Grail and the Return of Knull

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Grayven looks at the unexpected sight that is before him. He couldn't believe that he is reunited with his sister after so many years. But...what is she doing here? She should be back at her throne of Anti-Life.

Needless to say, Grayven isn't to happy to see her, as he shouts out to Grail.


He than fired his Omega Beams at Grail, who does the same thing, as both Omega Beams clashed. But Grail's is said to be stronger than her father. So when they clashed, slowly, but surely, hers began to push Grayven back, until it hits him in the eyes, causing immense pain.


Grayven held his eyes, but than unleashed a kick on Grail, who is defended when Abel jumps in front of her, and used his sword to block the God's Foot.

But Grayven isn't the person to give into the pain easily, and instantly recovers, as he began to charge at the 2.

But Grail than decided that if he doesn't cooperate, she's going to make sure that he cooperated with her, even if it means beating her older brother down.

Using her New God Strength, she punches her brother,

who blocks it with his arm. But Abel than punches him in the leg, which caught him off guard enough to finally uppercut Grayven, grabbing his large head with her bare hands,

before slamming him down to the ground with all the might that she possesses.

This resulted in making a New God-sized crater, which created so much large cracks all across the entire continent.

Grayven looks at Grail with pure absolute hatred present, the Omega Effecf flares out of is eyes, as his younger sister spoke out to her older brother in a very mocking tone.

"What is the matter, Grayven? Aren't you going to give me a kiss and hug for your younger sister of Anti-Life itself?"

Grail spoke out to her brother, who than spoke back to her.

"You...why are you here? You said that you would not interfere with the lives of these lowly humans. And what happened to father? I am going to make sure that he is-"

"Dead? Brother, he already was dead while you were trapped."

This made Grayven freeze, as he turns around, and spoke out.

"What do you mean by that, Grail?"

Grail smirked, as she spoke out.

"Your older brother, Orion, who mange to fulfil the prophecy and killed Darkseid, ending his rule. So now Orion himself gets to be Apokolips' new ruler. And if you are thinking that you can get it by force, the situation that everyone is in, it most likely won't happen."

Grayven snarled, as he spoke.

"What do you mean by that, Grail?"

Grail smiled, as she spoke out.

"We have a new problem that is coming, and he is far more vile than our father."

Grayven spoke out on confusion.


Before Grail could speak...

"Knull, the Symbiote God."

Grayven then around, and it was Abel that spoke to Grayven.

"What? What did you say?"

Abel than spoke out to Grayven again.

"Knull, the God of Symbiotes, and the lord of the abyss. A being that was created before the beginning of the universe itself. He is a being that despises creation, and wants to put an end to it."

Grail turns around, and spoke to Abel.

"You seem to have knowledge on who he is, Abel, you call yourself?"

Abel nodded, as he spoke out.

"Indeed, Grail, if that is your name. I have faced him before in the past, when I was trying to find my older brother to take revenge on him. We both fought against each other, and this was before he had the Symbiotes not at his side. Our very battle extended to the very edges of the universe, and it got so bad...that I had to use the Thorn to reset it, in order make sure that he stops going on any further. But it seems that since he has returned, I have to face him yet again."

As he spoke out...suddenly...the entire sky became dark. Both Grayven and Grail look up to see what's happening, as they get to witness something covering the sky. Their eyes glowed red at the sight that is happening

"What's this? It is too early for it to be night."

Grayven spoke out, as he looks up to see what is going on right now. Abel glared, however, and simply spoke out to her.

"That is because it isn't nighttime."

Grayven than turns to Abel, and spoke out in a demanding tone in his voice.

"Than what is it, Abel?"

Abel glared at the sky, as he spoke out.

"It is Knull's army. They've arrived."

As if to answer, the Symbiotes began to fall down, as they come in a variety of different forms, but mostly as winged humanoids and dragons, which roared for battle. What Grayven, Grail, and Abel doesn't know is...that this is simply the beginning of what is about to come.

In the Cancerverse...

Alex than looks around the place, and spoke out.

"So where do we go from here, Knockout?"

Knockout smirked, as she spoke out to Alex.

"Oh...we're gonna be going to Apokolips who bring Bekka back to her dear husband."

Bekka glared at Knockout, but says nothing.

"This is a nightmare. Knull is returning, and we might not have enough time to even help!! How are we supposed to help them out and protect Earth if we can't do anything about it?!"

Knockout than spoke out to Alex Mercer.

"Don't worry about it, Pup. We can bring you back. We need to bring Bekka back, first. When we do, we'll send you back to Earth!"

Alex turns around, and spoke out.

"How do we get back, Knockout?"

Knockout pulls out a strange box-like object.

"With the Motherbox. I used it to locate Bekka. I should be able to get it to bring us to Apokolips. Hopefully, it should be enough for us to travel us there."

Alex than spoke out.

"And it is able to bring us back to Earth, right?"

Knockout nodded, and spoke out.

"You bet it will. And besides...since we had gotten violet when fighting against the one-eyes monster with the tendrils all over its body..."

Knockout that grabs Alex, picks him up, and forcefully made mouth contact with the Blacklight.

"I had a great time make blood spread, Pup~.I hope you did as well."

Aqualeily was shocked, but than looked a bit unhappy about that. Okay, that is mild. She is very mad about what she is seeing before her eyes. She than made a tentacle, and pulls Alex out of Knockout's grasp, before she spoke out.

"Just get us to Apokolips, okay? We are wasting time the more we stand!"

Knockout stuck her tongue out, as she spoke out.

"Don't worry. It's simple."

She than grips the Motherbox, and spoke out.

"I'll we need to do is-"


The Motherbox was knocked out of her hand, as it was hit, falling down to the ground. A purple beam of energy fired out of complete nowhere, and a voice spoke out to them.


They looked up to see Shuma-Gorath, now the size of the alternate planet Earth. And judging from the looks on his eye, he is now no longer possessing patience.


He than spread his tendrils, and suddenly, a bunch of bodies are beginning to form. And the weren't good. It was the Cancerverse versions of Toxin, Scorn, Aqualeily, Jaime, Halo, Kaede, and Firestorm. But for an unknown reason, Alex, Rex, Wanda, and James aren't present for some reason. Even more strange, Ben and his friends and family don't seem to have a Cancerverse version of themselves around here.


Toxin's arm has a mouth on it, and tried to use it to chomp Alex into to pieces. But the normal Firestorm burns the Symbiote, and sends the Symbiote flying to next day. The Cancerverse Scorn tries to take on Firstorm, but she too was burned, and was sent very far away. Firestorm than turned his attention to his Cancerverse self, and goes flame-to-flame against his undying counterpart. The Cancerverse Firestorm than made a tendril, and tried to wrap it around Firestorm's body. But Firestorm slipped away from it, and launched explosive atoms at his Undying counterpart, who gets hit was sent thrown back. Firestorm than tackled his counterpart, and they crashed into a mountain, causing it to be broken down to small pieces.

The Cancerverse Wanda and Kaede tried to unleash a psychic attack on the others, but Bekka shot the Cancerverse Scarlet Witch in the head, immobilizing the entity for now.

Bekka also begins to notice that more of the undying corrupted humans are coming in their direction.

She pulls out another gun, and began to shoot them in various places, and even places in the body where it would be instantly fatal to them, so that they will have to take a long time to heal them, and hopefully long enough for Knockout to fix the Motherbox to go back to where Orion is: Apokolips. Successfully, she was able to bring down the corrupted humans to the ground, with a variety of shots in areas that's fatal to normal humans, such a shot in the heart, brains, and the lungs.

But it will start healing soon. In the meantime, though, Wanda than fights back and overpowers the Cancerverse Kaede. Alex and Rex than went behind the Cancerverse Halo, and throws the corrupted Halo elsewhere. Although Halo is powerful, her body is still weak, which also applies to her undying self.

They group turned to see Knockout, smirking down at affected human, with her foot right on top of the body of the effect, who is struggling to get out the strength of the New God.

After a little bit, Knockout was able to fix the Motherbox.

"Alright, we're clean!! Here we go!!!"

She than activated the Motherbox, and it begins to glow.


Shuma-Gorath than attempted to destroy the Motherbox, but Alex and Rex for in the way, and punches the tendril away, only succeeded in scratching it. Unfortunately...scratching it still has an effect on what the Motherbox was about to do. The Motherbox's light than began to flicker, before it began to shake violently. Than, after a while, it began to float into the air...and when it spun...a ringing sound was heard from the Motherbox...before suddenly...


A large explosion appeared out of nowhere, covering the entire group. When Shuma-Gorath's eyes are able to see clearly now...they had now disappeared. They are even gone from the entire Cancerverse, meaning that they escaped.


Shuma-Gorath shrieked with pure-absolute rage, as he had lost his victims completely.

Back on Earth...

The Omega New Gods and the Second Som of the First Human looked to see the Symbiotes come down from the sky above them. Abel than formed his blade, and spoke out to them.

"The Symbiotes are going to corrupt us the moment that they latch onto our bodies. We need to make sure that they do not touch us or anyone, or it is going to be a disaster for us all."

Grail smirked, as she began to walk towards the Symbiote Amy, as she spoke out to them.

Grail goes forward, as she sees the army closer. With the Scythe gripped tightly in her right hand, she than takes the cloak off of her body, revealing her appearance to the world.

and alongside with her brother, Grayven, they both got ready to fight against the army of darkness. As much as Grayven hates her sister, he knows that this is far more serious than stealing the throne of Apokolips from his brother, and that if he fails, he won't be able to get the throne for himself. When they got close enough, Grail than took the turn to fight and attack the Symbiotes.

As a demigod, she had Omega Beams stronger than her father darkness, and yet had none of his physical strength. But as an ascended New Goddess, her physical power is now nearly just as strong as Darkseid, and at the same strength as her brother, Grayven.

When one of the Symbiotes tried to attack Grail with a tendril, she jumps into the air, and fired her Omega Beams at the Symbiotes.

The Omega Beams were able to hit a lot of the Symbiotes, vaporizing them from existence. Many of the other Symbiotes that tried to get away ended up still being caught by Grail's Omega Beams. Another Symbiote attempted to attack her, but Grayven, who saw it about to happen, immediately fired his Omega Beams at the Symbiote that is about to attack her. He even turned around, and unleashed a clap powerful enough to cause so much immense agony to the Symbiotes that are attacking the planet Earth.

Abel simply dodged and cuts through the Symbiotes like they are nothing more than normal slime, and even destroyed so many do them by spinning his sword so fast, that it is as fast as a helicopter. He even slammed both of the large swords together, causing a loud banging. A Symbiotes that possessed a winged humanoid attempted to attack Abel, but Abel stabbed the entity with his black sword, and threw the entire away into a building, which contained gasoline.


The explosion was powerful enough to kill both the entity and the Symbiote, which are weaken to fire.

Grail and Grayven than use their telekinesis to fly into the air, and began to attack the Symbiote Dragons, which attempted to assimilate the New Gods into their symbiotic biomass. But they used their Omega Beams on many of the dragons that are here, and burned them so badly...that they are killed by them the 5 minutes the Omega Beams kept in touching them.

As the Symbiotes attempted to bond to Abel, he jumps back, and slammed both of his swords together, causing a massive shockwave that utterly scattered them into so little pieces that they cannot reform anymore. A Symbiote tries to attack him from behind and bond to Abel, but Grail blasted it with her Omega Beams, incinerating it from existence. Abel turns around, and Grail smiled at him.

"You thought that I was going to allow someone to get bonded? You helped me stop Grayven, so this is me returning the favor to you for helping me."

Able nodded, and prepared to fight, but than, Grayven began so speak out again.

"What are he Symbiotes doing right now?"

Grail and Abel looked a little bit confused about what Grayven meant, until they went to where he is pointing at, and true to what he said about the Symbiotes, something strange began to happen. The Symbiotes began to go to a single direction, and they left their vessels, and began to go into the air, and began to gather together in a single position. And Ben worse, is that they are beginning to form a shape, a circle of some reason. But the lines of the circle began to if it is beginning to act like a door. It didn't take long for Abel to realize what about to happen."

With Toxin...


Toxin was on his knee,with Scorn looking at him in concern.

"<Text>Toxin, brother? What is it? Is there something wrong?!"

Scorn spoke out, as she held her brother in her arms. Toxin can only speaks these words.

"He...He's returned. He has returned from the cage that has sealed him."

Scorn, looking very concerned, speaks.

"<Text>Who...who returns, my brother?"

Toxin than turns to look at scorn, and spoke out with fear present.


Back with the Omega Deities...

They looked, and see the doorway formed from the Symbiotes, which began to open. When it is fully opened up, someone came out from the door. It is the God of the Symbiotes, Knull. He has returned.

After so long...Knull is now finally out, for real. And now that Alex and Rex are out of the way, with Yaldabaoth and Mekhane no longer present, he can finally complete his work at finally erasing all of existence. And thanks to the Scarlet King, with the both of them together, there is nothing that he can't do.

As Knull steps down, he looks around, and spoke out.

"So the Scarlet King really has invaded the Earth. Very good. But I will hasten his work. And this time, the Flesh and Machine will not stop me this time."

But as soon as he spoke that out, 2 voices speak out to him.

""But we will!!""

Knull turns around, only to see both Grayven and Grail firing their Omega Beams at the powerful Symbiote God.

Both of the siblings fired their Omega Beams at Knull, who than blocked them with his sword, as well as another that he had made from the living abyss itself.

But as that happens, Abel than rushes into the scene, and than goes into combat against the Symbiote's powerful creator.

Although Abel is younger, both Knull and him are almost evenly matched in physical capabilities. But Knull is more skilled, and kicks Abel away, who than stood himself with his sword.

Knull than jumps down, and looks at the New Gods and Abel, who are now in a stance, ready to fight.

" must be the so called 'New Gods, as well as the second son of Adam himself.'"

Abel and the Omega siblings simply glared at Knull, who simply spoke out to them.

"Clearly, I am very unimpressed."

At these words, all 3 of them charged at Knull, and strike them with all they had. Grayven stares by utilizing a punch, which sends Knull back, followed by Abel's Sword and Grail's Scythe clashing against Knull's Necrosword, before he forces them back with the sheer light of his strength.

Abel jumps in the air, and stabbed Knull in the chest, while Knull does the same.

"Abel...we finally meet again. How long has it been? Oh yes, so many years ago, before you reversed the entire universe to stop me."

Abel, however, simply spoke back to him firmly.

"This won't end with no winners this time, Knull. This time, I will be the one that bring you down, Dark God."

The thing is, though, the stabbing of each other doesn't kill either side. So Knull simply kicks him away, before turning to Grail, who than charged at him with her scythe, and fights against him one on one.

Unfortunately for Grail, however, she doesn't possess the same level of strength and skill compared to Knull, as he existed way longer than Grail and longer than even Grayven himself. Maybe Darkseid and Orion might have a chance, but that is debatable if they can be a match for Knull.

Grail than jumps back, and fired her Omega Beams at Knull.

Knull leaps into the air, but the Beams simply followed behind him, and struck him in the back, causing pain.


Knull was then sent to the ground. But before Knull could react...


Grail stabbed him in the heart with her scythe, as a smirk of cruelty appeared on her face, as she spoke out to the entity.

"Too bad that you won't have your chance."

As she began to pull out tie scythe...suddenly, Knull moved, and grabbed onto the scythe, tightly.

"But I already to have the destroy all things!!"

Suddenly, he pulled the Scythe out of his chest, before he used the scythe's handle to hit her in the torso, causing her to spat out blood. She held onto her stomach, as Knull kicked her away, and threw her scythe next to Grail's body, that is still alive, but is now trying to recover from the strike of her very own weapon.

Grayven immediately stepped in, and fights against the God of the Symbiotes, as he fired his Omega Beams at the Void's King. But even with all the experience he has that even surpasses Grail's experience, due to the fact that his strength is simply so, so close to his father's strength, he can't purely challenge the god of the Symbiotes.

Knull simply ends the fight against Grayven with 2 slashes to the chest, before kicking him so much force, and sends him tumbling next to Grail.

"For a couple of New Gods, you both are the only ones that have impressed me, but only a little bit."

Abel turns around...and sensed something completely wrong. His is not only power. It is enhanced by...

"The Scarlet King..."

Knull than spoke out.

"So you've figured it out?"

Abel snarled, and spoke out.

"The Scarlet King, he enhanced your powers. He is the one that had freed you, Knull!!"

"He indeed has, Abel. You see, we both share the same goal: to bring an end to all of existence itself, as the light of existence had given is nothing more than pain and utter torment. He gave me a portion of his power, and even that is enough to make sure that I can make you be put under my control. And perhaps...have the New Gods under my control as well!!!"

He than raised his hands, and suddenly, the shadows of Abel, and the 2 Omega New Gods began to liquify, before it began to invade their limbs.

"Hey!!! Get off of us!!!"

Grail spoke out, as Grayven and Grail began to zap the newly created Symbiotes off of their bodies, in an effort to save themselves. But their effort is futile, as it began to spread. Abel does he knows that...he cannot escape this time...or at least...he so thought.

As Knull began to snicker at the helplessness of the 2 entities...suddenly...


A large blinding light appeared out of complete nowhere, and forced Knull back, who shriek in utter agony, due to the bright light beginning to burn his skin, becoming red like cooked meat.

"What is this?! Who dares interrupt my task to destroy all of existence as well??!!!"

The answer lies at the being that had appeared in the flash of light. When the shining had died down, 4 wings of bright energy appeared behind the large humanoid, holding a sword. It is the Gate Guardian, Uriel himself. He's finally back.

Uriel had disappears from the fight, because he had to make sure the gate is sealed very shut. And when he heard that Knull has escaped from his bonds, due to realizing that Alex and Rex are no longer here, along with Yaldabaoth and Mekhane, it immediately steps in to fight against Knull alone. While Uriel has heard of him by his father, God himself, he never actually faced him. So this is his first time to face against Knull.

Knull looks at the giant winged figure with the flaming sword in its hand, and spoke out.

"You must be the Gate Guardian. How much I have finally desired to bring your head to the Scarlet King!!"

He than jumped into the air, and formed wings out of pure blackness, resembling that of his dragons.

"But before we fight, I want a little change on the planet."

He than raised his hand, and clenched his fist, as black liquid began to shift and change.

"No more more light."

The liquid than began to wrap around the entire planet...until...all of earth, is covered.

But the Gate Guardian...has a response of his own. Raising his begins to flare with immense burning light, before it than exploded in a violent flash of energy.


The energy was so powerful, it burned away the blackness covering the entire earth, and this was all with little effort. Needless to say, Knull wasn't expecting for that to happen. But wasn't phased in the slightest.

"Impressive. Than how about we fight somewhere else?!"

He than flies to the Gate Guardian, and prepares to strike him. But Uriel was going to choose his territory to fight against Knull with first.

Swinging his sword, he did an upward slash at Knull, who blocked the blade with his sword, and was sent flying out of the Universe, with Uriel flying as fast as when Knull was hit by Uriel's sword. Knull, while going fast, went past and crashed into numerous planets, destoryed them with even his impact alone. But when the impacts had finally stopped, he looks around, and saw spheres that are around the place that he is inside of now...or rather...outside.

Knull, as he is still moved from behind hit by Uriel's sword strike, he sees the same thing that the Scarlet King has shown him. The may Earths, Timelines, Realities, and Narratives that have existed. Uriel had used his power to force him to be in between the many Earths, so that he can put himself in a infinite battle against Knull...and hope that no one, not even the Scarlet King, is there to interrupt the 2 fighting against each other.

Knull stops, as Uriel stops before the God of the Void, Abyss, and the Symbiotes. Uriel's wings flare, as he summoned his other Angel kin, which are just like Uriel, but smaller, and doesn't possess not as much wings. But they are still very powerful. Knull...on the other hand, saw this message, and smirked at the challenge.

" had summoned your armies. It is about time that I summon my armies to you."

Knull raised his hand, and clenched his fist. And in that instant, the Symbiotes from the various Earths appeared to the battle field, many of them the same size as the lesser Angels, and probably just as powerful as the angels. But only Knull himself has a chance against the God.

There was only both sides looked at each other...until Uriel spoke.


At these words, Knull finally roars for battle, as the Symbiotes charge at the angels. Uriel does the same, as he points his sword, signaling the angels to charge also. But Uriel and Knull are the only ones to go ahead of them...and when both the light and the dark fight against the other...

...existence...will be at risk.

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