin and Scorn has been training for the past 10 minutes, before Toxin jumps on the wall, sticking to it.

"Alright, Scorn! Here I come."

"<Text> Bring it!"

Toxin than leapt to his sister. Scorn tries to shoot Toxin, but he got out of the way. As toxin began to make contact...he wen through her! As he was shocked at what just happened, Toxin landed face floor down.

Toxin: "What in the...What happened?!"

Scorn: <Text> I don't know!"

As Toxin and Scorn are confused at the situation, both of them had begun to glow blue and glitch out.

Patrick: "What the...this is not good."

Patricia: "Same here."

As they both said that, they shine blue, as they disappeared from the map.


The lights then faded, from where the twin symbiotes once stood, was 2 scorch marks.

With Jaime and Khaji Da:

Jaime and the Scarab are seen walking back to the containment room. Apparently, some of the females ejected him right back into SCP-727-J in order for them to get him to stop. Needless to say, Jaime took it hard. Jaime has gotten shaken up, though he was less shaken, but more frustrated at going to SCP-727-J again.

Jaime: "Man, this blows. Looks I will have to shut myself up in order to avoid that problem again so I can at least no be shaken up by this sort of thing. Man, my sister must be laughing at me when she is seeing this.

Khaji Da: "Jaime."

Jaime: "Khaji Da, What is it now?"

Khaji Da: "Alex, Patrick, Toxin, Patrica, and Scorn, they have gone missing."

Jaime: "WHAT?! What do you mean they are missing?! What just happened?!!"

"Your friends and suddenly disappeared from the map. And even I don't know what has happened."

As the Scarab said that, Jaime sees himself and saw a blue glow and glitches all over his body. Jaime, on instinct, than shouted this out to Khaji Da, afraid of what might happen next.

"Scarab, armor. Now!!"

The armor immediately activated as he began to glow brighter, after that, he vanished. Just a scorch mark from where Jaime Reyes had once stood on.

Back to different timeline:


Alex woke up as the sound of metal against metal was heard. Alex than sat upwards as he began to look around at where he is at.

He was in a SCP Facility of site-17, yet, it wasn't site-17. It looks rusted and abandoned. He than heard a groan. He turns and sees SCP-5001-3-1, SCP-5001-3-2, and SCP-5003 in his armored form. All of them had been sent here as well.

Patrick: "Ugh...What happened?"

Patricia: "I don't know."

Jaime: "Where are we?"

Alex: "It looks like site-17, but abandoned."

He than looks around. He was so confused at where he is sent. Jaime than looks outside, and what he saw made him jump.


Alex turned, alongside the others. They looked outside, and what they saw really sent shivers down their spine.

The sun outside looks red, as if it had been dipped into blood. The sky wasn't fairing any better. It look so sick and hollow, like it had been burned to the point of being scorched. But what truly got their attention was the beings outside.

It most of them look human, but all red and melted, and some had parts of their faces melted away. Some looked large, about 3 times the size of a human, and had multiple arms, faces, and they are moving so slow. Some even moved inside the mass to combine.

Alex: "What is the hell is happening?"

Jaime looked and saw a document on a computer , which Alex also noticed. The others saw it to.

SCP-001, the S.D.Locke proposal 'When Day Breaks'. This is very new to the New Borns, minus Rex Salazar and Circe, who aren't here with them .

Alex: "001, isn't that one of the first SCP proposals caught by the foundation?"

Toxin: "Looks like this one can't be contained. Also, I don't think any of us has seen this before. I've looked into the files of the SCP-001 proposals and none of it has a proposal such as this."

As they read about what it does and the instances, Jaime turns and saw the door, and saw many of these beings than began to form.

"Guys, we have company!"

Everyone turned and saw the creature 'SCP-001-A', and there are 2 of them at the door they just knocked down with their own bodies, despite the fact, that they are beings made entirely of liquid, and yet, they are somehow able to break the door down. It was red and melted like wax, and its face is also melted. The head of the liquid instance was so misshaped that it was impossible to tell what it had originally looks like. And the disturbing thing is, it was looking at them, despite the fact that the creature has no eyes in the place of the melted sockets. Alex puts on his armor and has his blade and claw activated.

"Blue Beetle (Jaime's Codename), Use your cannon arm and blast that thing down to smithereens."

Jaime summons his arm cannon and fires at the SCP-001-A instance. This caused a hole to be blasted into there. The instance melted, but than grew back to its original self moments later, while it is still in a melted state. That is not good.

Scorn raises her own cannon arm and uses a heat blast as hot as an incinerator to try and vaporized them. It sort of worked, but it just simply came back. Toxin fires webbing on the ceiling and sends a part of it tumbling down, hoping it would at least crunch it underneath. It slips out and is back at full shape. It got worse as more SCP-001-A instances fell down, finally seeking prey to eat. On instinct, Alex shouted this order out to everybody.

Alex: "Everyone, run for it!"

Alex, Toxin, Scorn, and Jaime immediately jumped out of the window.

(This stance when in armor)

(With mask on)

All four of the SCPs run away as fast as they could, but there are so many of them. They even have to blast their way through, with just enough time to at least get away.

"Alex, where do we go?"

Patrick spoke out.

"The Special Containment Procedures says that we have to go towards Site-19. This is the only option that we must have."

"But what if it is destroyed?"

"Well, we will have to see with our own eyes, now don't we."

The 4 SCPs than jumped as high as they could and ran on one of the buildings. As Alex jumped, Jaime grabs him, and Toxin carry's Scorn and jumps, creating wings, as Scorn uses her blaster to accelerate their speed, so that they could truly fly.

"I really hope what is says about site-19 is true."

Half an hour later:

It took so long to reach site-19. Many of the SCP-001-A instances tries to extend their limbs and attempt to pull them into their mass. Luckily, Jaime and Scorn, they blasted them off, so they are safe. Alex than saw Site-19 up ahead. It was damaged, but with Thermal Vision, he saw no one is infected, judging by how these people are shaped from inside and that they have low body temperatures, which the SCP-001-A has.

Alex and the others went to the front of the door. They knocked on it. Footsteps. The door opens and reveals O5-10.

"Good, you're here."

He gestured them inside. They went in and he locked the door completely shut. They than follows him to the small fraction of people sitting around a small table.

"The 7th series SCPs, nice to see you."

The Administrator said to them.

"Who are you?"

"I am the Administrator of the O5 council."

Patrick: "The O5 Council? I thought there were more of you. But wait, what is even happening, anyway? One moment, me, my sister, and my friends were doing our own stuff, and the next moment, we went to a place that resembles the Earth, but everyone is turned into liquid monsters."

Administrator: "Well, this is Earth. Just not your Earth."

"What do you mean?"

Jaime spoke, confused.

"You are in a alternate timeline. If you don't know, Alternate timeline are basically branches of paths for possible outcomes, for example, in this timeline, SCP-001 has badly effected our world, whilst your Earth, it didn't happen."

"But wait, if the is an alternate timeline, wouldn't our counterparts of this timeline still survive?"

Alex spoke, as the Administrator looks down, apparently not happy.

"They are alive, just not on Earth anymore. Breach has taken them to her pocket dimension, alongside the other humans that are in major cities. I brought you here to help us cure the sun and neutralize SCP-001."

"How do we cure the sun? You saw how big it is! Do we even have advanced technology for this sort of thing?"

The Administrator smiled as he looks at them. "It is advanced, just not enough, and 3 parts have been missing, scattered, which is why you have to retrieve them. I brought Scorn to upgrade the machine, and for the rest of you to gather the pieces for our machine. while she does it, you people collect pieces of the machine from different sites at different areas. When you do that, the machine will than be advanced enough, and every being on earth will be fine, and they'll be well."

"Will the other humans remember this?"

"Don't know. Let's hope that they don't."

Patrick: "What about Anti-Venom? Can he cure those that had been infected by 001?"

"No, he to had been taken in to Breach's dimension. And even if Anti-Venom was still here, he doesn't have enough power to cure every single being on Earth."

Alex than steps forward in front of the Administrator. Alex wasn't sure what to make of the situation at hand, but they are still people. Making up his mind, he spoke this to him.

"Where do we start?"

"Well, for starters, Toxin a will go to New York, which had been cured of the SCP-5000 infection. A site there has a power regulator that is needed to stabilize the power of the reactor for our machine. Speaking of the Reactor, it is somewhere in Mexico, where Jaime must retrieve it. Mexico has the most humans affected by SCP-001, which is why he must be careful and stealthy. Jaime, use cryonic ammunitions to freeze them in their place. It will be effective enough to by you half an hour to make a quick escape, and get that reactor out of here."

Alex: "And me?"

The Administrator than turns to Alex with a 'you-are-not-going-to-like-this' face.

"Alex, there is a base in Edmonds Beach, holding the last part.

"Edmonds Beach?!"

The flashback at who's in the Edmonds Beach's Water.

"Yes, and that is where your friend, Aqualeily, as you had called her, is still residing in. Somehow, even though light shines down, which would normally effect sea creatures, the SCP-5005 entities are still fine, even when on land and walking, but have to keep away any SCP-001 affected animals from reaching the homes that they live in, as well as being aggressive to any creature in land sense this madness had happened. Their hatred to creature on land is powerful. You will have to avoid her, as I am not sure how she is going to react when she sees that an alternate SCP-5000-1 is in fact alive. She will most likely act aggressive and try to kill you if you get near her.

"Understood, I just hope she doesn't notice me. In fact, I had hoped to never see her again."

"Good, now get to it."

Scorn stays behind and upgrades the reactor, while the others are lead out by O5-10. The door opens and all three of them had gotten out so fast. The chase was on. They will save the world, find the pieces, and restore the sun, and finally, shall eliminate SCP-001 once and for all.

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